Transport Through the Body--Part II Day 3 Review Quiz Quiz Trade

Transport Through the Body--Part II
Day 3 Review Quiz Quiz Trade
Quiz Quiz Trade—Teacher, copy this and cut out the rows. Fold them to make a 2
sided slip, so that the question is on one side of the slip and answer is on the other.
Students will each get a card (copy more or add questions if you have more than 24
students). Students will circulate around the room with their hand up. When you
call “Pair Up”, students will join hands with the person closest to them. One will ask
the question on their card, the other will answer. If the person cannot answer, the
student who asked the question should coach them on the answer. Once both
students have asked a question, students should trade cards and put their hand up
to find another partner.
1. Which heart chambers contain
oxygen rich blood?
Left atrium and Left ventricle
2. Which heart chambers contain
oxygen poor blood?
Right atrium and Right ventricle
3. Which blood vessels send blood
to the lungs from the heart?
Pulmonary arteries
4. Which blood vessels send blood
from the lungs to the heart?
Pulmonary veins
5. Which blood vessel sends blood
to the body from the heart?
6. Which blood vessel sends blood
to the heart from the body?
Vena Cava
7. Which heart chambers receive
Right and Left Atria
8. Which heart chambers pump
blood out of the heart?
Right and Left Ventricles
9. What gas enters the blood at the
10. What gas leaves blood at the
Carbon Dioxide
11. Does the aorta contain oxygen
rich or oxygen poor blood?
Oxygen rich
12. Does the vena cava contain
oxygen rich or oxygen poor
Oxygen Poor
13. Do the pulmonary arteries
contain oxygen rich or oxygen
poor blood?
Oxygen poor
14. Do the pulmonary veins contain
oxygen rich or oxygen poor
Oxygen poor
15. Do most arteries contain oxygen
rich or oxygen poor blood? What
is the exception?
Oxygen rich
16. Do most arteries contain oxygen
rich or oxygen poor blood? What
is the exception?
Oxygen rich—exception is the
pulmonary arteries
17. Do most arteries contain oxygen
rich or oxygen poor blood? What
is the exception?
Carbon Dioxide—exception is the
pulmonary veins
18. Why do cells need oxygen?
To make ATP through cellular
19. Why do cells produce carbon
When they make ATP during cellular
20. When blood enters the heart from Right Ventricle
the body, which heart chamber
does it enter?
21. Which heart chamber pumps
blood out the body?
Left Ventricle
22. When blood comes to the heart
from the lungs, which heart
chamber does the blood enter?
Left Atrium
23. When blood leaves the heart to go Right Ventricle
to the lungs, which chamber
pumps it out?
24. Which is the strongest chamber of Left Ventricle—because it has to pump
the heart? Why?
blood the furthest.