Welcome to the H-GAC pre-orientation Preparing Texas Today... Houston Galveston Area Council Regional Exercise Pre-Orientation July 12, 2006 Houston, Texas A Texas Community Partnership ...for Tomorrow’s Challenges Governor’s Division of Emergency Management Office of the Governor Texas Homeland Security Strategy “Our first goal must be to do everything within our power to prevent a terrorist attack.” -- Governor Rick Perry • Coordinated and comprehensive use of state resources and federal funding ... .” • Prepare for • Prevent • Respond to • Recover from natural and manmade disasters, including acts of terrorism. Texas Exercise Plan Exercise Types • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Exercise Strategy Vision Provide a comprehensive strategy of cohesive training and exercises that will prepare the State of Texas to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from natural disasters, man-made disasters, or acts of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism. Texas Preparedness Objectives Exercise Strategy Intent • Examine regional level policies, plans and procedures. • Clarify and train local, regional and state level personnel in roles and responsibilities. • Improve interagency coordination and communication. Exercise Strategy Intent • Identify gaps in capabilities. • Assess the effectiveness of and identify opportunities for improvement. Strategic Goals • Enhance Texas’ capability to deter or prevent deliberate acts of WMD/Terrorism. • Improve the planning and cooperation between critical infrastructure entities, private, local, state and federal law enforcement. Strategic Goals • Improve the planning and cooperation between emergency responders, state and local officials (including law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical personnel and other key agencies such as public works and emergency management agencies) in preparing to respond to natural and man-made disasters as well as deliberate acts of WMD/Terrorism. Strategic Goals •Centrally account for and report the exercises that are taking place in the State of Texas. •Provide exercises at graduated levels of preparedness. Exercise Goals Exercises will facilitate jurisdictional assessment of: • State, regional, and local capability to effectively respond to a natural and man-made disasters as well as deliberate acts of WMD/Terrorism. • Local ability to properly identify the agent involved in a WMD/Terrorism incident– chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNE). Exercise Goals Exercises will facilitate jurisdictional assessment of: • Participants’ understanding of federal, state, regional, and local relationships during a WMD/Terrorism incident or other disaster. • Participants’ ability to execute jurisdictional Emergency Management, Regional Unified Command Plans and validation of local plans, organizations, and equipment. Exercise Types • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Categories of Exercises • Basic Preparedness Level: Primarily functional and regional coordination exercises. • Intermediate Preparedness Level: Graded, more complex functional exercises that emphasize interoperable communication systems. • Advanced Preparedness Level: Begin with a prevention and deterrence/pre-incident phase and evolve into an incident response/recovery exercise; participants may include private industry, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, Health Alert Network, or other such organizations. Categories of Exercises • Special Exercises: Tabletop, Functional, FullScale or Capstone Exercises with a specific focus; hurricanes, nuclear threats, school incidents, foreign and emerging animal diseases, etc. • Simulations: computer based system that provides a graphic, database, and decision exercise component. Exercise Milestones • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Regional Exercise Milestones Implement improvement plan/follow up assessment and monitoring E+1 to 6 E = Exercise Month WMD/Terrorism Incident