CIED 5262 Using Technology to Contextualize and Integrate Language Instruction Shrum & Glisan, Teacher’s Handbook, Chapter 12, 2010 Who uses technology? Digital Natives—”Native Speakers” of technology Digital Immigrants—”NonNative” Techno Speakers Digital Natives Have Spent… 5-10,000 hours viewing video games 10,000 hours on cell phones 20,000 hours watching TV Only 5,000 hours reading a book Digital Natives Have Sent 250,00 E-mails And watched 500,000 commercials Lankshear & Knobel (2006) Define new literacies from a sociocultural stance as “socially recognized ways of generating, communicating, and negotiating meaningful content through the medium of encoded text within contexts of participation in Discourses” with others (p. 64). New Literacies Are… Encoded text that can be retrieved, worked with, and made independently of the person and context of their origins (Knobel & Lankshear, 2007). New Literacies Skills Include… Finding key information on busy pages Knowing how to navigate among Web sites Validating information Selecting and contributing to a blog Authoring a definition on Wikipedia Remixing music and video with voice to create new meanings Benefits Better and effective use of class time Individualized learning Empowerment Connection to Goals Provides interesting and unique ways to connect language learners (LLs) to the TL and culture Builds communities of LLs around the world Enables LLs to establish interaction with peers who are learning the language and experts and native speakers Helps improve motivation and enthusiasm Brings the world into contact with the learner, transforming the classroom into a learner-centered one (Maxwell, 1998). Connections to Standards International Society for Technology in Education: Student Standards International Society for Technology in Education: Teacher Standards More Acronyms! ICT: Information Communication Technology Technologies that assist in sharing information for purposes of communication, particularly relevant to language learning (cell phones, IM services, podcasts, YouTube, blogs, wikis, etc.) CAALL: Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning Settings where students work with technology on their own— not in class, but related to a learning task More Acronymns! CALL: Computer-Assisted Language Learning The application of computers in teaching and learning languages. TELL: Technology-Enhanced Language Learning All uses of technology in language education. CMC: Computer-Mediated Communication Applications involving a computer. Research on TELL Acquiring language: Facilitates vocab acquisition Supports input-rich activities through reading assistant software, integrated video, and the Internet Provides intelligent C-M feedback Facilitates writing through writing assistance software, e-mail, and chat rooms Facilitates exploration of authentic language use through e-mail or Internet Enhances student motivation Research on TELL Questions to ask when you weave technology into your lessons: Does it help Ss learn language aspects in meaningful contexts? What can my Ss do in each of the five SFLL goal areas? How does the technology tool connect to the five standards? What processes will learners use with this tool? Cost of tool and planning time? What are some alternative resources in the area? Is this the best way to accomplish my goals and objectives?