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New Clerk Academy
Key West, Florida
Provide Overview of Debt Management
Overview of Bond Progress
What is a Bond?
Similar to a home mortgage; long-term liability
Debt repaid from pledged revenues
Usually has maturity from 1-30 years
Many states issue primarily general obligation bonds
(full faith and credit)
• In Florida, general obligation bonds must be
approved by voter referendum
• Florida governments issue mostly revenue bonds
(secured by a specific tax or enterprise fund
Characteristics of Municipal Bonds
Exempt from Federal (and in some cases state)
income taxes.
Lower interest rates than corporate securities
Generally sold as serial bonds as opposed to term
or bullet maturities
Exempt from SEC regulations (Tower Amendment)
Dealers regulated by MSRB (Municipal Securities
Rulemaking Board
Types of Municipal Debt
Bonds classified by source of security
You can not pledge assets as security-only revenues
General obligation (full faith and credit)
Revenue bonds
• Limited tax bonds
• Enterprise bonds
• Special assessment bonds
Housing Bonds
Special Assessment Bonds
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Sources of Security
State Revenue Sharing
Guaranteed Entitlement
Second Guaranteed Entitlement
Additional State Revenue Sharing Funds
Local Government Half Cent Shared Sales Tax
Gas Taxes
One Cent Optional Sales Tax
Toursit Development Tax
Utility Revenues
Covenent to Budet and Appropropriate
Utility Tax Revenues
Overview of Bond Process
Bond History
• Florida used to issue more general obligation bonds
• Florida Constitution requires referendum due to
bond defaults during the depression
• As a state with many retirees, voters not inclined to
vote for debt due to fixed incomes and lack of
community ties
• Florida governments needed to issue bonds to
finance capital projects and began to use more
revenue bonds to avoid referendum
• Credits became more complex, and bond buyers
began favoring the use of bond insurance
Clerk’s Role
Varies county to county based upon tradition,
knowledge, skills and personalities. Know your
role and ensure there is agreement with Board
Part of financing team
May prepare financing plan and participate in
selection of external financing team
Responsible for financial disclosure
Signs bond documents at closing
Signs a statement of no omission of material facts
Finance Team
Principal Players
Bond Counsel
Financial Advisor
Disclosure Counsel/Underwriter’s Counsel
Rating Agencies
Consulting Engineer/Rate Consultant
Finance Team
Operating department director
Role of Staff
• Protect government’s interests
• Obtain lowest borrowing cost (consistent with risk)
• Liaison with board members
Finance Team
Bond Counsel
Prepares legal documents
Opines on validity of bonds
Opines on tax exemption
Helps develop structure of debt
Adequate disclosure is the responsibility of the
issurer not bond counsel
Finance Team
Financial Advisor
• Helps develop structure of debt
Variable vs. Fixed Rate
Level debt service for each issue or level for all outstanding debt
Maximum maturity of bonds
• Provides recommendation on economic feasibility of
• Helps with selection of finance team
• Conducts document review
• Coordinates ratings and bond insurance
• Advises on fairness of pricing, terms and bond ratings
Finance Team
• Purchases bonds from issuer for resale to investors
• Underwriters represents the buyers, not the issurer
• Based upon market demands, provide input into the
structure of financing
• Monitors outstanding debt for refunding
• Conducts document review
• Assists with ratings and bond insurance
Finance Team
Disclosure Counsel/Underwriter’s Counsel
and Difference Between the Two
• Assists with preparation of POS and OS
• Provides knowledge of disclosure requirements
(including continuing disclosure)
Finance Team
Rating Agencies
• Objective and expert evaluation of credit
Insured Ratings – Based on rating of bond issuer
Underlying Ratings – Based on rating of issuer and source of
repayment of bonds
• Provide feedback on bond structure
• Improve efficiency of market
• Additional source of information for investors on
suitability of investment
• Investment grade ratings enhance sale of bonds
Finance Team
Consulting Engineer/Rate Consultant
• Necessary for certain construction projects
• Provides information on construction cost and rate
• Enhances credibility of project
• Helps develop structure of debt
Finance Team
Paying Agent/Escrow Agent
Invoices issuer when debt payment is due
Makes payment to bondholders
Holds refunding escrow on behalf of bondholders
Sends redemption notice to bondholders for
Finance Team
Other Participants
• Accountants and Auditors
• Credit Enhancers (Insurance, Letters of Credit)
• Verification agents (refunding)
Finance Plan
Debt Management Plan
Capital Improvement Plan
Pledged Revenue
Debt Structure
Method of Sale
Finance Plan
Debt Management Plan
• Recommended practices by GFOA and rating
• Parameters for issuing debt and refunding
• Protects credit quality
• Provides basis for making decisions
• Demonstrates a commitment to long-term financial
Finance Plan
Capital Improvement Plan
• Considerations
Match projects with revenue sources
Increased operating expenses from new projects
Deferred maintenance items
Prioritized and fully funded capital plans
Debt service costs as percent of budget
Balance financing sources
• Fund balances
Levels, policies – formal vs. informal
Finance Plan
Pledged revenue depends on …
• Type of project
• Availability of revenues to pledge
Impact of debt service on operational funding
Cash flow flexibility
• Bond Covenants
New debt may be constrained by existing covenants
Maximize future flexibility with new covenants
Balance between flexibility and ratings. (The more flexibile
your documents the more potential risk will be perceived by
Finance Plan
Debt Analysis
Review outstanding debt
Identify any refunding candidates
Debt service pattern and revenue cash flow
Consider existing and future debt structures
Term of the debt (1-30 years)
Match life of the asset
Match duration of the pledged revenues
Finance Plan
Sale Process
• Competitive
• Negotiated
• Private placement
Types of Debt
• Fixed rate vs. variable rate
• Rate swaps (fixed to variable or variable to fixed)
• Tax-exempt vs. taxable
Bond Ratings
What is a Bond Rating?
