"Thanatopsis" / Death Song Project

“Thanatopsis” and Death Song: Short Writing Project
INCC: 11-12.RL.1-2; 11-12.W.1 a-d; 11-12.W.10
40 Points (Summative)
Investigate songs about death and choose one in order to compare it with Bryant’s ideas about death. Your
task is to analyze a songwriter’s attitude toward death and compare it to the Romantic attitude or perspective
that William Cullen Bryant brings to death in “Thanatopsis”.
1st paragraph:
Write a topic sentence in which you immediately give your artist’s view/perspective/opinion about death.
Then, directly quoting the lyrics of the song, give evidence that proves your topic sentence. You will be
directly dealing with the theme of your song. You may also talk about what the music itself is doing if it
helps to prove your topic sentence. Support your evidence with good analysis and explanation.
 Use at least two direct quotes.
 Give information such as which album the particular song is from and the genre from which your
musician comes. Give this information seamlessly.
2nd paragraph:
Explain William Cullen Bryant’s view of death in “Thanatopsis”. Your topic sentence should get to the
heart of how Bryant recommends one should encounter death. Then, give evidence from the poem itself
in the form of direct quotes that support your topic sentence. Support your evidence with good analysis
and explanation.
 Use at least two quotes
3rd paragraph
Imagine that William Cullen Bryant is listening to the song that you have chosen. Would he agree with
how your artist deals with death or would he be critical? Think of what we have learned about the
“Romantic” way of seeing the world and about Bryant’s perspective on death. In your topic sentence,
explain if W.C. Bryant would have this song on his iPod. (Remember not to use 1 st person) Explain. Give
strong evidence which might include comparing and contrasting themes, worldview, “Romantic” ideas, etc.
You will have some time in class to work on this assignment, but substantial work may be required outside of
Optional Extra Credit: One to eight points
Devise an album cover for the “Rock Star” Romantic poet William Cullen Bryant. In olden days—yes, even
before old man Livovich’s time, Long-playing albums came in a 12” by 12” paper sleeve which had engaging art
work on it with the band’s name and the album title. The idea was that the cover art captured the idea of the
album perfectly or maybe just made the artist look cool.
o Must be a square which is 12” by 12”
o Must have Bryant’s name and “Thanatopsis” somewhere
o Must relate to the artists ideas or life
Model Submission: (First Paragraph Only)
In his song “Let the Train Blow the Whistle”, Country icon Johnny Cash displays a rye and
casual attitude about death. The song, which is included on the album American Recordings, portrays
a man talking about his eventual death as he gives some instructions for the time immediately
following his demise. He claims to have “no regrets” and insists that his debts have all been “paid”.
He seems to have been something of a rakish troublemaker because he wants the “girls” at the
“Ritz”—no doubt a fleabag hotel or brothel—to know that he is thinking about them. He also says
that he wants the “gossipers and liars” to meet him in the “fire”, which is a reference to hell. All in
all, he refuses to take the topic of death very seriously, even when he ominously mentions hell as his
final destination.
Second and third Paragraphs are omitted so that students will do their own critical thought!
Yes, I am talking to you!
The following are some class-generated ideas about what William Cullen Bryant is saying about
death (themes). Remember that you will need to back up your idea with direct quotes from the text. You
can work with an idea that you do not see here.
One should not be afraid of death but embrace becoming an eternal part of the earth.
Death is a natural thing and there is no use to run from it or worry about it.
One cannot run from death—he/she should welcome it peacefully.
Even though death seems dark, a person lives on in meaningful ways.
Death should not be feared, but thought of as something beautiful.
Humanity should accept death, for it is a part of nature and all people return to nature.
Death should not be overlooked as something to be avoided, but should be looked into and reflected upon.
One should think of death as a sweet dream.
Death should not be seen as a punishment, but when one’s time comes, a person should welcome it.
Do not fear death. It can be a welcoming, beautiful experience.
Death should not be considered a bad thing; when you die, one simply goes back to nature.
One should not view death as a scourge, but as a peace, or a rejoining with nature.
Grading Rubric—Total 40 points Summative
First Paragraph
Topic sentence gives the artist’s
view/perspective/opinion about death
Musician’s name, genre of music and album
title are mentioned seamlessly—2 POINTS
At least two direct quotes are used from the
song in order to support the topic sentence—
Quotes are well-framed. Bryant suggests,
“the trees…—2 POINTS
Quotes are explained fully and elaboration is
provided in support of the topic sentence
Paragraph is at least 150 words —2 POINTS
Total = 12 POINTS
Second Paragraph
Topic sentence immediately gives Bryant’s
view of death—2 POINTS
Bryant’s name is used and the title of the
poem is mentioned seamlessly—2 POINTS
At least two quotes from the poem are used
to support the topic sentence—2 POINTS
Quotes are well-framed. Bryant suggests,
“the trees…—2 POINTS
Quotes are explained fully and elaboration is
provided in support of the topic sentence
Paragraph is at least 150 words —2 POINTS
Total = 12 POINTS
Third Paragraph
Strong topic sentence directly gives analysis
of the question at hand—2 POINTS
Specific evidence is given to support the topic
sentence—Does not have to be a direct
quote. —2 POINTS
Evidence is explained fully and elaboration is
provided in support of the topic sentence. —2
Paragraph is at least 150 words—2 POINTS
Total = 8 POINTS
Student writes in the third person and avoids
using the pronoun “I”. (Do not use “we” or
“us” either!)—2 POINTS
Double space; professional font of reasonable
size (around 12 pt.).—2 POINTS
Spelling, Grammar and Mechanics—4 POINTS
Optional Extra Credit Option
1 to 8 POINTS
Total Score
_______/40 Points (48 with Extra Credit)