Radical Republicans

Compromise of 1877
• 1877
• An agreement between Republicans and
southern Democrats that settled the election of
1876. The southern Democrats accepted the
presidency of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes
and the Republicans agreed to remove soldiers
from the south, support southern railroads, and
accept a southerner into the cabinet.
• Pg 388-391
Booker T. Washington
• 1890-1915
• An African American who suggested that in
order for African Americans to earn respect
from whites that they must become civilized
and educated.
• Pg 395
Jim Crow
• 1876
• State laws that restricted blacks’ rights in
society including their voting rights. If blacks
wanted to vote they had to pass a series of
impossible tests given by the state.
• Pg 395-398
Sand Creek Massacre
Pg. 418
November, 1868
In Colorado the Cheyenne tribe was coming into
conflict with miners, who were moving to this
area and taking over the Indians land. The Indians
began attacking the American settlements and
stagecoach lines, to try and regain their land. In
response to this Colonel J. M. Chivington led a
volunteer militia to the Cheyenne camp and killed
133 people, 105 of them being women and
children. Most of the men who made up this
militia force were unemployed miners who were
said to be drunk during the massacre. Black Kettle
himself got away and was not found until four
years later when he and his people were captured
and killed by Colonel George A. Custer near the
border of Texas. The Sand Creek Massacre was a
prime example of the American brutality towards
the Indians at this time.
Indians from the Cheyenne camp
Battle of Little Bighorn
Pg. 419
When whites began to move into the Dakota
Territory, which was given to the Indians in 1867,
the Sioux gathered and left their reservation. The
whites ordered them to return, but they did not.
Instead they united under the leadership of Crazy
Horse and Sitting Bull. The US sent three army
columns under the command of George A. Custer
to round them up and bring them back to their
reservation. Custer was overwhelmed by the
2,500 tribal warriors and they ended up
surrounding him and his men and killing every
one of them. The Battle of Little Bighorn showed
that the Indians did have the ability to put up a
good fight and even defeat the Americans if they
were able to unite together under a leader.
However, after the battle the Indians did not have
the organization or necessary supplies to keep
their men united. This was the reason why the
Indians never really presented a major problem
for the Unites States.
Colonel J.M. Chivington
Dawes Act
Pg. 421
The Dawes Act provided for the gradual elimination
of most tribal ownership of land and the allotment of
tracts of land to individual owners. The adult owners
were given United States citizenship, but were not
able to gain full title to their land for twenty-five
years. The Bureau of Indian Affairs tried to promote
the idea of assimilation in this. They often times took
children away from their parents and sent them to
American boarding school. They also tried to get rid
of the Indian religious rituals and replace them with
the practices of Christianity, and promoted the idea
of building Christian churches on the reservations.
The Dawes Act was so corrupt that the government
abandoned their efforts to enforce it. This led to
much of the reservation land never being distributed
to individual owners. A common idea at this time
was to “kill the Indian, save the man.” The purpose of
the Dawes Act was to break up the reservations and
take the best land for the whites, while also
encouraging assimilation.
Gospel of Wealth
Pgs. 438-439
The Gospel of Wealth was an idea similar to Social
Darwinism that took a milder approach. The supporters
of this thought that people of great wealth had a duty
to use their wealth to help advance social progress.
Andrew Carnegie was one of the main supporters
behind this and he explains it in his 1901 book, The
Gospel of Wealth. In this he talks about the idea that
rich people should consider all money in excess of their
own needs “trust funds” that should be used for the
good of the community. Carnegie believed that the
government should not get involved in this sort of
thing and the responsibility rested on the wealthy and
elite members of society to help the country recover.
Carnegie gave much of his fortune to this type of
philanthropic work. The Gospel of Wealth is important
because it shows the two very different opinions at this
time. One belief was that the government should be
involved in helping the country recover, and the other
was that the government should stay out of it and let
the wealthy members of society help the country by
using their own personal wealth.
Andrew Carnegie,
author of The Gospel
of Wealth
John D. Rockefeller
Pgs. 435-436
John Rockefeller started a refining company in Cleveland and
immediately began using horizontal integration to eliminate
his competition. Horizontal integration is when one
company combines several businesses in the same industry
as it into one single corporation. He joined in with several
other successful capitalists and created the Standard Oil
Company of Ohio. Through his ruthless use of horizontal
integration he was able to create the largest monopoly the
world had seen. By 1877 he controlled 95% of the United
States’ oil refineries. Rockefeller then began to expand
vertically to maximize his profit. He built his own barrel
factories, terminal warehouses, and pipelines. In addition to
this, his company also owned its own freight cars. By doing
all of these things he was able to cut out the middle man.
Today Rockefeller would be worth $262 billion. Rockefeller
showed everything good and bad about business at this
time. He showed all of the business opportunities available
and how successful a person could become. However, his
success also showed how little power the government had
when he owned 95% of oil production and had a complete
monopoly over the industry.
