Raising the Bar: Understanding the Value and Opportunities of Nursing Certification Nancy Eisemon RN MPH APRN/CNS CGRN Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses Maintain and improve the knowledge, understanding and skill of nurses in the fields of gastroenterology and gastroenterology endoscopy by developing and administering a certification program. Accredited by Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification) Only accrediting body specifically for nursing certification Ensures quality standards specifically for professional certification Endorsed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing ABCGN Responsibilities Ensures High Quality Exam Exam Development Role delineation Item Writers Workshop Item Review Committee Course on Item Development for novice writers 6 member committee-assists in exam assembly Item Writers Panel 6 member panel of experienced writers ABCGN Responsibilities Setting the Standard/passing score Test administration Reviewing examination statistics Eligibility Standards for Certification and continued competency Licensure - Certification - Certificate Licensure (mandatory) = Basic level skills Certification (voluntary) = Specific to specialty Done once in a lifetime Demonstrates knowledge and skill in specialty Documents continued learning by recertification Tangible accomplishment Requires professional experience RN CGRN Certificate (voluntary) Educational offering Indicates completion or attendance of program with specific focus Measures knowledge of course content Does not require professional experience Certificate Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification Licensure – mandatory entry level Certification – voluntary – requires added professional experience Certificate – voluntary no professional experience – certificate of attendance List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Reasons to Certify - Perspectives Hospital Higher nurse recruitment and retention Job satisfaction/boosts loyalty of nurse Retention critical at time of nursing shortage Magnet status – Marketing tool of differentiation Certification promoted by JCAHO and ANCC Public Awareness of Certification Patient safely ABNS – 2011 Research patient outcome study- Link between Certification and specific patient outcomes. National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators Study Finds Certification May Impact Surgical Patients New research correlates Direct-Care RN Specialty Certification and Surgical Patient Outcomes DENVER, CO (January 6, 2015)—Results from a recent study indicate specialty nursing certification contributes to improved surgical patient outcomes in hospitals nationwide. Published in the November 2014 issue of AORN Journal, the peer-reviewed journal of the Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses (AORN), the research was conducted by the staff at the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) and the University of Kansas. It was sponsored by the Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI). This is not the first research assessing the potential impacts of nursing specialty certification. Previous research indicated a positive correlation between certified nurses and a lower frequency of falls, as well as decreased length of hospital stays and decreased odds of adjusted 30-day mortality. Reasons to Certify - Perspectives Professional ABNS Study October, 2005 20 certification org. 11,724 respondents TOP FIVE Enhances professional credibility Enhances feeling of professional accomplishment Provides personal satisfaction Provides professional challenge Provides evidence of professional commitment * Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Higher recruitment Job satisfaction Safer care by Certified nurses Personal marketing tool for nurses Personal value Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification * Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Role Delineation Study Development of Practice Domains Done every 5 years Provides the foundation or BLUE PRINT for constructing a valid examination New RD Completed in June 2012 Evaluation of the job by experts in field New Exam using New Blue Print October 2012 Examination Content 175 Questions (25 experimental or pretest) 35.00% 34.50% 34.00% 33.50% 33.00% 32.50% 32.00% 31.50% 31.00% 30.50% 30.00% General Nursing Care Gastroenterological Procedures Patient Care Interventions 48 50 52 Practice Domains General Nursing Care Gastroenterology Procedures 3 Tasks – Assessment, monitoring, educating 3 Tasks – Assisting with GI procedures, assisting with non-endoscopic procedures, performing nonendoscopic procedures Patient Care Interventions 3 Tasks – Emergencies, wellness, administering medications and fluids Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction General Nursing Care Gastroenterology Procedures Patient Care Interventions Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification * Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification How is ABCGN Involved in setting the Passing Score ? Panel of Judges selected 10 certified GI Nurses representing the diversity of the profession Judge each item on the exam determining minimal acceptable passing point Facilitated by the psychometrician Scores are based on what the examinee knows or can do, rather than on their relation to other examinees’ performance on the examination. How is the Passing Score Determined? Panel of Judges grade each question on how important or essential the item is for competent practice. A “Cut Score” and passing standard is determined. Cut score is the minimum number of items needed to pass. Passing standard is the minimum level of competency for the nurse to practice safely - set by ABCGN Passing score is set after a Role Delineation, which is every 5 years. Scoring A scaled score is used for this examination. The passing score cannot be set using a specific number of questions which are answered correctly. Instead, a statistical procedure is performed to ensure that all forms or editions are equal in content and level of difficulty. The passing mark for this exam is 450. Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined Panel of Judges Cut score – min. # to pass Passing standard- min. level to practice safely Passing score- set q5y by ABCGN List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Certification Eligibility A current unrestricted Registered Nurse license in the United States or any of its territories which use the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensing Examination (NCLEX) examination as a basis for determining RN licensure. An unrestricted RN license, issued by a State Board of Nursing, means that an RN license must not have provisions or conditions that would limit the RN's practice in any way Certification Eligibility Involved in the field of gastroenterology Clinical Administrative Research Education Industry (40% clinical practice, education or research) 2 years full time or its’ part time equivalent/4,000 hours over 5 years 2 validating signatures of gastroenterology practitioners Recertification Eligibility Certification Period begins with the exam date and ends on December 31 five years later. Exam date May Exam date October = 5 years and 7 months = 5 years and 2 months Taking the exam in May gives you 5 extra months to accumulate CEU’s for recertification Eligibility the same for recertification Options for Recertification CEU’s Annual Tracking option 5 Year Submission Retake the Examination Criteria for Recertification by CEU’s 100 contact hours required in 5 years 80 must be GI specific 40 of those GI specific must be earned through approved nursing seminars or workshops Objectives Differentiate licensure from certification List reasons why nurses should certify Discuss the practice domains used for test construction Discuss how a passing score is determined List the eligibility requirements for certification and recertification Current license GI Practice 2 y full time or part time equivalent of 4,000 hours in 5 years 2 validating signatures Preparation Internet CE courses Regional SGNA Courses ASGE courses for nurses SGNA educational DVD’s Form study groups 3-6 people Develop a study plan 6-12 weeks depending on needs CGRN CGRN Some organizations recommend 6 months of study ABCGN Library resources 20+ Focus on your weak areas Step 4 Register Step 3 Review courses Step 2 Certification Book Step 1 Decision to take exam Study Tips Try to study every day- avoid cramming Pick time when you are most alert – research shows AM and early PM best Study one topic at a time Review what you learned the previous day Make outlines, develop questions, tape record what you have difficulty learning, flash cards, post a topic or drug by the phone, *If you have test anxiety, consider taking a course at a local college to alleviate fear. Testing Options Computer-based Testing (CBT) 425 sites Filing and Examinations Dates • • Registration Examinations Spring Deadline February 27, 2015 5:00 PM EST May 1-31, 2015 Fall Deadline July 31, 2015 5:00 PM EST October 1-31, 2015 Exam candidates are notified of their options for testing dates and sites 30 days prior to the start of the testing window. There are processing fees for rescheduling, cancelling or roll over. Certification Examination Fees Options Member Computer Based Testing $400 Non-member $485 Recertification Fees Options Member Non-member Computer Based Testing $400 $485 Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) $435 $350 Non-cancelable and non-transferable Rollover policy in certification handbook Check List!! Make sure you know how to get to test location and the reporting time Locate the testing room the night before You will only be permitted to bring into the testing room your ID, pencils, and keys! Prohibited Items in Exam Room Personal items Medications Candy Food and/or drink Books, pamphlets, and dictionaries Communication devices of any nature, including cell phones, pagers, PDAs, etc. Digital watches, calculator watches or watch alarms Examinee-provided keyboards Eye glass cases Highlighter pens, personal writing instruments Language translation dictionaries Lanyards, or the cords that allow glasses to hang around a person’s neck Laptop Computers Listening devices, including radios or stereos with headphones Papers of any kind Purses or backpacks Recording, copying, and photographic devices Slide rules, rulers, compasses, and protractors Stencils, colored overlays Test Item Examples Domain I - General Nursing Care A patient developed severe watery diarrhea with dehydration after taking a regimen of antibiotics. A stool test was positive for Clostridium difficile. Which acute inflammatory disorder of the colon would be suspected? a. b. c. d. pseudomembranous colitis * amebic colitis campylobacter enteritis bacillary dysentery Domain II – Gastroenterology Procedures The nurse is caring for a patient whose esophagram showed a dilated esophagus with a“bird’s beak”tapering of the distal esophagus. Which of the following interventions should be included in the patient’s plan of care? a. pneumatic balloon dilation * b. hydrostatic balloon dilation c. use of Maloney dilators d. use of Hurst dilators Domain III – Patient Care Interventions The nurse is caring for a patient with a history of alcoholism who presents with severe retching and vomiting followed by excruciating retrosternal chest and abdominal pain. Which of the following emergencies should the nurse anticipate? a. b. c. d. tracheoesophageal fistula Boerhaave’s Syndrome * traction diverticula esophageal candidiasis Computer Based Testing ABCGN Board of Directors Volunteer Opportunities President Jeanie Ebbert presenting at 2014 SGNA Leadership Conference ABCGN Board of Directors Item Writers Workshop First step in learning how to develop questions for the exam Questions are drafted, edited, and reviewed for the “ Item Bank” Exam questions are taken from the “Item Bank” Item Review Committee •Test Plan Classification •Item Rejection •Item Revision •Item Validation •Exam Assembly Item Writing Panel Writes 20 items annually Validates items Classifies items Meets annually in Chicago http://www.abcgn.org 1-855- 25- ABCGN or 1-855-252-2246 Fax 312-673-6723 SUCCESS IS NOT OUT OF YOUR REACH SET YOUR GOALS HIGH! DON’T BE ANXIOUS!! BE PROUD Get CERTIFIED! What is your Path to Certification? Questions?