Abuse Lecture - Nursing of Children Network


Child Abuse: Recognition and Reporting

Maria D. McColgan, MD, MSEd

Assistant Professor

Director, Child Protection Program

St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children






Recognition of abuse

Medical Evaluation

Reporting and Documenting


1860 - Ambroise Tardieu

–French physician

–Medical, psychiatric, social and demographic features of child abuse as a syndrome

1874 – Mary Ellen Wilson 10 y/o

–Removed from home

–Provided protection by NY courts

–Founding of NY society for Prevention of

Cruelty to Children

1899 – First juvenile court in Illinois


1912 – FDR helped create US children’s Bureau

1944 – Supreme court confirms state authority to intervene to protect children

1946 – Dr. Caffey (pediatric radiologist)

– SDH and long bone fractures inconsistent with accidental injury

1962 – Dr. C. Henry Kempe

– “The battered child syndrome” in JAMA

– 447 abuse cases reported in 1962

 (2.9 million cases reported in 1992)

– In response the US children’s Bureau recommends child abuse reporting laws

1967 – 44 states adopted mandatory reporting laws


Terms in National Library of Medicine

– Syndrome of Ambroise Tardieu

– 1964 – “Child abuse”

– 1975 – SIDS

– 1981 – PTSD

– 1987 – “Child abuse, Sexual”

– 1991 – Battered child syndrome

– 1992 – Munchausen syndrome by Proxy

– 1992 – Head injuries, closed

– 2003 – shaken baby syndrome

 1993 – AAP noted term

PA State Law Definition Of Child


 A victim is under 18 years of age who has sustained…

– A serious physical, mental, or sexual injury or serious physical neglect as a result of the acts or omissions by…

– A parent, paramour of the parent, person residing in the same home as the child or person responsible for the child’s welfare (at least 14 years of age).

– Any recent (within 2 years) act or failure to act by a perpetrator that creates an imminent risk of serious physical injury to, or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child.

Pennsylvania State Law:

Statutory Rape

Consensual intercourse between children within 3 years of age is not illegal

– 15 y/o can consent to sexual intercourse with an 18 y/o

Statutory rape : victim is less than 16 years of age, there is 4 year difference married to each other in ages and they are not

Sexual intercourse with a child less than 13 is rape

– A child less than 13 years old cannot consent to having intercourse

– If one of the children is older than 12 and greater than 2 years difference from the age of the other child, then it can be considered rape

– It is not illegal if both children are less than 12

Other State Statutes

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/general/legal/statutes/define.


National District Attorney’s Office http://www.ndaa.org/apri/programs/vawa/ statutes.html#

Mandated Reporters of Abuse

Pennsylvania Consolidated Statues

Title 23 § § 6301-6319

“Persons who…come into contact with children shall report …when they have reasonable cause to suspect that any child, on the basis of their training and experience… is an abused child.”

While at work, physicians and other health care workers, teachers, pastors

Mandated Reporters of Abuse

May be prosecuted for failure to report

Legal immunity is granted to the reporter

Identity of the reporter is confidential.

Informing the parent

– Not required by law

– St. Chris advocates informing the family of the DHS

 If there is a flight risk, involve police and DHS


Child Maltreatment 2006


– ~ 3 million reports involving 5.5 million children

– ~ 902,000 confirmed cases

– 12.1/1000 children

 18% Physical Abuse

 64% Neglect

 9% Sexual Abuse

Medical personnel - ~8% of reports http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/pubs/cm04/index.htm

Categories of Adverse Childhood



Psychological 11%







Household Dysfunction

Substance abuse 26%

Mental Illness 19%

Domestic Violence 13%

Imprisoned household member 3%

Why doctors do not report

Flaherty, Sege 2005

Physician recognition of child abuse

Lack of knowledge

Psychological barrier to recognition

Family, racial, economic factors

Barriers to reporting

Do not report all cases

Lack of training on how to report

Report will harm child

Poor experience with Child Protective Services

Poor experience with legal system

Misunderstanding of MD role

Age and Child Abuse


Parents 80%

Other relatives


Nearly 1530 fatalities

2.04/1,000 children

78% < 4 years old

Infants 18/1,000


Risk of Abuse for Children with Special Needs

Type of Incidence of Incidence of Ratio

Maltreatment Children w/ Children w/o

Disabilities Disabilities

(per 1,000) (per 1,000)


Any Maltreatment 35.5 21.3


Physical abuse 9.4 4.5 2.09

Sexual abuse 3.5 2.0


Source: From A Report on the Maltreatment of Children w/Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

James Bell Associates, Inc., No. 105-89-16300, Westat, Inc., 1993.



– Child Characteristics

– Parental Characteristics

– Family/Environmental Factors

– Triggering Situations

DV and Child Maltreatment

Child maltreatment

 occurs in 33-77% of families in which there is abuse of an adult

(Garbarino 1992, Wright 1997,

Zuckerman 1995)

Children of battered mothers

 6 to 15 times more likely to be abused

DV and Child Maltreatment

Physical Injuries to Children May Be:

Accidentally caught in the crossfire

Intentionally injured while protecting their mother

Over-disciplined or abused by stressed, anxious, and depressed parent

AAP Committee on Child

Abuse and Neglect - 1998

The Role of the Pediatrician in Recognizing and Intervening on Behalf of Abused Women

– Intervention is crucial because children are also likely to be victims

– Questions about family violence should become part of anticipatory guidance

– Identifying and intervening on behalf of battered women may be one of the most effective means of preventing child abuse

Medical Evaluation of Victim of

Suspected Abuse


Physical Examination

Laboratory and Radiologic Studies

Differential Diagnosis


Taking a history from the caretaker/parent

Children should not be present!!