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
• Owned the Carnegie Steel
Company, the largest corporation in
he world at that time
• He tried to lower wages and caused
the Homestead Strike of 1892
• Great example of “rags to riches”
• He invested in oil companies and
also supplied many materials to
• Lived from 1835- 1919
• p. 437
J.P. Morgan
• Formed the United States Steel
Corporation by buying steel reserves
and oil reserves from Andrew
• Let Grover Cleveland buy some of his
gold reserves so America would stay
• Controlled two thirds of the nation’s
Steel production
• Lived from 1837- 1913
• p. 435
• The misapplication to society of Charles Darwin’s
laws of evolution
• Says that only the fittest individuals survive in the
• Herbert Spencer was the first proponent of this
• 1892- onward
• P. 437- 438
Social Darwinism
“Boss” Tweed
• The nickname of William M.
• He was the boss of Tammany Hall
• Went to jail in 1872 for his corrupt
uses of public funds
• Lived from 1823- 1878
• He controlled the public and
persuaded them to vote for him
• P. 465
• Populism, or the People’s Party, was
mainly started by William Jennings Bryan’s
“Cross of Gold” Speech and was joined by
farmers and people who wanted
• Started in 1896
• They were outraged when Bryan ran for
the Democrats, because he was the face of
Populism; they thought that the
Democrats were just trying to win the
• P. 495
William McKinley
• He was against the free coinage of
• He ran for the Republican Party
against William Jennings Bryan
• He helped to start the birth of
modern campaigning
• His victory in the Election of 1896
successfully ended the People’s Party
• He lived from 1843-1901
• Pp. 495- 497
William Jennings Bryan
• He wanted bimetallism, and
delivered a speech, The “Cross of
Gold Speech”, addressing it
• His inspiring speech began the
People’s Party, but he ran on the
Bill for the Democrats
• He lost the Election of 1896 to
William McKinley
• He began the birth of modern
• He lived between 1860-1925
• P. 495-497
“Cross of Gold”
• This speech was said by
William Jennings Bryan in
1896 and addressed
• This speech was to the
Democratic Convention, and
the Democrats picked William
Jennings Bryan to run for them
• This is one of the most famous
political speeches in history
• P. 495
U.S.S. Maine
•February 1898
• Shortly after the controversy over the
Dupuy de Lome Letter. The American
Battleship the Maine blew up in Havana
Harbor, Cuba causing the death of over
260 people. Americans assumed that
The Spanish had sunken the ship. Early
Reports described and external explosion
While the explosion actually took place
Inside an engine room. This confusion was
Caused by yellow journalism in America
The U.S believing it to be an attack by
Spain began war Preparations, and on
April 25 congress declared war. The
Destruction of the Maine is important as
It pushed the U.S into the Spanish-American war.
Rough Riders
pg. 508
•April 25- August 12, 1898
•The Rough Riders were a famous Calvary
Unit that fought in Cuba during the SpanishAmerican war. They helped to win several
Major battles including the battle for San Juan
Hill. They were led by colonel Theodore
Roosevelt. In Roosevelt bold charge up Kettle
hill, adjacent to San Juan, he was made a war
hero. Although he lost many men Roosevelt
came out famous. Roosevelt's performance in
the war paved the way for his presidency as he
was now seen as an American hero.
Spanish-American war
• April 25- August 12 1898
• Labeled as “A Splendid Little War”
by Secretary of State John Hay. The United
States dominated the Spanish in a short
period of time. This was partly due to the
fact that the Cuban rebels had already
weakened the Spanish army, But the war
also brought up many problems within the
U.S army. The war made the U.S realize
their problems with supplying and
mobilizing their army. Their weapons and
uniforms were out of date, and their
was a shortage in food and ammunition.
Altogether the U.S gained Puerto Rico, the
Philippines, Guam and Cuba from the war.
Occupation of the
Pg. 509-510
On May 1 Commodore George
Dewey rolled into Manila Bay,
Philippines and destroyed the
Spanish fleet stationed there.
After the war was over there was
a lot of controversy about
annexing it to the America. Then
the Treaty of Paris officially ceded
the Philippines to the U.S. This
debate brought up a strong
Anti-Imperialist movement
against the acquisition of the
Philippines. The Anti-Imperialist
league was established to oppose
the Treaty of Paris.
•Late 19th century
•The U.S was very imperialist during the time
of the Spanish-American. This was justified with the
idea of manifest destiny. After defeating Spain
America gained a lot of territory in the Caribbean.
With this gain of new territory people began to
oppose the U.S’s imperialistic policy. This split was
very evident during the question of annexing the
Philippines. This split was shown in the presidential
election of 1900 which was a referendum on the
Philippines. This is the reason Anti-imperialist
democrat Bryan Lost to McKinley.
