
St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

November 15, 2014

RE: WYD 2016 Recommendations for Lodging, Social Media, Virtual Pilgrims and Best Practices

The World Youth Day 2016 Team has developed strategic plans for the following objectives:

Proposed lodging

Functions of “social media” and “virtual pilgrims”

Expectation and guidelines for WYD youths, young adults and chaperones and for fundraising

Proposal for lodging:

The World Youth Day 2016 Team recommends using the lodging proposal set forth by the travel agents.

This will allow for the delegates and participants to be comfortable and together. It will also allow for the chaperones to have complete control and be accountable for all of the duties they will have. We do not recommend using the lodging provided by WYD. Please note, the plan is to allow for 30+ pilgrims and we will need to ensure we have complete visibility of everyone.

“Social Media” and “Virtual Pilgrims”:

“Social Media” and “Virtual Pilgrims” will use a variety of media streams to communicate to and from

WYD 2016. It was mentioned that previous attempts did not get managed well and was not consistent.

The first step is to create the message. We have proposed we use the following:

Youth’s attending the event will reflect on what they have learned or observed following a prompt or question from Father Bloom. Each day, this reflection will be posted on social media and the virtual pilgrims at St. Mary of the Valley Catholic church will respond to the reflection.

We propose using the mainstream social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus as well as the parish Facebook account.

To promote active participation, we could budget a single large price for the best reflection for the event, 10 smaller prizes for the best daily reflection, or several smaller prizes for every discussion.

Expectations and Guidelines for Pilgrims and for Fundraising:

Parent Chaperones:

All adults/parents who attend are expected to chaperone our youth from the time their parents release them to the trip care until such time as they are returned to their parents.

As this is not a family vacation please understand you will be assigned a group of youth that you will be responsible for the duration of the trip.

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

You will take your turn being responsible for nightly bed checks, curfew checks and any required shifts of supervision.

You will not engage in any activities while on the trip that will inhibit your ability to perform chaperone duties or respond to emergent situations.

Prior to the trip you’ll be assigned a specific role and the expectation will be that you will fulfill that role (medical advisor etc).

All chaperones will be required to have a current First Aid/CPR card. o There will be a class provided prior to the trip in order to obtain this.

Maintaining the whereabouts of our youth delegates will be a requirement at all times on all outings and during all activities.

All chaperones intending to attend will be required to participate in the planned team building, rapport building and fundraising events leading up to the event. This will allow for relationship building between our youth and adults and create a cohesive group prior to embarking on the trip.

Youth Leaders: Age 19-25/prior delegates

No drinking will be allowed on the trip.

You’ll be assigned a group of youth that you will be responsible for in partnership with an adult chaperone.

Respectful behavior is expected to all chaperones and delegates.

Delegates: Age 15-19/not prior delegates

No drinking will be allowed on the trip.

Respectful behavior is expected to all chaperones and delegates.

All Participants:

Expected to participate in fundraising activities and team building events.

Be a good representation of St. Mary’s of the Valley during all fundraising events.

Dress appropriately / respectfully at all events (see attached dress code).

Payments will be expected monthly and if multiple payments are missed without prior arrangements being made your participation may be discontinued and prior payments forfeited.

Dress Code

Nice jeans, pants shorts or skirts to be worn. No ripped jeans, no short shorts, no ultra mini-skirts.

Nice blouse, t-shirt, polo, button down or wide strapped tank top. No see through shirts, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, bikini tops, or mid – rift showing.

Shoes appropriate for days activities, tennis shoes, loafers, sandals.

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

Remember you are representing your parish – if dressed inappropriately/disrespectfully you’re less likely to maximize your fundraising efforts as people will be less likely to take you seriously.

Fundraising Expectations

Delegates and chaperones will be expected to participate in a minimum of 50% of the fundraising activities is order to expect to receive any subsidies toward their WYD trip.

There will be a sign up sheet presented with a list of options in which to sign up for in addition to idea spaces where you are encouraged to share your fundraising ideas

Volunteers are expected to remain at the event for the duration of the shift in which they signed up unless prior arrangements are made or in the event of an emergency

Remember you are a representation of St. Mary’s of the Valley and should show up to each event “on show” meaning dressed appropriately for the event and in a manner that will reflect our parish in a good light

Attendance / Roll will be taken / tracked for each event

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

Money Accounting Procedures for Fundraising Efforts

Service Projects:

For Service Projects through the Church or independently, a recommended donation for delegates is

$10/hr for efforts.

For example, delegates who assisted with the Shrine project have a credit on their account for $10 per hour they performed the service project for Fr. Bloom. The remaining proceeds go directly into the

Common Fund.

