2/6 English II Agenda TSW identify the structural elements of a well-organized persuasive essay in order to revise and edit a student sample essay. TSW be introduced to, and utilize, a variety of online technology in order to integrate it into their course work. Focus: Look at the chart provided to you. Label which parts of an essay you think each section represents. Is there anything that you think is missing? Activities: 1. Class: Review essay structure chart. 2. Groups: Revise and edit sample essay paragraphs. 3. Class: Review online resources: class wiki site, review card catalog and databases. Closing: Independent reading time. Mr. David’s wiki site – go through my homepage www.burltwpsch.org/users/bdavd/ or go directly therehttp://mrdavidbthsenglish.wikispaces.com/ turnitin.com: Go to turnitin.com Select “Create Account” (under where you sign in) Go to the section “Student” and follow the directions You will Need the following information for your class: Class ID: 4777513 Class Enrollment Password: davidmosley1 (The site requires an email address, but it can be a fake address if you do not have an email account.) 2/7 English II Agenda TSW combine sentences and phrase to create more complex sentence structures in order to identify different varieties of syntax. TSW identify key background information for Mississippi Trial, 1955by using database and internet resource to create an interactive wiki page to display the information. Focus: Take the following sentences/phrases and combine them several different ways: Mark spent the majority of his time working or studying. Saturdays were the one exception to Mark’s serious work ethic. After getting into a college with a renowned pre-med program a young man from an impoverished background Activities: 1. Class: View and discuss Emmett Till video – assign background wiki topics and groups. 2. Class/Groups: Wiki site walkthrough – setup wiki sites Closing: Independent reading time. Sentences can be broken down into to basic elements – dependent and independent clauses: Independent clause: ex. Mark spent the majority of his time working or studying. Makes sense as a sentence by itself. Dependent clause: ex. After getting into a college that has a renowned pre-med program This does not make sense if you put it by itself , so you need to add a dependent clause to it, which makes a… …complex sentence (dep. clause + indep. clause) Ex. After getting into a college that has a renowned pre-med program, Mark spent the majority of his time working or studying. Combining two dependent clauses together, using a comma conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) makes a… …compound sentence (dep. clause + dep. clause) Ex. Mark spent the majority of his time working or studying, but Saturdays were the one exception to Mark’s serious work ethic. You can add a dependent clause to this to make a complexcompound sentence Ex. After getting into a college with a renowned pre-med program, Mark spent the majority of his time working or studying, but Saturdays were the one exception to Mark’s serious work ethic. Or Ex. Mark, a young man from an impoverished background, spent the majority of his time working or studying, but Saturdays were the one exception to Mark’s serious work ethic. 2/8 English II Agenda TSW identify the structural elements of a well-organized persuasive essay in order to revise and edit a student sample essay. TSW identify key background information for Mississippi Trial, 1955by using database and internet resource to create an interactive wiki page to display the information. Focus: Review sample introduction paragraph and body paragraph Activities: 1. Class: Review wiki and databases – respond to questions on technology resources – review summarizing and paraphrasing. 2. Groups: Organize and create wiki site. Closing: Independent reading time. 2/9 English II Agenda TSW identify the structural elements of a wellorganized persuasive essay in order to revise and edit a student sample essay. TSW identify key background information for Mississippi Trial, 1955by using database and internet resource to create an interactive wiki page to display the information. Focus: Review sample body paragraph Activities: 1. Groups: Organize and create wiki site and work on organizers. Closing: Independent reading time. 2/10 English II Agenda TSW identify the structural elements of a wellorganized persuasive essay in order to revise and edit a student sample essay. TSW identify key background information for Mississippi Trial, 1955by using database and internet resource to create an interactive wiki page to display the information. Focus: Review sample body paragraph Activities: 1. Groups: Organize and create wiki site, and work on organizers. 2. Class: Checkout Mississippi Trial, 1955 Closing: Independent reading time.