Platt Amendment
pg. 511
•When Cuba formed their constitution
and left the U.S out the Platt Amendment
was passed. The Amendment barred Cuba
from forming treaties with other nations.
It also gave the U.S the right to intervene
in Cuba in order to preserve independence,
life, and property; and required Cuba to allow
American naval stations on its territory. The
Platt Amendment left the Cuba with little
Political independence.
Social Gospel
•Progressive era
• growing outrage of the social and economical
injustices happening in America at the time,
reformers pursued social justice for society.
The Social Gospel was known as an effort to
redeem the nation’s cities for their wrong doings.
When paired with religion the Social Gospel
brought a powerful moral commitment to the
Progressive era.
W.E.B. Dubois
pg. 533-534
•Born February 23 1868-died August 27 1963
• W.E.B. Dubois was a African American reformer
who had a more aggressive approach for gaining
equal rights. He attacked Booker T. Washington's
Ideals on how to gain respect and rights. He believed
African Americans should fight for their civil rights,
Instead of waiting for them to be granted. DuBois
Created the NAACP which led the drive for equal rights
In the coming years and still today.
Theodore Roosevelt
He was the 26th president of the United states who
served from 1901 until 1909. He was the leader of
the rough riders in the war in Cuba., and helped to
free Cuba from Spanish control. He was the youngest
president ever to serve, and became the president
when President McKinley was assassinated. He
famously said “speak softly and carry a big stick”. This
reflected his foreign policy as he chose to try to stay
out of foreign conflicts, but when dragged into one
he was willing to use the US’s strong military. He is
considered by many to be one of the greatest
presidents in US history.
“He earned his popularity less because of the extenthttp://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/5/50734/1375999-theo1.jpg
of the reforms he championed than because he
brought to office a broad conception of its powers
and invested the presidency with something of its
modern status as the central of national political
life.” (pg 539)
William Howard Taft
He was the 27th president of the US who
served from 1909 to 1913. Taft was renown
for “trust-busting” by trying to dismantle huge
trusts, and get rid of unfair business practices.
He helped pass the 16th amendment and
improved the interstate commerce
commission. Taft also helped to strengthen
the economies of countries in Latin America
and Asia. He only served one term as
president and is usually placed in the middle
tier of US presidents in terms of popularity
and effectiveness.
“William Howard Taft, who
assumed the presidency in 1909,
had been Theodore Roosevelt’s
most trusted lieutenant and his
hand-picked successor.” (pg 543)
Roosevelt Corollary
It was an addition to the Monroe
Doctrine in 1904 that stated that
President Roosevelt had the power
to send troops to interfere with
conflicts between European Nations
and Latin America. This gave
Roosevelt immense power in his
dealings with foreign nations and
showed European countries looking
to expand their empires that Latin
America was not the place to do it.
“The United States, he claimed, had the right not only to oppose
European intervention in the Western hemisphere but also to
intervene in the domestic affairs of its neighbors if those neighbors
proved unable to maintain order and national sovereignty on their
own.” (pg 554)
Panama Canal
It was a large canal built through
the isthmus of panama that was
started by the French but
completed by the US in 1913 and
opened in 1914. The canal greatly
cut down on trade time and costs
as ships could go through the
canal instead of traveling below
South America.
“The panama canal, which linked the Atlantic
ocean and the Pacific by creating a channel
through Central America.” (pg 555)
Wilson’s neutrality
When WWI broke out in Europe,
President Woodrow Wilson took
a stance of neutrality, and
refused to side with either
alliance in the conflict. This was
hard for him to keep up as
America began to trade with
Great Britain much more than
Germany, angering Germany
causing them to attack American
ships. Wilson eventually was
unable to remain neutral and
America was drawn into the war
in 1917.
“Wilson called on his fellow citizens in 1914 to
remain ‘impartial in thought as well as deed’
(pg 560)
Pacifists v Internationalists
These were the two sides of the
debate on how the US should go about
foreign policy, in regards to WWI. The
pacifists felt that America should stay
out of the conflict in Europe at all
costs, while the internationalists felt
that America should join the fighting
on the side of Britain and France.
These two ideals clashed in the fall of
1915 when the US seemed poised to
enter the war.
“The question of whether America should make
military and economic preparations for war
sparked a heated debate between pacifists and
internationalists.” (pg 561)
Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram was
a telegram message sent from
Germany to Mexico during
WWI. The message was
intercepted by the British and
given to the USA in February
1917. The message told
Mexico, who was an ally of
Germany, that if the US
declared war on Germany that
Mexico should declare war on
the US
“Widely publicized by British propagandists and the American
press, the Zimmerman telegram inflamed public opinion and
helped popular sentiment for war.” (pg 562)
Battle of Argonne Forest
The battle of Argonne Forest was
part of the last Allied offensive to
conclude WWI. It was fought from
September 26th 1918 until the end
of the war two months later. Over
three hundred thousand men dies
all together in the fighting. The
battle really helped to secure Allied
victory in the war.
