US History

US History
1. Before America
2. Early America
3. Revolution
4. Learning to be America + Foreign Policy
5. Slavery and economic growth
6. Civil War
7. Reconstruction & The Industrial Revolution
8. Robber Barrons
9. WWI
10. Depression
11. WWII
12. Modern America is born
13. The inspiration for all those great spy movies
14. The birth of rock and roll
15. The sixties and the rise and fall of countercultures
16. Vietnam
17. Excess and the 80’s
18. Mr. Preston becomes a teenager
19. In the year 2000
• Water Freezes
• Glaciers form and use water, land bridge
• Nomads wander over bridge
• Head south where it is warm
– Nomads become
• The Maya– Big temples,
• The Olmecs- Big temples, make calendars, dug ditches,
• The Incas- mined gold, silver
• The Aztecs-knew math, written language
John Cabot- England 1497
Amerigo Vespucci- Portugal- 1502
Vasca Nunez de Balboa- Spain- 1513
Ferdinand Magellan- Spain 1519-1522
Aztecs Destroyed
Killed by Henry Cortes
Led Army to Mexico
Stole gold and silver
Won battle because of technology
• Jamestown, Virginia- First colony
established by English
• Land filled with swamps
• Poor Farming
• Hardly any fresh water
• Many settlers died from hunger and
• Came on Mayflower to escape religious
persecution, 1620
• Pilgrims
– separated from the Church of England
• Mayflower Compact-Leaders of Pilgrims
wrote and agreement saying that the laws
of the new colony would be fair and equal.
All the men on board agreed to it.
Plymouth cont..
Landed late in fall, too late to plant crops
Weather was cold
Not enough food
Settlers became ill
Native Americans helped through the first winter
More than ½ still died by spring
Native Americans showed them how to grow
corn, hunt turkey and deer, ways to fish for food
• By 1621 Pilgrims had made it, celebrate one full
year with a 3 day harvest festival, people today
think of this as the first Thanksgiving
Growing Colonies
• Colonies start to grow
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
New York
New Jersey
• First New England Colony
• Included all of Massachusetts and part of
• Other colonies grew out of Massachusetts
Rhode Island
• After Massachusetts was settled, many people who were
unhappy with puritan life moved to other areas
• Some were forced to leave
• Roger Williams left and built settlement called
Providence, which became Rhode Island
• 1635- Minister named Roger Williams was kicked out
– He believed the church had to much power
– State, government should be separate from the church, or
– Free to practice own beliefs, religions
• All 3 beliefs became core parts of the declaration of independence
and bill of rights
• Minister, Thomas Hooker, led people out
of Massachusetts
• Felt Puritans had become too powerful
• Settled a new colony, Connecticut, Native
American name meaning “long river place”
New Hampshire
• 1623, King James (England) sent two fish
merchants and others to explore the coast
of present day New Hampshire
• Communities established
• People came to these fishing communities
because they didn’t want to follow the
rules of the Puritan church
• New Hampshire became a colony in 1741
New York
• Land between Virginia and New Hampshire
settled by the Dutch
• 1609 Henry Hudson, English explorer, hired by
Dutch to sail up river, later named for him
• Claimed land along river and named it New
• Largest colony settled on an island, now called
Manhattan, named after Manhattan tribe
New Jersey
• 1664, English forces took control of New
New Amsterdam (Netherlands)
• Split in two, one became New York and
another became New Jersey
• Large town at the mouth of the Hudson
was renamed New York
• Quakers, led by William Penn, wanted to
travel to America to follow beliefs
• He asked King of England for land and
was given Pennsylvania.
• Quakers are pacifists
• 1704, land taken over by Dutch from
Sweden, then England
• Settlers asked William Penn for land to set
up their own colony and he agreed.
• The first colony of Virginia began with the
Jamestown settlement in 1607
• More settlers came from New England and
other middle colonies
• 1632, Lord Baltimore, rich English
Catholic, was given a charter. He settled
the colony of Maryland
• Lord Baltimore had Toleration act passed
in Maryland. Act guaranteed freedom of
religion to all Christians.
• 1663, King Charles of England gave 8 rich
English Lords the right to settle land south
of Virginia
• Good soil, beautiful land
• Allowed religious freedom
• So many people came because of the
good soil that it broke into North and South
• Last of the 13 colonies
• Settled as home for debtors
• These people who had been jailed for not
paying money owed to others
• James Oglethorpe thought jail was unfair
for debtors and asked for a new start in
• 1773, Georgia, named after king George II
became a colony
Colonial America
William Penn
Native Americans
Aztec Temple
How They Made Money
• The economies of the new world were primarily
farming, shipping, fishing, shipbuilding
• Flour was a big export and so was lumber
• Ships were built on the coast, especially around
• Flour was grown inland
• Southern Colonies in the east used slave labor
and grew tobacco, rise, cotton, indigo
– Farmers started off hiring people to work but slaves
became more profitable and as the farmers became
more successful the amount of slaves being used
increased until they were doing most of the work
Frontier Farms
• Europeans who arrived in the Southern
Colonies in the late 1600’s discovered that
most of the good farmland on the coast
was taken. They moved west to the
Appalachian Mountains
• Farms were small and run by families and
friends, no slaves were used.
