Nomen: _____________________________________ Dies: ___________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Class Notes THE PASSIVE VOICE I. There are 3 main components that are used to describe the various features of a verb… 1. Tense: describes the _______________ when a verb occurs 1. ______________________ = I praise, I am praising, I do praise 2. ______________________ = I will praise 3. ______________________ = I have praised, I praised, I did praise 4. ______________________ = I used to praise, I was praising 5. ______________________ = I had praised 6. ______________________ = I will have praised 2. Mood: describes the way a verb is conceived or thought of 1. ______________________ = verbs that are certain (did, do, will happen) 2. ______________________ = commands and orders 3. ______________________ = verbs that are uncertain (may/could/would/should/might happen) 3. VOICE: describes whether the action is being done ________ the subject or ________ the subject 1. ______________________ = subject is doing the action of the verb 2. ______________________ = subject is receiving the action of the verb II. Active vs. Passive 1. Present Tense i. Active = he/she/it praises (laudat) ii. Passive = __________________________ 2. Perfect Tense i. Active = he/she/it praised, has praised (laudāvit) ii. Passive = __________________________ 3. Imperfect Tense i. Active = he/she/it was praising, used to praise (laudābat) ii. Passive = __________________________ 4. ONLY __________________________ verbs, or verbs that take direct objects, can be made passive i. Ex. I praise the student The student is praised by me 5. Intransitive verbs do NOT take direct objects and CANNOT be made passive i. Ex. I run I am ran (BAD!!!!!) Nomen: _____________________________________ Dies: ___________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Class Notes III. Passive Personal Endings (PPE) Person and Number 1st sing. Latin Ending -(o)r 2nd sing. -(e)ris* 3rd sing. -tur 1st pl. -mur 2nd pl. -minī 3rd pl. -ntur *The ending for the 2nd sing. is –eris for the Present tense for the 3rd, 3rd –io and 4th conjugations and the Future tense for ALL conjugations IV. Formation 1. PRESENT SYSTEM i. Present: Present stem + Passive Personal Endings (1st sg. drops vowel in Pres. stem) 1. laudor = I am praised ii. Imperfect: Present stem + bā/ēbā + PPE 1. laudābar = I was being praised iii. Future: Present Stem + bō/bi/bunt OR a/ē + PPE 1. laudābor = I will be praised 2. dūcar = I will be led 2. PERFECT SYSTEM i. Perfect: 4th PP + Present tense of sum, esse 1. laudātus/a/um sum = I was praised ii. Pluperfect: 4th PP + Imperfect tense of sum, esse 1. laudātus/a/um eram = I had been praised iii. Future Perfect: 4th PP + Future tense of sum, esse 1. laudātus/a/um erō = I will have been praised V. Ablative of Agent vs. Ablative of Means Use Ablative of Agent with ___________________ and Ablative of Means with ___________________ Ablative of Agent = ā/ab + abl. = by _____________ o Ex. ā virīs = by the men Ablative of Means = noun in the ablative case (NO preposition) o Ex. flammā = by/with a flame Nomen: _____________________________________ Dies: ___________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Class Notes VI. Active to Passive Changes in Latin ACTIVE Sentence PASSIVE Sentence Subject (Nominative) Direct Object (Accusative) Active verb EXERCEĀMUS! 1. consulēs urbem vident. i. Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Passive sentence in English: _____________________________________________________________________ iii. Passive sentences in Latin: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. vir ā consulibus in senātū audiēbātur. i. Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Passive sentence in English: _____________________________________________________________________ iii. Passive sentences in Latin: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. vir ā senātoribus electus est. i. Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Passive sentence in English: _____________________________________________________________________ iii. Passive sentences in Latin: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. senātorēs consulem elēgērunt. i. Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Passive sentence in English: _____________________________________________________________________ iii. Passive sentences in Latin: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. virī et fēminae in forō celeriter cucurrerant. i. Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Can this sentence be made passive in English? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ VOCABULARY senātor, senātoris m.: senator eligō, eligere, elēgī, electus to choose, elect celeriter quickly consul, consulis m. consul Nomen: _____________________________________ Dies: ___________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Class Notes Nomen: _____________________________________ Dies: ___________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Class Notes HW: The Passive Voice I. Answer the following questions about the sentences below and then each sentence into English: 1. Caesarem admonet. a. Case of Caesarem: ______accusative__________________ b. Tense, person, number, and voice of admonet: pres., 3rd, sing., active c. Translation: He/she/it warns Caesar. 2. Caesar admonētur. a. Case of Caesar: _______________________ b. Tense, person, number, and voice of admonētur: c. Translation: 3. urbs dēlēbātur. a. Case of urbs: _______________________ b. Tense, person, number, and voice of dēlēbātur: c. Translation: 4. urbem dēlēbant. a. Case of urbem: _______________________ b. Tense, person, number, and voice of dēlēbant: c. Translation: 5. patriam cōnservābit. a. Case of patriam: _______________________ b. Tense, person, number, and voice of cōnservābit: c. Translation: 6. patria cōnservābitur. a. Case of patria: _______________________ b. Tense, person, number, and voice of cōnservābitur: c. Translation: Nomen: _____________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Dies: ___________________________________ Class Notes II. Translate the following sentences into English and answer the following questions 1. dī Caesarem admonuērunt. a. b. c. d. Case and function of dī: _______________________ Case and function of Caesarem: _______________________ Tense, person, number, and voice of admonuērunt: Translation: 2. Caesar ā dīs admonitus est. a. b. c. d. Case and function of Caesar: _______________________ Case and function of ā dīs: _______________________ Tense, person, number, and voice of admonitus est: Translation: 3. Caesar prōdigiīs admonitus erat. a. b. c. d. Case and function of Caesar: _______________________ Case and function of prōdigiīs: _______________________ Tense, person, number, and voice of admonitus erat: Translation: 4. urbs ab malīs virīs dēlēbitur, sī potestatem habuerint. a. b. c. d. Case and function of urbs: _______________________ Case and function of ab malīs virīs: _______________________ Tense, person, number, and voice of dēlēbitur: Translation: 5. urbs flammīs dēlēbātur. a. b. c. d. Case and function of urbs: _______________________ Case and function of flammīs: _______________________ Tense, person, number, and voice of dēlēbātur: Translation: VOCABULARY admoneō, admonēre, admonuī, admonitus: to warn, caution cōnservō, conservāre, conservāvī, conservātus: to preserve, save (from danger) deus, -ī m. (nom. pl. = dī): god prōdigiium, -ī n.: omen flamma, -ae f.: flame potestas, potestātis f. power Nomen: _____________________________________ Dies: ___________________________________ Latin II, R_____ Class Notes Quiz 2: Verb Review Directions: Complete the two synopses below by producing the correct form of the given verb in the given person and number, for each tense and voice. Translate each form. 1) faciō, facere, fēcī, factus to do; make TENSE in the 2nd person plural LATIN Form ENGLISH Translation PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE PERFECT PLUPERFECT FUTURE PERFECT SCORE: _________/18