Region 8 Southern Region Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virgin Islands, and Virginia 1720 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30309-2449 Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (ET) Phone: 404-347-4177; Fax: 404-347-4821 E-mail: Mailroom CHARLES L. (CHUCK) MYERS Silvia Ramirez Ken Arney Tom Peterson Mary Morris Regional Forester Executive Assistant Deputy Regional Forester, State and Private Forestry Deputy Regional Forester, Natural Resources Deputy Regional Forester, Operations 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 Office of the General Counsel 1718 Peachtree Road NW, Suite 576, Atlanta, GA 30309-2449 Phone: 404-347-1060; Fax: 404-347-1065 ANDREA FOSTER Regional Attorney Jaru Ruley Deputy Regional Attorney Steven Bott Senior Counsel Lleanna Brugueras Attorney Judith McKenzie-Abraham Attorney Jay McWhirter Attorney Mark Simpson Attorney Mark Stevens Attorney Mathew Tilden Attorney Dorian E. Henriquez Attorney Deborah L. Foresman Attorney 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 Civil Rights DEBORAH HARRELL-WILFRED Sharon Crittendon Lori Johnston Director EEO Specialist EEO Specialist, Title 6, Outreach Coordinator 404-347 404-347 404-347 Public Affairs STEPHANIE N. JOHNSON Yvonne Holmes Michael D'Aquino Vacant Wendi Weaver Max Silvera Russ Chafflin Sonja Crowder Director PAO Program Assistant Media Officer Legislative Director Publication Program Manager Assistant Media Officer Regional Web Manager Quick Print Coordinator 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 Employment Complaints Program Unit (WO Civil Rights, Atlanta Service Center) CLAUDIAN FORTE Director 404-347 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Combined Eastern Leadership Team (CELT) Rudy Cadney Program Manager 404-347 Forest Management Timber ROGER W. WILLIAMS Vacant Kathy Andregg Rich Aubuchon Barbara Crane Ervin Brooks Sandy Henning Randy Smith Veronica L. Sailor Don Tomczak David Belcher Rick Morgan Rodney Windell Michael Perez 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 828-257 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 325-692 404-347 Director Deputy Director Regional Mensurationist Sale, Prep, Appraisals Regional Geneticist Regional Logging Engineer Forester, Coastal Plains Silviculturist, KV Operations, Contract Administration Information Technologist Forester, Mountain Silvicluturist Forester, FSVEG, FVS Planning, Appeals Forester, Special Projects TSA Coordinator Biological and Physical Resources Unit JIM FENWOOD Director Chuck Sams Air Resources Program Manager George Bukenhofer TES Program Manager Ted Schenck National Making Tracks Coordinator Rex Ennis Wildlife Program Manager Vacant Hydrology Program Manager Emanuel Hudson Soils Scientist, WSI Program Manager Suzanne Krieger Hydrologist Dennis Krusac TES Species Biologist and Naturewatch Coordinator Kevin Leftwich Aquatic Ecologist Mary M. Long Biolcl Scntst (Conservation Planner) Alix Cleveland Botany, Range Program Manager Margaret Trani-Griep Wildlife Ecologist Darrius Truss Soils Scientist Leigh Ann McDougle Fisheries Program Manager Phil Hyatt Appeals, Litigation Coordinator Planning Unit CHRIS LIGGETT Paul Arndt Jim Bennett Andrea Csergei Director Regional Planner Appeals Review Team Coordinator FOIA Specialist Deborah Dills Alan Dorian David Meriwether Litigation Specialist Tribal Government