• Measure of risk to bondholders
• Agencies: S & P, Moody’s and Fitch
• Reflects issuer’s ability and willingness to repay
debt on time and in full (who, how, what)
• Denotes credit quality by rating level
• Independent opinion (subjective process)
• Forward looking projection
• Each credit is unique
Bond Ratings
Bond rating is not…
…an audit
…a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security
…static or permanent
…an opinion of a community’s quality of life
…a performance evaluation of current political
• …a judgment of quality of service delivery
Bond Ratings
Value of Bond Ratings
• Lower interest rates on bonds if insurance
• Access to market for lesser known credits
• More efficient secondary market trading
• Increased investor demand
Some institutional investors can only purchase certain rated
Bond Ratings
Rating Process
Send bond documents to rating agencies
Have conference call or meeting
Complete analysis
Rating committee
Rating released
Bond Documents
Bond Resolution or Indenture
Official Statement
Bond Purchase Agreement
Competitive Sale Documents
Continuing Disclosure Certificate
Other Documents
Bond Documents
Official Statement
• Prepared by Disclosure Counsel or Underwriter’s
• Not a sales document
• Disclosure standard
No untrue statement
No material omission
• Issuer is responsible for disclosure
• Certificates and Opinions
Bond Documents
Bond Purchase Agreement
• Contract between issuer and underwriter for
negotiated sales
• Prepared by underwriter’s counsel
• Executed after pre-marketing period
• Includes
Transaction terms
Document requirements
Bond Documents
Competitive Sale Documents
Notice of sale
Summary notice of sale
Bid forms
Prepared by bond counsel and financial advisor
Bond Documents
Continuing Disclosure Certificate
Annual financial information
Material event notices
Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA)
Not required for private placements and variable
rate debt
Bond Documents
Other Documents
Closing Documents
Escrow Deposit Agreement
Insurance Agreements
Reserve Sureties
Investment Agreements
Pricing and Sale
• Bond insurance
History and Current Status
Underlying ratings
Call features
Method of sale
Bond sale process
Pricing and Sale
Investment grade ratings affect pricing (lower yields)
Create more demand for and interest in bonds
Greater universe of potential bond buyers
Assist in attracting more bidders at competitive sale
Rating upgrades signal positive trend to
underwriters and investors
Pricing and Sale
Call Features
• Optional redemption
Issuer’s right to prepay after a stated date at specific
- Call Date – typically 8 to 10 years from date of issuance
- Call Premium – typically 100 at par (100 percent)
Pricing and Sale
Method of Sale
• Competitive Sale
Underwriters bid against each other
- Specific bid date and time
- Sealed or electronic bid
- Awarded by lowest true interest cost
• Negotiated Sale
Underwriter chosen prior to sale
Assists with structuring and pre-marketing
Greater market timing flexibility
Private Placement
Pricing and Sale
Negotiated Bond Sale Process
• Establish target sale date
• Monitor market for favorable conditions
• Pre-marketing
POS mailed and emailed
Marketing circular for sales people
Communication with potential buyers
- Conference calls
- Direct mailings
Pricing and Sale
Negotiated Bond Sale Process (continued)
• Day prior to sale have pricing call
Underwriter and financial advisor
Preliminary yields
• Establish pricing structure (“scale”)
Sale at par
Original issue discount
Original issue premiums
• Retail order period
Day prior to institutional order period
Committed entirely to retail orders
Priority for local or Florida residents
Pricing and Sale
Negotiated Sale Day of pricing
• Underwriter and FA confirm initial pricing
• Underwriter “goes into market” around 9 a.m.
• Receives retail and institutional orders
Individual investors
Bond mutual funds
Insurance companies
Banks – own portfolios, trust departments
Pricing and Sale
Negotiated Sale--Day of pricing (continued)
• Repricing
Changes in market conditions
Significantly more or less orders than bonds
Yields may be decreased or increased based on orders
Underwriter makes offer to underwrite to issuer
Issuer gives verbal award
Underwriter prepares final numbers
Bond purchase agreement finalized and signed that
afternoon or next day
Post Closing
Managing rating and rating agency relationships
Maintenance of funds and accounts
Other resolution requirements
Investment of proceeds
Ongoing Requirements
Maintenance of Funds and Accounts
• Construction Fund
• Revenue Fund
• Debt Service Fund
Principal Account
Interest Account
Amortization Account
Debt Service Reserve Account
• Rebate Fund
• Other accounts for enterprise activities
Ongoing Requirements
Other Resolution Requirements
Rate covenant
Additional bonds (parity) test
Permitted investments
Restriction on asset sales
Insurance or inspection requirements
Audited financial statements
Secondary Market Disclosure
Undertaking requirements is contact
between you and bond holder
Event disclosure
OnGoing Requirements
• Bonds issued tax-exempt
• If bonds proceeds invested taxable, interest
earnings may exceed interest expense on bonds
• Creates positive interest gain (arbitrage)
• Interest in excess of bond yield must be rebated to
IRS every five years
Ongoing Requirements
• Tax-exempt vs. taxable returns
• Resolution restrictions
• Integrate bond investment restrictions into
investment policies
• Legal restrictions and arbitrage
• Types of investments
• Purchasing investments
Understand your role in the financing
Understand the bond documents and your
ongoing responsibilities
Define who speaks to the market on behalf
of your government.