January SBDM Approved Minutes Caywood Elementary School January 28, 2015 4:00 PM Members Present: Shari Kilmer, Christina Pangallo, Rachel Schierloh, Stacey Welden, Carol Caudill, and Kelly Conner Others Present: Kim Mott and Susan Vetter At 4:07 PM, Rachel Schierloh made a motion to call the meeting to order. This was seconded by Stacey Welden and consensus was reached. OPENING BUSINESS Reading of the Mission Statement- the mission statement was read together by the committee. Approval of Agenda – Carol Caudill made a motion to add the approval of an art fundraiser to new business. This was seconded by Christina Pangallo and consensus was reached. Shari Kilmer made a motion to accept the agenda with the addition. This was seconded by Rachel Schierloh and consensus was reached. Approval of Minutes – Stacey Welden made a motion to accept the minutes from the November council meeting. This was seconded by Carol Caudill and consensus was reached. Christina Pangallo made a motion to accept the December special meeting minutes. This was seconded by Shari Kilmer and consensus was reached. Good News 1. Nicole Kottmyer received a WOW award at the last board meeting. 2. The Texas Roadhouse fundraiser was a success raising $3, 000 dollars for the FRC. The top sellers were awarded with lunch at Texas Roadhouse. 3. Caywood is hosting the 5th grade girl’s basketball tournament. 4. Parents night for the science fair took place last week. The students were more confident in presenting their projects to the judges. The top 20 projects will go to the district science showcase on February 11th. 5. Britney Thompson was nominated for a Golden Apple award. 6. Shari Kilmer was nominated for the Fisherman’s Award. 7. The third grade students will be performing at the PTA meeting on Thursday evening. 8. The chorus will be performing Suessical the Musical on March 6th for Read Across America week. 9. The Carnegie Workshops have started and they are going really well. The kids love it!! 10. Sarah Ackel will be presenting the LDC module at the state level this summer. 11. Pam Swan was videotaped completing an LDC at the primary level. Public Comment COMMITTEE REPORTS December and January minutes from the standing committees were reviewed by the council. KYCID School Culture Special Area and Wellness Writing Primary Program Review OLD BUSINESS Carnegie Workshops- This includes dance, visual, and drama lessons for students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. NEW BUSINESS Budget Reports- There is currently $29, 989.08 in the Caywood fund and $94, 566.69 in the board fund. These do not include the Title funds. KASC Members Only Resources- These resources were distributed to the committee members. Legislative Findings - In accordance KRS 158.186, the Caywood council reviewed and was given a copy of KRS 158.181- KRS 158.187 pertaining to Free Speech and Religious Liberty of students. Winter MAP Data- The council looked at growth by grade level from fall to winter in reading and math. Council Election Procedures- The elections will be taking place in May. The parent election will take place through the PTA, and the teacher election will take place at the monthly faculty meeting. Art Fundraiser- Mr. Pearson is requesting to hold the art show in which he sells the student’s work. Rachel Schierloh made a motion to accept the fundraiser. This was seconded by Stacey Welden and consensus was reached. At 5:25 PM, Carol Caudill made a motion to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Christina Pangallo and consensus was reached.