Rock Types Foldable Answer Key

Formation Processes Definitions
Weathering ______________________
Erosion _________________________
Deposition ______________________
Compaction _____________________
Cementation _____________________
Heat ___________________________
Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Pressure ________________________
Cooling _________________________
Melting _________________________
Rock Types
Grade _________%
Score _______/85
Word Bank:
Word Bank:
Word Bank:
(Bituminous Coal)
(Rock Salt)
Rock Types Foldable Instructions
Formation Processes
1. Turn your paper to the “landscape” position, and then fold in half the long way (hot dog style).
(Fold Here)
2. On the front page, you will see that your paper has the title “Rock Cycle” and has 3 types of rocks listed. Under
the rock types, draw a picture that represents that rock type. For example, igneous rocks are made from lava
or magma, so you could draw a volcano.
Rock Types and Pictures
3. On the inside, answer the following questions for each type of rock on the top (Chapter 3 in textbook).
a. Igneous Rocks:
Outside View
i. What does the word “igneous” mean?
(First and Last Pages)
ii. How are igneous rocks created?
iii. What is an intrusive igneous rock?
(Answer Questions)
1. Is it fast or slow cooling?
2. What size grains (pieces) are created?
(Classify Rock Types)
iv. What is an extrusive igneous rock?
1. Is it fast or slow cooling?
Inside View
2. What size grains (pieces) are created?
(Answer Questions & Label Rocks)
v. What happens from instant cooling?
vi. What is the classification of igneous rocks based on?
b. Metamorphic Rocks
ii. How are metamorphic rocks formed and where in Earth’s
i. What does the word “metamorphic” mean?
crust does this happen?
1. Where does low-grade metamorphism occur?
2. Where does high-grade metamorphism occur?
iii. Types of Metamorphism
1. What is contact metamorphism?
2. What is regional metamorphism?
iv. Classification of Metamorphic Rocks
1. What are foliated rocks?
2. What are nonfoliated rocks?
c. Sedimentary Rocks
i. What does the word “sedimentary” mean?
ii. How are sedimentary rocks formed?
iii. What can only be found in sedimentary rocks and in none of
the other types of rock?
iv. Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
1. What is a clastic rock?
2. What is an organic rock?
3. What is a chemical rock?
d. Label each picture with the correct classification of rock.
On the back, define each of the processes that are listed.
Complete the Rock Cycle diagram by filling in the boxes with the
correct processes that are involved in the formation of each type
of rock.
Color the arrows and areas that are involved in each type of rock.
a. Sedimentary Rocks – yellow
b. Metamorphic Rocks – blue
c. Igneous Rocks – red
On the back, complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with
the correct missing words.
Grade _________%
Score _______/41
Volcanic activity is the probable source
of aerosols, water, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, and other gases.
Carbon Cycle
Oxygen from Atmosphere
Rock Cycle Questions
1. As magma cools, it forms ______________________ rock by the process of
______________________ or ______________________.
2. Igneous rocks can form ______________________, ______________________ , or other igneous
3. Sediments form by the processes of ______________________ , ______________________ , and
______________________ .
4. Sedimentary rocks can form ______________________ , ______________________ , and other
sedimentary rocks.
5. Which processes change sedimentary rock into igneous rocks? _______________________________
6. Which processes change metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock? ___________________________
7. Which processes change metamorphic rocks into sedimentary rocks? _________________________
8. Metamorphism involves the addition of ______________________ and ______________________
to pre-existing rocks at ______________________ within Earth.
