MPS 7: Creativity Donald R. Woods Chemical Engineering Department McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada 1 MPS 7: Creativity Def: ability to think up ideas. 2 MPS 7: Creativity Why important? 1. Needed often. 2. Needed when options are needed. 3. Needed when we want to see new perspective 4. Needed when stuck 5. Skill that many have been introduced to through “brainstorming” yet that few really possess personally. 6. Skill & confidence can be improved. 3 MPS 7: Creativity Where I’m coming from - Presented this workshop over 100 times in different cultures & countries; high school, community, industry, university 4 MPS 7: Creativity 5 MPS 7: Creativity Pretest: Use an “x” to rate your Awareness & Skill Time 10 s Finish by _________ Objectives... Read over... Time _____ Finish by _________ 6 MPS 7: Creativity 7 MPS 7: Creativity 8 9 10 MPS 7: Creativity 11 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: As individual write out an interesting problem you would like to solve.. Get great ideas for TIME ____________ 12 MPS 7: Creativity The BIG 4 rules for BS: DJ-AIG; BS-BOO 1. DJ Defer judgement. No criticism. 2. AIG ALL ideas good. Risking is OK. No foolish ideas here; all ideas have potential! 3. BS Be succinct! Goal: 50 ideas in 5 minutes. Not “Let me tell you how my idea works” 4. BOO! Build On Others ideas. Piggy back on previous ideas. Not “But that’s there already!” 13 MPS 7: Creativity Mechanics: •Record everyone’s ideas so that all ideas are acknowledged; No ideas are lost. AIG and to overcome the shortcomings of STM •Display ideas (via transparency) so that BOO •Use transparency; so that its easy to make copies for everyone; someone doesn’t have to make sense out of a big chart. 14 MPS 7: Creativity Example BS Problem: Company was trying to find an alternative way of cutting canvass bags and pouring peanuts into conveyor. 15 MPS 7: Creativity “Judo, judo with knives on feet, hire kids to lick candy bags, dissolve the bags, rats to eat the bags, roast away the bags, mechanical cutter blade...” • 7 ideas “Lets see, have mechanical arms come & pick up the bag; then have rotating blades zap around and fly into the bag, the beans fly out and are caught in a fish net that is carried....” • 1 idea 16 MPS 7: Creativity Demo session: leader Uses of ________________________ TIME 5 min 17 MPS 7: Creativity Ideas 18 MPS 7: Creativity 19 MPS 7: Creativity You try groups of 6 Start with OBJECTS : Easiest and we need this later for triggers Activity: Brainstorm uses of pen Group size 6 Facilitator ____________ TIME 5 min Then, complete feedback form Report total number and “most interesting” 20 MPS 7: Creativity Feedback Total number most interesting idea 21 MPS 7: Creativity Trigger: an event (comment, idea) that allows us to overcome a mental block and to start the flow of ideas again. A trigger is usually a word that overcomes: .fixation .negative feelings (I can’t think of more) .silences For groups, triggers can come from others. For individuals, must come from within. 22 MPS 7: Creativity Triggers: used when the number of ideas drops 23 MPS 7: Creativity 24 MPS 7: Creativity 25 MPS 7: Creativity Example use Triggers for Red brick Trigger: chemical whole + Silica... make red windows; make abrasive Chemical whole It’s not Carbon... can’t breath it; can’t breath (what situations do I know where can’t breath? In a room no oxygen, use brick to break window; can’t breath as a diver under water, use bricks as ballast for diver. Can’t eat it; but maybe something else can? Grind it up, mix with peanut butter and use it as poison for rats Chemical parts + Silica = Si + Oxygen. Use as source to react with oxygen 26 MPS 7: Creativity Puzzle: Which letter to the right of the vertical line is uniquely different from the one on the left. H| aŤBwXCoqů To solve this puzzle, you brainstorm the characteristics of each letter and cross compare. 