Before Bell - mssiciliano

Before Bell:
Please pick up a half
sheet from front
Warm Up:Fireside Poets
1. What are three things Fireside
poets were inspired to write
and teach about?
2. What might their views on
nature be? Why?
3. What was going on in society
that they would want to reform
their audience from?
Psalm of Life Review
•Stanza 1-2: What is the message?
•Stanza 5 What is his advice on life?
•Stanza 7-9 What do past and future
footprints help to do?
•What is the theme of Psalm of Life?
•How is this similar to Tide Rises
Tide Falls?
•How is it representative of Fireside
TPCASTT in its use in understanding
T- Title what do we think the poem will be
P- Paraphrase by stanza what each one is
saying or the main idea of each stanza.
Stanza Five Psalm of life
Connotation: Figurative language
Metaphor: Comparing two things without like or as
Simile: Comparing two things with like or as
Hyperbole: Gross exaggeration of something
Personification: Giving something not living human qualities
• Apostrophe: Talking to something/someone that is not with you
• Oxymoron: juxtaposition of two opposite terms
• Alliteration: repeating consonant sounds
• Imagery: language appeals to five senses
• Allusion: referencing another famous person, event, or literature
Attitude: The author’s tone or feeling about the
subject they discuss….what are good feeling
Shift: Do they ever change their tone about the
subject? Why?
Title: Does it now make sense or add to the
Theme: What did the author want the reader to
learn or take away from their poem?
Fireside Poetry Project
In pairs, you will each examine two poems
for meaning and literary techniques.
1. Group member each choose one of
the poems assigned to the group.
2. Individually TPCASTT your poem by
annotating the poem worksheet.
3. Answer 2 Fireside questions for your
poem at bottom of sheet.
4. Create a visual for your poem on
white sheet of paper.
5. Review for correctness with partner!
Fireside Quiz tomorrow---review romantic
notes and “Thanatopsis”, “Psalm of Life”
poem analysis.
TSL must read to chapter 5 by Friday!
Tomorrow is a grad paper rough draft work
day----your laptops are welcome!
Warm Up: Bucket
How does this video
exemplify the theme of
Longfellow’s Tide Rises Tide
Falls and Psalm of Life