Program Manager Ecosystem Mangement Coordinator Dave Purser Roberta Willis NEPA Coordinator Regional Planner Recreation, Wilderness, Heritage, and Interpretation 404-347 404-347 404-347 803-637 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 706-559 404-347 404-347 850-523 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-347 404-34 318-47 404-34 404-34 404-34 ANN CHRISTENSEN Debbie Caffin Director Wilderness, W and S Rivers, and Trails 404-34 404-34 Mary Hughes Frye Peter Irvine Regional Landscape Architect A/T Coordinator-Harpers Ferry Center 404-34 304-53 Melissa Twaroski Heritage Resource Program 404-34 Rick L. Lowe Robert Burger Rose L. Rowe Cheryl Chatham Recreation Business Manager Budget Coordinator Program Analyst and SYVP Coordinator Public Affairs, RRACs, and Partnerships 270-75 404-34 404-34 501-32 Director Resource Assistant 404-34 404-34 Bill Angelus Renee Jacokes-Mancini INFRA, FACTS Manager Remote Sensing Specialist 404-34 404-34 Vacant Liz Ruiz de Nunez NRIS Manager GIS Specialist 404-34 404-34 Eric Schmeckpeper Annette Vallecilo GIS Coordinator TIM Manager 404-34 404-34 Joe Stallings Cartographer 404-34 Director 404-34 GIS-ALP, Lands Status Records Apprentice Appraiser 404-34 501-32 John Byars Land Adjustment, Purchases, Exchange, Condemnation, Rights-of-Way 404-34 Abby Erwin Alton Foster, III GIS-ALP, Landownership System Qualified Appraiser 404-34 423-73 Michael Gryson Delia Jaquette Nonrecreation and Recreation Special Uses Oil and Gas Leasing, Mineral Titles 404-34 404-34 Jean (Barbara) Jenvey Mike Lange Regional Appraiser Property Boundary Management, Survey 404-34 404-34 Ryan P. Lee Jack P. McGee Qualified Review Appraiser Qualified Review Appraiser 770-29 404-34 Tina Mitchell Michael Pritchard Status, Boundary Records, Oil and Gas Lease Consents Qualified Appraiser 404-34 601-96 Madeline Santiago Reality Specialist, LWCF Program Accounting, Competitive Sales, and Land 404-34 Robert Sykes Geologist, Energy Minerals, Private Minerals Rights 404-34 Jim Twaroski Nonrecreation and Recreation Special Uses 404-34 Director 404-34 Deputy Director of Engineering Program and Budget Coordinator 404-34 404-34 Architect 404-34 404-34 Resource Information Management (RIM) ANDREW COLANINNO Claudia Cann Lands, Minerals and Uses Unit THURMAN HARP Tracey Adkins Joseph Boykin, II Engineering RANDY WARBINGTON Elizabeth McMullen Robert Burger David Culp Mark Faldoski Fleet Manager Robert Harmon Highway Engineer 404-34 Maurice Hoelting Satgur Klar Architect Water Resources Engineer 404-34 404-34 Jim Kozik Martin B. McCann Operations, Maintenance Engineer Bridge and Geotech Engineer 404-34 404-34 Sabrina McComb Office Automation Assistant 404-34 Walter Sternke Environmental Engineer General Engineer/Mechanical/Electrical 404-34 404-34 Fleet Equipment Specialist 404-34 Facilities Manager 404-34 Jack Vithayapun Vacant Vacant Operations Administrative Support and Budget Unit Maria Laboy Staff Assistant, DRF-OPS, ENG, REC Sharon Edwards Phillips 404-34 Program Management Analyst 404-34 Director 404-34 Budget Officer Budget Analyst 404-34 706-86 Budget Analyst Budget Analyst 404-34 404-34 Director Management Assistant 404-34 404-34 Vacant Melvin Booker Grants and Agreements Procurement Analyst 404-34 404-34 Phyllis Carter Kay Mathews Property Management Specialist Procurement Analyst 404-34 404-34 Sharon Alger Sherri Jenkins Property Management