ILCAD - News

Operation Lifesaver Estonia’s international
conference on railway safety
« Let’s save lives»
Tallinn, 15 March 2011
(ILCAD) International Level Crossing Awareness Day
Isabelle FONVERNE, Projects Officer Safety and Interoperability
When compared to other rail operational statistics, too many people die or are
injured in accidents at level crossings. These however are in the majority of
cases due to misuse by motorists and pedestrians whilst the popular
misconception is that these fatal accidents are a railway problem. Conferences
on the issue show that the only really effective way to decrease the number of
accidents, short of closing all level crossings, is education, highlighting the risks
and making people aware of the potential consequences if they do not follow
the simple rules of the road.
Running under the motto “Act safely at level crossings” the railway community,
in conjunction with a small but rising number of road sector organisations and in
conjunction with the European Commission and the United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe (UNECE), has established the ILCAD campaign to
raise awareness among road users and pedestrians of the risks at level
crossings and to change their behaviour. More than 40 countries around the
world have previously been engaged in ILCAD in 2010 following ELCAD in
ILCAD Campaign 2010
ILCAD (International Level Crossing Awareness Day) - 22 June 2010
ELCF Task Force initiative (Chairman: Alan Davies/RSSB)
Project coordinated by UIC
A single date/theme to address users’ behaviour
A common project to put forward key aspects: Engagement, Enforcement,
A common website: website to promote all partners’ actions
A common logo: ILCAD
A common motto: Act safely at level crossings
A common video financed by the EC but adapted by each partner (motto
translated in some cases + logo and website address of each company at the
More than 40 countries took part in ILCAD (all EU countries + Israel,
Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, the whole American continent)
with small or bigger campaigns
High level Press Conference at the European Commission
Key actors involved (EC, EP, ERA, ETSC, UIC, CER and EIM, ELCF, UNECE)
Enrico Grillo Pasquarelli
Director, Inland Transport
DG MOVE, European
EC website /road safety
“Beyond the human and social
costs of each and every road
accident, accidents at level
crossings have a heavy cost in
economic terms: the train
traffics interrupted for a long
period, damages to the rail
network can be important and
sometimes the environmental
consequences are devastating.
Calculations suggest that the
overall cost of those accidents
at the EU level is about one
billion Euros per year. Level
crossing accidents have a
specific feature, and they can
be compared to no other
category of road accidents and
therefore, level crossing
accidents deserve a specific
and targeted action.
We are here today to celebrate
a major milestone: a new
awareness campaign which
builds on the success of the
first European campaign
implemented in 27 countries
last year. This year’s
International Level Crossing
Awareness Day will be carried
out in 45 countries – all over
the world.
I wish to the promoters of this
campaign a successful action
all over the world, and I am
confident that the number of
serious accidents at level
crossings will soon be
Eva Molnar, Director, Division of Transport, UNECE
“Apart from statistics, there are many sad stories around, horrible accidents
that happened at level-crossings and affected us directly or indirectly. It is time
now to put our knowledge, capacities and willingness together and make the
difference! To this end, UNECE is ready to host a multi-disciplinary group of
experts including experts from road traffic safety, railway transport, road and
railway infrastructure, where UNECE Governments, international organizations
(UIC), the European Commission and the stakeholders at large would be
UN-ECE website
Great success of ILCAD Campaign 2010 thanks to
the video “Just in Time” financed by the EC
Great success of ILCAD Campaign 2010
thanks to internet
> ILCAD dedicated website hosted by UIC created for the
2010 campaign: website
> Facebook pages opened by some partners to
-post information for young drivers: RFF France on RFF website
More than 11000 level crossings locations may be downloaded free of charge for
GPS use.