‘By the end of October, the
AEF (American Expeditionary
forces) had helped push the
Germans back toward their
own border and had cut the
enemy’s major supply lines to
the front.” (pg 563 to 564)
(Throughout WW1) Trench Warfare P.
564- 565
Trench warfare was the main battle
strategy throughout all of World War 1
• Trench warfare was a strategy in which
the armies would dig deep trenches
(pictured) in order to protect themselves
from mortar strikes, bombings, and
sniper fire
• Trench warfare showed how the
weapons used in WW1 were so deadly
that 90% of battles were spent in the
ground. The trenches caused for battles
to last for months at a time, and progress
against the enemy was very slow. The
trenches were important because they
allowed for the troops to not be
slaughtered as they would if they stayed
above ground.
(1919)League of Nations P. 570- 573
Idea created by Wilson after WW1.
International organization consisting of many nations that would oversee world
affairs and try to prevent future conflicts (such as WW1) from occurring again.
The significance of the League of nations is that it was rejected by congress which
was a huge embarrassment for Wilson. Also it eventually became the United
Nations which we still have today and would eventually become the peacekeeping
organization of the World.
Ended up failing to an extent because it had very little ability to enforce its rulings
and judgments.
(1919- 1921) Red Scare P. 576
Beginning in 1919 after the end of WW1.
Red Scare occurred in the U.S. population after the
Bolshevik Revolution. It was the fear that was instilled in
the hearts of Americans of Communism spreading
throughout the World and to the U.S.
• It was also spurred by a series of bombings and bombing
attempts by Communist radicals. Much like terrorism
today, the true problem with the Red Scare was that you
(American citizens) had no idea whether someone was a
Communist or not.
• The significance of the Red Scare was that it caused the
sedition acts of 1918, and overall it created a new enemy
to the U.S. and created a brand new fear from the
Germans to Communists. It also created an extreme sense
of nationalism among U.S. citizens.
(1916- 1919) Great Migration P. 574575
Period of time when many black workers moved from the South
(agricultural jobs)up into the North (Industry Jobs) in order to obtain
factory jobs that whites had previously held. Created large black
communities up North were none had previously been.
• The significance of the Great Migration was that it caused the Chicago
Race Riot (1919), also helped to spur the UNIA. Overall the Great
Migration changed the culture and race that had previously been in the
North and made the North much more diverse and inhabited by blacks.
(Oct. 29, 1929) Stock Market Crash P.
603- 604
Also know as Black Tuesday. The day when the stock market fell apart and
16 million shares were traded, and the industrial index dropped 43 points.
The stock market crashed because (very abbreviated) people were
investing money that they did not actually have.
• The significance of the stock market crash was that it was a key
component in the Great Depression. It defined President Hoover’s
presidential career. It also eventually through the Great Depression caused
the banking crisis etc. http://i631.photobucket.com/albums/uu38/ewikisports/1929Crash-1.png
(1929-1939) Great Depression P. 604605)
The Great Depression was the era in which the U.S. economy was in
turmoil. The Great Depression was caused by the stock market crash,
banking crisis, uneven distribution of wealth, the international debt
structure, and poor economic diversification. It was finally ended at eh
beginning of WW2.
• The significance of the Great Depression was that it caused for many new
acts and associations including the NRA, TVA, FERA, etc. Overall the Great
Depression forced a complete overhaul in the restructuring of the banks
and how they loan money, and created many new acts that even some are
still in effect today.
(1929- 1933) Herbert Hoover P. 621622 (throughout all of Ch. 23)
• Herbert Hoover was elected in the election of 1929
because of the recent stock market crash and the
ensuing Great Depression. He was a banker and that is
why the general public thought that he would make a
good president. He believed that this was only a
recession and that the economy had a to dip in order
to stay healthy. His term was a “hands off approach” to
the economy and citizens
• The significance of Herbert Hoover’s presidency was
that his approach to the economy did not help to bring
the U.S. out of the recession. Overall many Americans
blame Hoover for the depression lasting as long as it
(1932) Bonus Army P. 621- 622
• The Bonus Army was a group a protesters who were
veterans of WW1. They were asking for their bonus for
serving in the war right now instead of 1945. Over 20,000
protesters marched on D.C. and Hoover still rejected the
proposal. After that some protesters left, but many
remained. So in order to get them to leave Hoover sent the
army in with tear gas and burned down their camp sites.
• The significance of the Bonus Army was that it was the
“last straw” in the demise of Hoover’s presidential career.
Not only did he deny the veterans their bonuses, but he
sent the army to brutally force them out of their campsites.
It was horrible P.R. for Hoover that was part of the reason
for his loosing re-election.