Specialist Procurement Analyst 404-34 404-34 Carol Brown Joy Fryer-Scott Contract Specialist Contract Specialist 601-59 404-34 Director AD-Emergency Operations 404-34 404-34 John Caffin Jan Britt Deputy Emergency Ops Training Specialist 404-34 404-34 Vacant Dan Olsen Regional Aviation Officer AD-Fuels, Planning, Coop Programs Clint Cross Vacant Fuels Program Manager Cooperative Fire and Prevention Manager 404-34 404-34 Soon Fletcher Cheryl Herbster FEPP Program Manager Fire Planning, Budget 404-34 404-34 Vacant Gary Reed Fire Ecologist Information Technology Specialist Budget and Financial Management TERRY COOPER Johnny Jones Vanessa Hampton Sherry Reaves Carol Berryhill Procurement and Property Unit ANTHONY LOVE Norma Negron Fire and Aviation Unit DAN OLSEN Steve Weaver 770-237-0119, 404-34 850-893-4153 404-34 Lea Wofford Fire Operations Safety Manager 404-34 Southern Area Coordination Center (SACC) Fire and Aviation Unit 1200 Ashwood Parkway, Suite 230, Atlanta, GA 30338 Phone: 678-320-3000; Fax: 678-320-3036 Vacant Coordination Center Manager 678-32 Aviation Office 460 Briscoe Boulevard, Suite 101, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 Jack Finley Helicopter Operations Specialist Rick Gicla Larry Roberts Fixed-Wing Inspector Pilot Helicopter Inspector Pilot Donna Shope Aircraft Maintenance Specialist Forest Health Protection Unit WESLEY NETTLETON Sharon Heidt James Brown 770-237-0119, Director 404-34 Program Assistant Forester, Health Monitoring Coordinator 404-34 404-34 Donald Duerr Paul A. Mistretta Entomology Group Leader Pathology Group Leader 404-34 404-34 John W.Taylor, Jr. James Ward Integrated Pest Management Specialist Entomologist 404-34 404-34 John Nowak Entomologist 828-25 Forest Health Protection Unit, Alexandria Field Office Forrest Oliveria Field Office Representative 318-47 Stephen Clarke Timothy Haley Entomologist Entomologist 936-63 318-47 Alexander Mangini James Meeker Entomologist Entomologist 318-47 318-47 James D. Smith Dale Starkey Entomologist Plant Pathologist 318-47 318-47 Forest Health Protection Unit, Asheville Office William A. Carothers Michelle Cram Field Office Representative Plant Pathologist 828-25 706-55 Anthony Elledge John Ghent Computer Specialist Entomologist 828-25 828-25 William Jones Donna Leonard Plant Pathologist Slow the Spread Program Manager 828-25 828-25 Steven Oak Michael Quisenberry Plant Pathologist Biological Scientist 828-25 540-39 James Rhea Paul Merten Entomologist Entomologist 828-25 828-25 Edwin Yockey FH Analytical Biologist 828-25 Cooperative Forestry Director 404-34 Program Assistant Forest Management and Taxation Specialist 404-34 404-34 Michael W. Murphy Kay Reed Forest Legacy Program Manager Interface Forestry Program Manager 404-34 404-34 George A. Hernandez Timothy Mersmann Nursery and Tree Improvement Specialist Rural Forestry Program Manager 404-34 404-34 Edward A. Macie Arthur Phalo Urban Forestry Program Manager Outreach Liaison 404-34 404-34 Iris Magaly Zayas Vacant Urban Forestry Specialist Urban Forestry Specialist 404-34 404-34 Dermued Mondesir Vacant Office Automation Assistant Urban Forestry Trainee 404-34 404-34 JOHN DONDERO Clifford Taylor Linda Wang Cooperative Forestry, National Tree Seed Laboratory Director ROBERT P. KARRFALT Jill R. Barbour Ella Blanche Cabiness Victor G. (Vic) Vankus Germination Specialist Biology Technician Botanist 478-75 478-75 478-75 