ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET Chang-Yang Lin Eastern Kentucky University EXCEL BASICS Electronic Spreadsheet Cells: The Basic Building Blocks Navigate Excel Explore the Menus Select Multiple Cells Create a Spreadsheet Edit the Spreadsheet Formulas Electronic Spreadsheet Excel is a spreadsheet application for analyzing, organizing, and charting numerical data. Data is entered electronically, so numerical numbers can be updated without time-consuming recalculations or corrections. Excel can create charts to present your data visually. Data can appear as a a bar, line, XY or pie chart for visual presentation. Data can be sorted and queried. Examples: – Fun-N-Sun Sojourn 1st Qtr Sales – Inwood: Evaluation of proposed golf sites Name Box indicates active cell Formula Bar Active Cell CELLS: The Basic Building Blocks Each cell has an address, which is determined by its column and row position: – columns are indicated by letters – rows are indicated by numbers Cells can contain values, labels, or formulas: – labels are the text headings or titles that describe what the numbers represent – values are numbers for calculations – formulas perform calculations Navigate Excel The basic document file in Excel is a workbook – Up to 255 worksheets – Each worksheet is divided into 256 columns and 65,536 rows – The intersection of a row and column forms a cell, the smallest working section of a worksheet Navigating a Workbook – Click the sheet tab to activate the worksheet The current, active cell has a highlighted border, called the cell selector, around it. Move between cells of a worksheet using either the mouse or the keyboard. Press Ctrl + Home to return to cell A1 Create a Spreadsheet: A Four-step Process To Create A Spreadsheet Enter the labels that describe the values. Enter the numbers or values. Add any formulas needed to calculate results. Format the entries to make the spreadsheet easy to read and understand. Entering a text label Entering a value/number Entering a formula Use AutoSum The AutoSum button automatically places the =SUM() function in a selected cell or range. – When a single cell is selected, AutoSum inserts the arguments, then waits for you to confirm the entry. – When a range is selected, AutoSum automatically totals the rows and columns The AutoSum feature first tries to find values above the selected formula cell, then tries to locate them to the left. AutoFill The AutoFill feature allows you to enter similar formulas in dozens, or hundreds of cells. The AutoFill handle is located in the lower rightcorner of the cell selector. Dragging it to adjacent cells automatically fills them with a logical progression of formulas, labels, or values. Formulas: A Preview A formula is used to calculate a result for a defined range of numerical data. A formula is prefixed with an equal (=) symbol. Formulas require a set of arguments, and valid mathematical operators. The arguments are the cell addresses. =C5+C6+C7 is equivalent to =SUM(C5:C7) Copy a formula does not duplicate it exactly - the relative cell addresses are adjusted when the formula is moved.