4E-1: Full-Projectile Inquiry Name: ___________________________ LT 6: I understand the concept of projectile motion. This means I can: 1. Describe what angles achieve maximum and minimum flight times. 2. Describe what angles achieve maximum range. 3. Describe what angles achieve the same range and flight time. 4. Explain the observations for 1-3 above. Preliminary Instructions: 1. Open the University of Colorado PhET Projectile Motion simulation. This can be found on the classroom computers or at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/projectile-motion. 2. As an alternative, use this Physics Classroom simulation… http://www.physicsclassroom.com/shwave/projectile.cfm 3. Spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the controls of the simulation before you begin the lab below. 4. Make sure the Air Resistance box is UNCHECKED. We will ignore air resistance. 5. Use the area below to record your data. I suggest you make a data table. 6. Answer the questions on the back. Goal #1 of this Activity: Using the PhET simulation, determine the projectile launch angle that… 1. results in the longest flight (hang) time. 2. results in the shortest flight (hang) time. 3. results in the greatest range (horizontal distance travelled). 4. results in the shortest range Goal #2 of this Activity: Using the PhET simulation, determine two angles that result in the same range and hang time. 1 Analysis and Questions: 1. What angle gives the maximum flight (hang) time? Explain why you think this particular angle gives the maximum flight time. 2. What angle gives the minimum flight (hang) hang time? Explain why this angle has the minimum hang time. 3. What angle gives the maximum range? Explain why this angle achieves the maximum range. 4. What angle gives the minimum range? Explain why this angle achieves the minimum range. 5. What two angles did you find had the same range and hang time? How do you explain this? Personal Conclusion: 2