IB ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE SL AND HL YEAR 1 DECEMBER EXAM STUDY GUIDE 2015 Table of Contents Part 1-Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum Preparation Paper 2 prompts… Essay Vocabulary….. Part 2 (30 minutes)- Language and Literature Terms….. Part 3 (30 minutes)-Vocabulary Preparation….. 1 Below are sample Paper 2 prompts. Remember, you will be given a choice of six. To prepare for your essay, try preparing for and outlining an essay that would address these prompts. Try timing yourself to feel the same pressure. You will have 90 minutes for the entire essay, so try timing an outline in 25 minutes. Notice that each of these questions require you to write about multiple texts. For your full papers, you are required to write about two Part 3 works. However, at this point, for this in-class paper, we will all be writing about JUST The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, so below each sample I have rewritten the prompts to look as they would look on Wednesday. 1. There are many different kinds of love. Compare the ways in which two or three of the writers whose literary works you have studied deal with the theme. For the final exam, this would be: There are many different kinds of love. Discuss the ways in which Heinrich Boll deals with the theme. 2. Writers often interrupt or alter the chronological sequence of events in their stories. Try to explain why they do this, giving detailed examples from your study of literary works. For the final exam, this would be: Writers often interrupt or alter the chronological sequence of events in their stories. Try to explain why Heinrich Boll has done this, giving detailed examples from your study of his literary work. 3. Minor characters sometimes play major roles. Support this statement by explaining why minor characters are major in some of the literary works you have studied. For the final exam, this would be: Minor characters sometimes play major roles. Support this statement by explaining why minor characters are major in The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. 4. Women have the more important roles in literature. To what extent is this true in the literary works you have studied? For the final exam, this would be: Women have the more important roles in literature. To what extent is this true in The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum? 5. What function does humour have in tragedy? Refer to scenes or passages in the novels, plays or poems you have studied. For the final exam, this would be: What function does humour have in tragedy? Refer to scenes or passages in The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. 6. How valid is the assertion that literature is a voice for the oppressed? For the final exam, this would be: How valid is the assertion that literature is a voice for the oppressed? Refer to scenes or passages in The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. 2 Setting What do we learn about the geographical location, time period, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the story? (Make a list of interesting quotations. Do not forget to include page numbers.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plot What is the storyline? (Make a list of interesting quotations. Do not forget to include page numbers.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 Themes What is the central idea of the story? (Make a list of interesting quotations. Do not forget to include page numbers.) Themes The detrimental effects of power and violence OR how violence develops and where it can lead Power of language (Lost) honour Mass media the collision of fact and fiction Right of the individual 2. Stylistic Techniques How3.does the writer use language and style to bring across his/her ideas? (Make a list of interesting quotations. Do not forget to include page numbers.) 4. 1. Extended Metaphor 5. 2. Use of Rhetorical Devices 6. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 Narrative Perspective From which point of view is the story told? (Make a list of interesting quotations. Do not forget to include page numbers.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Characterization How is information conveyed about the characters? What do we learn about the characters? (Make a list of interesting quotations. Do not forget to include page numbers.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 Characterization Characters Etymology of names Description (You add) Katharina Blum Greek: “katharos” - pure, clean Ludwig Götten Associations to God Else Woltersheim Associations to home (“-heim) Erwin Beizmenne German: “beizen” - to marinate; “menne” - man Werner Tötges Associations to death/German word for “kill” is “töten” Walter Möding Hubert Blorna Old High German: “hugu” - thought, mind Peter Blum Maria Blum Kurt Blum Wilhelm Brettloh German: “steif wie ein Brett” - stiff as a board Dr. Kluthen Dr. Trude Blorna Old High Germanic: “ger” - spear; “trud” - strength Peter Hach Alois Sträubleder German: “zäh wie Leder” - tough as leather; to resist Konrad Beiters Adolf Schonner 6 Introduction of Facts Wednesday, February 20th 1974 Blornas’ departure Constant surveillance on Götten by police Party at Mrs Woltersheim Götten stays the night with Katharina Thursday Katharina is taken into custody and is being questioned Reporter of the News appears at the Blornas Katharina returns to her flat and receives a phone call from Götten Friday First article in the News and reactions thereon Blornas’ talk and their departure News with Katharina’s mother Questioning by the Police Katharina in her flat Saturday Second article of the News Sträubleders’ role Katharina is with her dead mother Göttens is taken into custody Katharina arranges an interview with Tötges The evening with Woltersheim Significant Quotations Flashback? Flashback? Flashback? Sunday, February 24th Article in the Sunday News Katharina kills Tötges with a stolen pistol Katharina’s walk in town Katharina presents herself to the Police and is taken into custody Results after the murder Funeral of Tötges Blorna’s professional decline Katharina’s behaviour in prison Paper 2 Preparation 1. Essay vocabulary 2. Essay structure (review weak points) 3. Predict Paper 2 prompts and practice timed outlines (20-25 minutes should be your goal for an outline) 4. Complete and study the guide you have been given 5. Review run-ons and fragments as necessary (review past writing assignments) 7 1. ESSAY VOCABULARY Vocabulary for essays specifically includes transitions and essay verbs. You have been given several handouts with this type of vocabulary. Here’s an additional list of words you can review and experiment with: affirm ascertain assert cite claim clarify communicate concur contribute convey debate defend define demonstrate detail determine develop differ discover discuss dispute dissect document elaborate emphasize employ engage enhance establish estimate evaluate examine explore express find focus highlight hold hypothesize identify illuminate illustrate imply indicate incorporate infer inquire invest investigate involve judge justify limn observe ponder predict proclaim proffer promote provide question realize recap reconcile refer reflect regard relate relay remark report resolve respond reveal review sanction seek show simplify speculate submit subvert support surmise survey tangle test theorize total transpose underestimate underline underscore understand undertake undervalue usurp validate value verify vex wander weigh wonder 8 PART II: Short Answer Section on Language and Literature Terms Review terms listed below: Review texts and terms below: SL and HL: Text “I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady Literary Text Emma Watson’s speech on Gender Non-literary Text Context HL only: Language “Hills Like White Elephants” by Duality of Patterning Ernest Hemingway Phoneme/Morphemes Chomsky LAD Terms on Language and Gender: Culture Gender High Culture Sex Cultural Relativism Feminism Cultural appropriation Gender equality Arbitrary Social construct Neologism Orthography Message Audience Purpose Rhetoric Ethos Logos Pathos Bias Subjectivity Objectivity 9 PART III: Vocabulary Workshop Level F Units 1-3 I will give you the words and you will need to write sentences in the form of a paragraph and definitions. Vocabulary Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete the vocabulary units 1-3 review in your book. Come up with memory tools for each vocabulary word. Write a sentence in a relative context for each word. Make flashcards with pictures, synonyms, definitions and/or sentences if you are a visual learner. Grammar Preparation REVIEW RUN-ONS AND FRAGMENTS AS NECESSARY Check out these websites: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/runons.htm http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/exercises/grammar3.html http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/run-on-sentences.aspx 10