Scope and Sequence/Standards for U.S. History B

U.S. History B
Scope and Sequence
Chapter 16 – WWII Approaches
Standards: 7.2.1, 7.2.4
1. TLW analyze the factors contributing to WWII in Europe and in the Pacific region.
Bellwork questions on pgs. 538 and 551 involve the interpretation of Hitler’s conquest on
a map and the interpretation of a political cartoon that villanizes dictators. A Venn
diagram will be used as a graphic organizer that will compare and contrast dictators in
Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, and Japan. In addition, country explications of Hitler’s
conquests will be used to display the chronology of his conquests. Finally, the lesson that
coincides with this standard is the Pearl Harbor Case Study. It is based on using primary
documents to decide whether or not Pearl Harbor could have been prevented. This will
be followed by a timed assessment that utilizes the documents.
2. TLW investigate the development and enactment of Hitler’s “final solution” policy, and
the responses to genocide by the Allies, the U.S. government, international organizations,
and individuals. The lesson that coincides with this standard would be the Holocaust and
Resistance Lesson. It is based on analyzing the moral questions and dilemmas that go
along with the Holocaust resistance movement.
3. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Sixteen, Power Point on WWII Approaches, Kagaan Review Strategies,
Bellwork, Graphic Organizers, Holocaust and Resistance Lesson, Pearl Harbor Case Study, Unit
Timeframe: 2 weeks
Chapter 17 – The United States in WWII
Standards: 7.2.2, 7.2.3
1. TLW evaluate the role of the U.S. in fighting the war militarily, diplomatically, and
technologically across the world. Bellwork for this unit will involve warfront map
analysis on pgs. 572 and 580. In addition, the film, Saving Private Ryan, will be utilized
to explore the D-Day invasion and to explore the mental and physical affects the war had
on soldiers. Finally, the unit will end with The Victory in the Pacific lesson plan in which
Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb will be analyzed and followed up with an
atomic bomb debate.
2. TLW analyze the changes in America life brought about by the U.S. participation in
World War II. Bellwork for this unit will involve a production graph analysis on pg. 564
and a map analysis of African American migration on pg. 591. Additionally, Japanese
internment camps will be explored with primary source accounts of Japanese prisoners in
the Evacuation: The Japanese Americans in WWII lesson.
3. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Seventeen, Power Point on The United States in WWII, Kagaan Review
Strategies, Bellwork, Graphic Organizers, Saving Private Ryan, The Victory in the Pacific lesson
plan, Evacuation: The Japanese Americans lesson plan, Unit Test
Timeframe: 2 weeks
Chapter 18 – Cold War Conflicts
Standards: 8.1.1, 8.1.2
1. TLW analyze the factors that contributed to the Cold War. Bellwork for this unit will
include a map analysis of the iron curtain on pg. 605 and a chart analysis of capitalist and
communist views on pg. 604. Furthermore, the Interact with History selection on pg. 601
will be used to enhance the understanding of the fear of communism during the late
1940’s and early 1950’s.
2. TLW evaluate the origins, setbacks, and successes of the American policy of
“containing” the Soviet Union. Bellwork for this unit will include a map analysis of the
Korean War on pg. 613 and a chart analysis of the causes and effects of McCarthyism on
pg. 621. The lesson that coincides with this standard is the Containment Case Study. It
is based on using primary documents to decide whether or not the policy of containment
had been successful during the Berlin Airlift, the Korean War, and the Cuban Missile
Crisis. This will be followed by a timed assessment that utilizes the documents. Finally,
the Fallout Shelter lesson plan will analyze the prospect of preserving human life after
the possibility of a nuclear war.
3. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Eighteen, Power Point on Cold War Conflicts, Kagaan Review Strategies,
Bellwork, Containment Case Study, Fallout Shelter lesson plan, Unit Test
Timeframe: 1 1/2weeks
Chapter 19 – The Postwar Boom
Standards: 8.1.1, 8.1.2.
1. TLW analyze use population data to produce and analyze maps that show the major
changes in population distribution and spatial patterns and density. Bellwork for this unit
will include chart analysis of the following demographic items: the changing postwar
economy (pg. 636), the rising birthrate (pg. 643), and the income gap in America (pg.
