Chapter 12 Personality: Theory, Research, and Assesment 7-9% on AP EXAM OBJECTIVES: Explain the 5 Factor Model Describe Freud’s theory of personality development: – Id, Ego & Superego – Iceberg theory of consciousness – Psychosexual stages Table of Contents The Five Factor Model Research suggests that five personality factors are inherited or at least present at an early age. Openness; Conscientiousne Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticis curiosity; ss; self; sociable; m or accepting discipline; outgoing emotional of other willingness to stability points of achieve view Table of Contents Defining Personality: Consistency and Distinctiveness Personality Traits – Dispositions and dimensions The Five-Factor Model – Openness to experience - curiosity, flexibility, vivid fantasy, imaginativeness, – Conscientiousness - diligent, disciplined, well organized, punctual, and dependable – Extraversion - outgoing, sociable, upbeat, friendly, assertive – Agreeableness - sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, modest – Neuroticism - anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure, and vulnerable Table of Contents The Trait Perspective The “Big Five” Personality Factors – “OCEAN” Trait Dimension Description Emotional Stability (Neurosis) Calm versus anxious Secure versus insecure Self-satisfied versus self-pitying Extraversion Sociable versus retiring Fun-loving versus sober Affectionate versus reserved Openness Imaginative versus practical Preference for variety versus preference for routine Independent versus conforming Agreeableness Soft-hearted versus ruthless Trusting versus suspicious Helpful versus uncooperative Organized versus disorganized Careful versus careless Table of Contents Disciplined versus impulsive Conscientiousness Raymond Cattell Table of Contents The Trait Perspective Moody Anxious Rigid Sober Pessimistic Reserved Unsociable Quiet UNSTABLE Hans Eysenck uses two primary personality factors as axes for describing personality variation Touchy Restless Aggressive Excitable Changeable Impulsive Optimistic Active melancholic choleric INTROVERTED EXTRAVERTED phlegmatic sanguine Passive Sociable Careful Outgoing Thoughtful Talkative Peaceful Responsive Controlled Easygoing Reliable Lively Carefree Even-tempered Leadership Calm STABLE Table of Contents The Trait Perspective Type A Personality intense, driven, goal-oriented, successful, taskoriented, higher income, risk for heart disease due to anger issues Type B Personality laid back, easy-going, procrastinator, longer life Table of Contents Evaluation of Trait Perspective Doesn’t really explain personality, simply describe the behaviors Doesn’t describe the development of the behaviors Trait approaches generally fail to address how issues such as motives, unconscious, or beliefs about self affect personality development Table of Contents Psychodynamic Perspectives Freud’s psychoanalytic theory – Structure of personality • Id - Pleasure principle • Ego - Reality principle • Superego - Morality – Levels of awareness – “ice berg” • Conscious – 10% above water • Unconscious – 90% below water – Conflict • Sex and Aggression • Anxiety • Defense Mechanisms Table of Contents Personality Structure Ego Conscious mind Unconscious mind Freud’s idea of the mind’s structure Superego Id Table of Contents The school year is ending and final exams are near.You have done well, but are having difficulty in your Psychology class.You know that in order to get a grade of “B”, the minimum acceptable by your parents, you must get an “A” on the final.You have tried studying, but feel it is an unattainable goal.As you are leaving campus to go home on the afternoon prior to the test, you find a group of papers in the hall which has apparently been dropped by someone.You look down, and find that one of the dropped papers has the heading “Psychology: Final Exam”.You pick up the paper and look at it quickly, noticing that no one has seen you.What do you do next? Table of Contents Psychology:Final Exam Create dialogue on how your ID, EGO and SUPEREGO would discuss this problem.What would the ID be telling you to do, what would the SUPEREGO be telling you to do, how is the EGO involved. ex. – ID: “bla bla bla” – SUPEREGO: “bla bla bla” Table of Contents Freud on Development: Psychosexual Stages Sexual = physical pleasure Psychosexual stages – Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital • Fixation = Excessive gratification or frustration • Overemphasis on psychosexual needs during fixated stage Oedipus Complex a boy’s sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father necessary for development of superego; the boy identifies with the father Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents A man goes to a Psychologist and says, "Doc I got a real problem, I can't stop thinking