478-75 Carol Maddox Becky Loth Biology Technician Computer Specialist 478-75 478-75 Staff Assistant DRF, S&PF Management and Program Analyst 404-34 404-34 Budget Analyst 404-34 S&PF Planning and Budget Unit Owedia Gray Laura Calandrella Rebecca Rawlins NATIONAL FORESTS Alabama National Forests in Alabama 2946 Chestnut Street, Montgomery, AL 36107-3010 Phone: 334-832-4470; Fax: 334-241-8111 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor 334-24 Fire, Safety, FERC Engineering, Recreation, L&M 334-24 334-24 Tammy Truett Charles Price Public Affairs, S&PF Planning and Natural Resources 334-24 334-24 Vacant Michele Robertson Administrative, Operations Executive Assistant 334-24 334-24 MIERA B. CRAWFORD Kent Davenport Odell Sanders Ranger Districts William B. Bankhead P.O. Box 278,1070 Highway 33 North Double Springs, AL 35553-0278 205-48 Glen D. Gaines District Ranger Fax: 205-48 16375 U.S. Highway 29, Andalusia, AL 36420-7245 Stephen Lee District Ranger 334-22 Fax: 334-22 Conecuh Oakmulgee 9901 Highway 5, Brent, AL 35034-3801 Cynthia Ragland District Ranger 205-92 Fax: 205-92 District Ranger 256-46 Fax: 256-46 Shoal Creek District 45 Highway 281, Heflin, AL 36264-6319 Kimberly Bittle Talladega 1001 North Street, Highway 21 North, Talladega, AL 35160-2504 Kent Evans District Ranger 256-36 Fax: 256-36 Tuskegee 125 National Forest Road 949, Tuskegee, AL 36083-9801 Jorge Hersel District Ranger 334-72 Fax: 334-72 Arkansas Ouachita Box 1270, Federal Building, Hot Springs National Park, AK 71902-4143 Phone: 501-321-5202; Fax: 501-321-5353 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor 501-32 Deputy Forest Supervisor Executive Secretary 501-32 501-32 Larry Hedrick Bill Pell Integrated Resources (WL/ F/RGE/TSW&A) Planning, Recreation, Heritage Resources 501-32 501-32 Tracy Farley Glen Fortenberry Deputy Public Affairs Team Leader Fire Management Team Leader 479-96 501-32 Mike White Diane Lowder Engineering, Lands and Minerals, GIS Financial Manager 501-32 501-32 NORMAN WAGONER Richard Rosemier Lori Nichols Ranger Districts (Located in Arkansas) Caddo 912 Smokey Bear Lane, Glenwood, AR 71943-9121 Vacant District Ranger 870-35 Fax: 870-35 Womble P.O. Box 255, 1523 Highway 270E, Mount Ida, AR 71957-8039 870-86 Vacant District Ranger Fax: 870-86 District Ranger Fax: 501-98 Jessieville 8607 N. Highway 7, Jessieville, AR 71949 Ron Bush 501-98 Winona 1069 N. Fourche Avenue, Perryville, AR 72126 501-88 District Ranger Fax: 501-88 P.O. Box 459, Highway 10 East, Danville, AR 72833 District Ranger Ron Bush 479-49 Fax: 479-49 Ron Bush Fourche Mena 1603 Highway 71 North, Mena, AR 71953 Jim Zornes District Ranger 479-39 Fax: 479-39 District Ranger 870-32 Fax: 870-32 Oden P.O. Box 332, Oden, AR 71961 Jim Zornes Poteau P.O. Box 2255, Waldron, AR 71958 Steve Cole 479-63 District Ranger Cold Springs 2190 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 417, Booneville, AR, 72927 Steve Cole District Ranger Fax: 479-63 479-67 Fax: 479-67 Ranger Districts (Located in Oklahoma) Choctaw 52175 U.S. Highway 59, Hodgen, OK 74939 Vacant 918-56 District Ranger Kiamichi P.O. Box 577, 52523 U.S. Highway 71, Talihina, OK 74571 Vacant District Ranger Tiak 201 N. Central, Room 116, Idabel, OK 74745 Vacant Fax: 918-65 918-56 Fax: 918-56 580-28 District Ranger Ozark-St. Francis 605 West Main Street, Russellville, AR 72801-3614 Phone: 479-964-7200; Fax: 479-964-7229 Fax: 580-28 