Class of 2019 Freshman Registration February 4, 2015 Agenda School Counselor Services Successful High School Transition MME Graduation Requirements Core Course Structure Academic Options During High School Scheduling Information 8th Grade Registration Dates NHS Counseling Department MISSION STATEMENT The Northview High School Guidance Department is committed to preparing all students for life’s next step through comprehensive academic, personal, and post-secondary guidance in collaboration with staff, parents, and community. SERVICES 1. Academics – Academic 4 year plan and class selection, scheduling, credit recovery, dual enrollment, test prep information, study skills, etc. 2. Post-Secondary Preparation – College & vocational planning, college application process, military information, career exploration, Junior Interviews, etc. 3. Personal/Social Issues - Coping strategies, peer relationships, effective social skills, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict resolution, counseling referrals, etc. All meetings with students are confidential unless student tells us we can tell someone, we believe student is in danger to self/others, we suspect child abuse/neglect, or we are ordered by the courts. How to See Your Counselor Stop by the school counseling office to make an appointment with your counselor OR Email your counselor to request an appointment or ask a question. Mr. Kapustka (A-B, H) – Mr. Witucki (C – G) – Mrs. Morris (I – P) – Mrs. Gammans (Q – Z)– Best times for appointments are before/after school, or during an elective class. STEPS TO STUDENT SUCCESS 1. Get to class! Research shows if you show up, your grades go up! 2. Don’t procrastinate! Complete assignments before class. 3. Get organized! Use your planner, calendar, notebooks, whatever works to keep you organized. 4. Communicate with your teachers! Talk with your teachers about concerns before they become nightmares! 5. Schedule study time and use it! It’s helpful to review notes within 24 course of taking them. Begin reviewing a week before each test. 6. Get to know your counselor and teachers! We all want the same thing, your success in school! 7. Take care of yourself! Get to bed at a reasonable hour and eat healthy meals. Steps to Resolution 1. Student talks with teacher to open lines of communication and advocate for self. 2. Student meets with counselor regarding issue. 3. Parent contacts teacher via email or telephone. 4. Parent contacts counselor. 5. Student/parent contacts administrator. TIPS FOR PARENTS…. We all know parenting is less than a science, more like trial and error. Here are recommended tips you can do to help your student have a more successful transition to high school: Be sure your student is in school every day Encourage your child to get involved Know your child’s friends Stay/Become educated with Social Media Help develop good study habits and organizational skills Set goals Be involved in your child’s education Find a balance NHS Clubs & Sports FALL SPORTS SPRING SPORTS WINTER SPORTS Boys Cross Country Varsity/J.V./Freshman Football Varsity/J.V. Soccer Varsity/J.V. Tennis Girls Varsity/J.V. Sideline Cheerleading Cross Country Varsity/J.V. Golf Swimming Varsity/J.V./Freshman Volleyball Boys Varsity/J.V./Freshman Basketball Varsity Bowling Ice Hockey Ski Swimming Varsity/J.V. Wrestling Girls Varsity/J.V./Freshman Basketball Varsity Bowling Varsity/J.V. Competitive Cheerleading Ski Boys Varsity/J.V./Freshman Baseball Varsity/Novice Crew Varsity/J.V. Golf Varsity/J.V. Lacrosse Track & Field Girls Varsity/Novice Crew Varsity Lacrosse Varsity/J.V. Softball Varsity/J.V. Soccer Varsity/J.V. Tennis Track & Field Club Advisor Club Advisor Art Club Band Council Campus Life Close-Up Ms. Lockwood Mr. Wells Ms. Mason Mr. Anderson National Honor Society Peer Listeners SADD /Ms. Atchison Mr. Hendricks Mr. Burba (1 wk. study of government. in Washington D.C.) Drama Club EAC (Environmental Activism Club) Fashion Club Fly Fishing Club French Club Glee Club Mr. Frank Mr. Youngberg Ms. Erickson Mr. Youngberg Ms. Erickson Ms. Pellerito (Students Against Dangerous Decisions) Student Advisory Board Student Council T.A.T.U. Ms. Haveman/Ms. Whetstone Ms. Haveman/Ms. Whetstone Mr. Dickerson (Teens Against Tobacco Use) Volunteer Committee W.A.V.E. Ms. Haveman Ms. Gammans/Mr. Charity (Welcoming, Accepting, Valuing and Education – Diversity Club) Northview High/ Michigan Merit Graduation Requirements DEPARTMENT REQUIRED CREDITS Must be earned in Grades 9-12 (except for world language and Algebra I –7-12) COURSES ENGLISH 4 ENGLISH 9 or 9 ACCELERATED, ENGLISH 10 or 10 ACCELERATED or HUMANITIES, ENGLISH 11, ENGLISH 12. NOTE: ENGLISH 11 or ENGLISH 12 can be replaced by A.P.ENGLISH-LANGUAGE or A.P. ENGLISH-LITERATURE. MATHEMATICS 4 ALGEBRA I, GEOMETRY, ALGEBRA 2, AND 4TH YEAR MATH COURSE. *A 4th year math credit can be earned from either a math department offering or from ACCOUNTING, ADVANCED ACCOUNTING, FINANCIAL LITERACY, PHYSICS, RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES I/II WOOD TECHNOLOGY I, II, III or a combination of these. SCIENCE 3 BIOLOGY or ACCELERATED BIOLOGY and CHEMISTRY or ACCELERATED CHEMISTRY or PHYSICS and 1 ADDITIONAL SCIENCE CREDIT SOCIAL STUDIES 3 WORLD HISTORY, U.S. HISTORY (or A.P. U.S. HISTORY), ECONOMICS (or A.P. MICROECONOMICS or A.P. MACROECONOMICS), GOVERNMENT (or A.P. GOVERNMENT) WORLD LANGUAGE 2 Same language for 2 years. VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS (VPA) 1 Refer to curriculum guide (page 2) for course options HEALTH .5 HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION .5 See pages 16-17 for course options COMPUTERS .5 See curriculum guide and/or registration form for course options ELECTIVES 3.5 Any high school course offerings. High School