Dr. Kevin D. Zuber Grace Bible Church NorthWest May 13, 2012

Dr. Kevin D. Zuber
May 13, 2012
Grace Bible Church NorthWest
Exodus 20:1-17 The Ten Commandments
Introduction: Every so often some news reporter or “Christian researcher” takes a survey that reveals the
abysmal level of biblical knowledge in our country; and this is typical: “According to data from the
Barna Research Group, 60 percent of Americans can’t name even five of the Ten Commandments.”
(http://www.christianity.com/blogs/mohler/1270946/print/); honestly, I can’t say I’m surprised;
Americans heard of ‘em . . . can’t name ‘em . . . ergo won’t be “living / obeying” them. At the same
time the ACLU and FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) and others are doing their best to get
rid of them—at least from our public buildings and schools: this is just one example: A display of the
Ten Commandments in a “town hall” in North Carolina was challenged by an atheist group from
Wisconsin. (http://www2.wataugademocrat.com/News/story/Foundation-wants-ten-commandmentsremoved-id-007033) Here’s another: the headline says it all (http://www.christianpost.com/news/atheistgroup-demands-pa-school-remove-ten-commandments-monument-72070/). Of course, this produces the
standard backlash and you can read/hear from the folks who want to “keep the commandments”—in the
sense of preserve the “monument,” “or “mural,” or “whatever the words or inscribed on”; and the reason
given is “for tradition,” “or the heritage of it,” or “it can’t hurt!” So it seems we Americans have a rather
“odd” relationship with these commandments—most don’t know what they are but most have opinion
about them! (Cf. Mohler, Words from the Fire, 30; cf. Hamilton, Exodus, 312) Well, consider this a very
modest attempt to address that . . .
Transition: Last time we noted that these commandments were one portion of a larger section (chapters
19-20) that indicated how the nation and the people were to “enjoy” the “grace-based” relationship the
LORD had established with them (through the Covenant Promises to Abraham, by the deliverance from
bondage, etc.) In short, if one wants to “enjoy” the “grace-based” relationship with God he/she should
live by these commandments.
As we noted the Ten Commandments are typically divided into “two tablets”—those laws that pertain to
our relationship with the LORD and those that pertain to our temporal life and relationships.
As noted the two tablets of the Law:
Think and Do Right Theology: 1. The LORD is God—the only God! v. 3; 2. Idolatry is unacceptable,
vv. 4-6; 3. The LORD’s Name is to be respected, v. 7; 4. The Sabbath must be observed, vv. 8-11.
Think and Do Right Family / Social Relationships: 5. Honor parents, v. 12; 6. Honor human life, v. 13;
7. Honor marriage, v. 14; 8. Honor property, v. 15; 9. Honor the truth, v. 16; 10. Honor with the heart, v.
First, some preliminary matters: What are these “commandments?”
First: the OT never uses the terms “Ten Commandments” as such (cf. Exo 34:28; Deut 4:13;
10:4); the title “Decalogue” reflects the OT “the Ten Words.” (Here and Deuteronomy 5).
Casuistic Law vs Apodictic Law: Casuistic = “case laws” – Typically examples or “cases” are
considered and the “just thing” is indicated. Apodictic = “Thou shalt . . ., Thou shalt not . . .” type laws.
In the Mosaic Law code both types are used—usually the former are used to illustrate the latter.
The “Three Fold Division” of the Law: It’s been fairly typical (at least since the Reformation,
and sometimes before) to see the Law as having Three Divisions: 1). Ceremonial Laws = e.g. Passover,
the Laws re: the Feasts, The Day of Atonement, the regular sacrificial system of the Tabernacle /
Temple. 2). The Civil Law = the laws about how folks are to get along; e.g. the sort of thing we’ll see in
chapters 21-22, 23:1-9; cf. Deut 22:8. 3). The Moral Law = The Ten Commandments. So is this
legitimate? (Big debate!) Is it clearly revealed that way? No. Is it wrong to so this division? It can be
misleading BUT in general it’s helpful and allows us to see the continuing validity of the Law. In brief:
The Ceremonial Law has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ; studying it helps us understand the Person and
Work of Jesus. The Civil Law was (in the particulars) was (is / will be) for the nation of Israel; while the
particulars may not “apply” we can discern “principles” (which are in turn based in the nature of God)
that we can use to live rightly. (Note: a LOT of caution needs to be used in this “principlizing”—we’ll
tackle that a bit more as we get into the following chapters: “If a man’s ox gores another [man’s ox] . . .
