9:00-10:00 AM 10:15-11:00 AM 11:15 AM- 12:00 PM Pecan Bluebonnet Mockingbird Keynote: Authentic Learning: Putting Theory Into Practice Roundtable Dr. John Burdett Roundtable Brazos Empty Pecos Empty Roundtable Roundtable Empty (Elementary) (ELAR, SS) (Science, Math) (Admin, Central Office, Instructional Coaches) ALL CONTENT AREAS (Elementary & Secondary) STEM (Elementary, Secondary, Admin & Central Office) ALL CONTENT AREAS (Elementary) ELAR (Secondary) ADMIN / CENTRAL OFFICE Inspire With a Google 20% Project How To Establish a Vertically-Aligned Robotics Program for Grades 5 - 12 Using the Engage Learning Model in the Elementary Classroom Reaching for Relevancy Make Your Organization SWITCH! Ann Witherspoon: Midlothian ISD This session will explore the benefits, tips, tricks, and pitfalls for implementing a Google 20% Time project with your students. Discover how you can transform your classroom environment and your students' perceptions of learning. We’ll examine the process from the entry event to the final student presentations and I’ll share all my resources to enhance student learning. Prepare your students for the future with real learning in real time! Johnny Tharp & Orion Casper: Greenville ISD In this session the presenters will describe how to use the VEX Robotics Platform to engage students in Product Oriented Educational (POE) activities that can be applied in the real-world. The presenters will demonstrate how students apply math, programming, etc. in building a robot that will compete in local, state, national and world tournaments at each of the elementary, middle and high school levels. Also, the presenters will describe how to set up a developmental POE robotics class for students that want to learn robotics principles without the pressure of competition. Veronica Trainor, Robin Richardson, & Allyssa Boley: McKinney ISD Participants will see how teaching has transformed from a teaching platform to a learning platform using the Engage Learning Model. This session will focus on the positive impact of PBL in the elementary classroom. Nathan Monroe, & Jennifer Yates: Abilene ISD Projects will be presented which combine the necessary English TEKS with real world scenarios and tasks. Examples include: writing a modern day Canterbury Tale which is published in the local newspaper, writing a play to be performed for children, writing a persuasive speech to be delivered to the mayor. Students work in groups to learn the necessary English skills while producing an authentic and relevant product. You will never hear the words, "Why are we reading this?" again. Amber Jones: McKinney ISD (former Region 10 ESC) Why is it so hard to make lasting changes in our organizations? Chip and Dan Heath explore this concept in their national bestseller SWITCH: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. This session will highlight strategies from SWITCH that will allow you to begin the process of transformative change at your campus or district. 12:00-1:15 PM 1:15-2:00 PM ALL CONTENT AREAS (Elementary & Secondary) Lunch ALL CONTENT AREAS (Secondary) Inspire With a Google 20% Project You Mean I Have to Do Math in Here, Too? Ann Witherspoon: Midlothian ISD Kari Perkins & Brandon Walters: CFB ISD This session will explore the benefits, tips, tricks, and pitfalls for implementing a Google 20% Time project with your students. Discover how you can transform your classroom environment and your students' perceptions of learning. We’ll examine the process from the entry event to the final student presentations and I’ll share all my resources to enhance student learning. Prepare your students for the future with real learning in real time! PBL generates a classroom full of critical thinkers working within real-world authentic situations. The focus of this session is cross-curricular integration through the use of PBL. Each participant will leave with something that can be brought back and immediately implemented. The activities are valid for Math, Science, Social Studies and English. ALL CONTENT AREAS (Elementary) Using the Engage Learning Model in the Elementary Classroom Veronica Trainor, Robin Richardson, & Allyssa Boley: McKinney ISD Participants will see how teaching has transformed from a teaching platform to a learning platform using the Engage Learning Model. This session will focus on the positive impact of PBL in the elementary classroom. SCIENCE (Elementary & Secondary) Mosquito Traps, Toy Expos, and More Project Based Learning with Science Karen Kuo: Duncanville ISD West Nile Solution Showcase: Intermediate student groups worked with graduate students at the UNT Health Science Center and the city of Duncanville. Students applied what they learned about food chains, living and non-living elements, and changing ecosystems to create environmentally friendly solutions for the problem of West Nile spreading mosquitos in Duncanville. Energy Toy Expo: Student groups applied their knowledge of the forms of