Women and the Colonies
• Women worked hard in the 13 colonies.
– Worked with husbands as shipbuilders
– Worked as Shopkeepers
– Worked as printers– Poor Richard’s Almanac
by Ben Franklin
– Did household jobs
Settlements - Town
• Towns were established from Settlements
• Many people knew each other and wanted to live near each
• Kids apprentices
– Bartered and traded between towns (traded products
for other products or services)
– Imported items from other towns
– Most imported items
• Lots of importing between Europe and southern colonies
Set up shops based on skills
Great Awakening
• People came to America for Religion then
abandoned it
• Ministers tried to Awaken interest in God
• New religious groups formed
The Enlightenment
• Colonists interested in new ideas
• Enlightenment was a new way of thinking
that came from people in Europe
– People believed that knowledge was power
• Said that if people used reason, the government
and society would improve
– Encouraged people to question others and to believe that
government should protect “lives and liberty and
Political Rights
• Political rights are rights given to people by the
• England, voters elected people to represent
them in making laws.
• Colonies, had the representatives but 8 of the 13
colonies were ruled by governors chosen by the
• Governors could throw out lawmakers who did
not follow English laws. This was unfair
• England had a right to trial by Jury, Colonies did
Economic Rights
• Colonists wanted to sell products for the most
money possible and wherever they wanted to
• England believed in mercantilism
– The idea that a nation becomes stronger by building
up it’s gold supply and increasing trade
England established colonies to make money and didn’t
like this
- Passed laws to regulate or control the trade in the
Revolution Timeline
• March 5, 1770 Boston Massacre
– Colonists yell insults at British soldiers
– Someone throws snowballs and rocks
– Soldiers shoot and 5 men died
Revolution Timeline
December 1773, colonists dress as Native --Americans, boarded ships in Boston
-Threw tea overboard
-angry because British passed a law
saying only a British company could
supply colonies with tea
-Colonists are now unable to meet and
more soldiers are sent to their city
Revolution Timeline
• 1774, colonial leaders meet in Philadelphia
• The First Continental Congress
– Members of every colony except Georgia met and
wrote the Declaration of American Rights and sent it
to Great Britain
– It listed all of the unfair treatment
– George Washington, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry
and others were leading the session
– The Declaration did not change the Britain’s mind
Revolution Timeline
• Colonists become angrier
• Patrick Henry demanded freedom from
Great Britain and famously ended one of
his speeches screaming “Give me liberty
or give me death!”
• Many colonists agreed and this became a
battle cry
Revolution Timeline
• People were ready to die for freedom
• In Massachusetts, groups called
minutemen formed
• Minutemen- colonists between ages of 1660 who could be ready to fight at a
minute’s notice
• Minutemen stored guns and bullets in
Concord, 2o miles outside of Boston
Revolution Timeline
• British General Thomas Gage finds out about the guns in Concord
• Orders troops to raid the storage area and destroy the guns
• April 18,1775, 700 British soldiers marched out of Boston, unaware
that they were being spied on
• Colonists had a plan to warn the Minutemen
• They lit lanterns as a warning signal on lantern meant the attack was
on land, two meant they were heading north by boat
• “One if by land, two if by sea”
• One lantern lit the tower, The Minutemen had to be warned. A
colonist by the name of Paul Revere jumped on to his horse and
rode into the darkness, 16 miles, yelling “The redcoats are coming”
• Revere was joined by William Dawes, they road together
• They were captured, Samuel Prescott continued to ride and warn
the other towns
Revolution Timeline
• The Battle of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775
• British arrive at Lexington Green, 70 men waiting for
them, led by American Captain John Parker “Stand your
Ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they want
war, let it begin here.”
• 8 Minutemen killed, one British wounded, Minutemen
scattered in defeat
• General Gage marched British troops to Concord
Revolution Timeline
• British continue to Concord, feeling confident
• When they reached a northern bridge near Concord,
they were charged on by 450 minutemen +
shopkeepers, farmers, and others with rifles
• They charged at the British and pushed them back
where they were met by more Minutemen hiding behind
trees and stone walls, They ran to Boston but by the time
they got there 300 British were dead and 90 colonists
were dead or wounded
• This was the first battle of the Revolutionary war but war
had not been declared
Revolution Timeline
• The Second Continental Congress
• A month after the battles of Lexington and Concord
colonial leaders met again in Philadelphia, This was
called the Second Continental Congress
• War had not yet been declared between Great Britain
and the colonies
• Many leaders did not want war but they new it was
probably going to happen because of the violence
• They decided to petition Britain to help find a peaceful
resolution, They called this the Olive Branch Petition
• They still prepared for war and chose George
Washington, a planter from Virginia, as a military leader.
He had fought well during the French and Indian War.
Revolution Timeline
• Battle of Bunker Hill
– Fighting broke out in Boston
– British troops had remained in the city
– Britain ordered them to break out but they had to get past the
Militia (emergency groups of colonists) that were camped out on
Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill
– This was one of the bloodiest battles of the war and Britain took
control of the hill on June 17, 1775
– Britain “won” but they lost more men than the colonists and the
King was shocked. The colonists were not disappointed because
even though they lost they beat up the British
– King George III hired German soldiers to control colonists and he
had the navy block all shipping
– The shipping blockade bothered the colonists and prevented
supplies from getting into or out of certain areas.
