SATURDAY SCHOOL session 1 - Department of Social Sciences

SS.912.A.2.1 – Review causes and
consequences of the Civil War.
What do you need to know?
SS.912.A.3.6 – Analyze the economic
challenges to American farmers and farmers’
responses to these challenges in the mid to
late 1800s.
SS.912.A.3.2 – Examine the social, political,
and economic causes, course, and
consequences of the Second Industrial
Revolution that began in the late 19th century.
(Part 1 – including the rise of industry and the labor movement)
You need to know why the Civil War started – the
economic reasons, political reasons, and social
You need to know the key events of the Civil War,
and how the Union and Confederate strategies
You need to know what issues divided Republicans
during the Reconstruction era to compare the
various Reconstruction plans.
You need to know what rights were granted by the
13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
You need to know how Jim Crow Laws influenced
life for African Americans and other minorities.
You need to know “pull” factors leading to the
settlement of the West, or reasons for settlement.
You need to know how and where mining, cattle
ranching, and farming developed in the West.
You need to know how western settlement affected
Native Americans.
You need to know why farmers in the late 19th
century faced economic problems, what those
problems were, and how they organized to solve
these problems.
You need to know the platform of the Populist Party
and to whom it appealed.
You need to know the factors behind economic
growth in the United States, including abundant
natural resources, a growing population, among
You need to know significant examples of
technological innovation during this period.
You need to know how the development of steel, oil,
and transportation industries affected the U.S.
You need to know the business practices that
accelerated the growth of industry, including
consolidation and monopolies.
You need to know the early federal laws that
attempted to regulate business.
You need to know the problems faced by industrial
workers, how the first national labor unions
attempted to improve conditions for workers, and
tactics used by management to combat the labor
You need to know the difference between the
following ideologies, or belief systems: capitalism,
socialism, communism, anarchism, Social
EOC TEST PREP: SS.912.A.2.1 – The Civil War and Reconstruction
Directions: Complete the table below to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Concepts I Know
Concepts I Need to Review
Long Term Causes of the Civil War
Directions: Define the following, and try to explain how each led to the Civil War.
Define & Explain
States’ Rights
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Birth of the Republican Party
“Bleeding Kansas” (1855-56)
Dred Scott decision (1857)
John Brown’s Raid (1859)
Immediate Cause of the Civil War: The Secession Crisis
Directions: Watch the Hippocampus review video “Secession” and then answer the following
1. Why did Lincoln’s election worry Southerners?
2. Which was the first state to secede? Which states followed?
3. What is the significance of Fort Sumter? In other words, what happened there, and why
is this important?
The Course of the Civil War
Directions: Place the following events along with the date in order along the timeline. Then
write to explain which event you think was the most important in terms of the war’s outcome.
Battle of Vicksburg
Battle of Bull Run
Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Antietam
Surrender at Appomattox
Reconstruction Plans
Directions: Fill in the graphic organizer below with details about each plan for Reconstruction.
Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan
Johnson’s Plan
Radical Republican Plan
Based on the various Reconstruction plans, explain why there was tension between
President Johnson and the Republicans in Congress.
Reconstruction Amendments
Directions: For each of the following amendments to the Constitution, create a visual symbol to
represent the rights that it entails.
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Reconstruction Era and the End of Reconstruction
1. Directions: Watch the Hippocampus review video “The Reconstructed South” and then
answer the following questions.
What opportunities did African Americans gain during Reconstruction?
How did many Southern whites react to the changes that took place during
2. Directions: Identify the term from the list below featured in each of the following images.
Ku Klux Klan
Jim Crow Laws
Civil War & Reconstruction Wrap-Up
What have you learned or re-learned during this review? What questions do you have about the
Civil War and Reconstruction? If you need to review this topic more, where can you look for
resources to help you with this?
EOC TEST PREP: SS.912.A.3.6 – Western Settlement and Farmers’ Challenges
Directions: Complete the table below to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Concepts I Know
Concepts I Need to Review
Factors Leading to Western Settlement
Directions: Complete the push/pull chart below by filling in each column with appropriate terms
from the list of suggested factors below.
“Push” Factors
Discovery of precious metals
Homestead Act of 1862
Transcontinental railroad
“Pull” Factors
Ethnic or religious
Relocation of Indians to
Mining, Ranching, Farming in the West
Directions: Indicate on the map below which areas were the major sites of the late 19th century
mining boom, “Cattle Kingdom,” and Great Plains farming.
The Native American Experience
Directions: Complete the timeline below to record the following clashes between Native
Americans and the U.S. government and the results of each.
Sand Creek Massacre
Battle of Little Bighorn
Fetterman’s Massacre (“Red Cloud’s War”)
Dakota Sioux Uprising
Wounded Knee
Farmers’ Problems and Responses to Problems
Directions: Organize the following terms in a concept map to show that you understand what
the terms mean and how they are related. You should use arrows, lines, or other symbols to
show the relationships between terms.
Populist Party
Farmers’ Alliances
Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
Falling food prices
Gold standard
William J. Bryan
Western Settlement & Farmers’ Challenges Wrap-Up
What have you learned or re-learned during this review? What questions do you have about
western settlement and farmers’ challenges of the late 19th century? If you need to review this
topic more, where can you look for resources to help you with this?
EOC TEST PREP: SS.912.A.3.2 – Industrialization (Part 1 – Rise of Industry & Labor)
Directions: Complete the table below to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Concepts I Know
Concepts I Need to Review
Rise of Industry & Labor Movement
Directions: Take notes on key ideas from PowerPoint presentation in the space below.
Major 20th Century Ideologies
Directions: You will be assigned one of the following ideologies. As a group you will research it
and create a poster summary of your assigned topic. You will then present your ideology and
poster to the class.
*An ideology is a system of belief about society.
Social Darwinism
Poster specifics:
You must have the following information on your poster…
The origin of the ideology.
Explain what the ideology is.
Describe the types of people attracted to this ideology.
Explain whether this type of belief is good or bad, from your point of view.