Exercise Enhanced Response Plans, Improvement Plan & Post Exercise Report E-1 Pre-exercise Tabletop E-1 to 2 Incident Command System (ICS) w/Tabletop Exercise (optional) E-2 to 3 Senior Officials Workshop (SOW) (optional) E-4 E-5 to 6 Forum for elected and non-elected senior officials to discuss strategic and executive level WMD/Terrorism preparedness issues Interactive, working meeting to design scenario and coordinate training and exercise requirements Exercise Scenario Planning Meeting Pre-Orientation Jurisdictional Assessment Meeting Outcome: participants ready to manage” the incident using ICS Workshop for personnel with PIO duties, or who would be involved in media related duties PIO WMD Workshop (optional) Texas WMD/Terrorism Incident Exercise Program Orientation Provides a walk through to ensure all participants understand the plan and their roles • Jurisdictional understanding of key components of program • Program “buy in” from jurisdiction • Confirm key program dates Pre-exercise working meeting to identify jurisdictional needs, capabilities and emphasis areas for training and exercise requirements Regional Exercise Milestones Pre-Orientation Jurisdictional Assessment Meeting Pre-exercise working meeting to identify jurisdictional needs, capabilities and emphasis areas for training and exercise requirements Regional Exercise Milestones Texas WMD/Terrorism Incident Exercise Program Orientation • Jurisdictional understanding of key components of program • Program “buy in” from jurisdiction • Confirm key program dates Regional Exercise Milestones Exercise Scenario Planning Meeting Interactive, working meeting to design scenario and coordinate training and exercise requirements Regional Exercise Milestones Incident Command System (ICS) w/Tabletop Exercise (optional) Outcome: Exercise participants ready to manage the incident using NIMS/ICS Senior Officials Workshop (SOW) (optional) Forum for elected and nonelected senior officials to discuss strategic and executive level WMD/terrorism preparedness issues PIO WMD Workshop (optional) Workshop for personnel with PIO duties, or who would be involved in media related responsibilities Regional Exercise Milestones Pre-exercise Tabletop Provides a pre-exercise walk through to ensure all participants understand the plan and their roles Regional Exercise Milestones WMD/Terrorism Incident Exercise Enhanced Response Plans, Improvement Plan & Post Exercise Report Regional Exercise Milestones Implement Improvement Plan/follow up assessment and monitoring Exercise Types • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Monitoring and Evaluation • The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) provides the following eight steps for exercise evaluation, integrated analysis, and After Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plan (IP): Monitoring and Evaluation • Step 1: Plan and organize the evaluation • Step 2: Observe the exercise and collect data • Step 3: Analyze data • Step 4: Develop the draft AAR • Step 5: Conduct an exercise debrief • Step 6: Identify improvements to be implemented • Step 7: Finalize the AAR •Step 8: Track implementation Monitoring and Evaluation AFTER ACTION REPORT • A jurisdictional AAR should be completed within 45 days of exercise conclusion for submission to GDEM to be forwarded to ODP in accordance with the HSEEP. • Copies of the AAR will also go to the county judge/mayor and DDC of all participating jurisdictions. Monitoring and Evaluation AFTER ACTION REPORT • Lessons learned are pulled from all Texas exercises and posted to the GDEM website. • GDEM sponsors a Homeland Security Conference with lessons learned folded in for State Emergency Management personnel. Agenda • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Exercise Assessment IMPROVEMENT PLAN (IP) • Exercises offer jurisdictions a unique opportunity to examine the cohesiveness of numerous plans, policies, and procedures in a high-stress environment, but outside the scope of a real emergency. • Post-exercise