CHARTER - Academy of Human Resource Development

CHARTER: Leadership Special Interest Group
Revised September 22, 2011
Academy of Human Resource Development
AHRD was formed to “encourage systematic study of HRD theories, processes, and practices; to
disseminate information about HRD, to encourage the application of HRD research findings, and
to provide opportunities for social interaction among individuals with scholarly and professional
interests in HRD from multiple disciplines and from across the globe” ( The
Academy’s vision is “leading the profession through research.”
Formation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is a mechanism to foster scholarship, dissemination
of information, and fellowship among persons of similar academic and/or professional interests.
Description of the Leadership SIG
The Leadership SIG is a network of Human Resource Development scholars and practitioners
who want to enhance their knowledge, expertise, and research in the area of leadership
SIG Purpose
The purpose of the Leadership SIG is to facilitate interaction and organize activities that support
the development of leadership in individuals, groups/teams, and organizations in the field of
Human Resource Development.
SIG Vision
The Leadership SIG’s vision is to become the leading provider of the most current leadership
development research, resources, programming, practices, and opportunities to engage AHRD
members in dialogue and collaborative efforts to leverage leadership in the 21st century and
Scope of SIG Activities
The Leadership SIG works to:
1. Contribute to the body of leadership development work through research and publications
and provide resources for practitioners.
2. Facilitate interaction between its members by organizing activities and events on the
topic of leadership development.
3. Increase knowledge and expertise in leadership theory, research, and practice.
4. Promote interest in special leadership topics.
5. Develop partnerships between members for increased publication of high-quality
research in the Academy supported journals.
6. Support and foster learning among Leadership SIG members and others in the Academy.
7. Provide a forum for networking, exchange of ideas, and mentoring of emerging
researchers and practitioners.
Key SIG Tasks
The Leadership SIG’s key tasks are to:
1. Coordinate at least one activity to coincide with the AHRD International Research
Conference in the Americas.
2. Establish and maintain a SIG listserv to foster networking, discussion, and learning for
the SIG members.
3. Establish and maintain a SIG website within the AHRD website to promote SIG visibility
and awareness.
4. Maintain a membership list so that members can contact each other when needed.
5. Promote publications and conference contributions that focus on leadership development
SIG Roles & Responsibilities
All Leadership SIG members are responsible for:
1. Creating opportunities for information sharing and open discussion of SIG issues.
2. Participating in SIG meetings.
3. Participating in working groups to accomplish SIG activities.
4. Recruiting new SIG members.
5. Communicating with each other about key events.
6. Taking an active leadership role on committees if needed.
SIG Roles & Responsibilities
SIG Steering Committee:
The Leadership SIG Steering Committee is comprised of the following positions and
Chair-Elect - The primary responsibility of the Chair-Elect includes learning about the SIG
and the duties of the Chair, and working with the Executive Leadership Team. He/she is
responsible for maintaining membership records and a membership roster with all contact
information. Coordinates and hosts an orientation event at each conference. Serves as the
secondary point of contact for the SIG in lieu of the Chair and, as needed, represents the
SIG to AHRD, its Board, and general membership.
Chair – Responsible for the overall communication between members. This includes
coordinating the steering committee meetings and other activities of the committee, working
with the committee to identify and achieve short- and long-term goals related to promoting
the leadership agenda in the Academy, communicating with the AHRD Board Liaison, and
mentoring future chairs. Calls a steering committee meeting at least once per quarter and
ensures that updates are sent to the group at large at least once per quarter. Serves as the
primary point of contact for the SIG, representing the SIG to AHRD, its Board, and general
membership. Communicating with AHRD Board Liaison as needed. Completes a written
report of SIG activities and conveys it to the AHRD Board Liaison on a biannual basis (i.e.
every 6 months). Leads the SIG Steering Committee to accomplish the group’s annual
Past-Chair – The Past-Chair serves in an advisory capacity to the Chair, Chair-Elect, and the
Executive Leadership Team. Past-Chair has the latitude to participate in initiatives and
committees voluntarily or when needed. An additional function is Historian, a role which
requires archiving and updating/establishing permanent records of the previous year’s
activities, accomplishments, and other relevant involvements and happenings.
Oversees the election of steering committee members.
Listserv Manager – Establishes and maintains a SIG listserv to foster networking, discussion,
and learning for the SIG members
Conference Event Coordinator – Plans Leadership SIG event for the conference(s).
