PowerPoint Presentation - National University of Ireland, Galway

First Year Commerce Orientation 2012/2013
Welcome to the J.E Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Dr. Gerard Turley | September 2012
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Bachelor of Commerce Degree: First Year
• Lectures commence on Monday September 10th as per timetables
• Semester One (12 weeks): Teaching ends Friday 30th November
• Study Week beginning 3rd December with Examinations 10 – 18th December.
There will be five exams, with the possibility of more than one exam on one day
• Semester Two (11.5 weeks): Teaching begins 7th January and ends 27th March
• Exams begin 16th April 2013.
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
B. Comm. Degree
Students are required to take six modules per semester:
Introduction to Accounting
5 + 5 ECTS
Economics, Principles of
5 + 5 ECTS
Business Information Systems & Management (MS)
5 + 5 ECTS
Mathematics & Statistics for Business (MA)
5 + 5 ECTS
Introduction to Management / Marketing (MG/MK)
5 + 5 ECTS
Skills to Succeed + Business Law I or Spanish or German 5 + 5 or 10 ECTS
Total: 60 ECTS
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
B. Comm. Degree: Compulsory Modules
Semester One (Sept - Dec)
Semester Two (Jan – Apr/May)
Intro to Management Accounting
Intro to Financial Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Business Information Systems
Business Information Management
Mathematics for Business
Statistics for Business
Introduction to Management
Introduction to Marketing
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
B. Comm. Degree: Optional Modules
Skills to Succeed – new module focusing on work life skills such as writing and presenting,
planning, research skills etc. 100% continuous assessment
Business Law I - important for Accounting Exemptions at the end of your degree
Spanish or German
• Available as an alternative to Skills to Succeed+Business Law I
• Beginners or Advanced Level available. No previous knowledge of these languages is
necessary for the Beginners course.
• If demand exceeds supply: selection based on aggregate Leaving Cert points and HC3 in a
continental language
• To apply: complete application form in handbook and return to School Office (Room 355
or 359, top floor of Cairnes building)
• End of Year: you may be eligible for transfer to 2nd yr. of B. Comm. International
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Lectures and Tutorials
• All are Obligatory
• Lectures – Concepts and Ideas, Tools and Techniques
• Tutorials – apply tools and techniques, ask questions
• Self Study – readings, practice, application
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
First Year Modules
Accounting and Economics – start from beginning but moves quickly
Many modules have continuous assessment / coursework
Descriptive subjects: Marketing, Management, Business Law I
- Do not underestimate difficulty and approach to exams
Skills to Succeed – a skills-based module, with 100% attendance, events and coursework
Language – Small classes
Your attendance and engagement is required from Week 1 through to Week 12
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Tutorials, Skills to Succeed and Learning Communities
– A New Initiative
Lectures – have 250 plus students in attendance
Tutorials – small classes, fewer than 50 in number
Skills to Succeed – new module designed to develop skills for students that are necessary for
success in university life and subsequently in their working lives.
Learning Communities – tutorials with the same group of students for each module, where
students come together, engage together and learn together
Timetables – look out for lectures (begin in Week 1) and tutorials (begin in Week 1-2). There
will be two separate timetables. Both are compulsory
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Peer Assisted Learning
• Part of the Skills to Succeed Module, on Friday mornings
• Requirement – course marks awarded
• Excellent feedback
• Second Years pass on the benefit of their experience and help
you work together
• More next week …………Michael Campion
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Skills Development
• Transferrable Skills – Start Now
– Group work
– Presentation
• Get Involved
– Clubs and Societies
– Business Society (Biz Soc)
– Volunteering (Alive Programme)
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Opportunities – open to you as you progress
• Peer Assisted Learning Leadership Roles and Training (second year)
• Career Mentoring in second year.
• Study Abroad Possibilities - after second year
• THREE week Management Summer School in Austria
• Full year of study abroad
• One semester of study abroad and one semester internship
– Tuition is paid. You pay for accommodation, travel and subsistence.