9. Compaction and cementation of sediments produce ______________________ rocks.
10. Subjecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat and pressure forms ______________________ rocks.
11. Solidification (crystallization) of melted materials forms ______________________ rocks.
12. Deposition and burial of sediments forms ______________________ rocks.
13. Deposited sediments may be particles that came from which types of rocks?
______________________ , ______________________ , and ______________________
14. Heat and pressure acting on igneous rocks forms ______________________ .
15. Solidified magma forms ___________________________________________________ .
16. What causes weathering? _____________________________________________________________
17. What does volcanic activity add to the atmosphere? ________________________________________
Tipos de rocasplegablesInstrucciones -España
Formation Processes
1. Dé vuelta a supapelenel "paisaje" de posición, y luegodoblar por la mitadpor el camino largo(estiloperrito caliente).
2. En la primera página, verá que supapeltieneel título de "Rock Cycle" y tiene 3 tipos derocasen la lista.Segúnlostipos
(retirarte aquí)
de roca, hacer un dibujo que representael tipo de roca. Por ejemplo, las rocas ígneasestán hechas
delavaomagma,por lo que podríadibujarun volcán.
Rock Types and Pictures
3. En el interior, conteste las siguientes preguntas para cadatipo de rocaenla parte superior (el Capítulo 3 de libro de
Fuera de Vista
a. Igneous Rocks:
y última página)
i. ¿Quésignifica la palabra "igneous" significa?
ii. ¿Cómo sonlas rocas igneouscreado?
(Conteste las preguntas)
iii. ¿Quées una rocaígneaintrusive?
1. ¿Esenfriamientorápidoolento?
2. ¿Qué tamaño degrains (piezas) se crean?
iv. ¿Quées una rocaígneaextrusive?
(Clasifiquelos tipos de rocas)
1. ¿Esenfriamientorápidoolento?
2. ¿Qué tamaño degrains (piezas) se crean?
Inside View
v. Lo que ocurra derefrigeracióninstantánea?
(Conteste las preguntasylas rocas
vi. ¿Cuál es laclasificación de las rocasígneasbasa?
dela etiqueta)
b. Metamorphic Rocks
iv. Clasificación de
i. ¿Quésignifica la palabra "metamorphic" significa?
ii. ¿Cómo seformanlas rocas metamórficasy donde enla corteza
1. ¿Quées una clastic rock?
terrestrequé sucede esto?
2. ¿Quées una organic rock?
1. ¿De dónde vienelow-grade metamorphismocurre?
3. ¿Quées una chemical rock?
2. ¿De dónde vieneelhigh-grade metamorphismse
d. Marque cadacuadroconla clasificación correcta derock.
4. En la parte posterior, definir cada uno delos procesos que estánen la
iii. Tipos de Metamorphism
1. ¿Qué es elcontactmetamorphism?
5. Completar el diagrama deRockCycledellenadoenlascajasconlos
2. ¿Qué es elregional metamorphism?
procesos correctosque están implicados enla formación de cadatipo
iv. Classification of Metamorphic Rocks
de roca.
1. ¿Quéson las foliatedrocks?
6. Coloreelasflechasy las áreasque intervienen encadatipo de roca.
2. ¿Quéson las nonfoliated rocks?
a. Sedimentary Rocks – amarillo
c. Sedimentary Rocks
b. Metamorphic Rocks – azul
i. ¿Quésignifica la palabra "sedimentary" significa?
c. Igneous Rocks – rojo
ii. ¿Cómo seformansedimentaryrocks?
7. En la parte posterior, completar las frases, llenando los espacios en
iii. ¿Quése puede encontrar solamenteensedimentaryrocksy en
blancocon las palabras correctasque faltan.
ninguno delos otros tipos derock?
Rock Cycle Questions
1. Cuando el magmase enfría, forma ______________________ roca por elprocesode
______________________ o ______________________ .
2. Igneous rocks pueden formar ______________________ , ______________________ , o de
otroigneous rocks.
3. Sedimentsformapor los procesos de ______________________ , ______________________ , y
______________________ .
4. Sedimentary rockspueden formar ______________________ , ______________________ , y
otrosedimentary rocks.
5. ¿Quéprocesos de cambiosedimentary rock en igneous rocks? _______________________________
6. ¿Quéprocesos de cambiometamorphic rock en sedimentary rock? ___________________________
7. ¿Quéprocesos de cambiometamorphic rocks en sedimentary rocks? _________________________
8. Metamorphismimplica la adición de ______________________ y ______________________ a
rocas preexistentesen ______________________ dentro dela Tierra.