Transcript Grade Point Averages A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF GRADING SCALE 4.00 (93-100%) 3.70 (90-92%) 3.30 (87-89%) 3.00 (83-86%) 2.70 (80-82%) 2.30 (77-79%) 2.00 (73-76%) 1.70 (70-72%) 1.30 (67-69%) 1.00 (63-66%) 0.70 (60-62%) 0.00 (59% & below) 1.0 NUMERICAL ENHANCEMENT COURSES A.P. Biology A.P. Macroeconomics A.P. Calculus A.P. Microeconomics A.P. Chemistry A.P. Physics A.P. English-Language A.P. Psychology A.P. English-Literature A.P. Spanish A.P. Government A.P. U.S. History NOTE: Semester grades of C- and below do not receive the 1.0 enhancement. *Competitive and Highly Selective Colleges often recalculate GPA for admissions purposes. *For most scholarship purposes, reported GPA (no recalculation) is typically used. Core Academic Tutorial Support Core Academic Tutorial Support (CATS) is free tutoring with certified teachers. CATS meets from 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm Monday – Thursday. 2014-2015 2ND Semester Schedule Monday – English, Tuesday – Math (Social Studies 6:30-7:30am) Wednesday – Science Thursday - Math Credit Recovery Options Summer School (Fee) E2020 (Edgenuity) Independent Credit Recovery (Fee) Online classroom enrollment if more than one semester course is failed. (No fee) Reschedule course in following year’s schedule. (No Fee) Talk with your counselor regarding best credit recovery option Options for 11th and 12th grade.. KCTC – Kent Career Technical Center Career Focused Education in the 6 Career Pathways. Examples: Health Careers, Hospitality, Auto Tech, Marketing, Agriscience, Criminal Justice Attend NHS 3 hours per day and KCTC 3 hrs. per day. 1st session option allows for an additional hour at NHS. Earn high school graduation requirement credits and/or articulated college credit. Go to for more info! KCTC Open House February 26, 5 – 7pm More Options… Dual Enrollment (pg. 5 of Curriculum Guide) Option to take college courses while in high school. Course not offered at NHS or the student has exhausted the curriculum in that subject area. Must be academic in nature. No hobby-craft courses. Course grades become part of permanent college transcript. Textbook and transportation costs are the responsibility of the student. Example: Take three years of ASL, dual enroll senior year at GRCC in Sign Language. Credit Outside the School Day Testing Out —Test Windows are April and December, 2015 (request form to be submitted). 7th/Zero Hour Testing Out Student Profile High academic achiever Above grade level/post-secondary reading level Self-motivated learner Student wants to increase the rigor of their high school schedule The testing out option should not be used for the following: Student has struggled or failed in past course work Student does not want to take a particular class Student wants to schedule less rigorous course work Testing Out is the Exception Not the Norm 7th hour and Zero Hour Survey Depending on student demand, NHS may offer 7th hour and Zero hour selections during the 2015-16 school year. 7th hour courses meet after school 2:45pm to 3:45pm everyday. Zero hr. courses meet 6:37am to 7:35am everyday. Student can choose to add the additional hour and have 7 classes or leave/arrive to school 1 hour later/earlier. No transportation will be available. Student must have a ride to/from school at the above noted times. Rank course selections on sheet, have parents sign and return to counselor with registration. Be sure to turn in survey if you are willing and able to enroll and parents sign survey. Registration Sheet Note class choices on registration sheet before meeting with counselor. Show your parents/guardians course choices and have them sign bottom of registration sheet. If you and/or your parents have questions regarding classes, ask your questions when you meet with your counselor. Choose your courses carefully as your schedule is built from your selections, including your alternates. Schedule Change Policy Students are making a commitment to the courses that they have chosen. If students change their mind in the fall or drop a year-long class, options are severely limited (if available at all). Counselors have the authority to select alternatives if choices do not work to complete a schedule. Please choose alternates. Counselors will be available on designated dates prior to the beginning of school for schedule changes due to extenuating circumstances only, such as incomplete schedules. PLEASE NOTE: Current Board of Education policy states that classes cannot be dropped after the drop/add deadline dates. The drop/add date for 1st semester is at dismissal on the 3rd full day of school. Semester 2 adjustments must take place prior to the 2nd day of class. Withdrawl from a class after the deadline is noted on the permanent transcript as either a W (if passing at the time of withdrawl) with no GPA implications or W/F (if failing at the time of withdrawl). 8th Grade Registration Schedule Scheduling will take place at Crossroads Feb. 18 & 19 – Mr. Shomin’s classes Feb. 23 & 24 – Mr. Denton’s classes Feb. 25 – Make-ups during 6th & 7th hours Non-Crossroads Students/Families Northview Residents Contact Chris Atchison 361-3434, ASAP for registration paperwork. Non-Northview Residents with current students attending NV Contact Kathy Maas 363-6861, ASAP for registration paperwork. Non-Northview Residents Must apply for Schools of Choice Lottery. Application period April 13th through May 29th. Application materials available starting April 13th at the Administration Building or online at Don’t Forget…… Bring your completed (or best to your ability) registration form and the 7th/Zero hour survey to your scheduled meeting with your counselor. Be sure to have parent signatures on forms. See you soon!! Questions????