activities focused on improving identified weaknesses are essential to realizing the benefits from an exercise. Exercise Assessment IMPROVEMENT PLAN (IP) • Careful analysis and prioritization should go into developing AAR recommendations and IP content. • The designated format for the After Action Report and Improvement Plan are posted on the GDEM website. Agenda • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Five Year Plan Beginning June 2006, the plan calls for: • Regional Exercises (RE) for each COG region to assess/validate the regional unified command plans and… • 17 Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) exercises for the 17 major population centers in the state. • Initial year (2006): 6 Regional exercises beginning in June/first SNS in Feb 07. Council of Governments Council of Governments (COG) Regions 3 22 5 4 6 1 2 7 8 9 10 24 23 1 13 1 12 16 18 17 19 20 21 14 15 H-GAC Population: 5,400,00 H-GAC/DDCs Al Guarino RLO 2C Conroe (936)442-2868 Tyler Walker Grimes 2C Hardin Montgomery Washington Orange Liberty Jennifer Hawes RLO 2A Houston (281) 517-1317 2B Waller Austin Jefferson Harris 2A Fayette Chambers Colorado Sub 2C Fort Bend Galveston Wharton Brazoria Sub 2A Jay Hall RLO 2B Beaumont (409) 924-5427 Matagorda Danny Zitterich RLO Sub 2C Pierce 979-337-1015 Dennis Guffey RLO S2A Texas City 409-938-7899 COG/RE Non-SNS Locations Council of Governments Region Panhandle Regional Planning Commission (1) South Plains Association of Governments (2) Nortex Regional Planning Commission (3) North Central Tx. Council of Governments (4) Ark-Tex Council of Governments (5) East Texas Council of Governments (6) COG/RE Non-SNS Locations Council of Governments Region West Central Texas Council of Governments (7) Rio Grande Council of Governments (8) Permian Basin Rgnl. Planning Commission (9) Concho Valley Council of Governments (10) Heart of Texas Council of Governments (11) Capital Area Planning Council (12) COG/RE Non-SNS Locations Council of Governments Region Brazos Valley Council of Governments (13) Deep East Texas Council of Governments (14) South East Tx. Rgnl. Planning Commission (15) Houston-Galveston Area Council (16) Golden Crescent Regl Planning Commission (17) Alamo Area Council of Governments (18) COG/RE Non-SNS Locations Council of Governments Region South Texas Development Council (19) Coastal Bend Council of Governments (20) Lower Rio Grande Valley Dvlpmnt. Council (21) Texoma Council of Governments (22) Central Texas Council of Governments (23) Middle Rio Grande Development Council (24) Texas Population Texas Population Centers Centers SNS Exercise Locations 1) El Paso 2) Amarillo 3) Lubbock 4) Midland/Odessa/Abilene/San Angelo 5) Tyler/Longview/Marshall/Lufkin /Nacogdoches 6) Wichita Falls 7) Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington 8) Waco/Temple/Killeen 9) Bryan/College Station SNS Exercise Locations 10) Austin 11) Texarkana 12) San Antonio 13) Laredo 14) Brownsville/Harlingen/McAllen 15) Corpus Christi 16) Houston/Galveston 17) Beaumont Agenda • • • • • • • Vision // Intent // Goals Exercise Categories Exercise Milestones Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise Assessment Five Year Plan Exercise Types Regional Exercises • Will include Prevent, Protect, Respond, and Recovery components. • Exercises designed to exercise all components/elements provided by the State to Regions, e.g., equipment/technologies, organizations, interoperable communications. • Front end training optional, if previously received in an exercise. Regional Exercises • Regional and SNS exercises to be preceded by tabletops as necessary to ensure success. • Improvised Explosive Device (IED) component in all exercises. • Evaluation plan to include auditing of plans, MAA, equipment; jurisdictional ability to man and employ equipment, etc. Regional Exercises • Initial Regional Exercises to cover: Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington area/Amarillo area then others of the 24 COG regions. Critical Infrastructure Exercises • Critical Infrastructure Protection components to be incorporated into regional exercises. • Selected individual exercises may occur at the discretion of GDEM on an as required basis. Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) • Schedule designed to deconflict SNS and regional exercises. • Initial area for SNS: El Paso, then the others of the 17 state population centers. •SNS exercises will include a RSS (Receiving, Staging, and Storage), some number greater than 1 of Points of Dispensing (PODs) and some number of hospitals. Focus on drilling the receipt, distribution and dispensing of the SNS. •Training PODs to be acquired by the state for SNS exercises. Exercise Requirements to Be Incorporated • • • • • • ODP EMPG GDEM standards PANTEX (DOE) FAA airport requirements Sea Port requirements/USCG • Border Patrol • EPA/TCEQ (border exercises) • Cyber Security where applicable • TXDOT • HMEP (hazmat preparedness) • Nuclear/Radiation (NRC/FEMA/DOE/DSHS) • TAHC (Animal Health) • DSHS (small animals) • Parks and Wildlife (wild animals) • Hurricane Exercises • School exercises • TX ANG (6th CST) • DOD PH/MED Requirements to Be Incorporated • DSHS (ER certification/mass casualty/hospital licensing) • HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) (Trauma Regional Advisory Councils & Dallas/Ft. Worth Hospital Planning Council) • CDC (Local Public Health Regions and Departments) • SNS (Public Health Regions) • MMRS (Metropolitan Medical Response System) • International Cross Border Early Warning Infectious Disease Surveillance Project (DSHS) PH/MED Requirements to Be Incorporated • Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) (DSHS) • Mental Health • CHEMPACK- nationwide project for the “forward” placement of nerve agent antidotes • BioWatch- "an early-warning system designed to detect the release of biological agents in the air through a comprehensive protocol of monitoring and laboratory analysis." (DHS/EPA/DSHS) • Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations – JACHO (Hospital Accreditation) Five Year Plan Goal State Goal: • To have every jurisdiction participate in both a Regional and a SNS exercise within 5 years beginning June 06. Exercise Schedule The following dates should now be confirmed: • Orientation Meeting • Scenario Planning Meeting • Senior Officials Workshop • PIO Training • ICS Training/Table Top Exercise (Aug 9, ‘06) (Sep 20, ‘06) (Oct 12, ‘06) (Oct 24-25, ‘06) (Nov 7-9, ‘06) (Indicate # of classes desired at least 4 weeks prior to above date and if any PH sessions are desired) • Tabletop Exercise • Regional Exercise (Dec 5, ‘06) (Jan 23-25, ‘07) Month Exercise Type Location May Proposed Exercises for 2006 Hurricane Statewide (coastal evacuation, Exercise contra flow, sheltering, continuity of government) June Regional Dallas, Ft Worth, Arlington/ North Central Texas COG August Regional Amarillo-Panhandle Regional Planning Commission September Regional San Angelo-Concho Valley Council of Governments October 2 Regionals •San Antonio-Alamo COG •Lubbock-South Plains COG December Regional Laredo- South Texas Development Council Month Exercise Type Location Proposed Exercises for 2006 January Regional Houston/Galveston Brazoria COG February Regional/ SNS • Austin/Cap COG • El Paso March 1 Regional Lufkin- NacogdochesDeep East Texas COG April 2 Regionals • Wichita Falls-Nortex Regional PC • Midland/OdessaPermian Basin Regional PC Proposed Exercises for 2006 REGIONAL EXERCISES SNS EXERCISE 11 Exercises 1 Exercise June 06 - April 07 February 07 Pre Orientation Pre Orientation Orientation Orientation Planning Planning SOW (optional) ICS/TTX PIO (optional) TTX ICS/TTX (optional) SNS Exercise TTX Regional Exercise Proposed Exercises for 2006 Program Director Hank Lawson hank.lawson@teexmail.tamu.edu (979) 458-6923 GDEM Exercises Program Managers Jim Sachtleben Ralph Staplin Tom Felts james.sachtleben@teexmail.tamu.edu ralph.staplin@teexmail.tamu.edu tom.felts@teexmail.tamu.edu (979) 458-6853 (979) 458-6880 (979) 458-6948 Exercise Program Coordinators Debby Hassel Gary Meaney Jerry Maxwell Karen Wilcox Keith Stephens Lupe Sosa Mike Dodd Ron Hilliard Roy Robinson debby.hassel@teexmail.tamu.edu gary.meaney@teexmail.tamu.edu jerry.maxwell@teexmail.tamu.edu karen.wilcox@teexmail.tamu.edu keith.stephens@teexmail.tamu.edu lupe.sosa@teexmail.tamu.edu michael.dodd@teexmail.tamu.edu ron.hilliard@teexmail.tamu.edu roy.robinson@teexmail.tamu.edu Brown = Pre-Orientation Black = Orientation (Exercise Program) Red = Planning (Scenario Meeting) Blue = ICS/Tabletop (TTX) Pink = SOW (Senior Officials Workshop) Orange = PIO (Public Info Training) Gold = RE or SNS TTX Green = RE or SNS (Regional Exercise or SNS) (979) 458-6946 (979) 458-6813 (979) 458-7784 (979) 458-6964 (979) 458-7775 (979) 458-7792 (979) 458-6750 (979) 458-7797 (979) 458-7790 Exercise personnel : first PC initial is lead for designated event. (HL) = Hank Lawson: (TF) = Tom Felts; (JS) = Jim Sachtleben; (RS) = Ralph Staplin; (MD) = Mike Dodd; (DH) = Debby Hassel; (RH) = Ron Hilliard; (JM) = Jerry Maxwell; (GM) = Gary Meaney; (RR) = Roy Robinson; (LS) = Lupe Sosa; (KS) = Keith Stephens; (KW) = Karen Wilcox; 27 June 2006 Texas GDEM WMD/Terrorism Exercise Program 2006-2007 (Proposed) July 06 4: Independence Day 6: Orientation ALAMO AREA (18) (TF/KW) 11-13: ICS/TTX PANHANDLE REGIONAL (1) (JS/RH) 11: Pre Orient South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 12: Pre Orient HOUSTONGALVESTON (16) (TF/MD) 18: Orientation SOUTH PLAINS (2) (RS/GM) 28: SOW RE Concho Valley COG (10) (RS/RR) 26: TTX Panhandle COG RE (1) (JS/RH) August 06 1-3: ICS/TTX Concho Valley COG (10) (RS/RR) 8-10: RE PANHANDLE REGIONAL (1) (JS/RH) 9: Orient HOUSTONGALVESTON (16) (TF/MD) 10: Orientation South Texas Development Council(19) (JS/DH) 16: Planning ALAMO AREA (18) (TF/KW) 22: Planning SOUTH PLAINS (2) (RS/GM) 22-23: PIO ALAMO AREA (18) (TF/KW) September 06 4: Labor Day 6-8: ICS/TTX RE ALAMO AREA (18) (TF/KW) 6: Pre-Orientation RE CAPITOL AREA (RS/LS) 7: Planning South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 12-14:RE Concho Valley COG (10) (RS/RR) 12-14: ICS/TTX SOUTH PLAINS (2) (RS/GM) 13: Pre Orient SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) 19: TTX ALAMO AREA RE (18) (TF/KW) 20: Pre Orientation DEEP EAST TEXAS (5)(JS/KS) 20: Plan HOUSGALVESTON (16) (TF/MD) 24: TTX Concho Valley COG (10) (RS/RR) 20-21: PIO South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 29-30: PIO SOUTH PLAINS (2) (RS/GM) 27: TTX SOUTH PLAINS RE (2) (RS/GM) 27: SOW ALAMO AREA (18) (TF/MD) October 06 November 06 December 06 4: Orient CAPITOL AREA (3) (RS/LS) 1: Planning DEEP EAST TEXAS (JS/KS) 1 (cont): GDEM HLS Conf 9: Columbus Day 2: Planning CAPITOL AREA (3) (RS/LS) 5-7: RE South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 7-9: ICS/TTX HOUSTONGALVESTON AREA (16) (TF/MD) 5-6 PIO NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 7-8: PIO DEEP EAST TEXAS (5) (JS/KS) 5: TTX HOUSTONGALVESTON RE (16) (TF/MD) 10-12: RE ALAMO AREA (18) (TF/KW) 10: SOW RE SOUTH PLAINS (2) RS/GM 12: SOW HOUSTONGALVESTON (16) (TF/MD) 10: PRE-ORIENT NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 12: PRE-ORIENT RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) 18: SOW South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 24-25: PIO HOUSTONGALVESTON (16) (TF/MD) 24-26: RE SOUTH PLAINS (2) (RS/GM) 24-26: ICS/TTX South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 25: Orientation SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) 8: TTX South Texas Development Council (19) (JS/DH) 8: Orientation NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 8: ORIENTATION RE PERMIAN BASIN (9)(TF/JM) 14: Planning SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) 14-15 PIO CAPITOL AREA (3) (RS/LS) 23-24: Thanksgiving 27-1 Dec: GDEM HLS Conference 5-7: ICS/TTX CAPITOL AREA (RS/LS) 6: SOW DEEP EAST TEXAS (5) (JS/KS) 7: Planning RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) 12-13: PIO RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) 12: SOW CAPITOL AREA (3) (RS/LS) 13: Planning NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 23-31: Christmas Holidays 25: Orientation DEEP EAST TEXAS (5) (JS/KS) 27 June 2006 Texas GDEM WMD/Terrorism Exercise Program 2006-2007 (Proposed) January 07 9-11: ICS/TTX SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) 9-10: PIO DEEP EAST TEXAS (5) (JS/KS) 16: SOW RE NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 16: TTX CAPITOL AREA RE (3) (RS/LS) 18: SOW RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) 23-25: ICS/TTX DEEP EAST TEXAS (5) (J/KS) February 07 March 07 1: TTX SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) 1: SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) (cont. fm 27-28 Feb) 13-15: RE CAPITOL AREA (RS/LS) 1: ICS/TTX RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) 13-15: ICS/TTX RE NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 13: TTX NORTEX REGIONAL RE (3) (RS/RR) 15: TTX DEEP EAST TEXAS RE (5) (JS/KS) 27-28: ICS/TTX RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) April 07 May 07 June 07 10-12: RE NORTEX REGIONAL (3) (RS/RR) 24-26: RE PERMIAN BASIN (9) (TF/JM) 15: TTX PERMIAN BASIN RE (9) (TF/JM) 20-23: RE DEEP EAST TEXAS (5) (J/KS) 27-28: SNS El Paso (8) (TF/KW) (thru 1 March) 23-25: RE HOUSTONGALVESTON AREA (16) (TF/MD) 27 Jun 2006 COG Name/Abbreviation/Headquarters (major population centers) Panhandle Regional Planning Commission (COG Region 1) PRPC AMARILLO South Plains Association of Governments (COG Region 2) SPAG LUBBOCK Nortex Regional Planning Commission (COG Region 3) NORTEX WICHITA FALLS North Central Texas Council of Governments (COG Region 4) NCTCOG ARLINGTON (DALLAS/FT. WORTH, OTHERS) Ark-Tex Council of Governments (COG Region 5) ARK-TEX TERXARKANA East Texas Council of Governments (COG Region 6) ETCOG KILGORE (LONGVIEW) West Central Texas Council of Governments (COG Region 7) WCTCOG ABILENE Rio Grande Council of Governments (COG Region 8) RGCOG EL PASO Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission (COG Region 9) PRPC MIDLAND-ODESSA Concho Valley Council of Governments (COG Region 10) CVCOG SAN ANGELO Heart of Texas Council of Governments (COG Region 11) HOTCOG WACO Capital Area Planning Council (COG Region 12) CAPCOG AUSTIN Brazos Valley Council of Governments (COG Region 13) BVCOG BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION Deep East Texas Council of Governments (COG Region 14) DETCOG JASPER (LUFKIN-NACOGDOCHES) South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (COG Region 15) SETRPC BEAUMONT (PORT ARTHUR ORANGE) Houston-Galveston Area Council (COG Region 16) H-GAC HOUSTON (GALVESTON, TECAS CITY, OTHERS) Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission (COG Region 17) GCRPC VICTORIA Alamo Area Council of Governments (COG Region 18) H-GAC SAN ANTONIO South Texas Development Council (COG Region 19) STDC LAREDO Coastal Bend Council of Governments (COG Region 20) CBCOG CORPUS CHRISTI Lower Rio Valley Development Council (COG Region 21) LRGVDC MACALLEN (HARLINGEN, BROWNSVILLE) Texoma Council of Governments (COG Region 22) TEXOMA SHERMAN Central Texas Council of Governments (COG Region 23) CTCOG BELTON Middle Rio Grande Development Council (COG Region 24) MRGDC CARRIZO SPRINGS (UVALDE) GDEM/NERRTC Contact Info Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) Jack Colley (Chief) (512) 424-2443 jack.colley@txdps.state.tx.us Steve Vaughn (State Coordinator for Operations) (512) 424-2434 steve.vaughn@txdps.state.tx.us Gary Weeks (512) 424-5347 Terrorism Preparedness gary.weeks@txdps.state.tx.us National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center (NERRTC/TEEX) Mike Dodd (979) 458-6750 michael.dodd@teexmail.tamu.edu Tom Felts tom.felts@teexmail.tamu.edu (979) 458-6948 Hank Lawson (979) 458-6923 hank.lawson@teexmail.tamu.edu GDEM RLOs Governor’s Division of Emergency David Solis Management RLO 5B Amarillo (806) 468-1414 Dallam Oldham Deaf Smith Cars Gray Wheele on r 5B RandallArmstron Donl