Fall 2010

44 - 130 Computers and Information Technology
Fall 2010
Introduction to computer systems. Topics include integrated office applications, hardware, software,
Internet, and the rights and responsibilities of computer users.
This course will allow students to apply and gain knowledge of computer and technology concepts and
applications. Students will realize that computers are no longer merely tools, but increasingly becoming the
means by which we acquire information. In addition, the student will demonstrate proficiency with
software applications on microcomputers including hands-on experience.
After completing CS/IS 130, the student should be able to:
 develop a foundation for life-long learning of computer and technology skills (NETS-S 5c)
 develop the ability to work successfully in a self-directed learning environment which includes time
management and self-responsibility (NETS-S 2a)
 develop the ability to integrate technology in their personal and professional life (NETS-S 6b)
utilize electronic resources to discover, learn and become proficient with computer-based applications
(NETS-S 4c, 6a)
identify and apply the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of computers and
information technology (NETS-S 5a)
utilize appropriate methods and computer resources to locate, manage and evaluate information on the
World Wide Web and networks (NETS-S 3b, 3c)
define computer terminology and concepts and apply this knowledge in solving problems and making
informed decisions (NETS-S 6a)
compare word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database, and Web page development concepts
(NETS-S 6a, 6b)
demonstrate specific features and functions of the Internet and word processing, spreadsheet,
presentation, database, and web-page development software (NETS-S 6a, 6b)
discuss hardware and software capabilities and limitations (NETS-S 6a)
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This class is designed as an interactive, modular learning experience. The course has been divided into 6
modules with each module covering a specific group of topics. The modules have been designed to
incorporate self-directed learning. You will be using computer-based software application training. You
will be given a great deal of freedom and responsibility for your own learning in this course. We do
encourage you to work at your own pace within each module, but deadlines will be set to discourage you
from falling behind in the course.
Software Application Skills Evaluations
SAM Word Essentials Exam .................................................................................25
Word Multimedia Project ......................................................................................20
Word Lab Exam .....................................................................................................50
SAM Excel Essentials A Exam..............................................................................25
SAM Excel Essentials B Exam ..............................................................................25
Excel Lab Exam .....................................................................................................50
SAM PowerPoint Essentials A Exam ....................................................................25
SAM PowerPoint Essentials B Exam ....................................................................25
PowerPoint Lab Exam ...........................................................................................50
Tutorial ...................................................................................................................25
SAM Exam – Access Essentials ............................................................................25
Project ....................................................................................................................50
Additional Lab Work
E-mail Assignment.................................................................................................20
Evaluating Web Sites Assignment .........................................................................10
Web Page Project ...................................................................................................50
Search and Evaluating Web Quiz ..........................................................................20
Computer Concepts Assessments
Chapter 2 – The Internet and World Wide Web – Pages 50 – 75 ...................................30
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Computers – Pages 1 – 26 ...................................................30
Chapter 4 – The Components of the System Unit – Pages 134 – 157 ............................30
Chapter 3 – Application Software – Pages 100 – 125 .....................................................30
Chapter 7 – Operating Systems and Utility Programs – Pages 250 – 271 ......................30
Chapter 5 – Input and Output – Pages 166 – 199 ............................................................30
Chapter 6 – Storage – Pages 220 – 241 ...........................................................................30
Chapter 9 – Database Management – Pages 332 – 353 ..................................................30
Chapter 8 – Communications and Networks – Pages 296 – 323 ....................................30
Chapter 10 – Computer Security, Ethics, and Privacy – Pages 362 – 389 .......................30
Grade Components:
Software Evaluations ................................................150
Lab Exams (3 @ 50 points each) ..............................150
Chapter Assessments (10 @ 30 points each) ...............300
E-mail Assignment.......................................................20
Evaluation Web Sites Assignment ...............................10
Search and Evaluate Quiz ............................................20
Access Tutorial ............................................................25
Access Project ..............................................................50
Web Page Project .........................................................50
Word Multimedia Project ............................................20
Total ...........................................................................795
90 – 100% A
80 – 89.5% B
70 – 79.5% C
60 – 69.5% D
Below 60% F
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Lab Materials:
Discovering Computers Fundamentals – Shelly Cashman Series
SAM 2007 (Purchase from the Bearcat Bookstore)
Daily attendance is required. Roll will be taken each class period and attendance granted when you stay
for the entire class period. If you miss because of a University sponsored activity, arrangements must be
made with the instructor in advance. In case of illness or a family emergency, you must notify your
instructor prior to the start of class. You must provide documentation for each absence. There will be a
deduction of 10 pts per class period missed if you do not provide documentation for the absence. You will
not be allowed to makeup assignments, projects, exams or assessments without proper documentation for
the absence.
All assignments and projects must be completed and turned in on time. The scoring guide must accompany
all projects.
You will be taking chapter assessments electronically. You are expected to take the chapter assessments at
the scheduled time. If you must miss an exam, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor in person
prior to the exam and to provide the instructor with written verification of the reason for your absence. In
case of illness, you may leave a voice-mail message, but it is still your responsibility to get in touch with
the instructor personally as soon as possible and to provide written verification. Failure to follow these
instructions will result in a deduction of points on the assessment or lab exam.
E-mail messages to my account are welcome where appropriate. Please put your first and last name and
section number under the SUBJECT header when you send mail.
Disability Accommodations:
Students in this course who need disability accommodations/modifications should present a copy of their
official Northwest accommodation letter from the LAP/S Committee to the instructor during private office
hours as early in the term as possible. Additional information can be found in the “Services for Students
with Disabilities” brochure available at the Student Services Center in the Administration building or
online at http://www.nwmissouri.edu/swd/index.htm.
Cell Phones:
Cell phones are to be turned off and put away during class.
Academic honesty:
The CS/IS Department follows the procedures provided in detail in the Policies and Procedures –
Academic Dishonesty section of the University catalog. It is the policy of this department to file a report
with the Provost or graduate school for every incident of academic dishonesty. Students enrolled in all
courses of the CS/IS Department are held accountable to the departmental policy on Academic Integrity, as
outlined in the written or electronic copy of the policy. Please submit your signature on the form provided
which indicates you read and understand the policy and circumstances and is evidence that you will follow
the policies outlined.
It is great having you in my class! Please feel free to ask questions.