9. Compactionycementationdesedimentsproducir______________________ rocks.
10. Subjecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat and pressure forms ______________________ rocks.
11. Solidification (crystallization) of melted materials formas ______________________ rocas.
12. Depositionyburial de sediments formas ______________________ rocas.
13. ¿Deposited sediments pueden ser partículasqueprocedían delos tipos derocas?
______________________ , ______________________ , y ______________________
14. Heatypressureactuando sobre igneous rocks formas ______________________ .
15. Solidifiedmagmaformas _________________ _________________ _________________ .
16. ¿Qué causaweathering? _____________________________________________________________
17. ¿Quéactividadvolcánicaañadirala atmósfera? ________________________________________
Formation Processes Definitions
Weathering the breaking down of
rocks into smaller pieces
Erosion the movement of sediments
from one place to another
Deposition the placement of rock
sediments in a new place
Compaction the squeezing of
sediments closer together
Cementation the hardening of
compacted sediments into hard rock
Heat high temperatures that soften
Pressure increased force pushing in
all directions on an object
Cooling lowering the temperature
until an object is solid
Melting raising the temperature of an
object until it is liquid
Sedimentary Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Rock Types – Answer
Metamorphic Rocks
Grade _________%
Score _______/85
(Bituminous Coal)
(Rock Salt)
Volcanic activity is the probable source
of aerosols, water, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, and other gases.
Carbon Cycle
Oxygen from Atmosphere
Compaction &
Rock Cycle Questions
1. As magma cools, it forms ______________________ rock by the process of ______________________ or ______________________.
2. Igneous rocks can form ______________________, ______________________ , or other igneous rocks.
3. Sediments form by the processes of ______________________ , ______________________ , and ______________________ .
4. Sedimentary rocks can form ______________________ , ______________________ , and other sedimentary rocks.
5. Which processes change sedimentary rock into igneous rocks? _______________________________
6. Which processes change metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock? ___________________________
7. Which processes change metamorphic rocks into sedimentary rocks? _________________________
8. Metamorphism involves the addition of ______________________ and ______________________ to pre-existing rocks at
______________________ within Earth.
9. Compaction and cementation of sediments produce ______________________ rocks.
10. Subjecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat and pressure forms ______________________ rocks.
11. Solidification (crystallization) of melted materials forms ______________________ rocks.
12. Deposition and burial of sediments forms ______________________ rocks.
13. Deposited sediments may be particles that came from which types of rocks? ______________________ , ______________________ , and
14. Heat and pressure acting on igneous rocks forms ______________________ .
15. Solidified magma forms ___________________________________________________ .
16. What causes weathering? _____________________________________________________________
17. What does volcanic activity add to the atmosphere? ________________________________________
Rock Cycle Questions
1. As magma cools, it forms igneous rock by the process of crystallization or consolidation.
2. Igneous rocks can form sedimentary, metamorphic , or other igneous rocks.
3. Sediments form by the processes of weathering, transportation, & depositon.
4. Sedimentary rocks can form metamorphic, igneous , and other sedimentary rocks.
5. Which processes change sedimentary rock into igneous rocks? Uplifting & exposure
6. Which processes change metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock? Uplift, exposure, weathering, erosion, etc
7. Which processes change metamorphic rocks into sedimentary rocks? Same as above….
8. Metamorphism involves the addition of heat and pressure to pre-existing rocks at high temperatures within Earth.
9. Compaction and cementation of sediments produce sedimentary rocks.
10. Subjecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat and pressure forms metamorphic rocks.
11. Solidification (crystallization) of melted materials forms igneous rocks.
12. Deposition and burial of sediments forms sedimentary_ rocks.
13. Deposited sediments may be particles that came from which types of rocks? Igneous, sedimentary, & metamorphic rock
14. Heat and pressure acting on igneous rocks forms metamorphic rock.
15. Solidified magma forms igneous (intrusive) rock
16. What causes weathering? _moving water, ice, chemicals in rain water
17. What does volcanic activity add to the atmosphere? Aerosols, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, & other gases