energy, circuits, and systems to design and construct a working toy. Students used their toys to teach younger students in the district about the uses of energy and types of circuits in our annual Toy Expo. Room available for admin and central office if wanting to continue conversation and not attend a session 2:15-3:00 PM ALL CONTENT AREAS (Elementary & Secondary) MATH (Secondary) ELAR, SOCIAL STUDIES (Elementary) ELAR, SOCIAL STUDIES (Secondary) Global Collaboration 3 Act Math: A How-To What Do You Mean Give Them A Choice? Sustain Today - Survive Tomorrow Jodie Deinhammer & Susan Dane Ehlert: Mesquite ISD Olive May & Alex Herrera: Irving ISD Jeffrey Rose & Ryan The conversations have changed in our classroom. It used to be “Make this.” As thinking has expanded and learning has unfolded, students now ask, “Can I make?” We’ve stepped back and let go. The more we step back, the more our students step forward and take control of their own learning. See some of the transformations that have occurred because we were willing to let go. What would humans do without oil? Students research current advances in natural resources to find a means for more sustainable use of Earth's resources. Additionally, they read literature that highlights the human relationship with technology and the environment. This session will highlight how PBL provides authentic avenues for student learning at all levels. The session will walk participants through the entire project from entry event to the final presentation, explaining the pitfalls and difficulties as well as successes experienced. Hall: Coppell ISD Global collaboration presents an authentic opportunity for learners to apply future ready skills. Session participants will leave with strategies for implementing and adapting global projects differentiated based on technology capacity, educator/learner readiness, and curriculum. We will utilize tools such as: Google Earth, Skype in the Classroom, iTunes U, ePals, and more. Learn how to globally connect your K-12 classrooms. Dan Meyer has developed an innovative, inquiry-based lesson format that he calls "3 Act Math." This session will model a 3 Act Math task created in order to inform and persuade the audience to implement these engaging lessons. The session will also provide reasoning for why this type of teaching is important by describing the differences between students with growth mindsets and fixed mindsets. Hochstatter: CFB ISD 3:15-4:00 PM ALL CONTENT AREAS (Elementary) MATH (Secondary) ELAR, SOCIAL STUDIES (Secondary) SCIENCE, ELAR (Secondary) Creation Station Crash Scene Investigation Humanities in Action Combining ELAR and American History through Project Based Learning Chicks, Birds & Books Shellie Carson: Irving ISD Teachers can create stations with high rigor and give students choices that allow for differentiation. This session will teach participants how to reach the rigor level prescribed by the TEKS to efficiently develop a learning station. Students will be given the responsibility of choosing between content, process, and product during the authentic assessment task. Examples will be shared and participants will be given the opportunity to begin creating stations of their own. Tiffany Cordell: Denison ISD By making lessons relevant, student retention increases. This session will highlight a lesson that connects crash scene investigators/highway patrol officers to radical expressions. By connecting the in-class activity to real-world applications, students transfer the skill from the classroom to an authentic experience. Jessica Drummond & LaTonya Battles: Duncanville ISD Cross-curricular Project Based Learning is an innovative approach to accommodating the 21st century learner. By incorporating the PBL process into the classroom, teachers can provide an authentic learning experience that integrates the ELAR TEKS with American History. The session will include a focus on facilitating vs. teaching, implementing student-directed learning, and collaboration. Sunny Richardson: Coppell ISD In this session three authentic learning projects will be highlighted: Chick Genes, The Big Week and Kingdom Animalia Children's books. These projects involve handson learning and community involvement through a service learning project in which students write children's books and read them via Skype to elementary students. These relevant and interactive learning experiences bring the real world into the classroom and allow for authentic learning. Admin, Central Office and Instructional Coaches are encouraged to attend a follow-up session with Dr. Mike Murphy for a three part series that will cover topics such as: - What Differentiation is and how to prepare your building for it How do you know when you see good differentiation and how do you have difficult conversations with teachers to help them grow How to evaluate if you’re making progress and how to deal with resistance (October, November, January – three half-day sessions)