Green block organelle presentations

Green block organelle
Cell Membrane
by Max Guiffre and Bo Picking
-Protects the cell from its surroundings.
-Monitors the substances that go in and out of
the cell.
-Protects the organelle from its surroundings.
-Monitors the substances that go in and out of
the organelle.
-Made up of
and proteins
-Porous structure
that allows
substances to
come in and out.
-In BOTH Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.
-It is located on the outer edge of each cell but
inside of the cell wall.
-In plant, animal, and bacteria cells.
-Found in plant and animal cells.
-Not found in bacteria because it is a prokaryote
and prokaryotes don’t have organelles that
have internal cell membranes.
A plasma cell membrane is like the walls
surrounding a building giving it protection, and
the doors act like the proteins, allowing things
to go in and out. Then, inside the building
there are other doors, like a freezer door in a
grocery store, protecting specific things like the
internal membrane would do.
Primary Wall is relatively thin and flexible to allow for mobility and growth:
Consists of fibers of cellulose embedded in a matrix of other polysaccharides and proteins
Outermost layer contains cell binding polysaccharides:
Between adjacent cells is a layer of sticky polysaccharides, called pectins
plasmodesmata connect adjacent plant cells
cytosol -- the part of the cytoplasm that is not held by any of the organelles in the cell -- passes through the plasmodesmata allowing
small molecule nutrients to pass through
To keep a rigid structure for the plant
To protect the internal systems of the cell
Keeps cells in a unified and organized body
Absorbs nutrients
Analogy: Cell wall acts like a sand sifter
Sticky layer of polysaccharides or proteins
Enables Prokaryotes to adhere to a surface or to other
individuals in a colony
Shields pathogenic Prokaryotes from attacks by their
host’s immune system
Analogy: Acts like a suite of armor over the bacteria
● Provides a storage place for organelles, enzymes, and other cell parts. Gives cells their
shape and allows easy movement of material between the organelles that help the cell
to function.
● Cytoplasm is a clear, thick, watery substance that fills all cells. It is composed of water,
salt, and proteins and is enclosed by the plasma membrane.
● In prokaryotes, the cytoplasm contains all the contents of the cell. New research shows
rod-shaped bacteria and Archaea contain a cytoskeleton.
● In eukaryotes, cytoplasm is organized by a protein framework called cytoskeleton, in
which the cell organelles move by cytoplasmic streaming.
● Cytoplasm is in plant, animal, and bacterial cells and is abundant in all types of these
● Cytoplasm is like a fruit
jello cup. The fruit
pieces are the organelles
Animal Cell
and the jello is the
cytoplasm which is
working to hold
together the fruit.
Plant Cell
Bacterial Cell
●DNA stores the genetic information of a cell.
DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA that is
translated into proteins.
●Prokaryotes typically have a single, large
looping strand of chromosomal DNA contained
in the nucleoid.
●Many prokaryotes also contain smaller circular
• DNA of a
prokaryote is
like an
He has an idea
that he has
Bacterial Cell
The Nucleus
Jamie Mazzola &
Aidan Braun
Nuclear Envelope
A double membrane that encloses the nucleus
Helps control the flow of materials in and out of the nucleus
Each membrane is a separate phospholipid bilayer
Protein lined pores control large molecule flow, connect to endoplasmic reticulum
Synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
rRNA used in the synthesis of proteins
Proteins from cytoplasm + rRNA = Ribosome subunits
Forms Chromosomes
Complex of Proteins and DNA surrounding the Nucleolus
DNA wrapped around 8 proteins called histones = Nucleosomes
Multiple nucleosomes in string like formation = Chromatin
Function and Location
●Located in eukaryotic
○Plants and animals
(not bacteria)
●Towards the middle of
a cell
●Multinucleate cells
The Nucleus is like the operations room
(command center) of a battleship.
d center
By Josie Kampe and Nathaniel
SMOOTH ER (lacks ribosomes) :
1. Produce lipids (oils, steroids and
2. Detoxifies potentially harmful substances
(drugs and alcohol) -breaks it down into water
soluble substances
3. Storage of calcium ions (releases calcium ions
into cytosol when the brain sends a nerve
signal to contract muscle)
ROUGH ER (studded with ribosomes):
1. Produces proteins- ribosomes receive a
specific sequence from the mRNA, recruits
and folds amino acids (secondary and tertiary
structure) and attaches to sugar chains
creating glycoproteins , then part of the
membrane from the Rough ER separates
along with the glycoprotein.