about sex." The Psychologist says, "Well let's see what we can find out", and pulls out his ink blots. "What is this a picture of?" he asks. The man turns the picture upside down then turns it around and states, "That's a man and a woman on a bed making love." The Psychologist says, "very interesting," and shows the next picture. "And what is this a picture of?" The man looks and turns it in different directions and says, "That's a man and a woman on a bed making love." The Psychologists tries again with the third ink blot, and asks the same question, "What is this a picture of?" The patient again turns it in all directions and replies, "That's a man and a woman on a bed making love." The Psychologist states, "Well, yes, you do seem to be obsessed with sex." "Me!?" demands the patient. "You're the one who keeps showing me the dirty pictures!" Table of Contents Neo-Freudians Accepted Freud’s basic ideas: the personality structures of id, ego, and superego; the importance of the unconscious; the shaping of personality in childhood; and dynamics of anxiety and the defense mechanisms. But they veered away from Freud in two important ways. 1. They placed more emphasis on the role of the conscious mind in interpreting experience and coping with the environment. 2. They doubted that sex and aggression were allconsuming motivations. Instead, they placed more emphasis on loftier motives and on social interaction. Table of Contents Other Psychodynamic Theorists a.k.a = Neo-Freudians Carl Jung – Analytical Psychology • personal unconscious -which houses material that is not within one’s conscious awareness because it has been repressed or forgotten; and the collective unconscious - which houses latent memory traces inherited from people’s ancestral past. • Archetypes - emotionally charged images and thought forms that have universal meaning… • Introversion/Extroversion Alfred Adler - argued that Freud had gone overboard with his focus on sexual conflict – Individual Psychology • • • • Striving for superiority Compensation Inferiority complex/overcompensation Birth order Table of Contents Karen Horney Pronounced “Horn-eye” for obvious reasons Need for human love and security Looked at anxiety related to security and social relationships Basic anxiety—the feeling of being isolated and helpless in a hostile world Sought to balance Freud’s masculine biases- women don’t have penis envy and they don’t have weak superegos Table of Contents Table of Contents Evaluating Psychodynamic Perspectives Pros Insights regarding – The unconscious – The role of internal conflict – The importance of early childhood experiences Cons – Poor testability – Inadequate empirical base – Sexist views Table of Contents Freud’s ideas in light of modern research Freud died in 1939 and did not have the benefit of all the modern-day research & tools that we have today. --human development is not fixed in childhood, but over time. --gender identity does not form because of Oedipus Complex. --dreams do not disguise and fulfill wishes. --repression never occurs. --unconscious is not seething passions and repressive censoring but information processing that occurs without our awareness. Table of Contents Freud’s ideas as scientific theory Psychologists criticize Freud’s theory for its scientific shortcomings. Good scientific theories explain observations and offer testable hypotheses. Critics say that Freud’s theory offers after-the-fact explanations of people and their behaviors. Contemporary psychologists are least likely to agree with Freud’s belief that conscience and gender identity form in the process of resolving the Oedipus Complex. Table of Contents Behavioral Perspectives Skinner’s views – Conditioning and response tendencies – Environmental determinism Bandura’s views – Social learning theory • • • • Cognitive processes and reciprocal determinism Observational learning Models Self-efficacy Mischel’s views – The person-situation controversy Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Evaluating Behavioral Perspectives Pros – Based on rigorous research – Insights into effects of learning and environmental factors Cons – Over-dependence on animal research – Fragmented view of personality – Dehumanizing views Table of Contents Table of Contents Humanistic Perspectives Carl Rogers – Person Centered Theory • Self-concept – Conditional/unconditional positive regard – Incongruence and anxiety Abraham Maslow – Self-actualization theory – Hierarchy of needs • The healthy personality Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Humanistic Perspective Self-Actualization the ultimate psychological need that arises after basic physical and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved the motivation to fulfill one’s potential Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Evaluating Humanistic