15.03 Evolution. Shaping Evolutionary Theory

Study Guide
15.03 Evolution. Shaping Evolutionary Theory
SCSh1.b, SB5
Rev. 07-14-15
Online Textbook: Evolution
Name __________________________
Period __________________________
Write the complete correct definition for each term. -25 for incomplete, blank, or silly answers.
A. adaptive radiation __________________________________________________________________
B. allopathic speciation ________________________________________________________________
C. bottleneck ________________________________________________________________________
D. directional selection ________________________________________________________________
E. disruptive selection _________________________________________________________________
F. founder effect ______________________________________________________________________
G. genetic drift _______________________________________________________________________
H. gradualism ________________________________________________________________________
I. Hardy-Weinberg principle ____________________________________________________________
J. postzygotic isolating mechanism _______________________________________________________
K. prezygotic isolating mechanism _______________________________________________________
L. punctuated equilibrium ______________________________________________________________
M. sexual selection ____________________________________________________________________
N. stabilizing selection _________________________________________________________________
O. sympatric speciation ________________________________________________________________
Also know:
Some scientists believe that cheetah populations greatly declined about 10,000 years ago, and
then rebounded. Cheetah DNA studies show this animal is greatly inbred. This change in a population is
known as a bottleneck.
When animals or people inbreed so closely that they rarely seek a mate outside their confined
population (for example, a type of bird living on an island or people in a specific region or religion), the
population becomes very inbred and genetically similar to their original ancestors. This is called the
founder effect.
When one animal of a species is able to find a mate because of color, song, or correct mating
ritual, and another animal of the same species cannot find a mate because he or she is lacking in the
critical category, scientists refer to this as sexual selection.
When animals are able to mate and produce offspring, but the offspring are sterile (incapable of
producing offspring themselves), this is called postzygotic isolation.