A Welcome Letter From the Desk of Pastor Andrew In many ways, Lutheran Church of the Savior is like other churches: we know God's boundless love for us in Jesus Christ, and we strive to share that love with the world. What sets us apart in doing so is the people who are Christ's body in this community. LCS is a community in which individuals can live out their baptismal calls to a variety of ministries. Some collect supplies to combat local hunger and homelessness; some raise money for international relief efforts. Some participate in prayer groups; some help plan and lead worship. Some organize our garage sale, while others organize community meals, and still others work with our ecumenical partner churches on Vacation Bible School and Youth Group. We are a welcoming community where the diverse gifts of each are cobbled together in the Spirit to produce a vibrant congregation sharing God's love with one another and the world. As the Pastor, I am lucky to be a part of this ministry. Come check us out in worship, or give me a call sometime so we can talk about how LCS might welcome you into our community. {Insert Signature Here} Pastor Andrew Tengwall =========================================== Contact Pastor Email: lcoskalamazoo@gmail.com Church Cell Phone: (269)-250-0521 Church Office Phone: (269)-342-0069 Weekly Office Hours: Please call ahead to schedule Online submission form (goes directly to email): www.lcoskzoo.com/contact_pastor.ht Top List Suggestions from OLD visitors to NEW visitors Sit next to someone to help navigate the worship service Sign-in the brown visitor pad on each row, so we know you joined us for worship (pencil should be inside). Come to Coffee Hour to mingle with members of the parish and enjoy a warm brew (immediately after worship) Introduce yourself to Pastor Andrew, he’d love to meet you! Visit our website at www.lcoskzoo.com to learn more about the congregation. Attend Faith Formation to grow your faith (Adult Bible Study on Sundays or Wednesdays/Children’s Sunday School for the kids) Make sure you are signed-up to receive the monthly newsletter to keep informed, call the office at (269)342-0069 or register online at our website. It’s quite handy! Interested in becoming an official member of the congregation? Talk to Pastor Andrew after worship. Interested in more? Look on the website or the monthly newsletter to learn about the many committees or groups within the church. Mark Your Calendar Consistent items to mark down WORSHIP: Sundays at 10:00am FAITH FORMATION: Sunday School (adults & children)-Sundays at 9:00am Adult Bible Study-Wednesdays at 6:30pm Women’s Bible Study (2nd Thursday of ea. Month at 10:00am) COFFEE HOUR: Immediately after worship each Sunday at 11:15am SHARON’s CIRCLE: 3rd Saturday of each month PRAYER FELLOWSHIP: 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 11:30am SHEPHERD CENTER: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am to 4:00pm VARIOUS COMMITTEES & GROUPS: Contact the leader of each committee for date and times (vary) MONTHLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Found in the weekly bulletin, the monthly newsletter, and on the website at www.lcoskzoo.com. “How to…” Guide FAQs: Navigating the complexities QUESTION: How do I know when to stand or sit during worship? ANSWER: As a new member, there are three tricks to mastering this dilemma. First, asterisk marks are listed in the bulletin next to any items we stand for. Second, you can just look around and follow others. Third, often Pastor will motion to sit. You may notice some people choose to remain seated. Some people opt to remain seated for health and comfort reasons. If you fall into this category, please do not hesitate to remain seated. Also, if you need any accommodations for hearing, sitting, or communion, please see an usher or greeter for assistance. QUESTION: Why do we have two hymnals and how do I know which one to sing from? ANSWER: Next to each listed hymn (song) in the bulletin, you will find either ELW or WOV prior to the page number. ELW (the most commonly used hymnal) = Red Hymnal WOV = Blue hymnal QUESTION: What is the difference between something listed in the bulletin as a “page” verses a “No.”