661). Additionally, the Building Suburbia: Highways and Housing in America lesson
plan will utilize demographic data to understand the growth of suburb areas in the 1950’s
and the 1960’s.
2. TLW analyze the major domestic issues in the Post-WWII era and the policies designed
to meet those challenges. Once again, the Building Suburbia: Highways and Housing in
America lesson plan will be used to create a postwar exhibition that analyzes the
successes and failures in a post-war society.
3. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Nineteen, Power Point on the Post War Boom, Kagaan Review Strategies,
Bellwork, Building Suburbia: Highways and Housing in America lesson plan, Unit Test
Timeframe: 1 1/2 weeks
Chapter 20 – The New Frontier and the Great Society
Standards: 8.1.2, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.2.4
1. TLW evaluate the origins, setbacks, and successes of the American policy of
“containing” the Soviet Union. Bellwork for this unit is a Cuban Missile map analysis
found on pg. 675. The lesson that pertains to this standard would be the Cuban Missile
Crisis lesson that utilizes primary documents to create an understanding of why the
United States and the Soviet Union came close to the brink of nuclear war.
2. TLW analyze the major domestic issues in the Post World War II era and the policies
designed to meet the challenges. The lesson that pertains to this unit would be the JFK,
LBJ, and the Fight for Equal Opportunity in the 1960’s lesson in which primary
documents are used to examine the strengths and weaknesses of civil rights domestic
3. TLW focus on the causes, programs, and impacts of Johnson’s Great Society programs.
Bellwork for this unit involves interpreting a Great Society Programs chart on pg. 690
and a point and counterpoint analysis of the Great Society on pg. 692.
4. TLW use core democratic values to analyze and evaluate the competing perspectives
among Americans generated by U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The court case of
Miranda v. Arizona will be explored on pgs. 694 and 695.
5. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty, Power Point on the New Frontier and the Great Society, Kagaan
Review Strategies, Bellwork, Cuban Missile Crisis lesson plan, JFK, LBJ, and the Fight for
Equal Opportunity in the 1960’s, the Miranda v. Arizona court case, Unit Test
Timeframe: 2 weeks
Chapter 21 – Civil Rights
Standards: 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.5
1. TLW analyze the key events, ideals, documents, and organizations in the struggle for
civil rights for African Americans. Bellwork for this unit shall include an analysis of a
U.S. School Segregation map on pg. 701 and an interpretation of visual sources about
Ernest Withers on pg. 713. The lesson that pertains to this unit is Ordinary People and
Places: The Civil Rights Movement lesson, which helps to define, the events, the places,
and the people that pertain to this movement. Finally, “The Murder Case of Emmett Till”
DVD will be another resource to help explain some of the origins of the movement.
2. TLW compare and contrast the ideas in Martin Luther King’s March on Washington
speech, Declaration of Independence, Seneca Falls Resolution, and Gettysburg Address.
A comparison and contrast graphic organizer will be used to highlight the connections
between all of the documents.
3. TLW analyze the causes and consequences of the civil unrest that occurred in American
cities. The lesson that pertains to this standard would be the Competing Voices of the
Civil Rights Movement lesson, which analyzes Dr. King’s and Malcolm X’s perspectives.
4. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty-One, Power Point on the Civil Rights, Kagaan Review Strategies,
Bellwork, Ordinary People and Places: The Civil Rights Movement lesson plan, “The Murder
Case of Emmett Till” video, the “Declaration of Independence,” “A March on Washington,”
“Seneca Fall Resolution,” “Gettysburg Address,” Competing Voices of the Civil Rights
Movement lesson plan, Unit Test
Timeframe: 1 1/2 weeks
Chapter 22 – The Vietnam War Years
Standards: 8.1.2
1. TLW evaluate the origins, setbacks, and successes of the American policy of
“containing” the Soviet Union. Bellwork for this unit include a map analysis of
Indochina on pg. 733, a chart analysis of U.S. military personnel in Vietnam on pg. 743, a
map analysis of the Tet Offensive on pg. 749, and a photograph analysis of the Kent State
shootings on pg. 757. The lesson that pertains to this unit is the Building Vietnam War
Scavenger Hunts through Web-Based Inquiry lesson plan. This particular lesson involves
making a web-based scavenger hunt to understand differing perspectives of people
involved with the Vietnam War. Finally, We Were Soldiers will be utilized to explore the
psychological and emotional impacts that the conflict had on America’s soldiers.
2. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty-Two, Power Point on the Vietnam War, Kagaan Review Strategies,
Bellwork, Building Vietnam War Scavenger Hunts through Web-Based Inquiry lesson plan, We
Were Soldiers, Unit Test
Timeframe: 2 weeks
Chapter 23 – An Era of Social Change
Standards: 8.3.3, 8.3.4
1. TLW the causes and course of the women’s rights movement in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
Bellwork for this unit will be an analysis of a women in the workplace graph on pg. 777.
2. TLW evaluate the major accomplishments and setbacks of the civil rights and liberties
for American minorities over the twentieth century.
3. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty-Three, Power Point on An Era of Social Change, Kagaan Review,
Bellwork, Unit Test
Timeframe: 1 week
Chapter 24 – An Age of Limits
Standards: 8.1.3, 8.2.4
1. TLW evaluate the factors that led to the end of the Cold War including détente. The
lesson that pertains to this standard is the Détente lesson plan. Within this lesson, the
PBS website is used to examine the policy of détente. Afterward, brochures are designed
to encourage smoothing relations out between the United States and China.
2. TLW use core democratic values to analyze and evaluate the competing perspectives and
controversies among Americans generated by the Watergate scandal. Bellwork for this
unit would include an analysis of political cartoon based on the Watergate tapes. This is
found on pg. 806. The lesson that pertains to this standard is the Watergate: The
Condensed Version lesson. Within this lesson, primary source documents will be
arranged in the chronological order of the stages of Watergate.
3. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty-Four, Power Point on An Age of Limits, Kagaan Review Strategies,
Bellwork, Détente lesson plan, Watergate: The Condensed Version lesson plan, Unit Test
Timeframe: 1 week
Chapter 25 – The Conservative Tide
Standards: 8.1.3, 8.2.3, 9.1.2, 9.2.1
1. TLW evaluate the factors that led to the end of the Cold War.
2. TLW focus on the cause, programs, and impacts of Reagan’s market-based domestic
policies. Bellwork for this unit includes a political cartoon analysis called “The Inflation
Stagecoach” on pg. 836.
3. TLW analyze the transformation of American politics in the late 20th century and early
21st centuries. The Interact with History selection on pgs. 828 and 829 as a discussion
4. TLW explain the role of the United States as a super power in the post-Cold War world.
Bellwork for this unit includes an analysis of a Persian Gulf War map on pg. 854.
5. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty-Five, Power Point on The Conservative Tide, Kagaan Review
Strategies, Bellwork, Interact with History, Unit Test
Timeframe: 1 week
Chapter 26- The United States in Today’s World
Standards: 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.3.1
1. TLW use the changing nature of the automobile industry as a case study to evaluate the
changes in the American economy. Bellwork for this unit will involve an interpretation
of an economic chart found on pg. 871 and analyze a technology political cartoon found
on pg. 877.
2. TLW analyze the transformation of American politics in the late 20th century and early
21st centuries.
3. TLW explain the role of the United States as a super power in the post-Cold War world.
4. TLW analyze how the attacks on 9/11and the response to terrorism have altered
American domestic and international policies. The lesson that pertains to this standard
would be the Student’s Response to 9/11—A Documentary Report lesson. Within this
lesson, an analysis is developed using the comments of Americans toward the event of
5. TLW compose an essay on a public policy issue and justify the position with a reasoned
argument. Issues can be found on pgs. 894-917.
6. TLW be assessed on their knowledge of the unit by taking a test that involves multiple
choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Resources: Chapter Twenty-Six, Power Point on The United States in Today’s World, Kagaan
Review Strategies, Bellwork, Student’s Response to 9/11—A Documentary Report lesson, Unit
Timeframe: 1 week