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor 479-96 Executive Secretary Administrative Officer 479-96 479-96 Phyllis Trimble Gary Knudson Budget Officer Public Services, Planning 479-96 479-96 Tracy Farley Gregory Hatsfield Deputy Public Affairs Team Leader Ecosystems 479-96 479-96 Roger Fryar Ron Klouzek Assistant Fire Team Leader Technical Services Engineering, Lands and Minerals 479-96 479-96 JUDITH L. HENRY Terri Vining Ibis Dawson Ranger Districts Big Piney, Jasper Highway 7 North, P.O. Box 427, Jasper, AR 72641-0427 Vacant 870-44 District Ranger Fax: 870-44 Big Piney, Hector 12000 SR 27, Hector, AR 72843-8716 Vacant 479-28 District Ranger Fax: 479-28 Boston Mountain 1803 North 18th Street, Ozark, AR 72949-3642 Gary Williams 479-66 District Ranger Fax: 479-66 Mt. Magazine 3001 East Walnut Street, P.O. Box 511, Paris, AR 72855-4236 Rob Kopack 479-96 Deputy District Ranger Fax: 479-96 Pleasant Hill 2591 Highway 21 North, Clarksville, AR 72830-7212 Pat Kowalewycz 479-75 District Ranger Fax: 479-75 Sylamore 1001 East Main, Mountain View, AR 72560-6274 Cynthia Snow 870-26 District Ranger Fax: 870-26 Deputy District Ranger Fax: 870-29 St. Francis 2675 Highway 44, Marianna, AR 72360-7936 John Crockett 870-29 Florida National Forests in Florida Woodcrest Office Park, 325 John Knox Road Suite F-100, Tallahassee, FL 32303-4160 Phone: 850-523-8500; Fax: 850-523-8505 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor Deputy Forest Supervisor 850-52 850-52 Carla Martin Sandra Ashburn Executive Assistant Administrative Officer 850-52 850-52 Carl Petrick Mark Warren Ecosystem Management, Staff Officer Engineering, Minerals and Lands Staff Officer 850-52 850-52 Denise Rains James Hart Public Affairs Officer Fire Staff Officer 850-52 850-52 Mark Eaton Safety Staff Officer 850-52 District Ranger 850-64 MARSHA KEARNEY Susan Matthews Ranger Districts Apalachicola P. O. Box 579, Bristol, FL 32321-0579 Marcus Beard Wakulla 57 Taft Drive, Crawfordville, FL 32327-2138 Deputy District Ranger Harold Shenk Deputy District Ranger Garth Smelser 850-92 Osceola P. O. Box 70, Olustee, FL 32070-0070 Ivan Green District Ranger 386-75 Seminole 40929 State Road 19, Umatilla, FL 32784-9326 Rick Lint District Ranger 352-66 Lake George 17147 East Highway 40, Silver Springs, FL 34488-5849 Carrie Christman Deputy District Ranger 352-62 Georgia Chattahoochee-Oconee 1755 Cleveland Highway, Gainesville, GA 30501-1300 Phone: 770-297-3000; Fax: 770-297-3025 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor 770-29 Deputy Forest Supervisor Secretary 770-29 770-29 Karen McKenzie Ray Ellis Public Affairs and Planning Staff Officer Natural Resources Staff Officer 770-29 770-29 Alan Polk Terry Stolz Recreation and Engineering Staff Officer Lands and Fire Staff Officer 770-29 770-29 Heorge M. Bain Vacant Evelyn Hernandez Ranger Districts Conasauga 3941 Highway 76, Chatsworth, GA 30705-6378 Michele Jones 706-69 District Ranger Fax: 706-69 Blue Ridge 1881 Highway 515, P.O. Box 9, Blairsville, GA 30514-8218 VACANT 706-74 District Ranger Fax: 706-74 Chattooga River 9975 Highway 441 South, Lakemont, GA 30552 David W. Jenson 706-75 District Ranger Fax: 706-75 Oconee 1199 Madison Road, Eatonton, GA 31024-5923 Erin Bronk 706-48 District Ranger Fax: 706-48 Kentucky Daniel Boone 1700 Bypass Road, Winchester, KY 40391-2913 Phone: 859-745-3100; Fax: 859-737-3867 