? ANSWER: All hymns (songs) are listed under “Nos.” The “Nos.” are found in the second half of the red hymnal. “Pages” are found in the first half. QUESTION: During the weekly Psalms reading, I cannot locate the page it is found on. Where can I locate the Psalms? ANSWER: Oddly, the Psalms are found in the ELW hymnal without page numbers. However, if you close the book and look at the pages, the Psalms are listed in order, beginning on the last red tab (red highlighted page edges). This red edged tab is found about a third of the way in. QUESTION: Where do I find the First, Second, and Gospel Readings? ANSWER: The three weekly readings are located on the back page of the worship bulletin. QUESTION: If I have young children, what should I do with them during the service? ANSWER: At LCOS, we love families and children of all ages. We encourage children to grow in their faith by being a part of worship. Each week, children may come up for a brief children’s sermon. Additionally, kids may come up to The Alter for communion to receive a blessing. Most families find it is easiest to bring coloring pages or small puzzles to entertain small children. If need be, we have a nursery available for kids in the east wing of the church (led by Joan Ulmer). QUESTION: In the bulletin, what is “The Peace?” ANSWER: “The Peace” is a brief period to reach out to those around you to greet one another. This is a great opportunity to meet a few people around you. QUESTION: In many of the response sections of the worship bulletin, what do the “Ps”, “Cs”, “Rs” and “As” stand for? ANSWER: P: Pastor only reads C: Congregation reads A: Assisting minister only R: Reader only QUESTION: What should I know about Communion? Am I welcome to take communion as a visitor or non-Lutheran? ANSWER: All worshipers are welcome to receive Holy Communion or to come forward for a blessing. Our congregation uniquely offers Holy Communion every Sunday for worship. We offer a “common cup” option or an “individual cup” option. The “common cup” is shared by multiple parishioners. As an individual option, the tiny clear cups have a red grape juice or white wine. Yes, all are welcome to take communion. QUESTION: How do I let someone know I was here? ANSWER: We would love to follow-up with you and send you a monthly newsletter. In order for us to do this, write down your name, phone, and address in the brown pad found at the end of each pew. QUESTION: How do I find out what goes on beyond Sunday worship? ANSWER: The best routes are to obtain the current month’s newsletter or to check out our website at www.lcoskzoo.com. QUESTION: Do you hold any special services throughout the year? ANSWER: Yes, special services are held for special religious occasions throughout the year. Typically, we hold Wednesday evening services leading up to Easter and Christmas. We also hold a Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (Candle Service), and an occasional summertime outdoor service. QUESTION: Is there any sort of special dress code for worship? ANSWER: Most people find worship to be very casual place. Most worshippers wear blue jeans and a button-up shirt or polo. QUESTION: Do I need to sign-up to attend Sunday School or Adult Bible Study? ANSWER: No, just show up. OTHER POINTS OF INTEREST: You may notice a baptismal bowl is found at the entranceway of the sanctuary. Worshippers may touch the water in the bowl and make a sign of the cross in remembrance of their baptism. Audio equipment is available for those requiring hearing accommodations, please ask. Let an usher know if you would prefer the worship participants to come to you at your seat for Holy Communion. Sign-ups and news are posted on a pillar in the narthex (lobby entrance). The Children’s Sermon is given by a rotating crew of church members. Each week, a different person gives the special message to the kids of the parish. Most of the worship participants are volunteers from the parish: greeters, ushers, readers, assisting minister, communion assistant, and acolyte. Frequently Used Terms The Religious Dictionary ALTAR: location in the sanctuary where communion and service is conducted. BELL CHOIR: musical group of church members that play hymns using various sized bells. BULLETIN: the worship itinerary (pamphlet handed out prior to worship) CHILDREN’S SERMON: a special message during worship for young children. CHOIR: small group within the church that sings special hymns during pauses in service (typically during offering). CHURCH COUNCIL: decision-making body of the church, consisting of elected members who serve two year terms. COFFEE HOUR: brief shared social time at the end of Sunday worship (in the fellowship hall). COMMON CUP: Shared communion cup with wine. CONGREGATION: group of people who gather for worship (worshippers) ELW: red hymnal used in worship (acronym for title) ELCA: Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (acronym) FAITH FORMATION: term used to describe all church education (adult bible study, Sunday school) FELLOWSHIP HALL: the location for the Coffee Hour and other large social gatherings. HOLY GOSPEL: third reading during the service, read by pastor. H.G. are the passages that tell the story of the life of Jesus Christ. The Bible extract comes from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. HYMN: song of praise (hymnal: book containing the words and music) INDIVIDUAL CUP: Small clear cups used during communion with juice (red) or wine (white) options. MEAL: portion of service with offering and communion NARTHEX: the entrance of a church OFFERING: financial giving during the worship service ORGAN: large musical instrument that produces sounds at different