2. (In order to sustain its own loss^) Produces its
own membrane wall through phospholipids
and membrane proteins
• Ribosomes are bound to the surface of ER by
membrane tissue (only in Rough ER)
• Made of membrane-enclosed flattened sacs and
tubes called cisternae--membranes are made of
• Vesicles to transport substances made
• Big surface area
• Structure in relation to function: big surface area
allows for quicker detoxification and lipid and
protein synthesis
• Inside Eukaryote cell (most plant and animal
• Within the Cytoplasm
• Rough ER is located throughout the cell but
mostly stationed around the nucleus and next to
the Golgi Apparatus
• Smooth ER is located on the outside of the
Rough ER
• Due to its function, the RER is most abundant in
liver and pancreas cells, or cells of any organ
which produces a lot of proteins, and the SER is
most abundant in cells that release oils
The ER is the factory of the cell
because it produces and stores many
substances used throughout the body
and transports them to other cell
organelles (such as the Golgi
Golgi Apparatus
Function & Structure
• Modifies and sorts macromolecules as well as
well as formation of lysosomes and transport
• A Golgi Apparatus is a stack of cup-shaped,
membrane-covered, deflated balloon-like sacs
• It looks like a stack of deflated balloons (see
title slide picture).
Location & Analogy
• It is found in Eukaryotes (plant and animal cells,
not bacterial ones).
• It is usually found near the cell’s nucleus and
adjacent to the endoplasmic reticulum output
points (#6 in the image below).
• In both plant and animal cells there is only one
Golgi Apparatus. It can vary in amount of layers
depending on the type of cell it is in.
• It is like a processing station which sorts and
makes edits to or refines the raw products
Katie Williamson and Erik Prakken
What are Lysosomes?
• Round, membrane enclosed sacs of digestive
–The enzymes contained within lysosomes are
known collectively as acid hydrolases and work
best in acidic environments
• Located in the cytoplasm in the cell
• Found in Eukaryotes (Animals and Plants)
–All Eukaryotic cells have lysosomes
–Each cell has about 50-1000 lysosomes
Function of Lysosomes
• Used in digestion
• Provides acidic environment for its enzymes
while isolating them from the rest of the cell,
fuse with vacuoles (which contain food
particles) and digest the food.
• Serve as recycling centers
– ex) white blood cells engulf bacteria and destroy them using lysosomes.
• Analogy: Lysosomes would be waste
management or recycling committee in a
factory setting
Central Plant Vacuole
Central Vacuole
● Large blob contained
by membrane.
● Can be filled with
many different
things: water, food,
pigment, waste products,
poisons, etc. (mostly
Function of the Vacuoles
Vacuoles are the backpack of the Cell- capable of
holding large quantities of many different
substances--water, food, poison to name a few.
Vacuoles collect and expel excess water from
within the cell.
Cytoskeleton and
by Charlotte Clapham
Cytoskeleton- the Movers and
Shapers of a cell
Cytoskeleton is found in Eukaryotic cells (in animal and plant cells)
Cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that is found throughout the cell, linking organelles to other parts of the cell, and
helping make up the interior structure of the cell.
Strands are very concentrated near the membrane
Fibroblast and cancer cells tend to have an abundance of Cytoskeleton.
fibroblast cells move around a lot, and the cytoskeleton can aid with cell movement.
Cell shape- the cytoskeleton helps to determine the structure of a cell (like its skeleton)
Movement inside cell- materials get around inside the cell by “riding” along the cytoskeleton strands
Movement of cell
Cell division (through the centrioles)
The skeleton of a building (support system, elevator shafts, stairs)
Filaments of the Cytoskeleton
The cytoskeleton is made up of 3 parts, called filaments:
Thickest of the filaments- hollow tube
Materials and organelles move throughout cell by riding on the microtubules
Help make up cilia and flagella
use protein motors- this means that ATP energy powers their movement
extensions of the cell which help liquid move past the cell, and help the cell move
Help make up centrioles, and aid in cell division (more detail on next slide)
Intermediate Filaments
Second thickest of the filaments
Reinforce the shape of the cell, and help keep organelles in place (like the nucleus)
Permanent fixtures within the cell
Microfilaments (Actin filaments)
In most animal cells (Eukaryotic)
Plant and bacteria cells do not have centrioles- plant cells can reproduce without them
Made up of 9 groups of microtubules that make a ring-structure. These structures are very small within the cell
Found in pairs, usually at a right angle to each other, near the nucleus (before cell division).