Revolution Timeline
• Watch video about Lexington and Concord
• Read page 72-75 from the book as a
• Read only the description of the 7 battles.
• We will discuss the Declaration of
Independence and Treaty of Paris on
Declaration of Independence
• The Introduction
• The Introduction of the Declaration of
Independence refers to the Laws of Nature and
of Nature’s God entitling the people to assume
any type of political independence. The
introduction also acknowledges that the reason
for independence must be of reasonable terms.
The Declaration therefore must be concise and
explained thoroughly.
Declaration of Independence
• The Preamble
• The Preamble contains probably the most
famous lines of the Declaration, “we hold these
truths to be self evident, that all men are created
equal.�? The Preamble states that there are
certain unalienable rights that government
should never violate. Those rights include the
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Should those rights be violated and the
government fails to protect them, the people
have the right to protect those rights themselves
by overthrowing the government.
Declaration of Independence
• The Indictment
• The Indictment begins by stating the suffering of the American
colonies and the feeling of absolute constraint in forming a new
system of government. The Indictment also refers to the numerous
and repeated injuries that King George III placed upon the colonies
and then go on to include factual information as to the many things
that King George III had committed.
• The King is accused of twenty seven specific abuses; interfering
with colonists' rights to self government and a fair judicial system;
instituting legislation that affected colonies without their consent,
increasing taxes on colonists; requirement to quarter British soldiers;
right to trial by jury; preventing them from trading freely, for example.
Also, the King had refused to protect the borders of the colonies
thus resulting in the destruction of American life and property. These
are among the twenty seven accusations the colonists made in
direct relation with King George the III in the Indictment portion of
the Declaration of Independence.
Declaration of Independence
• The Denunciation
• The Denunciation portion of the Declaration of
Independence basically covers and finishes their case
for separating from England in the hopes for a peaceful
resolution, but with the clear understanding that war is
almost inevitable. This section of the Declaration also
notes the attempts that had been made to peacefully
work things out as many of the Americans still felt that
England was their brother and had appealed to more
prominent people among the British. Still to their utter
disappointment and their requests the colonies remained
ignored and unsuccessful.
Declaration of Independence
• The Conclusion
In conclusion, the representatives of the United States of America
and the people of the colonies had seen existent conditions that
required a change in government structure and policy. The
conclusion states that “these united Colonies are, and of Right ought
to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all
Allegiance to the British Crown.�? The conclusion of the
Declaration also contains the core of Lee’s Resolution that had been
passed on July 2.
• A summary of the Declaration of Independence will always take
something away from the true words written by Thomas Jefferson,
but will give you an idea of what the declaration is about.
Bill of Rights
• In the United States, the Bill of Rights is
the name by which the first ten
amendments to the United States
Constitution are known. They were
introduced by James Madison to the First
US Congress in 1789 as a series of
articles, and came into effect on
December 15, 1791, when they had been
ratified by three-fourths of the States.
The Bill of Rights
• 1 Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and
• 2 Right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well
regulated militia.
• 3 No quartering of soldiers.
• 4 Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.
• 5 Right to due process of law, freedom from selfincrimination, double jeopardy.
• 6 Rights of accused persons, e.g., right to a speedy and
public trial.
• 7 Right of trial by jury in civil cases.
• 8 Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual
• 9 Other rights of the people.
• 10 Powers reserved to the states.
11th1795 Citizens cannot sue states in federal courts. There are some exceptions.
12th1804 Changed the way the President and Vice President are elected.
13th1865 Ended slavery in the United States.
14th1868 Every person born in the United States is a citizen. States must follow due process of
law before taking away any citizen's rights or property.
15th1870 A citizen's right to vote cannot be taken away because of race or the color of their skin.
16th1913 Congress can put a tax on income.
17th1913 The people will elect Senators. Before this, Senators were elected by state legislatures.
18th1919 Made a law against drinking alcohol, called Prohibition.
19th1920 Gave women the right to vote.
20th1933 Changed the days for meetings of Congress and for the start of the President's term of
21st1933 Ended the Prohibition law of the Eighteenth Amendment. States can make laws about
how alcohol is used in each state.
22nd1951 A person may not be elected President more than two times
23rd1961 Gave the people in the District of Columbia the right to vote for President.
24th1964 Made it illegal to make anyone pay a tax to have the right to vote.
25th1967 Changes what happens if a President dies, resigns, or is not able to do the job. Says
what happens if a Vice President dies or resigns.
26th1971 Makes 18 years old the minimum age for people to be allowed to vote
27th1992 Limits how Congress can increase how much its members are paid.
Constitution- Preamble
• Preamble
• The Preamble says:
– We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more
perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our
Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United
States of America.
• The Preamble is not a law. It gives the reasons for
writing the Constitution. The Preamble is one of the best
known parts of the Constitution. The first three words,
"We the people," are used very often. There are six
intensions-they are the goals of the constitution.