• All will be available on basis - ACADEMIC merit and those who have
made an effort with personal and skills development
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
B. Comm. (International Experience) Degree
• During second year – opportunity to apply to transfer to:
• B. Comm. (International Experience) Degree
– Study abroad one year, or
– Work in Ireland (1 semester) + Study Abroad (1 semester)
• Internships this year and in 2010/11
– Failte Ireland, Boston Scientific, Brothers of Charity, Delphi Mountain
Resort, NUI Galway, Medtronic, Kenny’s Bookstore, Marine Institute,
Creganna, Connacht Tribune, Alkermes, Accenture, GDSI, ESB, Simon
Community, DHKN, Grant Thornton, G Hotel, Rooney Auctioneers
• Study Abroad – Austria, Holland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, USA,
Hong Kong
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Importance of First Year
• Skills Development
• Personal Growth
• Second Year Opportunities – first year results and
semester one of second year.
• Third Year Interviews - first and second year results
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Progression to Second Year
• Must pass ALL modules in First Year to progress to
second year
• Pass = 40% in all modules
• “The 35% Rule”
Must obtain 35% or more in written exam for year’s work
(continuous assessment) to be included
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Progression to Second Year (ctd.)
• Pass by Compensation – what does it mean?
You are allowed to pass by compensation in modules up to 15
ECTS credits in range 35% - 39% provided
- The aggregate mark for all modules of the year is at least 40%
- No mark is below 35%
• You may not repeat a module you have passed.
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
• 70% First Class Honours (H1)
60% Second Class Honours Grade 1 (H 2.1)
50% Second Class Honours Grade 2 (H 2.2)
40% Third Class Honours (H 3)
First Year Examinations
• Students must present for the initial exam in a module
To defer for serious personal/medical reasons, you must seek permission from
the School Office. Supporting documentation required.
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Autumn (Repeat Examinations)
• Fail in Sem I or Sem II: repeat failed modules in August
• Fail in autumn: get exemptions in all modules passed; repeat any failed
modules at Sem I, Sem II or autumn sessions of next academic year
• Two year rule: First BComm must be passed within two academic years
from the date of entering the BComm programme.
• Must pass ALL modules in First Year to progress to second year
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Module Registration
Students must register online by 21st September
Change of mind dates for optional module - 27th / 28th September
You may not change your mind after this date
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
What is required for success?
• Ability and Aptitude
• Interest and Enthusiasm
• Dedication, Engagement and Hard Work
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Class Representatives
• If any of you wish to volunteer to act as Class Representative
please contact Mairead McKeon, School Office by
Wednesday, 12th September.
Room 355, Top Floor, Cairnes Building.
Tel: (091) 492612
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
B.Comm. Director
Dr. Gerard Turley
Room 205, First Floor, St. Anthony’s Building
(beside Cairnes building)
Tel: 091-493095
Email: gerard.turley@nuigalway.ie
For an appointment with Dr. Turley please ring me on ext. 3095
or email me at gerard.turley@nuigalway.ie.
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
School Office
If you have any queries please contact the School Office, located
on the top floor, Cairnes Building.
Details as follows:
Martina Huban
Room 359, Top Floor, Cairnes Building
Tel: 091-493617
Email: suzann.murray@nuigalway.ie
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Languages as an Option
• German, Spanish – available at Beginners and
Advanced/Intermediate Level
• Continue a language you have already studied or take up a
new one
• Why?
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
IBEC Press Release
The business arguments to support improved language skills are obvious.
The Irish market for goods and services is extremely small and companies
must look further afield for new customers and clients. Irish companies
need staff that that have the language skills required to develop their
markets abroad’.
The report by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, noted that: ‘the
availability of an internal supply of foreign language skills will enhance the
attractiveness of Ireland for foreign multi-nationals wishing to establish
such activities.’
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Informal meetings
GERMAN: MON 10th September, 4.00 pm in AM 204
(first floor, Arts Millennium building)
Ms. Doris Devilly, Arts Millennium Building 318
SPANISH: MON 10th September, 11.00 am in AM117 (SH140 Spanish Intermediate)
and 12:00 in Concourse 215 (SH102 Spanish Beginners)
Programme Coordinator (Spanish): Ms. Begoña Sangrador-Vegas, Arts Millennium Building 317
First Year Coordinator (Spanish): Ms. Pilar Alderete, Arts Millennium Building 342
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Finally: Welcome again and have a wonderful Year
We’ll go the extra mile
– excellent university experience
You only have to travel with us
J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics