
Biol 211 SI, Molly
Dr. Serb and Dr. Raich
The numbering activity below is easiest if you draw an alternation of generations cell cycle.
____ (2N)
____ (N)
_____ Gametes
_____ Spores
____ Haploid
____ Diploid
_____ Mitosis
_____ Meiosis
____ Multicellular
____ Unicellular
_____ Zygote
____ Gametophyte
____ Fertilization
1.) Process through which a diploid cell becomes haploid.
2.) Formed when two gametes fuse.
3.) Ploidy level of an (N) cell.
4.) These types of organisms are the only ones to go through Alternation of Generations.
5.) Produced by the sporophyte.
6.) Notation for having only one set of chromosomes.
7.) Process through which a haploid cell produces another haploid cell.
8.) After meiosis, the (N) cell matures into this.
9.) Process of fusing two haploid cells.
10.) Ploidy level of a (2N) cell.
11.) These types of organisms can go through asexual reproduction by choice.
12.) A mature zygote.
13.) Produced by the gametophyte.
14.) Notation for having two sets of chromosomes.
Does diploid or 2N mean multicellular? Does haploid or N mean unicellular? Why or why not?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
What are the three ways protists obtain food?
What is phagocytosis?