• [change] Legislative power
Constitution- Article 1
Article One: says that the U.S. Congress (the legislative branch) will make
the laws for the United States. Congress has two parts, called "Houses," the
House of Representatives and the Senate. The Article says who can be
elected to each part of Congress, and how they are elected.
The House of Representatives has members elected by the people in each
state. The number of members from each state depends on how many
people live there. Each member of the House of Representatives is elected
for two years. The Senate has two members, called Senators, for each
state, no matter how many people live there. Each Senator is elected for six
years. The original Constitution says that Senators should be elected by the
state legislatures, but this was changed later.
Article One also says how the Congress will do its business and what kinds
of laws it can make. It lists some kinds of laws the Congress and the states
cannot make. Article One also makes rules for Congress to impeach and
remove from office the President, Vice President, judges, and other
government officers.
[change] Executive power
Constitution – Article 2
• Article Two says that the President (the executive branch) will carry
out the laws made by Congress. This article says how the President
and Vice President are elected, and who can be elected to these
offices. The President and Vice President are elected by a special
Electoral College chosen by the states, for four years. The Vice
President takes over as President if the President dies, or resigns,
or is unable to serve. Article Two also says that the President is in
charge of the army and navy. He can make treaties with other
countries, but these must be approved by two-thirds of the Senate.
He appoints judges, ambassadors, and other officers, but the
Senate also must approve these appointments. The President can
also veto bills. However Congress can over ride the veto
• [change] Judicial power
Constitution- Article 3
• Article Three says there will be a court system
(the judicial branch), including the Supreme
Court. The article says that Congress can decide
which courts, besides the Supreme Court, are
needed. It says what kinds of "cases and
controversies" these courts can decide. Article
Three also requires trial by jury in all criminal
cases, and defines the crime of treason.
• [change] States' powers and limits
Constitution – Article 4
• Article Four is about the states. It says that all states must give "full
faith and credit" to the laws of the other states. It also says that state
governments must treat citizens of other states as fairly as they treat
their own citizens, and must send arrested people back to another
state if they have been charged with a crime.
• Article Four also says that Congress can make new states. There
were only 13 states in 1787. Now there are 50 states in the United
States. It says Congress can make rules for Federal property and
can govern territories that have not yet been made into states.
Article Four says the United States must make sure that each state
has a republican form of government, and protect the states from
invasion and violence.
• [change] Process of amendment
Constitution – Article 5
• Article Five says how to amend, or change, the Constitution.
Congress can write a change, if two-thirds of the members in each
House agree. The state governments can call a convention to write
changes, although this has not happened since 1787. Any change
that is written by Congress or by a convention must be sent to the
state legislatures or to state conventions for their approval.
Congress decides whether to send a change to the legislatures or to
conventions. Three-fourths of the states must approve a change for
it to become part of the Constitution.
• An amendment can change any part of the Constitution, except one
— no amendment can change the rule that each state has the same
number of seats in the Senate.
• [change] Federal power
Constitution – Article 6
• Article Six says that the Constitution, and
the laws and treaties of the United States,
are higher than any other laws. It also
says that all federal and state officers must
swear to "support" the Constitution.
• change Ratification
Constitution – Article 7
• Article Seven says that the new
government under the Constitution would
not start until conventions in at least nine
states approved the Constitution
Civil War
• Expansion and Compromise
• 1819 there were 22 states
– 11 free states
– 11 slave states
Civil War
• Southern states start growing cotton because
tobacco wasn’t selling. South was poor
• Eli Whitney invents cotton gin. Cotton becomes
big cash crop. Cotton plantations grow and so
does use of slave labor
• Factories grow in North. North pulls away from
south economically.
– Textile plants
– Woven cloth
– Goods they weren’t able to import
Civil War
• Missouri Compromise
– Missouri would enter the union as a slave
– Maine would enter the union as a free state
– The rest of the Louisiana Territory would be
divided by a line. No slavery would be allowed
in the states north of that line
Civil War
• Compromise of 1850
– California would join the Union as a free state
– In the rest of the territory from Mexico, people
would decide whether or not to allow slavery
– The slave trade would be banned in
Washington D.C.
– Congress would pass the Fugitive Slave Law
Civil War
• Abolitionists- Northern people who
wanted to abolish slavery
• Abolitionists wanted to help African
Americans escape from slavery.
Abolitionists worked together to set up a
network of secret routes for enslaved
African Americans to escape to freedom in
the North or in Canada. This was called
the Underground Railroad.
Civil War
• Frederick Douglas was an abolitionist
leader who had escaped from slavery.
• He became an important writer and
change a lot of peoples minds about
slavery. He wrote about his own life as a
• He wrote the Narrative of the life of
Frederick Douglass
Civil War
• Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher
Stowe was another famous anti-slavery
• The book about “Uncle Tom” detailed an
account of the cruelty and harshness of
• Most Northeners had never heard the
horrible details about what happened to
Civil War
• Kansas-Nebraska Act
– Senator Stephen Douglas from Illinois wanted to
organize Nebraska into a territory. Douglas wanted it
organized so Illinois could have a railroad built from
Illinois through Nebraska
– Douglas suggested dividing the territory into
Nebraska and Kansas territory. Douglas decided
slavery in the territory could be decided by Popular
Sovereignty (A system that allowed the people in a
territory to make their own decisions)
Civil War
• Nebraska was too far north to have
plantations. The people of Nebraska
wanted a territory without slavery.
