Dr. Bill Vicars Lifeprint. com linguistics structure usage sign signing signing[skilled] language -[1] language-[2] = sentence rule control = governed communication system[1] system[2] features symbol cat DRAMA MAYBE * "Symmetry Condition" WORD MONEY * "Dominance Condition" What handshapes does the base hand use? BUSY HELP WORK PAPER TOMATO COMMUNIST PUNISH TREE * BASOC15 alternating movement MAYBE * nonalternating movement CAN PLAY * symbol either arbitrary iconic GIRL [bonnet] MAN [hat] * WRONG LOUSY arbitrary * Show me some iconic signs. (They look like what they represent.) Does English have “iconicity”? cock-adoodledo choochoo In spoken languages a word sounding like what it represents is called: Onomatopoeia The point here is that ASL is a language because it has the features of a language. (Just in a visual way.) * Spoken languages have word forms that seem related in meaning. -ump, rump, dump, hump, mump, lump, bump… Phonesthesia Show me some signs that seem “related” via handshape. Example: What signs use the “EMPTY” dominant handshape? * schematized, encoded ex: TREE * Just as words are different in spoken languages. They are also different in signed languages. DIFFERENT STUDENT [ASL] STUDENT [Thai SL] * Don't focus / dwell upon iconicity For more insight look beyond iconicity: ex: SIT (legs) “CHAIR” “SIT-for-along-time” SIT-abruptly * CAT-SIT CAT-SIT / BIRD-SIT iconicity is not "literal" * Members of a community share the same communication system. Language is productive (any topic) Language has ways of showing the relationship between symbols… Ex: DRIVE ("mm") Ex: LOOK-at ("mm") “mm” = regularly / unexceptionally * "th" = carelessly * prepositions "The book is on the table." TABLE, INDEX, BOOK (depiction for "book on table") * Language has mechanisms for introducing new symbols. MICROWAVE COMPUTER EATSLEEP … HOME BOY-SAME … BROTHER Deaf Way Conference 1989: CLUB * Language can be used for an unrestricted number of domains. Ex: philosophy and art * The symbols can be broken down into smaller parts duality of patterning = words/signs (symbols of language) can be broken into smaller parts Compare: LOUSY AWKWARD PREACH vs 3-WEEKS 3-DOLLARS 9-MONTHS handshape specific meaning * More than one meaning can be conveyed by a symbol or group of symbols HOME YOU? "Are you going home" HOME YOU! "Go home!" * Language can refer to the past and the future and things that aren't here. Example: "Yesterday she told me she will go.” YESTERDAY PRO-3 TOLDME GO WILL PRO-3 * Language changes across time. COMPUTER, COW, TOMATO, HELP * Language can be used interchangeably (humans) Birdsong is not language. (only the males do) * Language users monitor their use. Ex: "Erasing" in the air. Or "NO I MEAN" * Language is learned from other users. * Birds, bees, monkeys don't seem to learn “variants.” Language users can learn other variants of the same language. * Language users use the language to discuss the language. *