Interview adults who are present separately

Triage history often plays a critical role

Taking a history from the caretaker/parent







Suspicious Behavioral


– Depressed, angry, withdrawn, other changes

– School performance

– Aggressive behavior, temper tantrums

– Behavior with family pets/animals

– Detailed information about adult sexual behavior

– Explicit demonstration of sexual play

– Compulsive masturbation

– Excessive sexual curiosity

– Bedwetting

– New risk taking behaviors

History from the child

It is OK not to take a history from the child

– Is the information necessary to make medical decisions?

– Has the child been interviewed already and disclosed?

– Is the child ready to disclose?

– Would this child be better served by a forensic interview?

Suspicious History

• History inconsistent w/physical

• Magical injury

• Sibling blamed

• History changes with time or varies between caregivers

• Delay in seeking care

• Self-inflicted injury incompatible w/development

• Poor Parent Child Interaction

Physical Examination

Emergent care first

Complete head to toe evaluation

Must look at all skin surfaces

– Remove ALL clothing

– Ears, Neck, Mouth, Genitalia

– Description of all skin findings

Physical Exam

“Red Flags”

Most common indication of physical abuse

Occurs in >50% of abused children

Bruises are uncommon in infants

< 6 months.

– “Those who don’t cruise rarely bruise.”

Two characteristics separate abusive from accidental bruises:








Lower arms

Under chin


Anterior thigh

Upper arms








Ankles Ears

Bony prominences Genitalia

What’s wrong with this picture?

Donut diagram

WF 7 month old

Mom found him at bottom of stairs with excersaucer on top of him

WF 7 month old

Developmental history – sits with support, does not crawl, does not pull to stand

Changing histories


Repeat skeletal survey with healing left distal radius and ulna fractures


Diagnosis of Child Abuse


– Trauma labs

– Bruising - hematology workup

– If fractures, Ca, Phos, Alk Phos

– Consider Vitamin D 25 and 1,25, PTH and Copper

Radiology Studies

– Skeletal survey

 All children < 2 years of age

 2-5 years: selective survey

– Bone scan

– CTs / MRIs


Medical photography

The Skeletal Survey

Skull: frontal and lateral views

Spine: frontal, lateral thoracolumbar spine

(including sternum)

Chest: frontal


Upper - frontal to include shoulders and hands

Lower - frontal to include lower lumbar spine, pelvis, feet

Skeletal Trauma

2nd most common manifestation of abuse

80% cases in children < 18 months of age

43% unsuspected at time of evaluation

50% children with fracture due to abuse have more than one fracture

Dating Fractures

Abusive fractures often reflect multiple episodes

Younger children (infants) heal faster

4 stages in bone injury

Dating Fractures



Soft callus

Time Characteristics

3-7 days Inflammation, pain, swelling

Infants 7-10 days

Children 10-14

Periosteal new bone formation

14-21 days Union at fx site Hard callus

Remodelling 3 months-1 year

Woven to lamellar bone

Diagnosis of Abuse

Examine siblings, other children in household

– Twins receive IDENTICAL workup

Differential Diagnosis

Must rule out medical diagnosis other than abuse

Differential Diagnosis of Bruises

Erythema multiforme – palms/soles initially, extension upwards, can become purpuric

ITP, other coagulopathies

Henoch-Schönlein purpura – normal platelets – IgA – mediated vasculitis – often involves buttocks and lower extremities

Differential Diagnosis of Bruises

Secondary syphilis

Allergic shiners


Cultural practices

– Cao gio (coining)

– quat shat (spooning)

– cupping

Differential Diagnosis of Burns

First Degree

Cellulitis, erysipelas


Contact dermatitis

Diaper rash

Drug reaction

Differential Diagnosis of Burns

Second Degree

Bullous impetigo

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome


Toxic epidermal necrolysis

Epidermolysis bullosa



Differential Diagnosis of


Minor falls

– Do not cause fractures in most instances

– Studies show very low incidence of fractures from short falls

Obstetrical/birth trauma

– usually produces only humeral and clavicular fractures

– no rib fractures


– Osteopenia can lead to fractures

DDX: Skeletal Fractures


Osteogenesis imperfecta

Menke’s syndrome



Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Bony metastases

Nutritional /


Copper deficiency



Renal osteodystrophy

Normal variant:

Physiologic periosteal new bone


Congenital syphilis


Neuromuscular disease:

Cerebral palsy

Congenital insensitivity to pain

Thompson 2005

18 month old with limp

Differential Diagnosis

Accidental Fractures

Toddler’s Fracture

Accidental oblique fracture of tibia in children 9 months to 3 years of age

Often are unwitnessed injuries of trivial nature

Limp, refusal to bear weight

Localized tenderness may be present, no swelling

X-rays often negative


Carefully Documented In A Stepwise


– History –Verbatim Documentation

– Physical – Pictures Are Helpful

– Lab & Radiographic Studies

– Instructions for follow up

Evidence collection

– Photographs

 DO NOT need consent for forensic photographs

 Photographs DO NOT take the place of documentation, they support visual cues to the documented description

 Used to appropriately visualize described lesions/marks

 Have a marker, (ruler or coin) within the photograph that can assist with determining size of lesion

 Put the child’s name, date of birth, medical record number, and date of ED visit on the photograph/ diskette


Child abuse is very common

Often missed by clinicians

Must have high index of suspicion

Mandated reporters must report suspicion of abuse

Complete careful histories and examinations

Document, document, document!

Avoid the misdiagnosis of abuse