27 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: as group of 6 brainstorm characteristics of the letter B Facilitator: Surname second TIME 5 min Draw line across then with same facilitator... Use triggers TIME 5 min 28 MPS 7: Creativity Feedback form Report Number of ideas & “Most interesting” Reflect: Summary: No. of ideas most interesting 29 MPS 7: Creativity Why DJ works 30 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: group of 6 BS Cards Facilitator is surname third TIME 5 min and .. Use triggers Feedback form Report: total number “Most interesting” Reflections: 2 min 31 MPS 7: Creativity Research: Silences & Negative Feelings Silence: 5 s with no ideas These are expected. Action: “Let’s reread the goal.” “Let’s try Trigger........” Negative feelings: “I can’t think of anything else.” “This is stupid.” “BS is BS.” “I’m finished.” This occurs, Action: “Let’s reread the goal.” “I want to & I can!” “Let’s try Trigger..........” Trigger “Craziest” idea 32 MPS 7: Creativity Situations Case 1: Lost my calculator; need it to solve a problem in next 5 minutes Case 2: Important meeting with that I must attend at 7 pm. I had previously promised that we would have dinner together at 6:30 at a “Giselle’s Inn. It is now 6:14 pm and he/she has already left to meet me in the restaurant. Case 3: You are at a party and an obnoxious twirp is hitting on you. Case 4: I’m going for an important meeting and I can’t remember the name of the company Vice President who is going to be there. It’s 15 minutes before the meeting. 33 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: as group of 6 Facilitator is Surname 4th consider Case ____ TIME 5 min Then draw line across; use Trigger “craziest” TIME 1 min ___________________ Feedback form Report Total number & “Interesting idea” 34 MPS 7: Creativity No of ideas most interesting 35 MPS 7: Creativity Research: During the last minutes of BS 80% of the ideas are “junk”; 15% are “interesting” and 5% are “terrific” It’s worth being crazy and having fun to find the gold. We also can use the “junk” as a trigger to provide a “stepping stone” to give us gold. 36 MPS 7: Creativity Stepping stone: using an idea as a stepping stone 37 MPS 7: Creativity Some Triggers 10. Craziest 11. Checklist 12. “What if?” in the extremes; remove constraints 13. Boundary-constraint exploration: focus on the constraints 14. Nature analogy: How nature does it 15. Functional analogy: something else do the same function 38 MPS 7: Creativity #12. What if? Identify stated & unstated assumptions & criteria. Eliminate. #13. Boundary. Explore impact of criteria 39 MPS 7: Creativity #11: Checklist Shores’s CREATIVITY Eberle’s SCAMPER Combine Reverse Enlarge, magnify Adapt Tinier, minify Instead of, substitute Viewpoint, change in other ways, rearrange In other ways To other uses Yes! Substitute Combine Adapt Modify, magnify, minify Put to other use or use; consider the Parts Eliminate Reverse, rearrange, 40 MPS 7: Creativity 41 MPS 7: Creativity 42 Pull vacuum in deodorizer, open valve and powder should flow quickly into the deodorizer. None flows! 43 MPS 7: Creativity Situations _______________ Activity: For Trouble shooting case Group of 6 with facilitator Surname fifth list 50 possible causes. Use any triggers you want. TIME 5 min 44 MPS 7: Creativity Draw line across: Trigger #11: Checklist TIME 3 min line across: Trigger #12: What if? Constraint __________ TIME 3 min Line across: Trigger #13: Boundary explore ____________ TIME 3 min 45 MPS 7: Creativity Complete Feedback form. Then: Total each set of ideas: and in each set identify 2 technically interesting & feasible ideas. Report number in each session and total; and report on one “feasible” idea from each of last three. TIME 3 min 46 MPS 7: Creativity Research: why triggers work Brain lays down d-line patterns in LTM that fade if the experience is not repeated and that become dominant if it is. When we think of a typical problem, we enter the familiar d-lines close to that problem. Triggers introduce us to LTM at strange, locations that are dominant for the trigger. Our task is to move along connecting d-lines or jump to other d-lines to connect up with our problem. 47 MPS 7: Creativity Example Patient Jane complains of neck ache. MD does all traditional checks, tests. No idea. Notices a wart on big toe, removes it for cosmetic reasons. Pain disappears. 