The Origins and Development of the English Language Chapter 1: Language and the English Language John Algeo Michael Cheng National Chengchi University A Definition of Language Language is a system of conventional vocal signs by means of which human beings communicate. System Signs Vocal Conventional Human Communicate Language as System Language is not a collection of words, like a dictionary There are rules or patterns that relate the words to one another Duality of patterning – Meaningful units: Words and words parts • Adam liked apples. – Meaningless components: Sounds of letter • About 35 basic sounds in English Language as System Duality of patterning lets people build an immensely large number of meaningful words out of only a handful of meaningless sounds. (p. 2) Meaningless Components: sound system or phonology Meaningful Units: lexis or vocabulary; grammatical system or morphosyntax Language as System Patterns in the sound system: – mb never occurs at the beginning or end of words in Modern English Lexis is least systematic, but there are collocations. – mild and gentle vs. lenient – mild weather; gentle breeze; severe case of the flu; severe judgment; lenient judgment; lenient case of the flu Language as System Here are more collocations. – In its narrow cage, the lion paced back and __________. – The boys ran ____ _____ fro across the field. – Please pass we the salt and ______. – This issue isn’t just _______ and white. While lexis or our vocabulary is less systematic, English grammar is much more systematic. – What does the suffix -s indicate to us? Language as System Grammatical Signals: The grammatical system of any language has various techniques for relating words to one another within the structure of a sentence. Most important: 1. Parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb 2. Affixes: prefixes, suffixes, inflectional suffixes 3. Concord or agreement 4. Word order 5. Function words 6. Prosodic signals Language as System: Parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb Some words can only be one part of speech – child, seek Other words can be many parts of speech – – – – They caught the last bus. The runner arriving last will be eliminated. That was the last we saw of her. The guitar solo lasted for twenty minutes Some words are being shifted and used as new parts of speech – I read a good book. That book is a good read. Language as System: Affixes: prefixes, suffixes, inflectional suffixes Affixes are sounds or letters that change the meaning of a word or its part of speech What does the prefix en- do? => encipher, enrage, entomb How about the suffix -ist? => dentist, violinist, geologist Here are some examples of inflectional suffixes: – boys, boy’s, – aids, aided, aiding – slow, slower, slowest You can also have inflection by changing a vowel in a word: man men; sing sang Language as System: Concord or agreement Inflection also marks concord or agreement in a sentence The bird sings The birds sing This day These days English has less inflection and concord than it used to have. Language as System: Word Order As inflection becomes less important, word order becomes more important The man finished the job. The job finished the man. He died happily. Happily he died. Language as System: Function words Articles, auxiliaries, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, adverbial particles They are important because English is highly dependent on word order to transmit its meaning I gave the dog a bone. I gave a bone to the dog. Language as System: Prosodic signals Pitch, stress and tempo can also transmit grammatical meaning – He’s here. – He’s here? – Noun vs Verb version of conduct – He died happily. He died, happily. Language Signs The system organizes signs Signs stand for something else – apple stands for the actual object – Tell me a really long word. Linguistic signs can be smaller or larger than whole words. Language Signs The smallest linguistic sign is a morpheme, which is a meaningful form that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts (p. 5) Free morphemes: can be used alone as words Bound morphemes: must be combined with other morphemes to make words. Reactivation: re-act-ive-ate-ion (again) (adj)(v) (n) Language Signs Morphemes can have more than one pronunciation or spelling Plural noun ending: -s/-es ; [s],[z],[әz] Spoken variations are allomorphs Language Signs Base morphemes and affixes Affix is a bound morpheme that is added to a base morpheme Affixes can be prefixes or suffixes – reactivation Base morphemes are usually free – Insulate (insula + ate) insula = lat. island Compound: word with more than one base morpheme – firefighter Language Signs Language signs can be larger than words Idioms: a combination of words whose meaning cannot be predicted from those of its constituent parts (p. 6) Language as Speech Language is basically oral-aural – Produced by the mouth and received by the ear Sounds follow one another sequentially Language is one dimensional Other ways of expressing language: – writing, sign language What are the advantages and disadvantages of other ways of expressing language? Language as Speech Writing vs. Speech Which is primary and which is secondary? Language as Speech : Writing as Speech Humans have been writing for 5000 years Writing developed from speech and is meant to represent speech Some spoken languages have no written form We talk before we write We have to take special effort to learn to write Many people who can speak are unable to write Language as Speech “If speaking makes us human, writing makes us civilized.” Advantages of writing: Permanent Indicates pauses more clearly: – Grade A vs. gray day – Pretty hot day vs. pretty, hot day Language as Speech : Writing as Speech Deficiencies of writing: Can’t indicate pitch – – – – Why did you do it? (rising vs. falling) sound quality (tone vs. quality) incense (enrage vs. stuff to burn) sewer (tailor vs. conduit) Language as Speech: Writing as Speech Homonyms: homographs, homophones