but I’ve never even owned an ox!) The Moral Law (what we are concerned with) has on-going and
universal validity because, as we noted last time, it is just the written articulation of the Moral Nature of
Now . . . some folks seem to think we are “completely out-from-under the Law”
because we are in the day (Dispensation) of “Grace.” There’s a lot to think about here: Here’s my take:
1. The Law was never given to “get into” a relationship with God (as we noted last week).
2. The Law if used “unlawfully” (cf. 1 Tim 1:8) will condemn. What does that mean?: a. if one violates
it, it will condemn; b. if one tries to use it to “become righteous,” it will condemn; this is what Paul is
talking about in Galatians 3:15-29—if someone tries to “use the Law” to get (earn, merit) what the
“promise” gives (freely, graciously) he/she will fail! The Law was never designed for that! It was
designed to “work with” the Promise never “in place of” the Promise. In fact, the Law kept pointing
back to the Promise. So . . . Law: “Live like this!” Believer: “Okay, but you know all I do is fail at this!”
Law: “That’s true! So Look for the Promise!” Believer: “Where’s that?” Law: “Not ‘where’ but
“Who!—Christ!” (So “the Law has become our tutor to lead is to Christ . . .” Gal 3:24).
3. So, since I’m in Christ, am I through with The Law? Well, as a means to “get right” (justification)
with God the answer is “Yes!” “We are “right (justified) with God” only by “faith in Christ!” (Of
course, that was never the “correct use” of the Law to begin with!) Are the “Ceremonial” parts done
with? “Yes! They are ‘fulfilled by Christ’.” Are the “Civil” parts done? “Well, yes and no. The
‘particulars’ (cases) may not be applicable but the ‘principles’ do have validity. (We are the “church”
not the nation of Israel—some parts of the Law apply only to that nation, not to us.) Are the “Moral”
parts still valid? “Yes! They tell us Who God is and What He expects; they still tell us how we need to
live in order to ‘enjoy’ a [grace-based] relationship with Him.” AND The Law is still “good” as it
continues to “convict” (not “condemn”) us – to keep us from turning to “self” for “sanctification” (see
Romans 7) – to keep our eyes on the “Promise” – to remind us to “Be Holy as He is Holy” (from
Leviticus 19:2 AND 1 Peter 1:15-16!) (“Categorical imperatives of universal validity.” Hamilton, 318)
As you might imagine the amount of information—books, dissertations, articles, sermons on “The
Decalogue” (lit. “Ten Words) is massive! This message is ONLY a summary of these commandments:
1. The LORD is God—the only God! v. 3 This must be acknowledged: a. He is God. He is the only God.
This teaches Monotheism. The expression before Me probably has the sense of “in addition to Me”; this
is not allowing for the existence of “other gods.” (Tozer: “What comes into our minds when we think of
‘God’ is the most important thing about us. That our thoughts about God be true is absolutely vital for
us. If our thinking is in error here, absolutely no other thought will ‘fit,’ ‘work,’ ‘satisfy’.”) b. HE must
be the single overarching “reason for living,” “truth,” “value,” “purpose,” “goal,” “guide” in life. Having
a relationship with Him takes priority over everything else in this life and the next! Nothing else—no
other gods (money, pleasure, power, fame, security, temporal happiness, “stuff,” other relationships . . .
self (!) ) can have the priority in one thoughts, words, deeds. Ultimate allegiance to Him and Him
alone—“nothing less will do.” (Mohler, 39)
2. Idolatry is unacceptable, vv. 4-6 Any attempt to “represent Him” (especially for the ostensible
purpose of worship) is utterly forbidden. All “idols” are false gods and any “idol” trying to depict the
true God by some “carving,” “statue,” or any other physical representation, not only falls short of the
Truth but inevitably distorts the True God. “God is Spirit” John 4:24. The three tiers of existence—
heaven (that is the atmospheric heaven—not the “spiritual” place)—earth—water—were the locations of
those Egyptian gods that had been defeated in the plagues / judgments; see Romans 1:22-25. Idolatry is
stupid—Isaiah 44. Idolatry is pervasive—Calvin (attributed) “The human heart is an idol factory.”