g ey Parme Castro Swishe Brisco e r r Collingswor th 940-851-5588 Hall Childres s Hardeman Motle Cottle Wilbarg Foar Wichit y er d a Arche Hockle Lubbock Crosby Dicke King Knox Bayl Cochr r y ns or an Lam b 5A Lynn Floyd Garz a Young Kent Stonew Hask all ell Throckmorton Cla Montagu Cook y Su e e b Wis Jac k5A e Grays Fanni Lam El Paso Teresa Borcik RLO Sub 4B San Angelo 325-223-6555 Jim Badgett RLO 1A Garland (214) 861-2380 Bowi e Cas Cam s Rockwall Rain p Mario Woo Upsh Scurry Shackelford Palo Parker Tarrant Fisher Jones s Gaines Dawson Borden Dallas Stephens Pinto n d 1B ur Kaufman Van Harris Zandt Greg on Hood Johnso Elli 4B Smit Eastland g Andrews Martin Howard Mitchel Nolan Taylor Callahan n Erath Henders h s Somervell Panola l Rus Navarr on Hil k Glasscoc Colem Comanch o Bosque l Cok Ect Midlan Loving Winkl AndersoCherok Shel k Sterlin Runnel an Brow e ee e or 6A er d Freeston n g Hamilto n s Nacogdoc by McLenna San Limeston e Mill War Crane n Culberso hes Tom n 6C Houston Upton Reagan Augustine Sub e s d Cory n Leon Angelina Sabine Irion Green Concho Fall Reeves ell San McCulloch Sub Sub Lampasas 2B s Trini Be Saba Jasper RobertsoMadison ty ll Newton Schleicher Menard n Pecos Burnet Polk Tyler Mila Walk Mason Llan Crocket Jeff 4A Williams Braz San m er Grimes 6B t Davis on o os Sutton Burleson Kimble 2CJacinto Hard Blanc Travis Montgomery Le Gillespi in Terrel Washington Val Edwards o Orange e Liberty e Bastro l Verde Hay Kerr Presidio Walle p Kenda Austi Jefferson Harris s Fayett r Real Brewster Caldwell ll Com Sub 8B n Bander e Colorado 2A Chambers al a Guadalu Sub Fort Gonzales Bexa Galveston pe Lavac Uvald Medi 2C BendBrazori Kinney r Wilson Wharto a e na 3B DeWi n a Maverick Jackso Matagord Frio Atascosa Karnes tt Zavala Victori n a Goliad a Calhou Dimmit La Salle Be Refugi n McMulle Liv 3A e o n Aransa e San s Oa Patricio Jim k Webb Duval Well Nuec es Sub s Klebe rg 8A 4A Mark Shipman RLO 4B Abilene (325) 795-4029 Michael Brock North Texas Field Spvsr-Tyler (903) 939-6072 Red ar Subon Rive n Delt rTitu a 1A 1A Denton Collin Hunt Hopkins s Morris Yoaku Terry m Hal e Bill Campbell RLO Sub 1A Hurst 817-299-1311 Dude Speed RLO 4A Midland (432) 498-2175 Hudspet h Michael Harmon South Texas Field Spvsr-Houston (281) 517-1353 Pott er Regional Liaison Officer Districts Steve Reddish (24) RLO Sub 5A Wichita Falls Frankli n Ray Resendez RLO Sub 4A El Paso (915) 849-4005 Moo RobertsHemphill Hutchinson re Hartl ey Bailey Georgia Lucero RLO 5A Lubbock (806) 472-2820 Sherma HansforOchiltreeLipscom n b d 4B Deborah Donahue RLO 1B Tyler (903) 939-6072 Dennis Baker RLO 6A Waco 254-759-7165 Kari Tatro RLO Sub 2B Lufkin 936-634-4638 2B Fernando Perez PLO Sub 8B Del Rio 830-703-1249 Steve Gladstone RLO 3B San Antonio (210) 531-4325 Danny Zitterich RLO Sub 2C Pierce 979-337-1015 David Lebsack RLO 6B Austin (512) 997-4117 Doug Crabtree RLO 6C Bryan (979) 776-3187 Jay Hall Al Guarino RLO 2B Beaumont RLO 2C Conroe (409) 924-5427 (936) 442-2868 Jennifer Hawes RLO 2A Houston (281) 517-1317 Juan Gonzalez Zapata Jim Brooks Kenedy Hogg RLO Sub 8A Laredo Dennis Guffey Starr 8A Willacy 956-728-2200 Randy Sijansky RLO S2A Texas City Hidalgo RLO 3A Corpus Christi 409-938-7899 Cameron Alex Camacho (361) 698-5650 RLO 8A McAllen As of 7/7/05 (956) 984-5656 QUESTIONS? Expected Participation • Will your agency participate in the exercise? If so, to what level? • Do you want to activate an EOC? (If so, it should be for both days of the exercise.) How many participants would staff the EOC? •Are there any unique exercise requirements that you'd like to accomplish? Any specific WMD agents desired, locations, and so forth? • Please bring this information to the Orientation meeting with you and communicate with Mike Dodd between now and then. Thanks. Preparing Texas Today... Houston Galveston Area Council Regional Exercise Pre-Orientation July 12, 2006 Houston, Texas A Texas Community Partnership ...for Tomorrow’s Challenges Governor’s Division of Emergency Management Office of the Governor