Transliteration Translation Orthography: Writing system Language as Speech: Gestures and Speech Gestures can communicate also Speech may have developed from gestures Gestures can be unconscious Kinesics: study of communicative body movement Tone of voice Paralanguage: parallel communication that accompanies language Language as Convention Language is mostly conventional and arbitrary There is usually no reason we connect the sounds we make with a particular meaning, but each language agrees on what particular sounds mean Exception: echoic words/onomatopoeia – Bow wow, gnaf-gnaf, wau-wau Language as Convention: Language Change Language changes because it is culturally transmitted Causes of language change: Syntagmatic change: nearby elements influence one another within the flow of speech – Sandwich – What did you say? Language as Convention: Language Change Paradigmatic or Associative Change Words can be affected by other words that are not immediately present but with which they are associated Language as Convention: Language Change Starboard = Right Ladeboard = Left Ladeboard Larboard Port Language as Convention : Language Change Social Change Language changes because of the influence of events in the world New technology: google New forms of behavior: suicide bomber, sexting Contact with new people and cultures Language as Convention : The Notion of Linguistic Corruption Every generation believes that its version of English is the right one and that young people are corrupting it. – all right vs. alright Language as Convention : Language Variation Language exists in many varieties Historical or diachronic variation Contemporary or synchronic variation – Dialects – mutually intelligible forms of language associated with particular regions or groups – Dialect: Language associated with a certain place, social level, ethnic group, sex, age – Registers – Variations according to participants, settings, and topics – Register: Variety of language used for a certain purpose: sermon, restaurant, telephone, postcard Language as Convention : Registers Formality scale This diagram is from Quirk et al (1985), who use the term attitude rather than style or register Formality scale Very formal, Frozen, Rigid ← FORMAL Neutral INFORMAL → Very informal, Casual, Familiar Language as Convention : Registers Joos (1961) cited in Wikipedia Frozen: Printed unchanging language such as bible quotations; often contains archaisms. Formal: One-way participation, no interruption. Technical vocabulary; "Fussy semantics" or exact definitions are important. Includes introductions between strangers. (This is the standard for work, school, and business.) Consultative: Two-way participation. Background information is provided — prior knowledge is not assumed. "Backchannel behaviour" such as "uh huh", "I see", etc. is common. Interruptions allowed. (Formal Register used in conversations.) Casual: In-group friends and acquaintances. No background information provided. Ellipsis and slang common. Interruptions common. (Language used in conversation with friends.) Intimate: Non-public. Intonation more important than wording or grammar. Private vocabulary. (Language between lovers (and twins).) Dialects and registers provide options Alternate ways to communicate depending on the circumstances Language as Convention : Correctness and Acceptability Correctness: Idea that some form of English is pure or correct. Language isn’t so clean cut Acceptability: Degree to which users will judge an expression to be OK, or will not notice anything out of the ordinary How acceptable? To whom? Language as Convention : Correctness and Acceptability If I were in your shoes… If I was in your shoes… If we was in your shoes… ate – et – εt Language as Human Gestures may have preceded language Ability to learn language is innate Children below 9 can learn a new language better than their native language Children of about 5 have mastered comprehension of most grammatical forms of a language (but still continue to improve) Language as Human: Animals in the wild, do they communicate? Informative behavior vs. Communicative behavior Do you intend an action to inform? Alarm cries are signaling behavior but not intentionally communicative Do animals display deceptive behavior? Innate, involuntary, limited in number Language as Human Conditioning vs. Intentionality Clever Hans Some birds can mimic human sounds Language as Human Closest human relatives are apes Teaching apes to talk has been a complete failure Problem is anatomical Alternatives to speech include signing and “writing” Apes are capable of forming paired associates: linking an object with an arbitrary symbol (Holzman, 1997) Language as Human Sarah: used plastic tokens to communicate Lana typed messages Washoe used Ameslan Kanzi used lexagrams Is this real communication? Language as Communication Relationship between language and thought Language is clothing for thought and thought is quite independent of the language used to express it Thought is merely suppressed language, and when we are thinking, we are just talking under our breath Language as Communication Whorf hypothesis The language we speak influences the way we think about the world and the way we perceive it Sorting colored chips into piles – Usually make as many piles as basic color terms in your language – Australian Bushman give directions by NWSE Other Characteristics of Language Open: you can make up new combinations of words that no one has made before Displaced: you can talk about things that are not present; abstract, lie, Entertaining: it is not just utilitarian, you can joke, tell stories, etc. Why Study the History of English? To understand how things are, it is often helpful … to know how they got that way (p. 18) Many of the irregularities of English are remnants of earlier regular patterns Clarify literature written in earlier periods Keats description of sculptured effigies on tombs: The sculptur’d dead, on each side, seemed to freeze Emprison’d in black, purgatorial rails. Exercises