In animal cells, the centrioles are found within the centrosome (an organelle)
There may be more of an abundance of these in lung cells, due to their abundance of cilia
Organizes cellular division, help to determine position of nucleus in newly formed cells, make cilia
During cell division: Nucleus membrane is breaking down → proteins in microtubules grab onto chromosomes in
the nucleus → This helps to pull apart the chromosomes, divide the cell, and give each new cell a set of
Before division, there will be one pair of Centrioles, but during division, another pair will be created, and each pair
goes to a separate side of the cell.
Dividing a large bowl of spaghetti into smaller bowls with tongs
The Chloroplast
By: Leon Xiong
What is a chloroplast?
Chloroplasts are the main source of energy for a
plant. They do this by perforing photosynthesis
which uses sunlight in order to combine CO2
(Carbon Dioxide) and H20 (Water) to create
C6H12O6 (Glucose). This is all dependent on the
tiny green chlorophyll molecules within a
The Outer/Inner Membrane
The outer membrane is a thin membrane which
surrounds the organelle which is permeable by
small organic molecules.
The inner membrane is a thicker layer surrounding
the inside of a the organelle. This layer is not
permeable and is studded with transport
A transport protein is a protein which is incharge
Inner Structure
Stroma and Grana stacks are stacks of Thykaloids.
Thykaloids are the site where the light based
reaction that combines H20 and C02 happens.
Chloroplasts are held together by tubes called
stroma lamellae. These tubes keep the
thykaloids a safe distance from each other.
Making Energy
When sunlight hits a chloroplast, it converts from
light energy into energy compounds like ATP
and NADPH. Afterwards, the energy rich
compounds move into the stroma where
Molecular reactions catalyzed by various
enzymes happen. The end products of Glucose,
CO2 and Water are formed.
A chloroplast is similar to a wind turbine. A wind
turbine takes energy from the wind and
transforms it into electricity. Similarly the
Chloroplast takes the ergy from the sun and
transforms it into Glucose.
by Varsha Iyer
and Emily
● Eukaryotes have mitochondria floating freely throughout the cell
• Found in plant and animal cells
• Mitochondria is essential to tissues and organs that need a lot of energy
Fat: stores a lot of energy
Muscle: responds quickly to do work
Liver: has over 200 different jobs, meaning it has lots to do
Carries out cellular respiration in nearly all eukaryotic cells, converting the
chemical energy of foods to the chemical energy of the molecule, ATP
Cellular respiration: the reaction that occurs in the mitochondria when oxygen and glucose are
carried to your cells to produce ATP, water, and carbon dioxide.
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate): the main energy source for cells. ATP releases energy when its
phosphate bonds are hydrolyzed.
■ Yes, plants get their energy through photosynthesis, but also by breaking down
macromolecules into monosaccharides
■ Example: A cloudy day without enough sun
• A mitochondrion is enclosed by the outer membrane and the
inner membrane
– Outer membrane: acts as the “skin” of a cell and covers it
– Inner membrane: highly folded and contains many embedded protein
molecules that function in ATP synthesis.
• The folds, or cristae, increase the membrane’s surface area, helping
the mitochondria produce ATP.
• Membranes are made of phospholipid bilayers with a unique
collection of embedded proteins.
• The inner and outer membranes have two internal
– 1) intermembrane space: a narrow region between the inner and outer
– 2) The mitochondrial matrix: enclosed by the inner membrane, which
contains mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes (transfers RNA to synthesize
proteins), as well as enzymes that catalyze some of the reactions of cellular
Analogy - A Car
• Mitochondria is the
“powerhouse” of a cell
–similar to the engine of a car.
• The main function of
mitochondria is converting
chemical energy of foods to
the chemical energy of the
–the main function of an engine
is to convert
gasoline into energy that
powers the car.
Car body similar to outer membrane
Engine outer body similar to inner membrane
- Textbook pg 63: Reece, Jane B., and Neil A.
Campbell. Biology: Concepts & Connections.
8th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2015. Print.
- "Molecules of Life." BBC. N.p., 2014. Web. 25
Oct. 2015.
- Brain, Marshall. "How Car Engines Work."
HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.
By: Katie Stevenson and Karina
Made up of…
~ Small subunit → reads RNA
~ Large subunit → joins amino acids to form
polypeptide bonds
~ Found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
~ The two units come together to create the one
ribosome organelle.
~ In the cell free ribosomes (produces proteins
for the cell) are suspended in the cytoplasm
and bound ribosomes (produces proteins
transported out of the cell) are attached to the
outside of the endoplasmic reticulum or
nuclear envelope.
~ Found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
~ Ribosomes are found in plants, animals, and
bacterial cells.
~Ribosomes are abundant in parenchyma
(plants) and epithelial cells (animals)