Spring Online Testing Training Power Point

New Hanover County Schools
End-of-Course Test/ NC Final Exam
Administration Training
Online Assessments
Spring 2015
Eligible Students
EOC (p. 1):
NC Final Exam (p. 4):
 Students who are enrolled
for credit in a course for
which an EOC assessment
is required
• Students taking a credit
recovery course are exempt
• Students enrolled in an
NCVPS course are exempt
(unless it is a blended
 Students Repeating an
Entire Course for Credit or
Taking a Credit Recovery
Course (unless they have
previously taken the EOC
AND were proficient)
 NCVPS EOC Courses
Eligible Students (Special Situations)
EOC (p. 2):
NCFE (p. 4-5):
Students taking AP or IB courses
are exempt from the NC Final
Students Identified as Limited English
Proficient (LEP): Students identified as
LEP scoring below Level 4.0
Expanding on the state-identified
English language proficiency reading
placement test and are in their first
year in U.S. schools are not eligible to
be assessed on the English I, English
III or IV NC Final Exam.
Advanced Placement Courses:
Student must take the EOC test the
first time the student takes the course.
Students enrolled in AP courses who
have previously received credit for a
non-AP course of the same subject
are not eligible to take the EOC test.
Students Identified as Limited English
Proficient (LEP): Students identified as
LEP scoring below Level 4.0
Expanding on the state-identified
English language proficiency reading
placement test and are in their first
year in U.S. schools are not eligible to
be assessed on the English II end-ofcourse test.
Estimated Administration Time
EOC (p. 4):
Biology/English II 150 minutes; Math I
180 min
– Biology 75 items
– English II 68 items
– Math I 60 items
– 2 two-minute breaks
As long as students are engaged and
working and the maximum time
allowed (4 hours*) has not been
reached, they must be given time to
complete the test.
Students who complete the test
during the scheduled time MUST
NOT be allowed to remain in the room
with students who require maximum
NCFE (p. 6):
• No administration of an
NC Final Exam may
exceed 120 minutes*
• 2 two-minute breaks
*Except for students with documented accommodations for extra time
Before Testing
• Read Testing Code of Ethics (Appendix E in EOC & Appendix D in NCFE)
• Complete Electronic Testing Plan and submit to Testing Department via
Google Drive
• Train Proctors and Teachers (Documentation required and due at materials
– Conduct special training for testing students with accommodations.
• Prepare Testing environment and students for testing
• Complete the online assessment tutorial on scheduled computers (p. 11 in
EOC & p. 17 in NCFE)
• Prohibited items in testing room (page 12)
– Cell phones for BOTH students and teachers/proctors
– Textbooks
– Food/drink
Test Administrators
• Local Requirement: Test administrators
must by certified staff.
– Teachers
– Teacher assistants that are certified
– Social workers
– Counselors
– Retired teachers
Roving Proctors (p. 9 in EOC/ p. 13 in NCFE)
• Can NOT use roving proctors for accommodation rooms
• Can NOT use roving proctors for English 2
• Use for up to 3 rooms in close proximity with 30 or less
students in each room
• Schedule proctors so that each room receives the same
amount of time
• For EOCs, if the teacher is the teacher of record or
teaches in the same content area – a full time proctor is
Monitoring Students During Testing
(p. 14 in EOC)
• Walk frequently and quietly throughout the room.
– Position self to have an unobstructed view of and easy
access to students.
• Do not read test questions from screen.
• Do not indicate answers to students. Some examples include but are not limited to:
– telling students to “look at the question again” or offering similar advice;
– making a facial expression, hand gesture, or utterance (e.g., coughing, clearing
throat) to indicate approval or disapproval of the student’s response; and
– standing beside the desk, reading a question, looking at the student’s response, and
then pointing to the correct answer or pointing to the question as if to indicate “read
the question again because you have bubbled the wrong answer.”
• Test administrators and proctors (see proctor statement) cannot help students:
– by explaining the directions in their own words;
– by explaining the meaning of any word in the directions, test questions, or answer
– by rephrasing test questions;
– by translating a word or phrase into another language; or
– by providing synonyms for unknown words.
