Harding Academic Honesty Policy & Contract

AP English IV – Literature and Composition
Harding University High School – “Where Every Student Matters”
Call me:
Office Hours:
Jeannine Jordan Hogue (pronounced like “Vogue” with an H)
Mrs. Hogue or Mrs. H
School phone: (980) 343-6007
course website: www.schoology.com
Mondays/Fridays – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm (please make an appointment when possible)
Contact Information
Communication is KEY-I am here for YOU, but it is YOUR responsibility to seek the help you need! If
you have a question, concern, suggestion, or idea to share, you can communicate with me in any of the
following ways:
Ask me in class (if it relates to the current agenda/topic/assignment)
Send me an email
Talk to me before/briefly after class
Schedule an appointment during my office hours (see above)
Write me a brief letter or note & submit it in my Communication Folder
a. Located outside the door
b. You decide if you want to include your name or not
c. I will check the folder weekly and respond accordingly
Course Description
Students in AP Literature and Composition will develop critical thinking skills and literary analysis on
the study of fiction, drama, and poetry. Through this course, students will experience, interpret, and
evaluate literature. This will be accomplished through the critical analysis of a work’s structure, style,
theme, and the evaluation of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, diction, and tone. Students will
combine skills that have learned over three years of high school English courses so that they can focus
on AP Senior level English as a COLLEGE level course.
The following are major assessments that must be completed during AP Senior English:
Senior Exit Project
Three (3) major papers (1500-2000 words) in MLA format
Four (4) multi-media projects/presentations
AP Exam in English Literature
Required Materials – Supplies for class EVERYDAY
1 or 2 inch binder with dividers
Composition Notebook
Glue sticks
Notebook paper
Post it notes
USB Drive
Required Readings
The following works (with possible supplementary readings) will be studied in detail over the course of the
year. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own copies of all the literature (but it is not required),
so that they can mark the books and make notes in them as needed. AP students will also be required to know
novels of merit for the AP Exam in English Literature.
Their Eyes Were Watching God – Zora Neal Hurston
The Scarlet Letter – Nathanial Hawthorne (summer 2012)
Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden (summer 2012)
The Awakening – Kate Chopin
Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
MacBeth – William Shakespeare
Multiple sonnets/ballads – William Shakespeare
Multiple Selected poems – John Keats
Multiple Selected poems – Langston Hughes
Essays and Readings
Students will be assigned long-term writing or project based assignments that will require time
management so that students are not overwhelmed the last minute by deadlines. Students can expect to
write frequently. Engagement in the writing process is essential; thus, multiple drafts will be required
for ALL major papers. Papers written outside of class must be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced,
and cited using MLA.
The teacher will employ various mechanisms to ensure the completion of those readings including
regular quizzes over assigned material, required journaling and annotating of text. Students can expect
to read an entire work before it is discussed in class. They should also be prepared to juggle multiple
texts simultaneously (read a work outside of class while reading another work in class). Please note
that Cliff Notes and other plot summaries are not acceptable alternatives for completion of class
readings. Quizzes will be designed to differentiate between those who have read the text and those
who have read a plot summary or have merely skimmed the story.
AP Exam
AP students are EXPECTED to take the AP Exam as it is a component of the course. Students who do
not take the exam will be required to take a teacher-made exam during the June exam period as a
graduation requirement.
Grading Policies
CMS Scale – A=93-100; B=85-92; C=77-84; D=70-76; F=Below 70
 Essays/Tests
= 40%
 Class work/Participation
= 15%
 Projects/Presentations
= 25%
 Graduation Project
=20% of a quarterly grade
English Department “Failure is not an Option” Policy
The English department believes that student mastery is an essential component in creating and
maintaining high academic expectations. As such, any student who scores below a 77% (C) on a test
has the option to retake the test with a “qualifier”. In all English classes, a student meets the qualifier
requirement when he/she has spent a total of (1) hour in remediation/re-teaching session conducted by
the teacher or his/her team designee. While in this remediation/re-teaching session, students will adhere
to established classroom rules and will be held accountable for the work that is undertaken in the
session. Additionally, the student should complete this one (1) hour within five (5) school days
following the return of the test.
The average daily homework assignment will be approximately 60 minutes. Students will be frequently
assigned reading and writing projects that will require time management so that the students are not
overwhelmed at the last minute of deadlines. Homework will often relate to the agenda for the
following class period. All homework must be completed PRIOR to the beginning of class.
Late Work Policy
Late work is generally unacceptable. Students will be given a “0” (zero) for the assignment until it is
made up. If a student has an excused absence*, he/she has 5 school days to make arrangements to
make- up an assignment. Those who have an unexcused absence will be able to turn in the work at a
reduced grade. After the arrangement***, if a student turns the assignment in within:
3 days** late=grade is reduced by one letter grade
5 days** late=grade is reduced by two letter grades
7 days** late=grade is reduced by three letter grades
*TARDIES do not constitute an EXCUSED absence.