• Kansas was further south. They could
have plantations. After the act was passed
there was a land rush to Kansas
• Some wanted slavery and some didn’t.
There was a vote to decide whether or not
they would be pro slavery
Civil War
• 9000 people were now in Kansas
• Population was now large enough to vote
for a government
• Before election extremists rode to Kansas
• Became violent, robbed people,
The First 16 Presidents
1. George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Harrison
John Tyler
James Polk
Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
First American President
Revolutionary War Hero
Elected because of popularity
Formed policy of non-involvement in
foreign affairs and wars
John Adams
2nd President
-George Washington’s Vice-President
-First President to live in the White House
-One of the most influential founding fathers
-Died on the 4th of July 50 years after the
constitution was signed
Thomas Jefferson
3rd President
John Adams vice president
Only president to be elected unanimously
Wrote Declaration of Independence
James Madison
• 4th President
• Had 2 vice-presidents die in office
• Was nicknamed “Father of the Constitution
James Monroe
• 5th President
• Encouraged the growth of America
• Set aside land for Native Americans on the
great plains
• He and John Adams both died on July 4th,
55 years to the day the constitution was
John Quincy Adams
6th president
Son of John Adams
First son of a president to be elected
Did not enjoy entertaining or crowds
Elected by house of representatives
Andrew Jackson
• 7th president
• Gave parties at the White House and
invited the public
• Nicknamed “Old Hickory” because he was
• Fought duels to defend his wife’s honor
and killed at least one man
Martin Van Buren
• 8th President
• Headed a political group that later became
the Democratic Party
• Had followers known as Bucktails because
they wore deer tails on their hats when
they attended meetings
William Henry Harrison
9th President
The oldest president until Ronald Reagan
Only president for 32 days, shortest tenure for president
Death started issues about presidential succession that
weren’t in constitution, 25 amendment later answered
these questions
• Refused to wear a coat or hat to his inauguration, stood
in the cold and rain and gave the longest inaugural
address ever which took over 2 hours, caught a cold
which turned into pneumonia and he died. Doctors said
that because he was so stressed and the medicine was
not advanced, the cold accelerated and he died
John Tyler
• 10th President
• First president to face impeachment
• Had himself sworn in as president after
Harrison died, instead of asking for a new
James Polk
• 11th President
• Couldn’t read or write until he was 18
• “Dark Horse candidate” no body knew him
Zachary Taylor
• 12th president
• Nicknamed “Old Rough and Ready”
because of military background
• 2nd president to die in office of stomach
and digestive problems, conspiracy
theorists say he was poisoned
• Let his horse run around white house lawn
• Never lost a battle when in the military
Millard Fillmore
• 13th President
• Second President to finish term of a
Franklin Pierce
• 14th President
• Friends with Nathaniel Hawthorne who he
convinced to write a book about him
• Youngest president, age 49, considered to
be one of the worst presidents
James Buchanan
15th president
Nicknamed “Old Buck”
Did little to prevent civil war
Considered to be a lame duck president
Abraham Lincoln
16th President
Assassinated by John Wilkes Boothe
Led Country through Civil War
Freed slaves, and fought for their rights
Great public speaker
• RECONSTRUCTION: The time period after
the civil war
– Lincoln wanted to make it easy for the southern
states to rejoin the union
– 4 step plan
• Southerners had to promise to end slavery
• Southerners had to take a loyalty oath before they could
be forgiven
• Southern states could set up a new governments after 10
percent took the loyalty oath
• Property but not slaves would be returned to former
Confederates who took the loyalty oath
• Physically reconstructing or rebuilding
• Reconstructing or restructuring the
• Reconstructing national unity
• Reconstructing government
Physically reconstructing or
rebuilding towns
Several towns in the south were destroyed
Farm land was torn up
The south in many ways never recovered.
The land healed but the labor (slaves)
were gone and they were now losing
• It cost money to rebuild
Reconstructing or restructuring the
• Lincoln wanted to give freed slaves the right to
• Johnson freed slaves and followed Lincoln’s
plan but did not make southern states give
African-Americans the right to vote
• The states were allowed to decide that for
• Plan also required states to ratify the Thirteenth
amendment, which ended slavery.
Reconstructing the constitution
• Radical Republicans wanted stronger action to
punish south
• Wanted to give the right to vote
• Johnson put plan into effect when congress
wasn’t in session
• South formed new governments and created
“Black Codes” banning African-Americans from
voting and jury duty, made it difficult to go to
school. Johnson was blamed for letting it
– Similar to old slave laws
• Civil Rights
– Rights that all citizens should have
– Civil Rights Act said that African- Americans
should have the same rights as White
– Johnson refused to sign it and vetoed it
– Congress was able to pass the Act over his
• 13th1865 Ended slavery in the United
• 14th1868 Every person born in the United
States is a citizen. States must follow due
process of law before taking away any
citizen's rights or property.
