Study Guide

PD: ______
The Odyssey: Part One
“Tell the Story” pg. 890
1. Who were the Muses and what did they do?
2. Who is the speaker?
3. What was the “wanderer’s” life like?
4. How did the gods feel for our wanderer? How did Poseidon feel for him?
“Calypso, The Sweet Nymph” pg. 891
1. Who is Odysseus’ son?
2. Why is he looking for him?
3. How long has Odysseus been trying to get home?
4. How many of those years were spent with Calypso?
5. What goddess protects Odysseus?
6. What did Athena ask Zeus to do?
7. Who is sent to Calypso and what is his message?
8. What is Odysseus doing when we first meet him?
9. What does Calypso promise to Odysseus?
10. What happens to Odysseus’ raft and why?
“I am Laertes’ Son…” & “The Lotus Eaters” pg. 895 and pg. 898
1. Who finds Odysseus?
2. What was the ustom for guest of the ancient people of Greece and Asia Minor?
3. Where is Odysseus right now and whom is he talking to?
4. Who is Alcinous?
5. Who is Odysseus’ father?
6. Where is Odysseus from?
7. What did Odysseus and his men do in Ismaros?
8. What did Odysseus order his men to do?
9. How do they respond to his request?
10. What happens as a result?
11. Why were the men sent off course?
12. How long did the wait for the wind to die down?
13. What was the next stop that they made?
14. What happens if the men eat the lotus flowers (be specific)?
“The Cyclops” pg. 899
1. What is a Cyclops and where do they live?
2. What animal does this particular Cyclops raise?
3. What does the Cyclops use as a door to his cave?
4. When does Odysseus really get angry with the Cyclops?
5. Why can’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops?
6. What do they give the Cyclops to put him to sleep (be specific)?
7. What did Odysseus tell him his name was?
8. How did they blind the Cyclops?
9. What is the name of this Cyclops?
10. How do the men escape from the cave?
11. Who is Polyphemus’ father?
“The Witch Circle” pg. 911
1. Who is the god of the wind?
2. What does the god of the wind give Odysseus?
3. What will this do for them?
4. What happens to the sack?
5. What happened at the island of the Laestrygonians and how many ships were left?
6. What does Circe do to Odysseus’ men (be specific)?
7. Why is Odysseus not turned into a pig?
8. Where does Circe tell Odysseus to go and who is he to look for these?
“The Land of the Dead” pg. 914
1. What did Odysseus have to do before entering the Land of the Dead?
2. Who is Teiresia referring to when he says, “the god who thunders on the land”?
3. What will happen if they avoid Helios’ castle?
4. What will happen if they do not avoid the cattle and who will be the lone survivor?
5. What will Odysseus’ situation be like at home when he gets there?
“The Sirens: Scylla and Charybdis” pg. 916
1. What four things does Circe warn Odysseus about?
2. What are the Sirens known to do?
3. How do they do this?
4. Describe Scylla (be specific).
5. Why was Charybdis so dangerous?
6. What does Odysseus NOT tell his men and why?
7. How does Odysseus give his men courage?
8. What does Odysseus have his crew do to him so that only he can listen to the Sirens’ song (be specific)?
9. What does Odysseus do to protect his men from hearing the Sirens’ song?
10. How does Odysseus react to the song?
11. When do Odysseus’ men untie him?
12. Describe how Scylla kills six of the men (be specific).
“The Cattle of the Sun God” pg. 922
1. What is the sun god’s name?
2. What does Eurylochus say to persuade Odysseus’ men to slaughter and eat the cattle of the sun god?
3. What do they do with the noblest of the cattle?
4. What is Zeus’ response to Helios’ demand for revenge?
5. Whose island does Odysseus end up on?