> -post the ILCAD video or other videos, documents, photographs related
to level crossings (Portugal
facebook page)
> Own companies’ websites published e-banners
(Portugal, Poland, UIC…) press releases, press
articles, interviews, ILCAD video or educational videos
(thousands of visits all together) PKP P.L.K. website
> Youtube: ILCAD video posted on youtube by UIC, OLE,
REFER, FS, the EC on EUtube, Slovenian Railways =
all together around 20 000 visits ILCAD video in
ILCAD Campaign 2010: Partners’ actions
ILCAD campaign sometimes in conjunction with national awareness campaigns
 Press campaigns and press conferences (using the ILCAD press release together with
the common motto “Act safely at level crossings” translated in different languages or
own press release) Video in Chile
Interviews by journalists invited in press conferences or at level crossings
Articles in the written press and in internal communication news (UIC e-news
distributed to 2000 people, RAPID internal e-news at the European Commission…)
Radio spots, interviews on the radio (OSE in Greece and many other countries)
Flyers, leaflets distributed in schools, at level crossings or in driving
schools by volunteers or the police
Posters in railway stations in different cities (Refer, RFF…) on billboards on the
streets and on trains
News in Belgium
News in France
Interview at a Belgian
level crossing
ILCAD Campaign 2010: Partners’ actions
 Information campaigns by railways or education organisations in schools sometimes
with the police (OLE)
 Messages on LED screens in railway stations or on the street
 Quiz and games for children (Italy, Belgium, France, Poland…)
 Funny characters at level crossings (Helmi in Austria, Operation Lifesaver Estonia…)
 Fixed cameras at LX to film idiot behaviours (film on youtube or companies’ websites
(NR in England: video)
 Link to the ILCAD website:
 Car crash tests in Poland, Hungary, in New Zealand
 Crash Test with a melon (video) showed to youngsters along the track (ÖBB, Austria)
 Cooperation with the police forces (speed controls, education, enforcement: Israel,
Slovakia, France… ): first radar set up to control speed at a level crossing “Lagny-leSec / Le Plessis-Belleville” in France
 Special videos made for the campaign (BAV in Switzerland: video, KiwiRail in New
Zealand, REFER Portugal)
Ilcad campaign in Europe
(some examples)
Leaflet in Sweden
REFER Poster
NR Poster
in UK
ZSR Leaflet,
RFF Poster
in France
BAV Video for the 2009
campaign in Switzerland
OL Estonia at LX
Austrian road safety expert
mascot “Helmi” in Austria
RFF Poster
in 1000
Ilcad campaign in Europe
(some examples)
> Distribution of DVDs on safety at level crossings in cooperation with the
Railways and the police forces (Slovak Railways)
> Exhibition of pictures of tragic accidents (Slovak railways)
Distribution of leaflets by
Video of stupid
Crash test in Poland
behaviours in the UK
FS, Italy brochure for
ZSR, Slovakia,
photographs of
Ilcad campaign in countries outside
Europe (Israël)
1000 T-shirts distributed to Israeli scouts bearing on the back:
safety messages to the members of the youth movement
-Rail tracks are not playgrounds
-You may cross the tracks only at level crossings
-Don’t cross level crossings when the traffic light is flashing
and the bell is ringing
-Emergency center Israel Railways * 2442
In the front of the T-shirts: logos of the tribes,
youth movement and Israel Railways;
Baloons, air freshners, and safety leaflets
distributed by the police and volunteers.
Millions of scouts throughout the
world, target to address our safety
messages worldwide
Ilcad campaign in countries outside
Europe (India)
Banner at a
LX in India
• Press release on the Indian Railways’ website (Press Information Bureau of the Indian
• 7-day-special drive in all 16 regions in India to enhance safety risks at open level crossings
starting from 22nd to 28th June in in New Delhi, Aligarh, Datiya and Jhansi.
• Partners: Indian Railways and railway companies in the 16 regions of India,
• Press articles in newspapers of the 16 regions, on yahoo India
Ilcad campaign in countries outside
Europe (Canada)
Leaflets distributed
by OL Canada
ILCAD Press release in French and English + ILCAD video on OL Canada website
Ilcad campaign in countries outside
Europe (U.S.A.)
• ILCAD press release + video on OL inc. website. Support from different
OL regions in the USA (Florida, Virginia..)
• Articles in the US trade press, and other newspapers
• Personal support in different conferences from Helen Sramek,
President of OLI inc.: speech to a highway-rail conference in
Washington State, speech at a meeting of the grade-crossing
committee where U.S. experts were most impressed with the ILCAD
• Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfield: personal support from
Steve Laffey at mid-year committee meeting in Tacoma, Washington,
where they discussed and acknowledged the important role that ILCAD
has in focusing awareness on the challenges of improving safety at
level crossings.