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Daniel Forest Supervisor Deputy Forest Supervisor 859-74 859-74 Joy Malone Mason Miller Lands, Minerals, Soil, Air, Planning Engineering, Recreation, Heritage 859-74 Nancy J. Ross Marie Walker Timber Management, Fire Management, Wildlife, Water, Air Administrative Officer, PAO Officer 859-74 859-74 District Ranger 606-86 District Ranger 606-78 FRANK BEUM Bill Lorenz Ranger Districts London 761 Laurel Road, London KY 40744-7957 Derek Ibarguen Cumberland 2375 Kentucky 801 S. Morehead, KY 40351 James D. Manner Redbird 91 Peabody Road, Big Creek, KY 40914-8902 John Kinney District Ranger 606-59 Stearns 3320 Highway 27 North, Whitley City, KY 42653 Vacant District Ranger 606-37 Land Between The Lakes 100 Van Morgan Drive, Golden Pond, KY 42211-9000 Phone: 270-924-2000; Fax: 270-924-2060 Area Supervisor Secretary 270-92 270-92 Brian Beisel Barry Haley Customer Service Manager Business Performance Manager 270-92 270-92 Kathryn Harper Judy Hallisey Communications Services Manager Environmental Stewardship Manager 270-92 270-92 BILL LISOWSKY Sharon Byers Louisiana Kisatchie 2500 Shereveport Highway, Pineville, LA 71360-2009 Phone: 318-471-7160; Fax: 318-473-7117 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor Administrative Officer 318-47 318-47 Sue Moore Cynthia A. Dancak Secretary Ecosystem Assess, Planning Team Leader 318-47 318-47 Bobby Sebastian Edward Bratcher Engineering, Timber Team Leader Fire, Lands, Minerals, Safety Team Leader 318-47 318-47 James R. Caldwell Calvin O. Baker Public Affairs, Recreation, Heritage Team Leader Ecosystem Conservation Team Leader 318-47 318-47 Debbie Collins Budget Officer 318-47 District Ranger 318-92 5325 LA Highway 8, Bentley, LA 71407-9726 District Ranger Rodney Stone 318-79 MARGRETT BOLEY Edward Harris Ranger Districts Caney 3288 Highway 79, Homer, LA 71040-3951 Alvin Womack Catahoula Calcasieu 9912 Highway 28 West, Boyce, LA 71409-9644 Lisa Lewis District Ranger L’Tanga Watson Deputy District Ranger Kisatchie 229 Dogwood Park Road, Provencal, LA 71468-6102 District Ranger Mike Dawson Winn 318-79 318-47 12319 U.S. Highway 84 West, Winnfield, LA 71483-7861 District Ranger Frank Yerby 318-62 Mississippi National Forests in Mississippi 100 W. Capitol Street, Suite 1141, Jackson, MS, 39269-1199 Phone: 601-965-1700; Fax: 601-965-1785 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor 601-96 Deputy Forest Supervisor Staff Assistant 601-96 601-96 Rosie Thomas Don Neal Administrative Officer Fire, Safety, Lands, Special Uses, Minerals 601-96 601-96 Lynn Corbit Robert Piazza Timber, Soil, Water, Air, NEPA Recreation, Heritage, WL, Fisheries, Engineering, Lands, Special Uses Minerals 601-96 601-96 Vertis Stovall Public Affairs 601-96 TONY DIXON R.E. Vann Diane Weber Ranger Districts Bienville 3473 Highway, 35 South, Forest, MS, 39074-8811 District Ranger David Carter 601-46 Chickasawhay 968 Highway, 165 South, Laurel, MS 39443-4720 District Ranger Robert Lee 601-42 Delta Sharkey-AG Building, 402 Highway 61North, Rolling Fork, MS 39159-2963 District Ranger Larry Moore 601-87 Desoto 654 W. Frontage Road, P.O. Box 248, Wiggins, MS 39577-8131 District Ranger Ron Smith 601-92 Holly Springs 1000 Front Street, Oxford, MS 38655-4915 Joel Gardener District Ranger 601-23 District Ranger 601-38 District Ranger 601-28 Homochitto Route 1, Box 1, Meadville, MS 39653-9280 Tim Reed Tombigbee P.O. Box 