Specific Projects:

For specific projects, there is a direct correlation between hours spent and dollar amount credited to the delegate. For example, in the case of a Garage Sale where $900 is raised and delegates worked a total of 34 hours:

Delegate #1 worked 16 hours (16 hours / 34 hours = 47% or $423 into delegates account)

Delegate #2 worked 8 hours (8 hours / 34 hours = 24% or $216 into delegates account)

Delegate #3 worked 10 hours (10 hours / 34 hours = 29% or $261 into delegates account)

An adult, designated by Fr. Bloom, will be responsible for each specific project and will have the responsibility to track work hours.

Common Fund Projects:

For projects deemed “Common Fund Projects” delegates are given credit hours towards access to the

Common Fund proceeds, to be determined at a later date. In order to qualify for use of the Common

Fund, delegates must put in 20 volunteer hours to Common Fund Projects. Common Fund projects include monies collected during Masses that are not designated for one delegate, but intended for the general group use. Some of these monies may be used for “seed capital” for reimbursable expenses at

Fr. Bloom’s discretion and per prior approval.

General Fundraising Expectations

There is a general expectation that all delegates and their families will participate in fund raisers, both specific activities and common fund activities. Families and delegates are expected to coordinate activities and efforts as a benefit to themselves and the group. It would be impossible to put a monetary value on coordination efforts prior to a project.

The only hours that count towards a delegate’s hourly credit are the hours they put in themselves on a project. One family member may substitute for the delegate, but it is on a one-to-one ratio.

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

Refund Policy:

Once there is a deposit and monthly payments made to Catholic Pilgrimage Office, there is a cancellation fee policy included in that contract. Once that cancellation fee is satisfied, all remaining monies that the delegate paid directly into the fund are returned to them. Monies left over that came from fundraising activities through the church are returned to the Common Fund for use by the group.

Final Decision Making:

Attending World Youth Day as part of the St. Mary of the Parish (joining the Holy Family Delegation) is a privilege. Canonically and spiritually, Fr. Bloom has final decision making responsibility regarding participation in the Delegation and application of Common Funds.

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

Previous Fundraising Events and New Ideas


All WYD delegates and chaperones are required to participate in fundraising efforts

All WYD delegates and chaperones will have the opportunity to attend and with a high work

 ethic will not be denied the ability to attend due to finances

All fundraising will be coordinated and managed by parents and chaperones

WYD youths to speak during mass to let the parish know of the next event as well as detail the current progress


WYD T-Shirts

Fall Craft Fair

Chili Cook Off

Kids Christmas Mall

Gift Wrapping

Initial Ideas

Kids to wear their t-shirts for each activityprovides visibility, enthusiasm and camaraderie

November-before Christmas

Invite Vendors to sell goods

WYD kids can host a booth to sell stuff

Food available to sell (candy from


Bake sale/almond roca

Groups can set up tables to show information

Apple cider sales

After 5:00 p.m. Mass

Fall would be the best time

Enter your favorite chili

Entry fee (split the pot to winner)

Folks pay to eat dinner and get to vote on their favorite chili

WYD crew brings cornbread/butter

WYD kids procure “White elephant” donations (inexpensive gifts for kids to buy for friends/family)

WYD kids help little kids pick out gifts and wrap them

WYD kids provide gift wrapping at a store in town for donations

Barnes and Noble suggested


Point Person: Marni

Woodworkers that can sell goods/donate/exhibit (make ornaments for the kids to sell)


Activities for kids

Point Woman: Tricia

Point Person : Tricia

Would need several weekends in December

Point Person : Marni

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Service Days





Car Wash

Garage Sale

Bake Sales

Talent Show


Firewood Sales

St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

Initial Ideas

Kids to provide time or day of service to local businesses

Businesses donate to St. Mary

Kids are credited according to percentage or time they worked

Detail police cars

Yard Work for donations

Assist Knights at fireworks booth

Backroom cleanup for grocery stores

Madrid themed breakfast

Spaghetti dinner

Spanish breakfast

Tamale sale

Pancake breakfast

Donut sales

Theology of the Body (Christopher

West themed)


Tickets sold or entry fees charged

Invite other parishes to

 participate/come


Kids to provide the service time




May have a problem with environmental concerns

Point Person : Susan/Julie 

August 5/6 date

Kids are credited for bringing or procuring items/donations

Donations (items) procured from St.

Mary members collected over next month (pick it up?)