Monitoring Students During Testing
(p. 15 in EOC/ p. 14 in NCFE)
• Student Emergencies (including fire drill): Two adults must be in
the room at all times
– Student should click on PAUSE button
– Student should click on CONTINUE button
• Students with Accommodations
– Complete Review of Accommodations forms
– Review Testing Students with Disabilities document
• Check the Student Interface Questions (SIQs) online to ensure
that students with accommodations have the correct
accommodations (see slides 25-27 for how-to) listed
• Recognize and report testing violations
Procedures for Students When
Complete (pages 19-20)
Students who complete the test before the scheduled time is over are
allowed to read novels or other nontextbooks (e.g., magazines) while
other students continue to work during the scheduled time.
Before students are allowed to read, the test administrator must:
– Ensure student clicked the End Test button to close the test; (Once
students have clicked the End Test button, they will not be able to return to
the test items. A STOP sign will appear on students’ monitors after the End
Test button has been clicked and the test has been closed.)
– Collect all ancillary materials (e.g., calculators, used blank paper, and used
graph paper); and ensure the student’s reading material is a novel or other
nontextbook, such as a magazine.
Checklist: BEFORE Test Day for Online
Assessments (pages 23-24)
Checklist: BEFORE Test Day for
Online Assessments (pages 23-24)
On Test Day
• Complete BEFORE students enter room
– Turn on computers and log into the computer using the special
testing login (on the secure data website)
– Approx 30-40 minutes BEFORE students enter, launch NCTest
Secure Browser
– Select assessment type and name
– Enter your NCEducation username and password.
– Select student name
– Ensure the screen is set to the START page, but DO NOT click
NCTest Browser Location
On Test Day
• Complete AS students enter room
– Instruct student to sit at assigned seat
– Instruct student NOT to begin assessment until prompted
• Complete AFTER students enter room
– Circulate to confirm student is seated at correct computer
– Confirm START button is on screen
Test Day (p 18-36)
• Materials check out and documentation
• Monitoring
• Testing irregularities and OTISS
– Check to make sure login is current
• https://schools.nc.gov/pls/apex/f?p=888:101:30
– Pat Campbell in HR manages NCID
Test Materials (p. 25 in EOC/ p. 6 in NCFE)
• Assessment Guide
• Computer with up-to-date applications
Training Notes:
– Review technical requirements: http://go.ncsu.edu/nct
Supply of blank paper
DPI issued/approved graph paper (math courses)
Extra sharpened No. 2 pencils
Appropriate calculators (math & science courses)
Accurate timing device that does not make noise
Instructions Math 1(p. 40 in EOC)
• Transition from Calculator Inactive to
– Test administrator MUST collect all used
graph paper and scrap paper before
distributing calculators.
– Additional scrap/graph paper may be
After Testing
(p. 52-56 in EOC/ p. 28-29 in NCFE)
• Clear calculator memory
• Test Administrators complete the Review of
Accommodations forms
• Complete accommodations provided using
Review of Accommodations forms (by 7pm in
NC Education)
• Complete special codes by 7pm in NC
Education (if applicable)
OTISS – System for Reporting Test
• Account set up (NC ID)
– Approval procedure
– Training/manual
• TC responsibilities
– TC submits irregularity
After Testing - Packaging and
Returning Materials
• Return all materials to the Testing Department
– Scrap paper
– Graph paper
• File completed Review of Accommodations
Used During Testing forms at the school.
Online Instructions:
Log into NC Education and select assessment
Each course has two main features
Test Session management
Lists all enrolled students
Verify enrolled students and enroll, if
Verify Student Interface Questions (SIQs) for
students with accommodations
Select to add an accommodation.
Select to make an
RAC Meeting
08/10/11 hlung 25
RAC Meeting
08/10/11 hlung 26
NC Education Accommodation Feed
• NC Education will accept the last accommodations
data feed from the NCDPI on May 12.
• This means that after this final feed processes in NC
Education, accommodation changes in Goalview will
not be reflected in NC Education and MUST be
manually entered/changed.
• Students requiring accommodations due to a Section
504, LEP or transitory plan, must be manually
entered into NC Education before test day.
• Manual changes to SIQs do not take effect until the
following day in NCTest.
Complete after testing using data from Review of
Accommodations forms
Complete special codes before test day or on test
day before 7:00 PM
Check completion rate