Website Coordinator – Promotes ongoing participation and communication through the
Leadership SIG pages on the AHRD web site, (e.g. discussion boards, etc.)
Webinar Coordinator – Coordinates and promotes leadership themed webinars through the
AHRD office in support of the monthly AHRD webinar series.
Member at large (student) – Represents the special concerns of student members
Member at large (professional) – Represents the special concerns of practitioners
Member at large (academic) - Represents the special concerns of academics.
SIG Members:
All SIG members are responsible for taking an active role in fostering the principles of
scholarly-practice, and participating in working groups to accomplish committee tasks.
SIG Membership
Individuals may become members of the Leadership SIG through the AHRD web site.
Guidelines for election of Steering Committee
Qualifications and terms of office:
1. Must be members of AHRD.
2. Will be elected for a term of 2 years with term beginning in April; the Chair-Elect will be
elected for a 3 year term to serve one year in each of the roles (Chair-Elect, Chair, PastChair).
3. May be reelected to an additional 2 year term.
4. Will serve specific roles as determined by group consensus.
5. Will provide 2 months’ notice of intent to leave the committee. In this event, departing
member will serve in assigned role for the first month and actively hand-off
responsibilities to replacement in the second month.
SIG Membership and Elections
Leadership SIG membership is open to all AHRD members.
The Past-Chair will serve as the election manager each year. The election manager will
coordinate with the AHRD office to manage election details. In general, the election manager
will collect self-nominations for the steering committee from January through one week after
the annual conference. He or she will issue a ballot (containing nominee statements) within
three weeks after the annual conference. Elections will be open for two weeks and winners
will be announced to the SIG within two weeks on the SIG web site. SIG members must be
members of AHRD in order to vote in SIG Steering Committee elections.
In general, the election manager will collect self-nominations and position statements for the
steering committee beginning October 15th-30th (2 weeks). He or she will issue a ballot
(containing nominee statements) by November 5, and elections will be open for two weeks
and winners will be announced to the SIG through the Leadership SIG web site (late
November) and at the AHRD Conference in the Americas in late February. Leadership SIG
members must be current members of AHRD in order to vote in SIG Steering Committee
elections. A majority vote is necessary to gain election. Changes to this suggested process
must be approved by the steering committee.
The Chair-Elect position will be decided upon during the general election. Selfnominations and nominations from at-large membership will be collected by the outgoing Chair, and will be announced at the Conference in the Americas during the SIG
meeting (or before if possible). The tenure for the each of the Chair positions (ChairElect, Chair, and Past-Chair) will be one year for each position (three year track). The
Chair-Elect will be voted on by the membership and that that individual will remain on
the Chair track for three years.
All SIG members are eligible for election to Chair and all Steering Committee positions.
During the Leadership SIG meeting at the Conference of the Americas, the new Steering
Committee and Chairs will officially take over responsibilities. Before that time
(November-February), the elected leadership team will work with the existing team in
transitioning responsibilities and coordinating efforts.
The SIG Chair will not be eligible for a Steering Committee position for at least one year
after her/his full term as chair rotation expires unless specifically requested by the
Steering Committee, and could not once again be chair for at least three years after
his/her term as chair expires.
Provisions for resignation or removal of non-performing member of Steering
Steering Committee members are asked to give two months’ notice of intent to leave the
Steering Committee. A departing member should serve his or her assigned role for the first
month and actively hand-off responsibilities to his or her replacement in the second month.
If a member of the Steering Committee is not fulfilling his or her duties, any member of the
Committee may call for a vote of removal. The non-performing member must be given at
least two months notice of the pending vote with details of the reason for the vote and a
description of satisfactory performance. (In that time, he or she may choose to resign, or may
choose to begin performing satisfactorily so that the call for removal is withdrawn or voted
If Steering Committee members resign or are removed between elections, they can be
replaced by majority vote of the other members of the Steering Committee. The replacement
will come up for election at the next election cycle.
Any changes to this charter must be approved by the steering committee and voted on by the
Leadership SIG membership. Changes to the charter must receive a majority membership
vote of members attending the annual membership meeting at the AHRD Conference of the
Americas to ratify.
Appendix: Leadership SIG Founding Steering Committee
Natt och Dag
Conference Coordinator
Website Coordinator
Website (Webinars)
Listserv Manager
Website Assistant
Co-chair: Communication
Conference Assistant
Co-chair: Membership
Website Assistant