Exam 1 Study Guide

Exam 1 Study Guide
Psyc 204
The following questions cover topics that all students should be familiar with before taking the exam.
This sample is fairly extensive, but do keep in mind that any topic discussed in class or included in
assigned readings is fair game for inclusion on the test.
If a question has not been addressed in class, LOOK IT UP IN YOUR BOOK.
What is development?
What is the lifespan approach to the study of development?
What is included in Baltes’ perspective of life-span development?
What is plasticity?
What are age-graded and history-graded influences?
What are normative and nonnormative life events?
What is culture?
What is SES?
What are biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes?
What are developmental periods?
What is the nature-nurture issue?
What is the stability-change issue?
What is the continuity-discontinuity issue?
What is the scientific method?
What is a hypothesis?
What are psychoanalytic theories?
Who was Freud?
Who was Erikson?
What are cognitive theories?
Who was Piaget?
Who was Vygotsky?
What is an information-processing psychologist?
What are behavioral and social cognitive theories?
What is operant conditioning?
Who was Skinner?
What is observational learning?
What is an ethological approach?
Who was Lorenz?
What is imprinting?
What is a critical period?
Who was Bronfenbrenner?
What is a survey?
What are some drawbacks of surveys?
What is correlational research?
How are correlational findings interpreted?
What is an experiment?
What are the independent and dependent variables?
What is a control group?
What is the cross-sectional approach?
What is the longitudinal approach?
What does the APA require for ethical research?
What is DNA?
What are chromosomes?
What is fertilization?
What are meiosis and mitosis?
How many chromosomes does a typical human have?
How many chromosomes does a gamete contain?
What is a zygote?
What are genotype and phenotype?
What are dominant and recessive genes?
What are chromosomal abnormalities?
What is Down syndrome?
What is Klinefelter syndrome?
What is Fragile X syndrome?
What is Turner syndrome?
What is PKU?
What is sickle-cell anemia?
What is hemophilia?
What is cystic fibrosis?
What is spina bifida?
What is diabetes?
What is Tay-Sachs disease?
What is behavior genetics?
What are the periods of prenatal development? What are the major events of each?
When is the earliest someone could take a pregnancy test and get an accurate result?
What is a menstrual cycle?
What is ovulation?
What is implantation?
What is the most common cause of miscarriage or pregnancy loss?
How common is pregnancy loss?
What is the placenta?
What is the umbilical cord?
What is the amniotic sac?
What is a fetus?
What is the age is viability?
How can neural tube defects be prevented?
What is a teratogen?
What are the risks of smoking during pregnancy?
What is Rh incompatibility?
What are the three stages of childbirth?
What is a breech position? What can be done to improve safety for delivery?
What is the Apgar Scale?
What does it mean to be preterm or low birthweight?
What is postpartum depression?
How much does a North American newborn typically weigh?
How much does weight change in the first year?
What is shaken baby syndrome?
How large is an infant’s brain at birth? By age 2?
What is the cerebral cortex?
What is lateralization?
What are the parts of a neuron?
What is a synapse?
What is a myelin sheath?
What is pruning?
What is REM sleep? Why might is be important in infancy?
What is SIDS? How can risk be reduced?
How does breastfeeding compare to bottle feeding in terms of healthiness for the baby?
What is dynamic systems theory?
What are reflexes?
What are fine and gross motor skills?
What was found in the “sticky mittens” research project?
What are sensation and perception?
What is an ecological perspective?
What is the visual preference method?
What do babies prefer to look at?
What is habituation?
What is depth perception?
What were the findings of the “visual cliff” studies?
What are the 5 senses likes in newborns?
Can newborns feel pain?
Is circumcision medically necessary?
What are schemes according to Piaget?
What are assimilation and accommodation?
What are equilibrium and disequilibrium?
What is the sensorimotor stage of development?
What is object permanence?
What is attention?
What is joint attention?
What is memory?
What is implicit versus explicit memory?
What is infantile amnesia?
What are the prefrontal lobes?
What is deferred imitation?
What are concepts?
What is language?
What is infinite generativity?
What are morphemes and phonemes?
What is the universal sequence in infant vocalization?
What is cooing?
What is babbling?
What is receptive versus spoken vocabulary?
What is the vocabulary spurt?
What is telegraphic speech?
Who was Noam Chomsky?
What is child-directed speech?