• 15th1870 A citizen's right to vote cannot
be taken away because of race or the
color of their skin.
Reconstruction Acts
• Congress didn’t like Johnson
• Passed Acts
– All states that did not accept the 14th were under
military control
– South divided in to 5 military zones
– All adult African-American males could vote
– Confederate officers could not votes
– Confederate supporters could not vote
– 1870 all former confederate states had accepted
terms and the Union was reunited
• Congress impeaches Johnson
• Said he gave government more power than they should
• Johnson did not want to punish former Confederate
• Tried to get them land back
• Very angry at Johnson
• Tried to Impeach him
• Impeach: to accuse a high profile official of a crime
• Saved from being removed by one vote. His reputation
was ruined.
Resistance to Reconstruction
• Ku Klux Klan
• The first Klan was founded in 1865 by Tennessee veterans of the
Confederate Army. Groups spread throughout the South. Its purpose
was to restore white supremacy in the aftermath of the American
Civil War. The Klan resisted Reconstruction by assaulting,
murdering and intimidating freedmen and white Republicans.
• In 1874 and later, however, newly organized and openly active
paramilitary organizations such as the White League and the Red
Shirts started a fresh round of violence aimed at suppressing
Republican voting and running Republicans out of office. These
contributed to white Democrats regaining political power in the
southern states.
• Had military structure because most members were former
Confederate soldiers.
• Led by George Gordon and Nathan Bedford Forest. Forest was first
Grand Wizard
• Segregation: The separation of people by
• Carpetbaggers: A name for a Northerner
who went to the south after the civil war.
• Scalawag: A name for a white Southerner
who supported Reconstruction
• Carpetbaggers and Scalawags blamed for
African-Americans holding office
• Large African-American voter turn out
– Mississippi sent two men to congress
• Hiram R. Revels
• Blanche K. Bruce
• Freedman: A person freed from slavery
– Some slaves had skills they could use to make a
– Most had no education or jobs
– Congress tried to help but powerful white Southerners
tried to limit the freedom of African- Americans
– Freedman’s Bureau:
Gave food,
found jobs
Started schools for slaves, mostly elementary schools
gave medicine to freed slaves and poor whites
• Former slaves left plantations and went looking
for family members, because they were
separated when they were sold.
• Many married legally
• Their children went to school and sometimes
parents and grandparents too
• Some found jobs in cities
• Many had to take hard dangerous or dirty work
such as digging wells and making sewers
If they could afford it, they bought their own land
• Many were too poor to buy land
• A system called Sharecropping developed.
• Sharecropping: A person farmed the owner’s
land and paid them rent with part of their crops
• The sharecropper had to buy seed, tools,
clothing and other stuff from the landowner
• Lived on credit because they didn’t make a profit
and usually only had enough crop to pay rent
• Basically it was legal slavery
Reconstruction Ends
• Rutherford B Hayes elected president and pulls
troops out of south
• South stops social programs
• Create Jim Crowe Laws
– Laws to keep white and African-American people
– Separated in schools, restaurants, hospitals, hotels,
trains, drinking fountains
• Southern state law makers create Poll Tax
• Poll Tax: a tax is a tax paid before someone can
– African Americans cannot afford to vote
American Business
• The north has an industrial boom
• The south discovers oil
• Corporations: A large company formed by a
group of investors
• The Oil Business
• The Steel Business
– Andrew Carnegie: Wealthy man who made a lot of
money controlling steel. He had a monopoly
– Monopoly: The complete control of an industry by one
company or person
American Business
• John D. Rockefeller: Business man who
controlled almost the entire oil industry
• Rockefeller, Carnegie, and other rich
powerful businessmen were called
“Robber Barons”
• They had a huge influence over America,
including politically, architecturally and
American Business
Modern business is born
People work 12 hour days
People start complaining about benefits
The wealthy pushed the workers as hard
as they could.
• Poor working conditions lead to workers
rights. This is a continuation of the idea of
civil rights
American Workers
• Labor Unions: a group of workers that tries to
help its members
• Poor working conditions:
Factories were unsafe
Bad lighting
Little to no fresh air
Unsafe machines
Air pollution
Long hours with no breaks
Fire Hazards
American Workers
• Labor Unions encourage people to strike.
• Strike: to refuse to work until certain demands,
such as higher wages or better working
conditions, are met
• Entire towns were affected by strikes. Company
towns relied on big factories.
• Company Town: a community set up and run by
a company for its workers. Most of the town
worked for the factories or shops to feed and
cloth the workers.
• Companies even owned their houses.
American Workers
• Workers protested violently for rights.
• Attacked “Scabs”
• Big businesses employ lots of people, usually unskilled labor.
Immigrants came to America and were put work but paid nothing
• Because immigrants were poor and wanted to live around people
like them, they formed ethnic communities or ghettos filled with
tenement housing
• Ghetto: a neighborhood where people of the same race, religion or
country live
• Tenement: an apartment house with poor safety, sanitation, and
comfort conditions
– These were built quickly to accommodate all of the new people
– Immigrants came through Ellis Island in New York.