Kids are credited for working hours

Buy snacks at Costco and sell them

Kids can directly procure items or bake them

Families credited for items procured

Kids credited for items brought and

 time at bake sales

Have someone donate trees-kids chop firewood-sell in fall

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary


Restaurant Night

Bake Off




Golf Tournament

Volleyball tournament

Softball tournament

Soccer tourney

Silent Auction

Initial Ideas

Restaurant to donate a percentage of money for sales to WYD

Similar to chili feed

Pre-sell tickets

Cake walk

Face painting

Petting zoo

Jumpy house


Dunk tank (Fr.Bloom?)

Slip n slide

Could combine with Parish Picnic

Business can make cash donations to

 sponsor kids to go to WYD


6 on 6, divided by age groups

BBQ/ Refreshment sales

Tailgate party

Kids procure items to be silently auctioned off over a few week period of time



Dinner baskets

Items procured contributions credited directly to WYD kid that procured it

Kids get a percentage depending on time

Kids can put together baskets to bid on

Can ask for donations from businesses (gift cards/cash/items)

Sporting event tickets?

Advertise in the bulletin as to the items that are available to bid on

Point Person : Christopher

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary




Red Robin community programs

Coffee Sales

Parish Picnic

See’s Candy Sales

Movie Night

Swim Day

Starbuck’s Machine

Auction or Raffle



Gingerbread House


Food Sales

Initial Ideas

At local parks, with permission from

Parks Dept

At Lake Tye during games?

At sporting events

After Mass?

They offer a percentage of sales to a non-profit

Could have handouts during craft fair

Mystic Monk

Kids to sell something or run kids activities (jumpy house?)

See Carnival idea

WYD kids sell tickets for activities

Can also use candy purchased from


Holy Family made $13,000 in 3 weeks)

Sell refreshments

Have a local pool donate time and money earned during that time to


Donation of espresso machine

Could also be used by church to improve attendance at Sunday donut service

Sell tickets to be distributed by buyer to get a chance to win item in a drawing

Exhibit baskets or items at businesses: Ben Franklin?

Letters to family owned businesses, back of bulletin sponsors, family members

Include church’s tax ID number

Invite area churches to participate in contest

Exhibit at church and charge for viewing/voting

Mexican candy/popsicles after



Need to contact Parks


Point Person : Christopher

Point Person : Susan

Point Person : Susan

Point Person : Abby

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary


Christmas Caroling

Halloween Party




Dinner/Dance Crab


Valentine’s Day

Christmas Wreaths

50/50 Bingo or Split the Pot

Second Collection

Initial Ideas

Involve community


L & O Evergreens, Tacoma

Split the pot

Could do at a local function

(Racetrack’s 4 th of July?)

Sr. Barbara wants to put out a

Pre-Sell flowers or candy bouquets to give on Valentine’s Day basket at 1 Mass a month


Kay Fauld’s son may be a resource

Point Person : Sr. Barbara

Already in works: starting this


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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary

Example Letter for Business Solicitations:

Dear Mr. Harbottle,

My mom, Tricia Reimen Potteiger, encouraged me to write you to, to ask for your support in what I feel is a huge step of personal and spiritual growth for me. She said that you are not only a business owner but someone who is very generous and philanthropic as well. I am traveling to Madrid, Spain next summer for a pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2011 with a group of delegates from both my home church of St. Mary of the Valley in Monroe and Holy Family Parish in Seattle. We have partnered with The

Catholic Pilgrimage Office, an organization with over 30 years of experience coordinating travel for the best possible group rates.

We will be in Europe for 12 days, starting off the trip in Italy. We will be traveling to Rome and Assisi, visiting places like the Vatican, St. Francis’ tomb, and the relics of St. Paul. Our plans in Madrid include all the World Youth Day activities, including a Mass celebrated with Pope Benedict XVI. World Youth Day has made a huge spiritual impact on millions of delegates worldwide who have attended this event in years past, and I feel honored to have the opportunity to attend.

However, I will not be able to attend this event without my hard work in fundraising efforts and your support. We are each responsible for raising $3,349 before April 1, 2011, and our first payments are due on September 1, 2010.

If you are able to make a financial contribution I would be so grateful.

Any contribution you make is tax deductible. The Tax ID number is listed below. You will receive a receipt from the Church for your donation.

Any help you can offer is appreciated.

Thank you and God bless you for your support.

Marni Frazier

St. Mary of the Valley Tax ID #

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St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church

World Youth Day 2016

Preliminary Itinerary


YES! I would like to support your pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2011

I will sponsor in the amount of:

___$25 ___$50 ___$100 ___$200 ___$500 __________ Other Amount

For: Marni Frazier

Your Name and Address: _______________________________________________________

Please attach a check made payable to St. Mary of the Valley WYD Delegation with my name in the subject line and mail to:

St. Mary of the Valley Church

601 W. Columbia

Monroe WA 98272

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