48 MPS 7: Creativity Example Patient Joe. Complains neck ache. MD does all usual tests. No idea. Notices wart on big toe. Asks if can remove it. Pain goes away Now sees 2 similar cases, adds new connecting d-line 49 MPS 7: Creativity Triggers #14 – 16 Analogies Trigger #14 Nature does it • define Goal • How does Nature achieve this goal? Make idea similar? Trigger #15 Function • define Function • How else might get function? What other thing achieves this function? Trigger #16 Appearance • what looks like this situation/object • How else get this appearance? • What others have same appearance but different function? 50 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: For case Gift executive coffee cup Cost about 10 X usual cup Group of 6 with facilitator Surname last list 50 possible options. Use any triggers you want. ____________________________________ • Draw line across: Trigger #14: Nature analogy • TIME 3 min • line across: Trigger #15: Function analogy • TIME 3 min • Line across: Trigger #16: Appearance analogy • TIME 3 min 51 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: continuing the trouble shooting case ________ Group of 6 with facilitator surname last Use triggers _________________ _______________________ and any other triggers you wish. 50 more causes. TIME _________ 52 MPS 7: Creativity Complete Feedback form. Then: Total each set of ideas: and in each set identify 2 technically interesting & feasible ideas. Your choice = ____________ _____________ Triggers _______ = __________ _____________ Trigger _____________ = ______________ ____________ Trigger __________ = _________ _____________ Report number in each session and total; and report on one “feasible” idea from each of last three. TIME ________ 53 MPS 7: Creativity Summary Totals Interesting-feasible 54 MPS 7: Creativity Write reflections TIME _________ Discuss with neighbour 90 sec. 55 MPS 7: Creativity 56 MPS 7: Creativity 57 MPS 7: Creativity Trigger #19 Book Title Capture the essence of the goal in the title of a best selling book. Coffee Cup “Who drank out of my cup?” “Too hot to handle!” “Sex & a cup of coffee” “Roll up the rim” “Sugar, cream, stir?” “It’s much too cool for me!” “A dash of cognac with your coffee?” 58 MPS 7: Creativity 16. Appearance analogy: something else that looks same but functions differently 17.Symbolic replacement: replace original goal with an idea generated so far. 18.Morphology 19.Book title 20.Juxtaposition 21.Personal analogy 22.Reversal 23.Particle, wave, field 24.Fishbone 25.Senses 59 MPS 7: Creativity Activity: For Trouble shooting new case ; Group of 3 with facilitator Surname last list 50 possible causes. Use any triggers you want. TIME 5 min Draw line across: Trigger #17: Symbolic replacement TIME 3 min line across: Trigger #18: Morphology TIME 3 min Line across: Trigger #19: Book title TIME 3 min 60 MPS 7: Creativity Complete Feedback form. Then: Total each set of ideas: and in each set identify 2 technically interesting & feasible ideas. Original BS 5 min _____________ Trigger 3 min _____________ Trigger 3 min ________________________ Trigger 3 min _____________ Report number in each session and total; and report on one “feasible” idea from each of last three. TIME 3 min Write reflections 61 MPS 7: Creativity Summary Totals Interesting-feasible 62 MPS 7: Creativity Reflections: TIME 2 min Discuss with neighbour 90 s 63 MPS 7: Creativity • Triggers #20 Juxtaposition: • take three random words: brainstorm properties of these and link them to the case problem. • Example, take the word “clock” • BS characteristics and try to relate to problem situation: makes noise runs down battery have to wind has a face hands numbers Roman numerals digital measures something tell personality: round vs square watches in many rooms standards on radio 64 MPS 7: Creativity 65 MPS 7: Creativity 66 MPS 7: Creativity 67 MPS 7: Creativity #3 Kirton/Risk Activity : • as an individual complete and score Kirton or Risk inventory. • TIME 5 min • Share information: complete • summary • Robust: your style does not change over the years. 68 MPS 7: Creativity #3 Kirton inventory #3 Risk inventory 69 MPS 7: Creativity 70 MPS 7: Creativity #3 Kirton/Risk So What? There is no best way; score robust; unchanging over years. 32 – 86 Adaptive. Problems seen as defined & focus on doing things better. New data into existing structures. Prefer structured environment; change causes greater stress. 86-110 work either as Adaptive or Innovative. Good as intrapreneurs. 110-135 Innovative. Problems: focus on doing things differently, minimize/forget the constraints. New data give new structures. Prefer unstructure. Enjoy change; sometimes difficult adjusting to ongoing organizational demands >135 Have difficulty working for organizations. Prefer to be a consultant and being own boss. All are valued and needed. 71 MPS 7: Creativity #4 LASQ Activity 3: • as an individual complete and score LASQ. • TIME 5 min • Share information: complete • summary • your style changes over the years. Part depends on teacher 72 MPS 7: Creativity Strategic: see qualifications as main reason for learning find out details of assessment & try to impress teachers competitive. Self confident & driven by hope for success 73 MPS 7: Creativity Surface/ Memorize: rely on rote learning focus on what is defined in the calendar & just what teacher expects may lack self-confidence & have test anxiety not willing to seek relationships between ideas; focus on facts 74 MPS 7: Creativity Deep/Meaning: actively seek to link what they study to real life examine evidence critically & use it cautiously actively relate new knowledge to previous want to learn for its own sake Effective = Strategic + Meaning - Memorize 75 MPS 7: Creativity LASQ 76 MPS 7: Creativity #4 LASQ, So what? Values change. Learn solely from lectures, then gradually shift to surface learn. Learn via cooperative learning, PBL, values shift to deep learning. Prefer deep and/or strategic learn. 77 MPS 7: Creativity #5 Perry, 2 to 5 Your attitude about your role in learning 78 MPS 7: Creativity #5 Perry: data for university students 79 MPS 7: Creativity #5 Perry, So what? Values can change; Want 4 to 5 when participate in PBL or for lifelong learning 80 MPS 7: Creativity #6 SDLRS gives feedback about your confidence in working as a self-directed learner. Activity: complete and score the SDLRS inventory This is a snapshot image of where you are now. Your numbers will increase; you will delight in seeing progress. 81 MPS 7: Creativity #6 SDLRS, Total Self Management 82 MPS 7: Creativity #6 SDLRS, So what? Values can be increased; Want to shift to high values on all scales. Related to development of learning skills MPS 12, 36 83 MPS 7: Creativity #7 Alpert-Haber exam anxiety scale AAT Activity: As individual complete the AlpertHaber inventory. Score TIME 10 min 84 MPS 7: Creativity #7 AAT Debilitating & Facilitating performance on exams. Want low on Debil; high on Facil 85 MPS 7: Creativity #7 AAT. It’s frustrating when your marks on a test or exam are 5 to 30 marks lower than you know you know Exam anxiety: related to study skills? NO Relate to stress? YES So what? If number > 60, visit MPS 5 and implement stress management activities that work for you. I want to and I can! Debilitation values can be decreased. 86 MPS 7: Creativity #7, Exam anxiety, what to do about it: use inventories to identify what might be cause of high exam anxiety #10, Kellner-Sheffield K-S short term >18 K-S long term > 14 K-S self image > 15 #12, Heppner avoidance of difficult problems > 55 87 MPS 7: Creativity Self awareness Stress Tests #9, Annual change: Holmes Rahe or Holmes Gmelch #10, Kellner-Sheffield Daily stress: Shealy #13, Billings-Moos: how you handled stress #7, Exam anxiety 88 MPS 7: Creativity #9 Activity: As individual complete #9, Holmes- Rahe; or Holmes-Gmelch index: Multiply each individual stress load by the number of times that event happened this past Year ______ to ________ You want the total number. 0 to 1000 89 MPS 7: Creativity #9 Holmes Rahe: Example data of annual stress experienced by students 90 MPS 7: Creativity #9, Example data of annual stress experienced by engineers 91 MPS 7: Creativity #9, Holmes-Rahe Holmes-Gmelch , So what? Feedback: Guidelines only. Don’t read too much into them Depends on what you have experienced this past year. High values: - be patient with yourself. You’ve been through a lot. The simple things aren’t easy to do. - Be tolerant with self. Try some coping techniques Low values: – others have been through a lot, be patient with them.. Could happen to you. – Try coping techniques in preparation. Revisit MPS 5 Stress Management and