Ilcad campaign in countries outside Europe
(Operación Salvavidas, Argentina)
Posters at the station and
distribution of leaflets
Article in the newspaper "LA RAZON"
in Argentina
Posters at the station and
distribution of leaflets
Opéración salvavidas (OL) campaign in
a school in Buenos Aires
Link to the ILCAD website and video from the Operación Salvavidas’ website
Distribution of the ILCAD Press release through a monthly digital
bulletin and publication on the Operación Salvavidas’ website
Distribution of leaflets in schools and level crossings
Posters in train stations
Ilcad campaign in countries outside Europe
(ALAF, Central and South America)
Result of the campaign 2010:
Future collaboration announced
between ALAF and Operación
Salvavidas, Argentina.
• EU/ILCAD video + press release in Spanish on ALAF website:
• Distribution of the ILCAD press release in Spanish and Portuguese to ALAF members (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Méjico, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela)
to public organisations, railway constructors, consultants in latin America
•Special ALAF newsletter sent per email to all their members
•Video "Llamen a tener cuidado en cruces ferroviarios« posted on the website of the daily newspaper « El Mercurio de
Antofagasta » in Chile ://
Ilcad campaign in countries outside
Europe (South Africa)
Railways Africa - the magazine and online news portal - for Rail News
throughout the African Continent :
ILCAD video + press release posted on their website and published in their magazine
Press release sent for publication to:
- Sunday Times - weekly newspaper
- Engineering News - daily business
news portal
April 6 to 8 UIC participate in the
Railways and Harbours’ exhibition and
Conference in Joburg: speeches on ILCAD
and UIC + Exhibition of UIC and ILCAD
Publication on a ARRIVEALIVE website
Non profit organisation specialised
In road safety education
Ilcad campaign in countries outside
Europe (Australia)
> media focus by distributing the ILCAD press release
> upload the ILCAD video onto the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board
(RISSB) website as well as the Australasian Railway Association website
> Media release:
Ilcad campaign in countries outside Europe
(New Zealand)
For the past 4 years, KiwiRail has participated in the Australasian Rail Safety Week. This has
traditionally taken place in July but in 2010 it was moved to late August to make room for
ILCAD in the rail safety calendar. Video in New Zealand to support ILCAD viewed many times and used in TV News in
different countries.
Exhibition of crashed car in
Wellington railway station with
« Don’t let this happen to you »
KiwiRail’s partner: Chris Cairns Foundation posted also this video and the ILCAD press
release on their website. Chris Cairns foundation was initiated in 2006 by a former New
Zealand international cricketer, Chris Cairns, whose sister Louise was killed whilst a
passenger on board a train in 1993 when a cement truck failed to stop at a level crossing
Campaign 2011: international
institutions as regards road safety
> European Commission Road Safety Action Programme
2011-2020« On the move for safer roads in Europe » to
halve the number of fatalities on the roads.
> UIC, ELCF and many ILCAD partners signed the European Road Safety
Charter (ERSC): at the last ceremony of the ERSC in Brussels, Mrs.
Kardacz insisted on two aspects to decrease the number of fatalities on
the roads: Education and Enforcement
> UN Decade of action for road safety 2011-2020: campaign launched
globally on 11 May 2011: UIC/ILCAD have been granted permission to
use the logo on communication supports on ILCAD
Campaign 2011: MORE EDUCATION
Even sheeps?
Campaign 2011: communication supports
the EC video « Just in time » (rights being paid until 2015 for internet
worldwide and public areas in Europe)
a montage of CCTV films on bad behaviours at LX
Louis de Funès in the movie
« Le petit baigneur »
Campaign 2011: communication supports
> Press release in different languages
> The international logo
> Badges
> Posters based on the video montage (see
Christmas campaign: )
> International press conference in Warsaw
7 June at the occasion of the UIC General
Assembly (200 members worldwide)
Campaign 2011: enlarging worldwide
Thanks to ILCAD 2010 more direct partners in Central and
South America:
> Urban Light Rail System Mexico cooperating with OL Mexico
> OL Argentina and ALAF (intention of a common
communication in Argentina on billboards and screens on
streets in 2011, and more communication throughout
Central and South America by ALAF).
> New members in Europe: Rhein Sieg Eisenbahn GmbH in
Germany, Ukraina, Prorail (Netherlands)
> What about YOU ??? Campaign on a free basis. Come and
join us, all together we become stronger.
For any information on
ILCAD on 9 June 2011
feel free to contact:
Isabelle FONVERNE,
Projects Officer,
Safety and
Interoperability ;
Tel + 33 1 44 49 20 91
Mobile + 33 6 24 70 22 92