**Days are counted by consecutive schools days, NOT necessarily class meeting days.
***It is the student’s responsibility to find out about and complete all make-up work.
Missed Work - Be proactive! If you know you’re going to be absent, make arrangements to turn in work
on time—avoid falling behind. It is your responsibility to complete missing assignments. Find at least
two (2) trustworthy people in class, exchange contact information, and use them when you miss class. If
you miss an assignment, your grade will suffer. Future college professors and bosses are not
sympathetic to excuses about late work.
Students’ Classroom Contract (students – please initial next to each rule below)
We are all V.I.P.S. (very important people). I will listen to and respect all V.I.P.S. (Voices, Ideas,
Perspectives, Styles) while in class. _____
2. I will embrace and practice the BREATHE philosophy daily by being Brave, Responsible, Enthusiastic,
Attentive, Thoughtful, Honest, and Engaged. _____
I will be in my seat, prepared for class, and quietly responding to the instructions on the board by the
time the bell rings._____
I will not text or use my phone in class unless my teacher instructs me to. _____
I will not talk or move around the classroom unless directed to do so by the teacher. _____
I will listen to and follow instructions the first time they are given._____
I will raise my hand quietly and wait to be called on when I have a question or comment related to the
current class agenda/topic/assignment. _____
I will not waste class time with unrelated questions, comments, or suggestions. _____
When the teacher raises her hand and says “SEE ME,” I should immediately raise my hand, Stop
Engaging, and put my Eyes on HER. _____
10. When the teacher raises her hand and says “SEE SPEAKER,” I should immediately raise my hand, Stop
Engaging, and put my Eyes on the SPEAKER. _____
Consequences for breaking any of the rules above
Signature: ___________________________
Date: _____/_____/ 2012
Verbal Warning
RAM Row (reflect & modify)
Bounced (moved to another class)
Parent Contact
Referral to an Administrator
Mrs. Hogue’s Classroom Contract (my SIGNED commitment to you)
1. We are all V.I.P.S. (very important people). I will listen to AND respect all V.I.P.S. (Voices, Ideas,
Perspectives, and Styles) while in class. _____
2. I will embrace and practice the BREATHE philosophy daily by being Brave, Responsible, Enthusiastic,
Attentive, Thoughtful, Honest, and Engaged. _____
3. I will be prepared for class, enthusiastic, and ready to explain instructions by the time the bell rings._____
4. I will not text or use my phone in class unless it is an emergency or related to the class lesson. _____
5. I will move around the classroom regularly to answer questions and facilitate group activities. _____
6. I will NOT waste your class time with unrelated comments, lessons, or material. _____
7. I will treat all students fairly, equally, and with utmost respect at all times. _____
8. I will challenge, inspire, support, and encourage you daily to be your BEST self. _____
9. I will NEVER insult you, disrespect you, judge you, embarrass you, or question your intelligence._____
10. I will care about your failures, and applaud your successes.______
Signature: ___________________________
Date: _____/_____/ 2012
Student–Parent Agreement & Commitment to Education (Signature REQUIRED)
I have read the above syllabus, and completely understand and agree to the rules, policies, and
expectations outlined for this course.
______________________________________ _________________________
Student Signature
_____________________________________ __________________________
Parent Signature
Parent email
parent phone#
Harding Academic Honesty Policy & Contract
(Signature REQUIRED)
It is the policy of Harding University High School that all student work is original and representative of the
student’s knowledge and ability. It is the policy of HUHS that all students understand the concept of plagiarism
and avoid violating the academic honesty policy as outlined below. Plagiarism is a particular type of cheating that
has no place in the academic community. Plagiarism is defined as the copying of the language, structure,
graphics, ideas and/or thoughts of another author or individual and representing it as one’s own work. Plagiarism
is most easily avoided by learning proper documentation techniques. The techniques mean using MLA and/or
APA citations, easily available on www.easybib.com. ALL STUDENTS AT HARDING UNIVERSITY HIGH
Never share your assignments with others electronically.
Do not let others look at your assignments "for ideas".
Share ideas through discussion.
Don't share flash drives.
Use www.easybib.com for citation assistance.
Understand the difference between summarizing, paraphrasing, and using direct quote (ALL must be cited).
Understand that common knowledge does not need to be cited.
Understand that 75% of your paper should be YOUR voice and YOUR original thinking. Only 25% should be
from outside resources.
9. Items cited throughout your paper must be on your works cited page; items in your works cited page must be
present in your paper.
Students who are caught violating the Harding University High School Academic Policy may be subject to:
 A permanent zero (0) on the assignment or assessment
 Parent/Student/Teacher Conference
 Phone Call to Parent
 Detention and/or Referral to administration or Guidance Counselor.
We have read and understand the Harding University High School Academic Honesty Policy and the
policy on Plagiarism. We understand that failure to comply is subject to the consequences as outlined.
Parent/Guardian Signature
HUHS Student Signature