912, Ackerman, MS 39735-0912 John Baswell North Carolina National Forests in North Carolina 160A Zillicoa Street, P.O. Box 2750, Asheville, NC 28802-1082 Phone: 828-257-4200; Fax: 828-257-4263 E-mail: Mailroom R8 North Forest Supervisor 828-25 Monica Schwalbach Lisa Harper Christine Frisbee Lynn Hicks Deputy Forest Supervisor Staff Assistant 828-25 828-25 Ecosystems, Fire, and Forests Engineering, Hertiage, and Recreation 828-25 828-25 Terry Seyden Mary Noel Public Affairs and S&PF Planning, Lands, Survey, and GIS 828-25 828-25 District Ranger 828-68 828-62 MARISUE HILLIARD Ranger Districts Appalachian Burnsville East P.O. Box 128, Burnsville, NC 28714-0128 Tina Tilley Croatan 141 E. Fisher Avenue, New Bern, NC 28560-8468 District Ranger 252-63 Cheoah 1070 Massey Branch Road, Robbinsville, NC 28771-7899 District Ranger Steve Lohr 828-47 Lee Thornhill Grandfather 109 East Lawing Drive, Nebo, NC 28761-9827 Vacant District Ranger 828-65 District Ranger 828-52 Nantahala 90 Sloan Road, Franklin, NC 28734-9064 Mike Wilkins Pisgah 1001 Pisgah Highway, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768-9705 Randall Burgress District Ranger 828-87 Tusquitee 123 Woodland Drive, Murphy, NC 28906-3145 Steven Lohr District Ranger 828-83 District Ranger 910-57 Uwharrie 789 NC24/27E, Troy, NC 27371 Deborah Walker Cradle of Forestry in America Jeff Owenby Director 828-87 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands El Yunque HC 01 Box 13490, Rio Grande, PR 00745-9625 Phone: 787-888-1810/1880; Fax: 787-888-5685 E-mail: Mailroom R8 PABLO CRUZ Luz M. Cruz Manuel Ortiz Carolyn Pabon Pedro Rios Forest Supervisor Secretary 787-888-181 787-88 Property Management, Customer Service Team Leader Administrative Officer, Forest Planner 787-88 787-88 Ecosystem Management Team Leader 787-88 South Carolina Francis Marion and Sumter 4931 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC, 29212-3530 Phone: 803-561-4000, Fax: 803-561-4004 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Francis Forest Supervisor Staff Assistant 803-56 803-56 Steve Wells Planning, Engineering, Recreation, Heritage and GIS Fire, Lands, and Minerals 803-56 803-56 Jasal Morris Mae Lee Hafer Administrative Officer Natural Resources 803-56 803-56 Michelle Burnett Public Affairs Officer 803-56 Paul L. Bradley Vacant Tony White Ranger Districts Andrew Pickens 112 Andrew Pickens Circle, Mountain Rest, SC 29664 Michael Crane District Ranger 864-63 Enoree 20 Work Center Road, Whitmire, SC 29178 Elizabeth (Beth) LeMaster District Ranger 803-27 Francis Marion 2421 Witherbee Road, Cordesville, SC 29434 Orlando Sutton District Ranger 843-33 Long Cane 810 Buncombe Street, Edgefield, SC 29824 Anne Kiser District Ranger 803-63 Savannah River P.O. Box 700, New Ellenton, SC 29809 Shipping: Savannah River Site, Building 760-15G (One Mile Inside Aiken Barricade), New Ellenton, SC 29809 Phone: 803-725-2441; Fax: 803-725-1807 Forest Manager Executive Assistant 803-72 803-72 Ralph Phipps John Blake Deputy Forest Manager Assistant Manager, Research 803-72 803-72 Vanessa Golden Tiajuana Cochnauer Assistant Manager, Operations Assistant Manager, Information and External Relations 803-72 803-72 Steve Lenzo Peggy Anderson Assistant Manager, Fire Assistant Manager, Natural Resources 803-72 803-72 Dan Strawbridge Assistant Manager, Engineering and Environmental Services 803-72 KEITH LAWRENCE Debra Shea Tennessee