– Historians call America the great “Melting Pot” but the cultures did not
co-exist easily and gangs and organized crime started, violent streets
were held in the New York and Chicago area.
American Architecture
• Modern city planning develops with the rich
living on the outskirts of towns and coming in to
work in skyscrapers
• Ghettos start to fill the cities
• Migration continues and people move out of the
poor and racially tense south, come to the cities.
• Along with labor rights, civil rights becomes
more organized. NAACP begins and fights for
African American rights on the job, in education
and in housing issues.
World War I
• Vocab
– Imperialism: Imperialism is considered the control by
one state of other territories through economic or
military influence
– Nationalism: A belief, feeling or social action that
focuses on a nation (National flags, anthems,
– Patriotism: is love of and/or devotion to one's country
– Ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that your
ethnic or cultural group is the most important, and that
all other groups are measured next to yours
World War I
• Imperialism, Nationalism, Patriotism and
Ethnocentrism all created tension, and bad
feelings around the world
• Some countries were trying to tell other
countries what to do
• Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was shot and
this was the final thing that started the war
because people were already upset
because of the other stuff.
World War I
• Cause of war in Europe – many countries
didn’t trust each other and they each
thought their own country was better then
the others = Extreme nationalism.
• Each of these countries started making as
many weapons as fast as possible.
• Germany built the largest army.
• Great Britain built largest navy.
World War I
• On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies-Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World
War I. Under the command of Major General
John J. Pershing, more than 2 million U.S.
soldiers fought on battlefields in France. Many
Americans were not in favor of the U.S. entering
the war and wanted to remain neutral. However,
the U.S. eventually did enter the war.
World War I
• Disagreements in Europe over territory and boundaries, among
other issues, came to a head with the assassination of the Archduke
Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian zealot on June 28, 1914. Exactly
one month later, war broke out. In 1915, the British passenger liner
the Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine, killing 128
Americans and futher heightening tensions. By the end of 1915,
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire were
battling the Allied Powers of Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Belgium,
Serbia, Montenegro and Japan. In 1917, the U.S. entered the war.
Germany formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all
nations agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were
• Enter the war after the sinking of the Lusitania
World War I
• Vocab
- Arms race: a contest to build weapons and
military power as fast as possible.
- Terrorist: a person who uses violence for a
political cause.
- Stalemate: a situation in which neither side wins
or loses.
- Propaganda: the spreading of ideas, information
and beliefs to help or hurt a cause.
- Ambassador: a person sent to another country
to speak for the government of his or her country
World War I
- Victory Garden: a garden in which citizens
raise their own food during the war.
- Bond: a paper that shows dept, or money
- Communism: Economic system in which
the government owns all property and
- Armistice: an agreement to stop fighting.
World War I
• Central Powers vs. Allied Nations.
• Germany, Austria-Hungry, Ottoman Empire
were the major Central Powers.
• Great Britain, France, Russia were leaders
of the Allies.
• War was to fight on land, air and the seas.
• Airplanes were invented about ten years
before the war started.
World War I
• Weapons of the war.
- Machine gun: could fire up to 600 bullets
per minute.
- Tanks; Submarines; Airplanes.
- Poison gases: some were very deadly and
effective. Many people that didn’t die off
quickly, experienced the painful after
effects. – Mustard, Chlorine, Tearing gas
World War I
• The fighting in World War I ended when the
________ took effect at 11:00 am GMT on
November 11, 1918. In the aftermath of the war
the political, cultural, and social order of the
world was drastically changed in many places,
even outside the areas directly involved in the
war. New countries were formed, old ones were
abolished, international organizations were
established, and many new and old ideas took a
firm hold in people's minds.
• Armistice= ____________________________
World War I
• After the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, the signing of
the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, officially
ended the war. Included in the 450 articles of the treaty
were the demands that Germany officially accept
responsibility for starting the war and pay heavy
economic reparations. Germany itself was not included
in the negotiations of the treaty and was forced to sign it
(the alternative was continuing the war which would have
probably led to a total occupation of Germany), which
caused humiliation in the German people as the blame
was shifted on them.
World War I
• The war brought about change in America.
For example, women, many of whom had
been active supporters of the war to
preserve democracy (like the dedicated
Moms in this photo), finally got the right to
vote with the ratification of the 19th
Amendment in 1920.
World War I Aftermath
Historians have described the First World War as the nation’s first
experience of ‘total war’. By this, they mean a war in which society is
organised in such a way that all available resources are channelled into the
war effort. As a result, total war has an impact on the lives of everybody in
society, not simply those directly involved in the fighting. Some of the
experiences of the First World War that can be said to have made a social,
cultural and psychological impact are as follows.
The emotional trauma suffered by many men who were forced (because of
conscription) to serve in the Armed Forces.
There was widespread bereavement because of the death of family and
There were changes in diet and habits resulting from food rationing.
People lived in a society in which government propaganda and government
controls were more extensive than in pre-war society.
The new experience that many upper and middle class women gained from
taking up paid employment for the first time.
