photosyntheis comic questions

Name: __________________________________________
1) Why does Wilbur think he needs a camera?
2) What molecule is so important that And Edna says it makes existence possible?
3) Using Ant Edna’s chart:
a) list the reactants of photosynthesis:
b) list the products of photosynthesis:
c) list what two reactions make up photosynthesis:
d) where does the energy for photosynthesis come from?
e) list 5 differences between the light dependent and independent reactions:
4) Why does Ant Edna hit Wilbur with a pebble?
5) In what organelle, in a plant cell, does
photosynthesis occur?
6) What are small fluid-filled discs in the chloroplast called?
7) What are stacks of thylakoids called?
10) What is the space around the thylakoid called?
11) What is the inside of the thylakoid called?
12) What captures the light of the sun?
13) What are the two regions of the photosystem II?
14) Explain the flow of energy through photosystem II.
15) Why does Wilbur lose his head?
16) What holds/stores the energy from the photon?
17) Explain 5 steps of photosystem II.
18) What is PQ? What does PQ do?
19) What does the O.E.C in photosystem II do?
20) Where does the H+ go after the O.E.C?
21) Where does the O2 go from the splitting of water?
22) Why does Ant Edna think it’s funny that Wilbur says he is light headed?
23) What does the cytochrome complex do?
24) What is made out of the H+ in the lumen?
25) What keeps the concentration of H+ from spreading out? Why does this sound familiar from last chapter?
26) What does ATP synthase do?
27) ______ H+ ions go through ATP synthase to make _____ATP molecules.
28) How is photosystem I similar to photosystem II?
29) e- + H+ + NADP-  _________________
30) Why does Wilbur start to disappear?
31) What is Rubisco?
32) Where does the carbon that is used to make sugars come from?
4) Summarize the 3 steps of the Calvin Cycle in your own words:
33) _____ out of every _____ G3P molecules leaves the Calvin Cycle and goes
on to make __________________.
34) Why is Wilbur not happy with his G3P?
35) Why does Wilbur throw a rock on Ant Edna?