Reasons why “graven images” are forbidden: 1) He is a jealous God v. 5a—This does not mean He is
“petty,” or “vengeful”—it means He will not share the devotion men owe Him with anything else—He
will not because He should not! He cannot share His glory with anything less—and we should not want
or expect Him to! 2) He is a judging God v. 5b—This has “unsettled” some folks—it seems “unfair” that
the consequences of the iniquity of the fathers should fall on the descendants. But this is to say nothing
more than what we know will happen! One generation experiences moral decline (and see Romans 1—
that moral decline is God’s judgment!) and generations suffer the consequences (e. g. the Roman
Empire, the Ming Dynasty (1300’s to 1600’s), Western Culture (!)). (See Davis, Moses and the Gods,
213) 3) He is a loving God. Note the contrast – generations will suffer due to disobedience but
thousands will be blessed among those who love Me and keep My commandments.
Only absolute and exclusive devotion to Him—as He is, in Truth—will do. So it is vital that we have the
Truth about God—the “Theology” of God . . . from the Word of God.
3. The LORD’s Name is to be respected, v. 7 “The Name” was shorthand for “The total character of the
Person.” There are two sides to this command: 1. Prohibition. ANY disrespect, dishonor, disgrace
(blasphemy) on His Name is an attack on His Person! 2. Prescription. His Name and honor are to be
honored, upheld, extolled, praised, glorified. His Name must not be used as an “oath” (flippantly) or a
“curse” (irreverently).
4. The Sabbath must be observed, vv. 8-11 He deserves our “utter loyalty,” (1st), our express and
singular worship (2nd), our constant and lasting respect (3rd) and our very lives—which is indicated by
His demand on our “time” (4th)—which is indicated by His command to devote one day in seven to
Him! Is this one still applicable as are the other nine? Yes and no. In short, there were several reasons
given for the “Sabbath.” Indeed, some applied to the nation of Israel and these no longer apply
But some reasons for it had to do with “creation ordinances” (Gen 2:1-3) the arrangements (“laws”)
given not to the nation of Israel alone but to “mankind.” (Remember the Sabbath day . . . may indicate
it was a “known but neglected practice” . . . it “presupposes that there was some acquaintance with a
Sabbath day or a day of rest.” cf. Davis, 214) For one thing, the pattern (work six rest one) was meant
for all mankind for rest (cf. Mark 2:27; Jesus “was not canceling the use of the Sabbath. He was
correcting the abuse of the Sabbath.” cf. Alistair Begg, Pathway to Freedom, 102; cf. Deut. 5:13-15).
Furthermore, it seems the purpose of “time for the LORD”—for worship— was clearly something
intended for man. One preacher noted “The relationship between the first three commandments and the
fourth is . . . clear. The first three commandments impress upon the saint the necessity, indeed the
priority, of worship. The fourth commandment insures the time which is required for worship. When
viewed together these commandments inform us that it takes time to be holy. The fourth commandment
prohibits preoccupation [note the “pre . . .”] with the normal activity of work so that men may worship
God.” (http://bible.org/seriespage/meaning-sabbath-exodus-208-11)
The observance of the “principles” of “rest” and “worship” was moved to Sunday—the “LORD’s
Day”—because of the Resurrection. In a way, this helps us see “what applies to us” and “what doesn’t.”
ALL the “ceremonial” reasons for the Sabbath—all the peculiarly national / Jewish reasons for
observing the Sabbath are gone; only the more broadly applicable reasons (again, rest and worship)
remain and these are now observed on the LORD’s Day.
5. Honor parents, v. 12 {To “honor” means “to prize highly” (Prov 4:8), “to care for” (Psa 9:15), “to
show respect for” (Lev 19:3); cf. Youngblood, Exodus, 98} ALL authority belongs to the LORD and He
has established “authority structures” into our social relationships (since He instituted the family). This
is a command to respect all God-given authorities in our lives. Rebellion and insubordination to parents,
governments (cf. Romans 13), teachers, etc. is rebellion and insubordination to God. “The fifth
commandment provides the key to real social stability.” (Davis, Moses and the Gods, 216) Uh . . . yeah!