Society’s morals changed
Roaring Twenties Key Points
• Model T Ford- The first affordable car
made in 1908, became very popular in the
1920’s and was discontinued in 1927. It
was followed by the Model A
Roaring Twenties
• Movies were very popular, especially the
comedies of Charlie Chaplin and Buster
• Serious films such as the Battleship
Potemkin were also popular
• People wanted to have fun and be
Roaring Twenties
• Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong and
others helped popularize Jazz
• Show Tunes and musicals became
• Radio shows were main source of
entertainment in the home
• War of the Worlds radio broadcast hoax
scared people and caused riots and 6
Roaring Twenties
• Harlem Renaissance
– Poets, writers, painters and scholars emerge
from Harlem and New York and bring up
modern urban issues and establish AfricanAmericans as a valid artistic and cultural voice
• Langston Hughes
• Duke Ellington
– Precursor to socially conscious hip-hop of the
80’s and early 90’s
Roaring Twenties
• In United States history, the term Red Scare
denotes two distinct periods of strong anticommunism: the First Red Scare, from 1917 to
1920, and the Second Red Scare, from 1947 to
1957. The Scares were characterized by the fear
that communism would upset the capitalist social
order in the United States; the First Red Scare
was about worker revolution and political
radicalism. The Second Red Scare was focused
on (national and foreign) communists infiltrating
the federal government.
Roaring Twenties
• Prohibition: 18th Amendment- 1919 Made
a law against drinking alcohol, called
• 21st Amendment- 1933 Ended the
Prohibition law of the Eighteenth
Amendment. States can make laws about
how alcohol is used in each state.
Roaring Twenties
• Prohibition led to lots of illegal behavior
– People went to Speakeasies (an
underground bar or party that had alcohol,
usually in closed businesses)
– People made and sold alcohol illegally
– People smuggled alcohol from other countries
– Gave power to organized crime
• Al Capone
• New York Mafia families
1920’s Review
First affordable car___________________________ hint: made by Ford
Famous silent movie actors ________________ & ____________________
This was the name of the famous radio broadcast prank (hoax) that fooled a
bunch of people, caused riots, and death
Rock and roll or Hip Hop didn’t exist in the 20’s. The popular music was
__________ , _________________, __________________
The Harlem Renaissance was _________________________________________
6. People wear worried about Communism in the 20’s. They were scared of the
red flags the USSR had. This was called the _________ ____________.
7. In the 20’s alcohol was illegal. What number was the amendment that
banned alcohol illegal? _________ What was the number of the amendment
that made it okay to drink again? _________
8. Why did people want to ban alcohol? What problems did this cause?
___________________________? What did people do to get alcohol when it
was illegal? __________________________________________
Al Capone Imprisoned for Income Tax Evasion
Auguste Piccard Reaches Stratosphere
Christ Monument Built on Rio de Janeiro Hilltop
Empire State Building Completed
U.S. Officially Gets National Anthem
Air Conditioning Invented
Amelia Earhart First Woman to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic
Lindbergh's Baby Kidnapped
Scientists Split the Atom
Zippo Lighters Introduced
Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
Assassination Attempt on FDR
FDR Launches New Deal
The New Deal was the name that United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave to his complex
package of economic programs he initiated between 1933 and 1936 with the goals of what historians
call the 3 Rs, of giving Relief to the unemployed and badly hurt farmers, Reform of business and
financial practices, and promoting Recovery of the economy during the Great Depression.
First Nazi Concentration Camp Established
Loch Ness Monster First Spotted
Prohibition Ends in the U.S.
Wiley Post Flies Around the World in 8 1/2 Days
Bonnie and Clyde Killed by Police
Cheeseburger Created
The Dust Bowl
Mao Zedong Begins the Long March
Parker Brothers Sells the Game "Monopoly"
Alcoholics Anonymous Founded
Germany Issues the Anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws (German: Nürnberger Gesetze) of 1935 were antisemitic laws in Nazi Germany
which were introduced at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg. The laws classified people as
German if all four of their grandparents were of "German or kindred blood", while people were
classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. A person with one or
two Jewish grandparents was a Mischling, a crossbreed, of "mixed blood".[1] The Nuremberg Laws
deprived Jews of citizenship and prohibited marriage between Jews and other Germans.
John Maynard Keynes Suggests New Economic Theory
Social Security Enacted in U.S.
World War II
World War II Quick Facts
Germany, Italy and Japan were being awful to the people who lived in their countries.
Germany tried to take over most of Europe except Italy.
Adolf Hitler was a popular German military leader and leader of the Nazi political party.
He was well liked and convinced a lot of people to take his point of view. He was also
Hitler wanted control over Europe. He also had secret plans.
Hitler wanted to create a perfect race of people. He wanted pretty people everywhere.
He was an average sized, black haired ugly guy.
Hitler had his soldiers attack people who didn’t fit this image. He really hated Jewish
people, anyone with disabilities and lots of minorities.
Hitler had people he didn’t like brought to concentration camps where they were
The war was started when countries were being attacked. The attack on Jewish people
didn’t start the war. It was when Germany invaded Poland and headed toward France.
Great Britain and France were the main countries who were fighting against Germany
and Italy.
Benito Mussolini was a Fascist dictator of Italy, Joseph Stalin was the Communist
leader of the USSR, Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt was the President of the United States.