Perspectives Humanistic theories are credited with highlighting the importance of a person’s subjective view of reality. They are also applauded for focusing attention on the issue of what constitutes a healthy personality. They are criticized for lacking a strong research base, poor testability, and what may be an overly optimistic view of human nature (Maslow had a hard time finding live people who had self-actualized). Table of Contents Biological Perspectives Eysenk’s theory – 3 higher order traits – Extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism • Determined by genes Twin studies – Novelty seeking and genetics The evolutionary approach – Traits conducive to reproductive fitness Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Evaluating Biological Perspectives Pros – Convincing evidence for genetic influence Cons – Conceptual problems with heritability estimates - heritability estimates vary depending on sampling procedures and other considerations, and should only be used as ballpark figures. – Artificial carving apart of nature and nurture - they interact in complicated ways – No comprehensive biological theory Table of Contents Table of Contents Self-Reporting Tests 16 PF - Hans Eysenck Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) the most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests originally developed to identify emotional disorders (still considered its most appropriate use) now used for many other screening purposes Table of Contents The Trait Perspective Clinically significant range Hypochondriasis 1 (concern with body symptoms) Depression2 (pessimism, hopelessness) After treatment (no scores in the clinically significant range) Hysteria 3 (uses symptoms to solve problems) Psychopathic deviancy 4 (disregard for social standards) Before treatment (anxious, depressed, and displaying deviant behaviors) Masculinity/femininity 5 (interests like those of other sex) Paranoia 6 (delusions, suspiciousness) Psychasthenia 7 (anxious, guilt feelings) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) test profile Schizophrenia 8 (withdrawn, bizarre thoughts) Hypomania 9 (overactive, excited, impulsive) Social introversion 10 (shy, inhibited) 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 T-score Table of Contents Assessing the Unconscious Projective Test a personality test, such as the Rorschach or TAT, that provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one’s inner dynamics Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes Table of Contents Assessing the Unconscious-TAT Table of Contents Assessing the Unconscious Rorschach Inkblot Test the most widely used projective test a set of 10 inkblots designed by Hermann Rorschach seeks to identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots Table of Contents Assessing the Unconscious-Rorschach Table of Contents Table of Contents Drawbacks to Projective Tests Examiner or test situation may influence individual’s response Scoring is highly subjective Tests fail to produce consistent results (reliability problem) Tests are poor predictors of future behavior (validity problem) Table of Contents Table of Contents Social-Cognitive Perspective Table of Contents Social-Cognitive Perspective Personal Control our sense of controlling our environments rather than feeling helpless External Locus of Control the perception that chance or outside forces beyond one’s personal control determine one’s fate Table of Contents Social-Cognitive Perspective Internal Locus of Control the perception that one controls one’s own fate Learned Helplessness the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events Table of Contents Social-Cognitive Perspective Learned Helplessness Uncontrollable bad events Perceived lack of control Generalized helpless behavior Table of Contents Social-Cognitive Perspective Positive Psychology – Martin Seligman the scientific study of optimal human functioning aims to discover and promote conditions that enable individuals and communities to thrive Table of Contents Optimism vs. Pessimism An optimistic or pessimistic attributional style is your way of explaining positive or negative events. Positive psychology aims to discover and promote conditions that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Table of Contents 60 Assessing Behavior in Situations Assessing Behavior in Situations the best means of predicting future behavior is neither a personality test nor an interviewer’s intuition. Rather, it is the person’s past behavior pattern in similar situations. Table of Contents Evaluation of Social Cognitive Perspective Well grounded in empirical, laboratory research However, laboratory experiences are rather simple and may not reflect the complexity of human interactions Ignores the influences of unconscious, emotions, conflicts Table of Contents