(The promise here may be that if you obey mom and dad they won’t kill you; okay, it may mean more than that.)
Without the family the whole social structure will collapse; . . . need I illustrate? (See Eph 6:2)
6. Honor human life, v. 13 ALL life belongs to Him—especially human life, as every person is made in
the image of God (cf. Gen 1:26-27; 9:6); all life is “sacred”—i.e. devoted to the LORD; it’s His and His
alone to give or to take. This commandment prohibits murder and all taking of innocent life (it’s literally
“Thou shalt not murder.” This does not prohibit one from self-defense, national-defense or capital
punishment.) No abortion. No suicide. No homicide.
7. Honor marriage, v. 14 As with #5, the LORD created marriage (He “owns the patent”) and the family
and it must be honored for His sake. (Nothing in my experience is more destructive to a family than
infidelity / adultery; it’s effects are worse than a death in the family. The glamorizing of infidelity and
promiscuity in books and movies is as perverted and gross as pornography and at least as destructive!)
He also made the “appetites” and He intended them to be used within the structures He created; they
“work” as designed there—they do not “work” in any other structure. (We cannot “monkey around”
with the definition of “marriage”—anymore than we can call the sun a moon and attempt to land
astronauts on the sun!—anymore than you (cliché coming) can make a silk purse out of a sows’ ear!
Whatever “thing” you have is “dead on arrival” or “gross”!) This commandment says, “ANY form of
sexual expression outside of marriage is a perversion (in both the most basic and the fullest sense of that
term) and is prohibited! Period.
8. Honor property, v. 15 EVERYTHING belongs to the LORD . . . we brought nothing, will take
nothing—and we have nothing except what is provided by the LORD. (“But I worked for my gold /
bread! I earned / made it!” “Okay, but Who put the gold there to begin with? Who made ‘bread-making’
possible in the first place?” Anyway you look at it you’re beholdin’ to God!) It’s ALL in “trust.” We are
to use it in trust—respect it as something He entrusted to us—and return to Him the token (as with the
matter of time in #4) that reminds us it’s all His. Beyond that the “right of private property is a very
important principle for the stability of any society.” (Davis, 218). Here also is the basis for the laws
about “fair play,” “just balances,” “honesty and integrity” in all social-economic arrangements—
employer and employees, neighbors, business partners, buyers and sellers. The right of “individual
ownership” (under God stewardship) applies to one’s “stuff,” “one’s time,” and “one’s exertions” (i.e.
labor, work, effort). {Note: socialism and statism is are not just problems for the usual reasons but these
systems literally want to take the place of God in the life of the individual!}
9. Honor the truth, v. 16 The LORD is a God of Truth—He loves Truth (because He loves Himself) and
He “hates every false way” (cf. Psa 119:104, 128). Lying is a denial that Truth is always right—it is a
denial of God’s character and of His attributes (i.e. Omniscience, Omnipotence, Faithfulness, etc.)
Without “truth-telling” the whole social structure will fail! No family can survive without it! No truthtelling then: No business. No courts. No government. This command prohibits blatant lies, half-truths,
“conscious deception” while using the “truth,” and unsubstantiated “truth” (i.e. gossip and rumor).
10. Honor all this not merely by actions but with the heart, v. 17. “This commandment is a staunch
prohibition against all lustful desire.” (Davis, 220) A person cannot be said to “live by these words” if
he/she keeps them only in an “external” way. So Jesus taught “this, the Law” when He taught that “hate”
was in effect murder and “lust” was in effect adultery. The corruption of sin is in the root before it is in
the branch. “Covetousness has a psychologically degrading effect upon an individual.” (Davis, 220)
Conclusion: One final Question: How is “love” a summary and the substance of the Law? Matthew
22:34-40 Well, let’s take two other passages to answer that: John 15:10 ties “commandment keeping”
with “obedience.” We “prove” our love to God by obedience (just as He “proved” His love to us in
giving Christ, in dying on the cross—loved is “proved” by actions (see Jn 15:8). Just so, love is the
summary of all our obligations to others—1 Corinthians 13; it’s never just an emotion or feeling—it’s an
action (1 Jn 3:17-18). NOTE: Love does NOT trump, replace, work “instead of” obedience—love is
expressed BY obedience!