7B quiz

Unit -7 Quiz –B
Name: _____________________________________
These herders from the grasslands of central Eurasia learned to ride horses and to attack civilized
communities. Sometimes they conquered whole civilizations.
Under this social and military system of the Middle Ages in Europe, people provided income or
military service to those above, and those above provided land and protection to those below.
Although Rome fell in 476 AD, the eastern part of the Roman Empire lasted for another thousand
years under a new name. It was home to the Orthodox branch of Christianity.
This culture prospered during the early Middle Ages in southern Mexico and northern Central
America. It had writing, and it was the most advanced native civilization of the Americas.
The Muslim Abbasid Dynasty and many other kingdoms fell to these nomadic invaders from central
Asia. Led by Genghis Khan, these tribesmen created the largest land empire in world history.
Huge treasure ships sailed the Pacific and Indian Oceans collecting gifts from many kingdoms. With
these impressive sea voyages of the late Middle Ages, the Chinese demonstrated their immense
wealth and power.
This was the largest and longest-lasting Islamic empire to succeed the fallen Abbasid Dynasty. It
captured Constantinople, ending the 1000-year reign of the Byzantine Empire. These people made
Constantinople their capital and renamed it Istanbul.
As life became more settled, and cities began to grow again during the Middle Ages in Europe,
craftsmen formed these organizations to regulate the price and quality of goods they sold.
This war marked the decline of feudalism in Europe. During this long war the people of France and
England developed loyalties to their kings rather than to local feudal lords, and Joan of Arc saved
The Roman Catholic Church adopted this style of architecture during the height of its power and
glory. This architecture featured the pointed arch.
It began in Florence, Italy and spread to much of Europe during the late Middle Ages. This term
means reawakening or rebirth, and it refers to the rebirth of learning from classical Greece and
This was a large empire of central and southern Mexico that flourished during the late Middle Ages.
These Native Americans practiced human sacrifice on a scale unknown elsewhere in history.
This long, skinny empire stretched for 3,000 miles along the Pacific Coast of South America before
Europeans discovered America. This culture kept accurate records on knotted strings.
These ocean expeditions marked the beginning of a new era in history when they connected the
Eastern and Western hemispheres, connected Europe to the Indian Ocean, and sailed around the
earth for the first time.