New England: Commerce and Religion

New England:
Commerce and
Fishing and Trade contributed to the
growth and Prosperity of the New
England Colonies.
Key Vocabulary
Subsistence Farming
Triangular trade
Navigation Acts of 1651
We’re Coming to America…
The English Population in North America
Quadrupled from 1700 to 1750
Three Regions (New England, Middle, And
Southern Colonies) combined with the
Backcountry, making up the English Colonies
Backcountry Colonies ran along the
Appalachian Mountains
Colonies and their Description
New England: Long Winters, rocky soil, Large
English population
Middle: Short Winter, Fertile Soil, Settlers from all
over Europe
Southern: Warm climate, good soil, used slaves to
Farm plantations
Backcountry: Climate and resources varied, mostly
Scottish or Irish immigrants
Men about town
New England Farmers were subsistence farmers,
growing only what they needed
Farms were sold to congregations and divided
among the townspeople
Towns would form in clusters around a “green”
used for town or meeting spaces
Towns often pooled money together to buy what
they needed
Sea what we can eat
New England Turned to the Atlantic Ocean to
supplement its farming industry
The woods of New England Provided Raw
Materials to make fishing ships
Boston, Salem, Newport, and New Haven
survived off of shipbuilding, Fishing, and
Is this Geometry Class?
New England Survived using THREE types of
trade: Trade with colonies, direct exchange of
goods with Europe, and Triangle Trade
Triangle trade had THREE stops which formed
a Triangle
England Enacted the Navigation Act of 1651
to profit from colonial Trade
Navigation Acts of 1651
All shipping had to be done using English ships or
ships from the English colonies
Tobacco, wood and sugar could only be sold to
England and its colonies
European Imports had to pass through English Ports
English Officials taxed any goods not shipped to
Smuggler’s Blues
Colonial Merchants ignored the Navigation
Acts and smuggled goods they needed
Pirates Would interfere with Ships and
Shipping Routes of England
Let Freedom Ring
Slavery In New England was limited due to
long winters
Slaves could work as house Servants and
would be loaned out to the shipping docks
Some slaves earned money and could buy
their freedom, but were still discriminated
against by white settlers
Im-Puritan Values
Puritan Religion Weakens as Economic
successes become more important
Competition from Other Religious Groups also
weakened the Power of the Puritans
Massachusetts gave voting rights to all
landowners weakening the Church’s Political
This has been another World
Famous Mr. Green PowerPoint