volumes using compressed air passed through pipes. Similar appearance to a piano (Organist: one who plays the organ). PARISH: another term for the church PASTOR: minister or priest in charge of a Christian congregation PEW: the cushioned wooden benches (seats) PRAYER CHAIN: group within the church that hears submitted prayer requests. READINGS: Bible passages read aloud by a volunteer reader, the three readings can be found on the reverse of the worship bulletin ( referred to as “the word”). RITE OF HEALING: special worship segment for those who suffer from pain or sickness. SANCTUARY: the most sacred part of a holy building, where worship is conducted SERMON: the weekly religious message provided by the leader of the church. SUNDAY SCHOOL: consists of Adult Bible Study and Children’s classes. Classes begin at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings. THE WORD: Bible passages read aloud, also referred to as “readings” VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS): week long educational activities conducted in the evenings during a time slot selected in the summer. WOV: Blue Hymnal used in worship (Acronym for title) The Power of Prayer An Integral Part of Our Faith At LCOS, we believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is a fixture in our weekly services and we provide other unique avenues for prayer outside of worship. There are three ways to share a prayer request(s). #1: Submit Online For online prayer requests, fill out an automatic online form (it can be found at www.lcoskzoo.com/prayer_chain.html) . Your request will then be forwarded to the LCOS Main Office. Please note that any requests will not be received until the next business day. The best part of this method is that you can do so from anywhere on the globe, day or night. You’ll just need an internet connection and a computer. #2: By Phone Calling is the best alternative if you do not care to use the online submission form. To have your prayer concerns placed on the Prayer Chain, please contact Martie Gates at (269)-623-3970 or the church office at (269)-342-0069. #3: Use a Pew Card Prayer concerns may also be directed to the Prayer Fellowship Group, which responds to the pew prayer cards. Cards may be found on the backside of most pews during worship services. Just put your card inside the offertory plate when it is passed around. The Prayer Fellowship Group is led by Joan Ulmer and Richard Dinda and meets on the first and third Sunday after the worship service (11:30am). Committees & Groups Short description of the various committees and groups Altar Guild: a group of rotating volunteers that coordinates the elements of worship. Church Council: elected decision-making board of the church. The Council meets once per month. Members elected to 2 year terms. Congregational Care: tends to the members of the church that homebound, ill, or in need. The committee was recently created as a branch of the Outreach Committee to focus more specifically on internal needs of current members. Faith Based Wellness: group within church that provides health resources, information, and testing to members. Faith Formation: establishes the curriculum and education plans for adult and child church education programs. Programs include adult and child Sunday school, Wednesday Adult Bible Study, Confirmation, and Women’s Bible Study. Fellowship: coordinates events and activities meant to strengthen and grow the church family. Finance: establishes and maintains the congregation’s budgetary plans. The committee pays the bills, reports to the council on the church’s financial status, and does the ongoing budgeting. Mutual Ministry: meets monthly with Pastor to serve as an advisory group and to provide unique perspectives on the gospel. Outreach: finds ways to reach out to recent or prospective visitors of the church. The committee seeks to provide the information and communication outside the church walls. Prayer Fellowship: meets the first and third Sunday to address the many prayer requests of the church. Property: assures that the proper maintenance and care is taken for the building and surrounding outdoor assets. Sharon’s Circle: works diligently throughout the year to create prayer shawls and blankets for special causes. Social Concerns: meet each month to discuss the philanthropic missions of the church. According to the 2009 fundraising summary, the Social Concerns Committee raised over $5,000 for local, national, and global mission initiatives. Stewardship: works each year to challenge congregation members to give time, talents, and financially to help the church family thrive. Women’s Bible Study: a special once per month class for women only, led by Pastor. Worship: coordinates the plans for the weekly worship services. The committee also helps to coordinate all special services that occur throughout the year. The group is responsible for music, liturgy, and scheduling of worship participants.