Study Guide Chapter 1B

Study Guide Chapter 1B – 1B Test – Thursday, January 21st
-You should know the spelling and meaning of the vocabulary on page 70 for the test.
-You can hear the audio of the vocabulary on p. 70, by clicking on words that are
-For more practice with the key vocabulary of this chapter, go to, click
on “Practice,” then “Capítulo 1B,” then “Vocabulario en contexto.”
-You should be familiar with adjectives (spelling, rules for regular adjectives, gender rules,
irregular adjectives) in Spanish. See p. 55 of the eText to review adjectives.
-For additional practice with adjectives you can go to, click on “Practice,”
then “Capítulo 1B,” then “Gramática: Adjectives.”
-You should be familiar with definite and indefinite articles. See p. 60 of the textbook to review
definite and indefinite articles.
- For additional practice with definite and indefinite articles you can go to, click on “Practice,” then “Capítulo 1B,” then “Gramática: Definite and Indefinite
-You should be familiar with word order (placement of adjectives) in a Spanish sentence. See
p. 62 of the textbook to review word order (placement of adjectives) in a Spanish sentence.
- For additional practice with word order (placement of adjectives) you can go to, click on “Practice,” then “Capítulo 1B,” then “Gramática: Word Order: Placement of
Extra Practice
-For extra practice with the main concepts in this chapter you can do several things:
A) See p. 71. You should practice parts 1, 2, and 3 (Escuhar, Hablar, and Leer) primarily.
B) Complete the Word Search and Organizer on pages 34-35 of the 1B packet.
C) For an online practice test (that provides you with answers and feedback) go to, click on “Practice,” then “Capítulo 1B,” then “Repaso del capítulo,” then
open “Ch 1B Self-Test.”
D) There are interactive puzzles, flashcards, and tutorials available if you go to, click on “Practice,” then “Capítulo 1B,” then “Repaso del capítulo.”
E) You can go to the following website to do interactive games for material related to
Chapter 1B: