HigherGroundPyatt (PPT) - Accessing Higher Ground

More Accessible
Elizabeth J. Pyatt
Penn State
Who Am I? ¿Quién Soy? Pwy yw fi?
Instructional Designer
Researching accessibility since 2001
 http://accessiblity.psu.edu/
Foreign Language
Owner of multiple linguistic degrees
 Still teach occasional course
 http://symbolcodes.tlt.psu.edu/
Language Tags
Switches screen reader pronunciation
Can adjust spell checker also
Symbol Support
Unicode Standard
Tweaking Screen Readers
Non-Western Character Legibility
Entering characters
Classifying Language Support
 Western Languages
Spanish, French, Italian, German…
Support built in to U.S. JAWS/VoiceOver
 Includes pronunciation files for Western languages (e.g.
Spanish, French, Italian)
 Non Western/Exotic Languages
May need localized version of screen reader
Will likely include English support
Open source community?
 Unusual technical symbols
Support varies, but may be enhanced
First…Language Codes
ISO = International Standards Org
639 = 2-letter language tags
en (English), fr (French), ja (Japanese)
es (Spanish), de (Dutch), zh (Chinese)
eu (Basque), cy (Welsh), ga (Irish)
hr (Croatian), sq (Albanian)….
Why “Language Tag”?
Documents and sections of docs should by
tagged by language
My dog is black (lang=“en”)
Mi gato es negro (lang=“es”)
Language tagging allows
Accurate screen reader pronunciation
And enables accurate spell checking
And sorting through translated versions
And other important uses…
Also…3 Letter Codes
ISO-639-2 & ISO-639-3
Maintained by “SIL”
More languages – tons!
 pgl: Primitive Irish (found on Ogam stones)
Use only if no 2-letter code is
available (e.g. Zuni=“zun”)
Lookup demo
 Lists ISO-639…ISO-639-3
Regions Too!
Codes can have national variants
en-US vs en-GB vs….
 Changes screen reader accent
 Makes “colour” OK in spell checker
es-MX vs. es-ES vs. es-AR
 la paz ‘peace’ = “pahs” (MX) or “pahth” (ES)
zh-CN vs. zh-TW vs. zh-HK (Chinese)
 Different script!
fr-FR vs. fr-CA
de-DE vs. de-CH (Swiss)
pt-BR vs pt-PT
Wikipedia Language Editions
 Wikipedia URLs
organized by language
 es.wikipedia.org =
 chr.wikipedia.org =
 ang.wikipedia.org = Old
Language Tag Demo
Audio Demo
Note how Spanish pronunciation changes
Need to manually switch between language
voices (Ugh!)
Can get VoiceOver to speak English like
Sophia Vergara (great party trick!)
Audio Demo
Audio Demo Spanish in JAWS
HTML Lang Tags
HTML Header
 <html lang=“en-us”>
 In case your JAWS user isn’t an English speaker
Tag P (or DIV…)
 <p lang=“fr”>Parlez-vous français?</p>
Tag word
 <b lang=“es”>negro</b> means “black”
 B or I OK if NOT emphasizing content
 Or you use SPAN
Non-Western Languages on JAWS
Not written in English alphabet
E.g. Chinese, Russian, Arabic…
Not read in U.S. JAWS
Partial Support VoiceOver
Install language plugin
Look for non-U.S. JAWS distributors
 http://www.freedomscientific.com/forms/Contact_Us
Language Tags Word/PPT
Office 2010 (Win)
Review tab, Language Group
Set Proofing Language
Office 2011 (Mac)
Tools : Language
PDF Language Tag
Acrobat Pro XI
Document: In Properties Window
File : Properties
Advanced tab
Language menu
PDF: Tagging a Section
Done in Tags panel
Right click tag to edit
May need to insert custom codes
Voiceover Voice Offerings
 Lots of good choices BUT
LANG tag not
Sofia Vergara effect
when Spanish voice
reads English
 with “theek assent”
Non-English must be
 can be hard in a lab
 Audio Demo
Next: Tech Symbols
Tech Symbols =
,ə,ŋ, ∲,∑,⊃,¥,₹,₩,,₪, 😄,😡
≠ MathML (or ChemML)
Phonetics, currency, emoji,
weather/astronomy, logic
≠ MathML or ChemML
Although you can use this tech for one line
expressions in a pinch.
First: Encoding and Symbols
What’s Encoding?
A scheme in which a number is assigned to a
character (e.g. ASCII)
ASCII Examples
66=B 67=C
49=1 50=2
98=b 99=c
32=‘ ’
All characters in all scripts
0-127 = ASCII
128-255 = Additional Western char
255-911 = Extra Roman letters
912-1039 = Greek
1040-1328 = Cyrillic…
…. Up to 16^6 (16.7 million) potential spaces
Why Encoding Matters
Ensures character consistency
Consider the Wingding fonts
A B C D E F (hand gestures)
Actually “A B C D E F” in Unicode
But do screen readers read symbols aloud?
VoiceOver – yes for most
JAWS – Probably need to tweak symbol file
NVDA – Not much luck
Unicode also important for
Captions of non-English video
Handwriting recognition beyond English
Emoji support in general
Transmitting content over
Twitter & Facebook
JAWS Symbol File
 eloq.sbl in settings
List of symbols supported by JAWS
 A little skimpy IM-NSH-O
Can add symbols
 Freedom Scientific has good starter download
Add more
 U+20B9=Rupee symbol of India
Update eloq.sbl
 Requires admin level access
 Location Changed between JAWS 13 & 14
 http://accessbility.psu.edu/jawssymbols
Jaws Demo of Symbols
 Audio 1
Default .sbl file
 Audio 2
Adjusted .sbl file
VoiceOver Pronunciation
VoiceOver has better symbol support
Can add to dictionary in VoiceOver Utility
VoiceOver Utility
Legibility of Non-Western
May need to bump up font sizes
24 Point: 汉语 / 漢語 & हिन्दी
30 Point: 汉语 / 漢語 & हिन्दी
Traditional (serif) vs non-traditional fonts
Default fonts from Apple/Microsoft are
typically sans-serif
Serif could be better
n ŋ ɲ ɳ ñ (Lucida Grande)
n ŋ ɲ ɳ ñ (SIL Charis)
Entering Characters
Numeric codes
Option or ALT codes
Consider also
Alternate keyboard drivers
 Activate in Control Panel/System Prefs
Can make symbols more available
Text Expander/Breevy (Best Customization)
Demo here
Where to now?
Beware English-only mindset
Does your accessibility product support
Spanish? other languages?
Active open source communitirs
Wish list
Would like to see pronunciation file standards
 Most languages have more regular orthographic
Easier dictionary access
More Unicode support!