Neptune by Julia Carnevale - pridescience

The Planet Neptune
Julia Carnevale
Why the name Neptune?
• Astronomers continued naming the
planets after deities/gods in Roman and
Greek mythology.
• Neptune was the name given to the Greek
god Poseidon, the god of the sea and
The symbol of Neptune is Neptune’s trident.
The Discovery of Neptune:
• Instead of using a telescope to find
Neptune astronomers used math.
• While scientists were trying to find
Uranus’s orbit they realized that there was
another planet farther out than Uranus.
• They were then able to make
mathematical calculations of where
Neptune should be.
The Discovery of Neptune (cont.):
• Discovered in 1846 by Johann Galle and
Heinrich D’Arrest.
• Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, was
discovered at the same time as the planet.
Eighth planet.
Farthest planet from the Sun.
Distance from the Sun: 4,945,000,000 km
Distance from Earth: 4,300,000,000 km
Planet Measurements:
• Neptune’s mass is 102.43 g (17.14 times
greater than Earth’s mass).
• Neptune’s volume is 6,254 m3 (57 times
greater than Earth’s volume).
• 1.638 g/cm3
• Neptune would sink in water because its
density is greater than water’s density.
• Neptune’s gravity is 1.14 g (1.19 times
greater than the gravity on Earth).
Orbit and Rotation:
• It takes Neptune about 165 years to orbit
the Sun.
• It takes Neptune about 19.1 hours to
rotate on its own axis.
• In 2011, Neptune completed its first orbit
around the Sun since it was discovered in
• Thick atmosphere.
• Composition: 74% hydrogen, 25% helium,
1% methane.
• Methane gives Neptune its color.
• There are icy clouds, similar to the cirrus
clouds on Earth, and enormous storms on
• Average temperature on Neptune: -184
degrees Celsius (-370 degrees
• Average temperature on Earth: 7 degrees
Celsius (45 degrees Fahrenheit)
• Average temperatures in Florida: 18
degrees Celsius (low) 28 degrees Celsius
• Neptune is a gas giant. Its surface
composition is not rocky or icy, it is water
and melted ice.
• Its internal composition is similar to
Uranus’s with various ices and rocks along
with hydrogen and helium.
• Internal heat source.
• Neptune has many features that other
planets do not. It is a brilliant blue planet
with some white clouds around its surface.
The methane in Neptune’s atmosphere
absorbs red light from the sun but reflects
blue light into space, giving Neptune its
• Huge storms or vortices and rapid winds.
• Neptune’s winds are the fastest and
strongest in the solar system reaching
2,000 km/hour (1,200 miles/hour)
• These winds can be 9 times stronger than
Earth’s winds.
• Neptune is circled by thin, dark, ringfound
in clumps.
• These rings are composed of rock/dust.
• 6 rings in total.
• They are difficult to find and detect
because the thickness varies throughout
the rings.
• Neptune has 3 distinct rings that are named after
the people who discovered Neptune.
• Neptune has 13 moons! Trition, Nereid, Naiad,
Thalassa, Despina, Larissa, Proteus, and
Galatea, plus 5 smaller, unnamed moons.
• There are probably many more moons, but we
have yet to discover them.
• Triton was the first moon to be discovered, and it
is the coldest measured object in our solar
Moons (cont.):
Moons in order of distance from Neptune:
Naiad- NASA’s Voyager 2 mission, 1989
Thalassa- NASA’s Voyager 2 mission, 1989
Despina- NASA’s Voyager 2 mission, 1989
Galatea- NASA’s Voyager 2 mission, 1989
Larissa- NASA’s Voyager 2 mission, 1989
Proteus- NASA’s Voyager 2 mission, 1989
Triton- William Lassell, 1846
Nereid- G. Kuiper, 1949
• Neptune’s atmosphere consists of water
and melted ice.
• Methane ice clouds.
• Oceans.
What would happen if a human
traveled to Neptune?
• You would freeze because of the extreme
• You would be squashed by the gravity and
the larger mass of the planet.
The Great Dark Spot:
• Huge storm on Neptune that spins
• Spiral shaped cirrus clouds around the dark
• An Earth-sized hurricane.
• Found in the thick, methane, atmosphere.
• Disappears and reappears occasionally, varying in
sizes and shapes.
• Winds near spot were recorded at 2,400 km/hour
(1,500 m/hour). Strongest winds recorded in our
Solar System.
"Discover Neptune." Windows to the Universe. Windows to the Universe, 2010. Web. Dec. 2013.
"Neptune.", 1999. Web. Dec. 2013. <http://>.
"Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page." Photojournal: NASA's Image Access., n.d. Web. Dec. 2013. <>.
"Neptune." Neptune - Astronomy For Kids -, 1998. Web. Dec.
2013. <>.
"Neptune." Nine Planets. N.p., n.d. Web. Dec. 2013. <>.
"Solar System Exploration: Multimedia: Gallery: Solar System Symbols." Solar System Symbols.
N.p., 2012. Web. Dec. 2013. <