Cherokee National Forest 2800 N. Ocoee Street, Cleveland, TN 37312-5374 Phone: 423-476-9700; Fax: 423-476-9754 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Deputy Forest Supervisor 423-47 423-47 Jo Ann McGee Susan Shaw Executive Assistant Biological and Physical Resouces, Planning, Lands, and Minerals 423-47 423-47 Vacant Terry Pierce Fire and Vegetation Management Technical Services 423-47 423-47 Terry McDonald Public Affairs 423-47 4900 Asheville Highway, SR70 Greeneville, TN 37743-2231 Terry Bowerman District Ranger 423-63 H. THOMAS (TOM) SPEAKS, JR. Leslie Auriemmo Forest Supervisor Ranger Districts Nolichucky, Unaka Fax: 423-63 Ocoee, Hiwassee 3171 Highway 64, Benton, TN 37307-5823 Monte Williams District Ranger 423-33 Fax: 423-33 Tellico 250 Ranger Station Road, Tellico Plains, TN 37385-5804 Katherine Foster District Ranger 423-25 Fax: 423-25 Watauga P.O. Box 400, Unicoi, TN 37692-6504 Don Palmer District Ranger 423-73 Fax: 423-73 Texas National Forests in Texas 415 South First Street, Suite 110, Lufkin, TX 75901-3801 Phone: 936-639-8501; Fax: 936-639-8588 E-mail: Mailroom R8 Forest Supervisor 936-63 Deputy Forest Supervisor Executive Assistant 936-63 936-63 Verma Coleman Kent Evans Administrative Officer Operations (Timber, Fire) 936-63 936-63 John Ippolito Gay Ippolito Rob Potts Public Services (Recreation, Engineering, Heritage, Lands) Public Affairs Officer Natural Resources (Wildlife, Fisheries, Planning) 936-63 936-63 LINDA C. BRETT Vacant Vicky Gauer 936-63 Ranger Districts Angelina 111 Walnut Ridge Road, Zavalla, TX 75980-7174 Eddie Taylor District Ranger 936-89 Caddo and Lyndon B. Johnson 1400 N. U.S. 81/287, P.O. Box 507, Decatur, TX 76234-0507 James Crooks District Ranger 940-62 Davy Crockett 18551 State Hwy 7 East, Kennard, TX 75847 District Ranger Gerald Lawrence 936-65 Fax: 479-66 Sabine 5050 Hwy 21 East, Hemphill, TX 75948-0227 Eddie Taylor District Ranger 409-62 Sam Houston 394 FM 1375 W, New Waverly, TX 77358-3460 Warren Oja District Ranger 936-34 Virginia George Washington and Jefferson National Forests 5162 Valleypointe Parkway, Roanoke, VA 24019-3050 Phone: 540-265-5100; Fax: 540-265-5145 E-mail: Mailroom R8 George Washington Forest Supervisor Deputy Forest Supervisor 540-26 540-26 Ruth Blackman JoBeth Brown Secretary Public Affairs Officer 540-26 540-26 Ken Landgraf Ted Coffman Planning and Forest Ecology Recreation and Heritage 540-26 540-26 Wayne Johnson Glen Stapleton Engineering and Lands Fire and Aviation, Timber, Safety 540-26 540-26 Cindy Holland Administrative Officer 540-26 District Ranger 276-32 110 Southpark Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060-6648 Cynthia Schiffer District Ranger 540-55 MAUREEN T. HYZER Henry Hickerson Ranger Districts Clinch 9416 Darden Drive, Wise, VA 24293-5900 Ron Bush Eastern Divide Glenwood, Pedler 27 Ranger Lane, Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579-0010 Annie Downing District Ranger 540-29 James River 810-A Madison Avenue, Covington, VA 24426 Gerry Jackson District Ranger 540-96 Lee 102 Koontz Street, Edinburg, VA 22824-9656 Jim Smalls District Ranger 540-98 Mt. Rogers NRA 3714 Highway 16, Marion, VA 24354-4097 Beth Merz District Ranger 276-78 North River 401 Oakwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3946 Elwood Burge District Ranger 540-43 Warm Springs 422 Forestry Road, Hot Springs, VA 24445 Pat Sheridan District Ranger 540-83