
Wordlist 35
Judging Roommates by Their
Facebook Covers
1. Anonymous (adj.)
Definition: made or done by someone whose name is not known
or not made public
Example: The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.
Word Family:
a·non·y·mous·ness, noun
a·non·y·mous·ly, adverb
non·a·non·y·mous·ness, noun
2. Arbitrary (adj.)
Definition: based on chance rather than being planned or based on
Synonym: random, unpredictable
Example: Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or
was it arbitrary?
Word Family:
ar·bi·trar·i·ly , adverb
ar·bi·trar·i·ness, noun
non·ar·bi·trar·i·ly, adverb
non·ar·bi·trar·i·ness, noun
non·ar·bi·trar·y, adjective
3. Clause (n.)
Definition: a particular part of a written legal document, for
example a law passed by Parliament or a contract (= an
Synonym: section
Example: They have added/deleted/amended a clause in the
contract which says the company can make people redundant for
economic reasons.
Word Family:
claus·al, adjective
sub·claus·al, adjective
sub·clause, noun
4. Clique (n.)
Definition: a small group of people who spend their time together
and do not welcome other people into that group
Synonym: society, fraternity
Example: Our golf club is run by a very unfriendly clique (of
Word Family:
clique·less, adjective
cli·quey, cli·quy, adjective
cli·quism, noun
sub·clique, noun
5. Converse (v.)
Definition: the opposite
Synonym: opposite, reverse
Example: In the US, you drive on the right-hand side of the road,
but in Britain the converse applies.
Word Family:
6. Deviate (v.)
Definition: to do something that is different from the usual or common
way of behaving
Synonym: diverge,
Example: The recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for
this time of year.
Word Family:
de·vi·a·ble, adjective
de·vi·a·bil·i·ty, noun
de·vi·a·tor, noun
non·de·vi·at·ing, adjective
un·de·vi·a·ble, adjective
7. Ditzy (n.)
Definition: silly
Synonym: silly,
Example: He couldn’t tolerate his ditzy girlfriend.
Word Family:
8. Diverse (adj.)
Definition: different or including many different types
Synonym: various, different
Example: Students from countries as diverse as Colombia and
Lithuania use Cambridge textbooks.
Word Family:
di·verse·ly, adverb
di·verse·ness, noun
o·ver·di·verse, adjective
o·ver·di·verse·ly, adverb
o·ver·di·verse·ness, noun
9. Domain (n.)
Definition: an area of interest or an area over which a person has
Synonym: realm, territory
Example: She treated the business as her private domain.
Word Family:
do·ma·ni·al, adjective
10. Fondness (n.)
Definition: a liking
Synonym: affection, liking
Example: George's fondness for pink gins was well known.
Word Family:
self-fond·ness, noun
11. Freshman (n.)
Definition: a student in the first year of high school, college, or
Synonym: undergraduate
Example: He's a freshman at Harvard.
Word Family:
fresh·man·ship, noun
pre·fresh·man, noun, plural pre·fresh·men.
sub·fresh·man, noun, plural sub·fresh·men.
12. Impression (n.)
Definition: an idea or opinion of what something or someone is
Synonym: sense, feeling
Example: I didn't get much of an impression of the place because
it was dark when we drove through it.
Word Family:
im·pres·sion·al, adjective
im·pres·sion·al·ly, adverb
im·pres·sion·less, adjective
pre·im·pres·sion, noun
13. Inevitable (adj.)
Definition: certain to happen and unable to be avoided or
Synonym: inescapable, assured
Example: The accident was the inevitable
consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
Word Family:
in·ev·i·ta·bil·i·ty, in·ev·i·ta·ble·ness, noun
in·ev·i·ta·bly, adverb
qua·si-in·ev·i·ta·ble, adjective
qua·si-in·ev·i·ta·bly, adverb
14. Institute (v.)
Definition: to set up; establish; organize
Synonym: invest
Example: to institute a government.
Word Family:
re·in·sti·tute, verb (used with object), re·in·sti·tut·ed,
un·in·sti·tut·ed, adjective
well-in·sti·tut·ed, adjective
15. Intervene (v.)
Definition: to intentionally become involved in a difficult
situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
Synonym: get involved
Example: The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets
today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
Word Family:
re·in·ter·vene, verb (used without object), re·in·ter·vened,
un·in·ter·ven·ing, adjective
16. Maximize (v.)
Definition: to make something as great in amount, size, or
importance as possible
Synonym: boost, raise
Example: Some airlines have cancelled less popular routes in an
effort to maximize profits.
Word Family:
max·i·mi·za·tion, max·i·ma·tion, noun
max·i·miz·er, noun
17. Passive (adj.)
Definition: not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing
other people to be in control
Synonym: uninvolved
Example: He's very passive in the relationship.
Word Family:
pas·sive·ly, adverb
qua·si-pas·sive, adjective
qua·si-pas·sive·ly, adverb
sem·i·pas·sive, adjective
sem·i·pas·sive·ly, adverb
18. Posture (v.)
Definition: behaviour or speech that is intended to attract
attention and interest, or to make people believe something that is
not true
Example: His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual
Word Family:
19. Sibling (n.)
Definition: a brother or sister
Example: I have four siblings: three brothers and a sister.
Word Family:
half-sib·ling, noun
20. So-called (adj.)
Definition: used to show that you think a word that is used to
describe someone or something is not suitable or not correct
Synonym: supposed, presumed
Example: It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him
with the drugs that killed him.
Word Family:
21. Subside (v.)
Definition: If a condition subsides, it becomes less strong or extreme
Synonym: moderate, soften
Example: The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside.
Word Family:
sub·sid·ence, noun
sub·sid·er, noun
non·sub·sid·ing, adjective
un·sub·sid·ed, adjective
un·sub·sid·ing, adjective