Designing Tests and Paper Questions

Designing Tests and Paper
A Task
• Write down a recent test question or paper topic you used
• Finish this sentence stem: “The most important thing I want students
to learn from being in this class is…
Math Example
• Understand certain math functions
• Tests focused on getting the right answer
• Solution
• Do the problem
• And explain what they did and why
Sociology Example
Intro Class for Non-Majors
• Goal:
“Be able to apply sociological
analysis to what they see around
• Evaluation Tools
• Mid term and final with multiple
choice questions
• Term paper
• “Sociological Analysis” journal as main assignment
• Apply concepts to what seen
• Summarize sociological perspective
• Include detailed observations
• Link theories and observations
Creating Objective Tests
• Blueprint
• Key concepts in crafting questions
• General guidelines
• Review
Basic Objective Test Formats
• Multiple Choice
• Stems
• Options
• Distracters
• True-False
• Matching
• Completion/fill in the blank
Objective Tests That Ask for
Higher Order Thinking
• Rewriting question
• Interpretive Exercises
• MC question with written explanation why
• Higher order questions hard to write
• Many faculty mistake recall for higher order
• One check – if answer can be found in text, not higher order
Objective Tests As Teaching Tool
• Small MC test for minimal (if any) points
• Use as way of helping students see their level of comprehension
• Help professor see areas of confusion
• Springboard for deeper conversation
Essay and Papers
• Do I want students to be able to organize information and produce a
coherent analysis?
• Do I want to be able to use a variety of written assignments?
In Class Essays versus Papers
• What fits your goal?
Writing Questions/Prompts
• Blueprint (again)
• Write
• Central to what covered so expected
• Reflect
• Central to what I want them to learn
• Appropriate level of difficulty
• Do it yourself
• Can I expect them to see this; did we do enough
Freedom – Restricted v. Extended
• “Explain how Kennedy’s assassination affected passage of the 1964
Civil Rights Act”
• “What two factors were most significant in the passage of the 1964
Civil Rights Act
• “How does an internal combustion engine work?”
• “Explain the functions of fuel, carburetor, distributor, and the
operation of the cylinder’s components in making an internal
combustion engine run.”
Choice on Questions to Write On
• More consistent evaluation if no choice of topic
• Choice improves chance of interest and hence quality
A Few More Suggestions
• Length of assignment proportional
• Make point value clear
• Make expectations clear(er)
• Rubrics
• Old papers
• “Good answer” to topic as class session
Examples of Types of Essay/Paper Topics