MPS 17 Time management 92 MPS 7: Creativity #10 Kellner Sheffield want low values 93 MPS 7: Creativity #10, Kellner Sheffield inventory Results: Want low numbers Range Typical Short term stress: 8 -32 13.5 Long term stress: 8 – 32 12.3 Self image: 12.1 7 – 28 This year 94 MPS 7: Creativity #10 Kellner Sheffield, So what? All values can be decreased. Revisit MPS 5 Stress Management and MPS 17 Time Management 95 MPS 7: Creativity #11 Beck Happiness Feedback about attitude about life So what? Values change, want values < 20 Total score of • 21 - 25 minimal depression • 26-32 mild depression • 33- 35 moderate depression • 36-42 severe depression 96 MPS 7: Creativity Problem Solving #12. Heppner: PSI confidence 97 MPS 7: Creativity Heppner, Problem Solving confidence adults, college students, n = 148 Effectiveness of training 98 MPS 7: Creativity #11 Heppner, So what? Confidence in your ability to solve problems. Values change to lower values via workshops. Avoidance: focus on positively working on difficult problems Confidence in PS skill; check the list of target behaviours from MPS 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 99 MPS 7: Creativity #13. Billings-Moos: Problem solving skill problem avoidance 100 MPS 7: Creativity #13 Billings Moos, skill, So what? Want high values for problem solving Want low values for problem avoidance Values change with training, MPS program 101 MPS 7: Creativity #13 Billings Moos Problem Avoidance is an element of both Heppner and Billings Moos. Are they measuring the same thing? No, they do not correlate. Heppner is about attitude and confidence. Billings Moos is about performance & actual skill 102 MPS 7: Creativity #13 Billings Moos, So what? Moos is about skill; Heppner is about attitude 103 MPS 7: Creativity #15. Basadur, enjoys ideation, want high values Before & after 8 h training, N = 32, 28, 196 104 MPS 7: Creativity #15 Basadur, prefer to judge, want low values, Before & after 8 hour workshop 105 MPS 7: Creativity Team work #16. Shutz’s FIRO-B, Form, storm, norm, perform This inventory gives feedback about your attitudes related to the Form, Storm and Perform stages of group/team work 106 MPS 7: Creativity #16 FIRO-B 107 MPS 7: Creativity #16, FIRO B high numbers show preference; norms given 108 MPS 7: Creativity #16, FIRO B, So what? Values range from 0 to 9 in each; 4-5 handle either; 6-7 or 2-3 = noticeable ; 8-9 or 0-1 suggests very strong tendency. Affection tendency is more important than control &, in turn, is more important than inclusion. Social Interaction index =Total is from 0 – 54; higher values suggest more likely to be outgoing, friendly and gregarious; low suggests reserved and shy. 109 MPS 7: Creativity #16, FIRO-B, So what? Ratio of expressed/ wanted should = 1 If ratio is very high or very low, suggests frustration and conflict. Example, control = 0/9 suggests want to be involved socially but unskilled & uncomfortable expressing this. May be very sensitive to being left out. 110 MPS 7: Creativity #17 Johnson, preferred approach in dealing with conflict. Higher numbers show preference and ease Nurses N = 88 Engineers, managers N = 43 111 MPS 7: Creativity #17 Johnson conflict. So what? All 5 approaches are needed: example Accosted by a drunk… withdraw House on fire… force kids out of house. Ease with which you can use the approach is suggested by ratings. Use MPS 45 to train when to use each style. 112 MPS 7: Creativity #17. Johnson’s conflict extend to difficult behaviours 113 MPS 7: Creativity So what? For problem solving: Heppner PS for confidence; Moos PS, for skill Work tough problems: Heppner Avoid for confidence; Moos, for skill Breadth of issues in defining problems: TF & SN Making decisions & trouble shooting: PJ Group problem solving: FIRO-B and IE ; KAI, conflict Manage emotions: FIRO-B, KS, Beck, Holmes Rahe, Rotter & Heppner control 114 MPS 7: Creativity So what? For learning: SN & TF, Perry, LASQ, AAT, SDLRS For creativity: skill, Basadur; how apply, KAI For conflict: Johnson, SN, TF 115 MPS 7: Creativity Summary Return to pretest: Use a circle to summarize your rating of your Awareness Skill Time 10 s _________________________________________ The Objectives are:... 116 MPS 7: Creativity DISCOVERY 117