Study Guide: Western Lit Semester One Final Exam Greek Mythology In the image of humans Could laugh at them Homes in real places-Thebes, Mt. Olympus Behaved worse than humans Little magic No ghosts A few beautiful witches Other Ancient Mythologies Beast like-half-man, half-animal Serious, deadly Imaginary homes Behaved morally Magic Ghosts Hags (ugly witches) Greek Miracle: When humans became the center of the universe. Greek Creation: Chaos Night Erebus (Death) Love Light Day Giants Gaia 3 monsters with hundred hands and fifty heads Furies Ouranos 3 Cyclopes Cronos Rhea Epimetheus Titans Prometheus Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Zeus Literary Terms: Diction Allusion Tone Imagery Theme Inversion Stories: Poetry: Creation Prometheus Pandora Daedalus Theseus “Musee des Beaux Arts” “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” Painting: Brueghel’s The Fall of Icarus Characters: Gaia Ouranos Cyclopes Titans Furies Cronos Rhea Zeus Poseidon Hades Hera Hestia Demeter Athena Aphrodite Apollo Artemis Hermes Ares Hephaestus Prometheus Epimetheus Pandora Daedalus Perdix Minos Ariadne Icarus Theseus Aegeus Sciron Pitocamptes Corynetes Minotaur