CHAGRIN FALLS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Kerul’s Lesson Plans Week of: April 8th, 2013 GEOMETRY Monday Subject: 10-6 Circles and Arcs Objective: To find “part” of the circumference of a circle by using the measure of its arc. Activity #1 Circles and Arcs – minor/major Activity #2 Measure of Central Angle = Measure of Corresponding Arc Activity #3 Circumference of Circle Activity #4 Arc Length Evaluation: MathXL 10-6 (due TUES) Tuesday Subject: 10-7 Areas of Circles and Sectors Objective: To find “part” of the area of a circle by using the measure of its corresponding arc. Activity #1 Add On (p. 655 #36, 49, 55) Activity #2 Area of a Circle Activity #3 Area of a Sector Activity #4 Evaluation: MathXL 10-7 (due THURS) Wednesday Subject: con’t 10-7, 10-8 Geometric Probability Objective: To calculate probability of an event occurring by using area. Activity #1 Area of Segment Activity #2 PAIRS (p. 664 #23-28) Activity #3 Geometric Probability Activity #4 *based from area (shaded/possible) Evaluation: HW (p.672 #17-24) Thursday Subject: con’t 10-8 Objective: To calculate probability of an event occurring by using area. Activity #1 Practice Test – with answer key Activity #2 *work in groups Activity #3 Activity #4 Evaluation: Friday Subject: TEST Objective: Activity #1 Activity #2 Activity #3 Activity #4 Evaluation: Chapter 10 Test